use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class SNPSegmenterUnitTest method testAllelicFractionBasedSegmentation.
* Tests that segments are correctly determined using allelic counts from SNP sites.
* Segment-mean and target-number columns from expected segment file are not checked.
public void testAllelicFractionBasedSegmentation() {
final String sampleName = "test";
final File snpFile = new File(TEST_SUB_DIR, "snps-simplified-for-allelic-fraction-segmentation.tsv");
final List<AllelicCount> snpCounts = new AllelicCountCollection(snpFile).getCounts();
final TargetCollection<AllelicCount> snps = new HashedListTargetCollection<>(snpCounts);
final File resultFile = createTempFile("snp-segmenter-test-result", ".seg");
SNPSegmenter.writeSegmentFile(snps, sampleName, resultFile);
final File expectedFile = new File(TEST_SUB_DIR, "snp-segmenter-test-expected.seg");
Assert.assertTrue(resultFile.exists(), "SNPSegmenterTest output was not written to temp file: " + resultFile);
final List<SimpleInterval> result = SegmentUtils.readIntervalsFromSegmentFile(resultFile);
final List<SimpleInterval> expected = SegmentUtils.readIntervalsFromSegmentFile(expectedFile);
Assert.assertEquals(result, expected);
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFractionModellerUnitTest method testMCMCWithAllelicPoN.
* Test MCMC inference on simulated data using an allelic PoN. Note that these MCMC tests were written to use
* simulated hets before the allelic PoN was introduced. Rather than generate a simulated PoN on the fly,
* we simply use a fixed simulated PoN loaded from a file and check that its MLE hyperparameters are "sampled"
* correctly by simply taking the MLE PoN values---i.e., the PoN does not actually cover the simulated sites and
* hence is not used to correct reference bias in the simulated data in any way.
* This latter functionality is tested on fixed data loaded from files in
* {@link AlleleFractionModellerUnitTest#testBiasCorrection} instead.
public void testMCMCWithAllelicPoN() {
final double meanBiasSimulated = 1.2;
final double biasVarianceSimulated = 0.04;
// PoN generated with alpha = 65
final double meanBiasOfPoN = 1.083;
// PoN generated with beta = 60
final double biasVarianceOfPoN = 0.0181;
final AllelicPanelOfNormals allelicPoN = new AllelicPanelOfNormals(new AllelicCountCollection(ALLELIC_PON_NORMAL_COUNTS_FILE));
testMCMC(meanBiasSimulated, biasVarianceSimulated, meanBiasOfPoN, biasVarianceOfPoN, allelicPoN);
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFractionModellerUnitTest method dataBiasCorrection.
@DataProvider(name = "biasCorrection")
public Object[][] dataBiasCorrection() {
final AllelicCountCollection sampleNormal = new AllelicCountCollection(SAMPLE_NORMAL_FILE);
final AllelicCountCollection sampleWithBadSNPs = new AllelicCountCollection(SAMPLE_WITH_BAD_SNPS_FILE);
final AllelicCountCollection sampleWithEvent = new AllelicCountCollection(SAMPLE_WITH_EVENT_FILE);
final AllelicPanelOfNormals allelicPoNNormal = new AllelicPanelOfNormals(new AllelicCountCollection(ALLELIC_PON_NORMAL_COUNTS_FILE));
final AllelicPanelOfNormals allelicPoNWithBadSNPs = new AllelicPanelOfNormals(new AllelicCountCollection(ALLELIC_PON_WITH_BAD_SNPS_COUNTS_FILE));
final double minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentNormal = 0.5;
final double minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentWithBadSNPsAndNormalPoN = 0.4;
final double minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentWithEvent = 0.33;
return new Object[][] { { sampleNormal, allelicPoNNormal, minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentNormal }, { sampleWithBadSNPs, allelicPoNNormal, minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentWithBadSNPsAndNormalPoN }, { sampleWithEvent, allelicPoNNormal, minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentWithEvent }, { sampleWithBadSNPs, allelicPoNWithBadSNPs, minorFractionExpectedInMiddleSegmentNormal } };
use of in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class AllelicPanelOfNormalsCreator method create.
* Creates an {@link AllelicPanelOfNormals} given a site-frequency threshold;
* sites appearing in strictly less than this fraction of samples will not be included in the panel of normals.
* @param siteFrequencyThreshold site-frequency threshold
* @return an {@link AllelicPanelOfNormals} containing sites
* above the site-frequency threshold
public AllelicPanelOfNormals create(final double siteFrequencyThreshold) {"Creating allelic panel of normals...");
//used to filter on frequency
final Map<SimpleInterval, MutableInt> numberOfSamplesMap = new HashMap<>();
//store only the total counts (smaller memory footprint)
final Map<SimpleInterval, AllelicCount> totalCountsMap = new HashMap<>();
int pulldownFileCounter = 1;
final int totalNumberOfSamples = pulldownFiles.size();
for (final File pulldownFile : pulldownFiles) {"Processing pulldown file " + pulldownFileCounter++ + "/" + totalNumberOfSamples + " (" + pulldownFile + ")...");
final AllelicCountCollection pulldownCounts = new AllelicCountCollection(pulldownFile);
for (final AllelicCount count : pulldownCounts.getCounts()) {
//update the sum of ref and alt counts at each site
final SimpleInterval site = count.getInterval();
final AllelicCount currentCountAtSite = totalCountsMap.getOrDefault(site, new AllelicCount(site, 0, 0));
final AllelicCount updatedCountAtSite = new AllelicCount(site, currentCountAtSite.getRefReadCount() + count.getRefReadCount(), currentCountAtSite.getAltReadCount() + count.getAltReadCount());
totalCountsMap.put(site, updatedCountAtSite);
//update the number of samples seen possessing each site
final MutableInt numberOfSamplesAtSite = numberOfSamplesMap.get(site);
if (numberOfSamplesAtSite == null) {
numberOfSamplesMap.put(site, new MutableInt(1));
} else {
}"Total number of unique sites present in samples: " + totalCountsMap.size());
//filter out sites that appear at a frequency strictly less than the provided threshold
final AllelicCountCollection totalCounts = new AllelicCountCollection();
numberOfSamplesMap.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue().doubleValue() / totalNumberOfSamples >= siteFrequencyThreshold).map(e -> totalCountsMap.get(e.getKey())).forEach(totalCounts::add);"Number of unique sites present in samples above site frequency = %4.3f: %d", siteFrequencyThreshold, totalCounts.getCounts().size()));
return new AllelicPanelOfNormals(totalCounts);
use of in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class PerformJointSegmentation method doWork.
public Object doWork() {
ParamUtils.isPositive(initialNumAFStates, "Must have at least one allele-fraction state.");
ParamUtils.isPositive(initialNumCRStates, "Must have at least one copy-ratio state.");
final AllelicPanelOfNormals allelicPoN = allelicPoNFile != null ? : AllelicPanelOfNormals.EMPTY_PON;
final AllelicCountCollection acc = new AllelicCountCollection(snpCountsFile);
final ReadCountCollection rcc;
try {
rcc = ReadCountCollectionUtils.parse(new File(coverageFile));
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw new UserException.BadInput("could not read input file");
final JointAFCRSegmenter jointSegmenter = JointAFCRSegmenter.createJointSegmenter(initialNumCRStates, rcc, initialNumAFStates, acc, allelicPoN);
final List<Pair<SimpleInterval, AFCRHiddenState>> segmentation = jointSegmenter.findSegments();
final List<ACNVModeledSegment> segments = -> new ACNVModeledSegment(pair.getLeft(), errorlessPosterior(pair.getRight().getLog2CopyRatio()), errorlessPosterior(pair.getRight().getMinorAlleleFraction()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
//TODO: make more reasonable output for ACNV 2.0
SegmentUtils.writeACNVModeledSegmentFile(outputSegmentsFile, segments, new Genome(rcc, acc.getCounts()));
return "SUCCESS";