use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class IntervalOverlappingIteratorUnitTest method getData.
@DataProvider(name = "data")
public Object[][] getData() {
// the sequence dictionary
final SAMSequenceDictionary dictionary = new SAMSequenceDictionary();
dictionary.addSequence(new SAMSequenceRecord("1", 1000000));
dictionary.addSequence(new SAMSequenceRecord("2", 1000000));
// the set of intervals
final List<SimpleInterval> intervals_1 = Arrays.asList(new SimpleInterval("1:500-600"), new SimpleInterval("1:700-800"));
final List<SimpleInterval> intervals_2 = Arrays.asList(new SimpleInterval("2:100-200"), new SimpleInterval("2:400-1000"));
// some records
final SimpleInterval record_1_1_100 = new SimpleInterval("1:1-100");
final SimpleInterval record_1_1_800 = new SimpleInterval("1:1-800");
final SimpleInterval record_1_500_600 = new SimpleInterval("1:500-600");
final SimpleInterval record_1_700_750 = new SimpleInterval("1:700-750");
final SimpleInterval record_2_100_150 = new SimpleInterval("2:100-150");
final SimpleInterval record_2_900_999 = new SimpleInterval("2:900-999");
// test cases
return new Object[][] { // first record starts before the first interval, second record overlaps the first interval
{ intervals_1, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_100, record_1_500_600, record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_500_600 } }, // first record starts after the first interval, second interval overlaps the first record
{ intervals_1, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_700_750, record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_700_750 } }, // first interval is on a later contig than the first record, but overlaps later records
{ intervals_2, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_100, record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_2_900_999 } }, // first interval is on an earlier contig than the first record, but later records overlap later intervals
{ ListUtils.union(intervals_1, intervals_2), dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_2_100_150, record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_2_100_150, record_2_900_999 } }, // no records overlap any intervals
{ intervals_1, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[0] }, // an interval overlaps multiple records
{ intervals_1, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_800, record_1_500_600, record_2_900_999 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_800, record_1_500_600 } }, // a record overlaps multiple intervals
{ intervals_1, dictionary, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_800, record_2_100_150 }, new SimpleInterval[] { record_1_1_800 } } };
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ShardedIntervalIteratorUnitTest method getData.
@DataProvider(name = "simpleData")
public Object[][] getData() {
final List<SimpleInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<>(2);
intervals.add(new SimpleInterval("1", 100, 200));
intervals.add(new SimpleInterval("1", 500, 550));
return new Object[][] { { intervals, 1, 152 }, { intervals, 10, 11 + 6 } };
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CalculatePulldownPhasePosteriors method doWork.
public Object doWork() {
if (!new HDF5Library().load(null)) {
//Note: passing null means using the default temp dir.
throw new UserException.HardwareFeatureException("Cannot load the required HDF5 library. " + "HDF5 is currently supported on x86-64 architecture and Linux or OSX systems.");
//read counts, segments, and parameters from files
final AllelicCountCollection counts = new AllelicCountCollection(snpCountsFile);
final List<ACNVModeledSegment> segments = SegmentUtils.readACNVModeledSegmentFile(segmentsFile);
final AlleleFractionState state = reconstructState(segments, parametersFile);
//load allelic-bias panel of normals if provided
final AllelicPanelOfNormals allelicPoN = allelicPoNFile != null ? : AllelicPanelOfNormals.EMPTY_PON;
//calculate phase posteriors
final List<SimpleInterval> unmodeledSegments =;
final AllelicCountWithPhasePosteriorsCollection countsWithPhasePosteriors = calculatePhasePosteriors(counts, unmodeledSegments, state, allelicPoN);
//write phase posteriors to file with same verbosity as input file
countsWithPhasePosteriors.write(outputFile, counts.getVerbosity());
return "SUCCESS";
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CalculateTargetCoverage method writeOutputRows.
* Writes the row in the main matrix output file for a target and, if requested,
* the corresponding row in the row summary output file.
* @param countBuffer the counts for the target.
* @param index the index of target within the target collection.
private void writeOutputRows(final int[] countBuffer, final long[] columnTotals, final int index) {
final String countString = IntStream.range(0, countBuffer.length).mapToObj(i -> transform.apply(countBuffer[i], columnTotals[i])).collect(Collectors.joining(COLUMN_SEPARATOR));
final String targetInfoString = targetOutInfo.composeTargetOutInfoString(index, targetCollection);
outputWriter.println(String.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR, targetInfoString, countString));
if (rowSummaryOutputWriter != null) {
final long sum = MathUtils.sum(countBuffer);
final SimpleInterval location = targetCollection.location(index);
final int targetSize = location.size();
rowSummaryOutputWriter.println(String.join(COLUMN_SEPARATOR, targetInfoString, Long.toString(sum), String.format(AVERAGE_DOUBLE_FORMAT, sum / ((float) countColumns.columnCount() * targetSize))));
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CombineReadCounts method readCountFileReader.
* Creates a read-count file reader given the input files and the expected target collection.
* @param file the input file.
* @param targets the expected targets in the input file.
* @return never {@code null}.
private TableReader<ReadCountRecord> readCountFileReader(final File file, final TargetCollection<Target> targets) {
try {
return new TableReader<ReadCountRecord>(file) {
private boolean hasName;
private boolean hasCoordinates;
private int countColumnCount;
private int[] countColumnIndexes;
public void processColumns(final TableColumnCollection columns) {
hasCoordinates = columns.containsAll(TargetTableColumn.CONTIG.toString(), TargetTableColumn.START.toString(), TargetTableColumn.END.toString());
hasName = columns.contains(TargetTableColumn.NAME.toString());
if (!hasCoordinates && !hasName) {
throw formatException("header contain neither coordinates nor target name columns");
final List<String> countColumnNames = readCountColumnNames(columns);
countColumnCount = countColumnNames.size();
countColumnIndexes = new int[countColumnCount];
for (int i = 0; i < countColumnCount; i++) {
countColumnIndexes[i] = columns.indexOf(countColumnNames.get(i));
protected ReadCountRecord createRecord(final DataLine dataLine) {
final double[] counts = new double[countColumnCount];
final Target target = createTarget(dataLine);
for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
counts[i] = dataLine.getDouble(countColumnIndexes[i]);
return new ReadCountRecord(target, counts);
* Extracts the target object out of a data input line.
* @param dataLine the input data line.
* @return never {@code null}.
private Target createTarget(final DataLine dataLine) {
if (hasName) {
final String name = dataLine.get(TargetTableColumn.NAME);
final Target target =;
final SimpleInterval interval = createInterval(dataLine);
if (target == null) {
return new Target(name, createInterval(dataLine));
} else if (interval != null && !interval.equals(target.getInterval())) {
throw new UserException.BadInput(String.format("invalid target '%s' coordinates: expected %s but found %s", name, target.getInterval(), createInterval(dataLine)));
} else {
return target;
} else {
// hasCoordinates must be true.
final SimpleInterval interval = createInterval(dataLine);
final Optional<Target> target = targets.targets(interval).stream().findAny();
if (!target.isPresent() || !target.get().getInterval().equals(interval)) {
throw formatException("target not found with coordinates " + interval);
return target.get();
* Extract the interval out of a data line.
* @param dataLine the input data line.
* @return {@code null} if the interval cannot be determined from the input file alone.
private SimpleInterval createInterval(final DataLine dataLine) {
if (hasCoordinates) {
return new SimpleInterval(dataLine.get(TargetTableColumn.CONTIG), dataLine.getInt(TargetTableColumn.START), dataLine.getInt(TargetTableColumn.END));
} else {
return null;
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw new UserException.CouldNotReadInputFile(file, ex);