use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFrequencyCalculatorUnitTest method PLsForObviousCall.
// make PLs that correspond to an obvious call i.e. one PL is relatively big and the rest are zero
// alleleCounts is the GenotypeAlleleCounts format for the obvious genotype, with repeats but in no particular order
private static int[] PLsForObviousCall(final int ploidy, final int numAlleles, final int[] alleleCounts, final int PL) {
final GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator glCalc = GL_CALCS.getInstance(ploidy, numAlleles);
final int[] result = Collections.nCopies(glCalc.genotypeCount(), PL).stream().mapToInt(n -> n).toArray();
result[glCalc.alleleCountsToIndex(alleleCounts)] = 0;
return result;
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFrequencyCalculator method getLog10PNonRef.
//TODO: this should be a class of static methods once the old AFCalculator is gone.
* Compute the probability of the alleles segregating given the genotype likelihoods of the samples in vc
* @param vc the VariantContext holding the alleles and sample information. The VariantContext
* must have at least 1 alternative allele
* @param refSnpIndelPseudocounts a total hack. A length-3 vector containing Dirichlet prior pseudocounts to
* be given to ref, alt SNP, and alt indel alleles. Hack won't be necessary when we destroy the old AF calculators
* @return result (for programming convenience)
public AFCalculationResult getLog10PNonRef(final VariantContext vc, final int defaultPloidy, final int maximumAlternativeAlleles, final double[] refSnpIndelPseudocounts) {
Utils.nonNull(vc, "VariantContext cannot be null");
final int numAlleles = vc.getNAlleles();
final List<Allele> alleles = vc.getAlleles();
Utils.validateArg(numAlleles > 1, () -> "VariantContext has only a single reference allele, but getLog10PNonRef requires at least one at all " + vc);
final double[] priorPseudocounts = -> a.isReference() ? refPseudocount : (a.length() > 1 ? snpPseudocount : indelPseudocount)).toArray();
double[] alleleCounts = new double[numAlleles];
// log10(1/numAlleles)
final double flatLog10AlleleFrequency = -MathUtils.log10(numAlleles);
double[] log10AlleleFrequencies = new IndexRange(0, numAlleles).mapToDouble(n -> flatLog10AlleleFrequency);
double alleleCountsMaximumDifference = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
while (alleleCountsMaximumDifference > THRESHOLD_FOR_ALLELE_COUNT_CONVERGENCE) {
final double[] newAlleleCounts = effectiveAlleleCounts(vc, log10AlleleFrequencies);
alleleCountsMaximumDifference =, newAlleleCounts)).map(Math::abs).max().getAsDouble();
alleleCounts = newAlleleCounts;
final double[] posteriorPseudocounts = MathArrays.ebeAdd(priorPseudocounts, alleleCounts);
// first iteration uses flat prior in order to avoid local minimum where the prior + no pseudocounts gives such a low
// effective allele frequency that it overwhelms the genotype likelihood of a real variant
// basically, we want a chance to get non-zero pseudocounts before using a prior that's biased against a variant
log10AlleleFrequencies = new Dirichlet(posteriorPseudocounts).log10MeanWeights();
double[] log10POfZeroCountsByAllele = new double[numAlleles];
double log10PNoVariant = 0;
for (final Genotype g : vc.getGenotypes()) {
if (!g.hasLikelihoods()) {
final int ploidy = g.getPloidy() == 0 ? defaultPloidy : g.getPloidy();
final GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator glCalc = GL_CALCS.getInstance(ploidy, numAlleles);
final double[] log10GenotypePosteriors = log10NormalizedGenotypePosteriors(g, glCalc, log10AlleleFrequencies);
//the total probability
log10PNoVariant += log10GenotypePosteriors[HOM_REF_GENOTYPE_INDEX];
// per allele non-log space probabilities of zero counts for this sample
// for each allele calculate the total probability of genotypes containing at least one copy of the allele
final double[] log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles = new double[numAlleles];
Arrays.fill(log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
for (int genotype = 0; genotype < glCalc.genotypeCount(); genotype++) {
final double log10GenotypePosterior = log10GenotypePosteriors[genotype];
glCalc.genotypeAlleleCountsAt(genotype).forEachAlleleIndexAndCount((alleleIndex, count) -> log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles[alleleIndex] = MathUtils.log10SumLog10(log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles[alleleIndex], log10GenotypePosterior));
for (int allele = 0; allele < numAlleles; allele++) {
// if prob of non hom ref == 1 up to numerical precision, short-circuit to avoid NaN
if (log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles[allele] >= 0) {
log10POfZeroCountsByAllele[allele] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
} else {
log10POfZeroCountsByAllele[allele] += MathUtils.log10OneMinusPow10(log10ProbabilityOfNonZeroAltAlleles[allele]);
// unfortunately AFCalculationResult expects integers for the MLE. We really should emit the EM no-integer values
// which are valuable (eg in CombineGVCFs) as the sufficient statistics of the Dirichlet posterior on allele frequencies
final int[] integerAlleleCounts = -> (int) Math.round(x)).toArray();
final int[] integerAltAlleleCounts = Arrays.copyOfRange(integerAlleleCounts, 1, numAlleles);
//skip the ref allele (index 0)
final Map<Allele, Double> log10PRefByAllele = IntStream.range(1, numAlleles).boxed().collect(Collectors.toMap(alleles::get, a -> log10POfZeroCountsByAllele[a]));
// we compute posteriors here and don't have the same prior that AFCalculationResult expects. Therefore, we
// give it our posterior as its "likelihood" along with a flat dummy prior
//TODO: HACK must be negative for AFCalcResult
final double[] dummyFlatPrior = { -1e-10, -1e-10 };
final double[] log10PosteriorOfNoVariantYesVariant = { log10PNoVariant, MathUtils.log10OneMinusPow10(log10PNoVariant) };
return new AFCalculationResult(integerAltAlleleCounts, alleles, log10PosteriorOfNoVariantYesVariant, dummyFlatPrior, log10PRefByAllele);
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFrequencyCalculator method log10NormalizedGenotypePosteriors.
private static double[] log10NormalizedGenotypePosteriors(final Genotype g, final GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator glCalc, final double[] log10AlleleFrequencies) {
final double[] log10Likelihoods = g.getLikelihoods().getAsVector();
final double[] log10Posteriors = new IndexRange(0, glCalc.genotypeCount()).mapToDouble(genotypeIndex -> {
final GenotypeAlleleCounts gac = glCalc.genotypeAlleleCountsAt(genotypeIndex);
return gac.log10CombinationCount() + log10Likelihoods[genotypeIndex] + gac.sumOverAlleleIndicesAndCounts((index, count) -> count * log10AlleleFrequencies[index]);
return MathUtils.normalizeLog10(log10Posteriors);
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class GeneralPloidyExactAFCalculator method computeLofK.
* Compute likelihood of a particular AC conformation and update AFresult object
* @param set Set of AC counts to compute
* @param firstGLs Original pool likelihoods before combining
* @param secondGL New GL vector with additional pool
* @param log10AlleleFrequencyPriors Allele frequency priors
* @param numAlleles Number of alleles (including ref)
* @param ploidy1 Ploidy of original pool (combined)
* @param ploidy2 Ploidy of new pool
* @return log-likelihood of requested conformation
private double computeLofK(final ExactACset set, final CombinedPoolLikelihoods firstGLs, final double[] secondGL, final double[] log10AlleleFrequencyPriors, final int numAlleles, final int ploidy1, final int ploidy2, final StateTracker stateTracker) {
final int newPloidy = ploidy1 + ploidy2;
// sanity check
int totalAltK = set.getACsum();
if (newPloidy != totalAltK) {
throw new GATKException("BUG: inconsistent sizes of set.getACsum and passed ploidy values");
totalAltK -= set.getACcounts().getCounts()[0];
// special case for k = 0 over all k
if (totalAltK == 0) {
// all-ref case
final double log10Lof0 = firstGLs.getGLOfACZero() + secondGL[HOM_REF_INDEX];
set.getLog10Likelihoods()[0] = log10Lof0;
stateTracker.setLog10PosteriorOfAFzero(log10Lof0 + log10AlleleFrequencyPriors[0]);
return log10Lof0;
} else {
// initialize result with denominator
// ExactACset holds by convention the conformation of all alleles, and the sum of all allele count is just the ploidy.
// To compute n!/k1!k2!k3!... we need to compute first n!/(k2!k3!...) and then further divide by k1! where k1=ploidy-sum_k_i
final int[] currentCount = set.getACcounts().getCounts();
final double denom = -MathUtils.log10MultinomialCoefficient(newPloidy, currentCount);
final GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator glCalc = GL_CALCS.getInstance(ploidy2, numAlleles);
for (int PLIndex = 0; PLIndex < glCalc.genotypeCount(); PLIndex++) {
final GenotypeAlleleCounts alleleCounts = glCalc.genotypeAlleleCountsAt(PLIndex);
final int[] acCount2 = alleleCounts.alleleCountsByIndex(numAlleles - 1);
final int[] acCount1 = MathUtils.vectorDiff(currentCount, acCount2);
// for conformation to be valid, all elements of g2 have to be <= elements of current AC set
if (isValidConformation(acCount1, ploidy1) && firstGLs.hasConformation(acCount1)) {
final double gl2 = secondGL[PLIndex];
if (!Double.isInfinite(gl2)) {
final double firstGL = firstGLs.getLikelihoodOfConformation(acCount1);
final double num1 = MathUtils.log10MultinomialCoefficient(ploidy1, acCount1);
final double num2 = MathUtils.log10MultinomialCoefficient(ploidy2, acCount2);
final double sum = firstGL + gl2 + num1 + num2;
set.getLog10Likelihoods()[0] = MathUtils.approximateLog10SumLog10(set.getLog10Likelihoods()[0], sum);
set.getLog10Likelihoods()[0] += denom;
double log10LofK = set.getLog10Likelihoods()[0];
// update the MLE if necessary
final int[] altCounts = Arrays.copyOfRange(set.getACcounts().getCounts(), 1, set.getACcounts().getCounts().length);
stateTracker.updateMLEifNeeded(Math.max(log10LofK, -Double.MAX_VALUE), altCounts);
// apply the priors over each alternate allele
for (final int ACcount : altCounts) {
if (ACcount > 0) {
log10LofK += log10AlleleFrequencyPriors[ACcount];
stateTracker.updateMAPifNeeded(Math.max(log10LofK, -Double.MAX_VALUE), altCounts);
return log10LofK;
use of in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AlleleFrequencyCalculator method effectiveAlleleCounts.
// effectiveAlleleCounts[allele a] = SUM_{genotypes g} (posterior_probability(g) * num_copies of a in g), which we denote as SUM [n_g p_g]
// for numerical stability we will do this in log space:
// count = SUM 10^(log (n_g p_g)) = SUM 10^(log n_g + log p_g)
// thanks to the log-sum-exp trick this lets us work with log posteriors alone
private double[] effectiveAlleleCounts(final VariantContext vc, final double[] log10AlleleFrequencies) {
final int numAlleles = vc.getNAlleles();
Utils.validateArg(numAlleles == log10AlleleFrequencies.length, "number of alleles inconsistent");
final double[] log10Result = new double[numAlleles];
Arrays.fill(log10Result, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
for (final Genotype g : vc.getGenotypes()) {
if (!g.hasLikelihoods()) {
final GenotypeLikelihoodCalculator glCalc = GL_CALCS.getInstance(g.getPloidy(), numAlleles);
final double[] log10GenotypePosteriors = log10NormalizedGenotypePosteriors(g, glCalc, log10AlleleFrequencies);
new IndexRange(0, glCalc.genotypeCount()).forEach(genotypeIndex -> glCalc.genotypeAlleleCountsAt(genotypeIndex).forEachAlleleIndexAndCount((alleleIndex, count) -> log10Result[alleleIndex] = MathUtils.log10SumLog10(log10Result[alleleIndex], log10GenotypePosteriors[genotypeIndex] + MathUtils.log10(count))));
return MathUtils.applyToArrayInPlace(log10Result, x -> Math.pow(10.0, x));