use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.EventMap in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class HaplotypeCallerGenotypingEngineUnitTest method makeConstructPhaseSetMappingData.
@DataProvider(name = "ConstructPhaseSetMappingProvider")
public Object[][] makeConstructPhaseSetMappingData() {
List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
final Allele ref = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele altC = Allele.create("C", false);
final Allele altT = Allele.create("T", false);
final VariantContext vc1 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(1).stop(1).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final VariantContext vc2 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(2).stop(2).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final VariantContext vc3 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(3).stop(3).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make();
final VariantContext vc4 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(4).stop(4).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final List<VariantContext> calls = Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3, vc4);
final Haplotype pos1 = new Haplotype("CAAAA".getBytes());
pos1.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc1)));
pos1.getEventMap().put(1, vc1);
final Haplotype pos2 = new Haplotype("ACAAA".getBytes());
pos2.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2)));
pos2.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
final Haplotype pos3 = new Haplotype("AACAA".getBytes());
pos3.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc3)));
pos3.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
final Haplotype pos4 = new Haplotype("AAACA".getBytes());
pos4.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc4)));
pos4.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos24 = new Haplotype("ACACA".getBytes());
pos24.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2, vc4)));
pos24.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
pos24.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos34 = new Haplotype("AACCA".getBytes());
pos34.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc3, vc4)));
pos34.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
pos34.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos234 = new Haplotype("ACCCA".getBytes());
pos234.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3, vc4)));
pos234.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
pos234.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
pos234.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Map<VariantContext, Set<Haplotype>> haplotypeMap = new HashMap<>();
// test no phased variants #1
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test no phased variants #2
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test opposite phase
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 });
// test no phased variants #3
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test mixture
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes24 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes24);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes24);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 2, 1 });
// test 2 hets
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc4), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 1, 2, 1, 2, 0 });
// test 2 with opposite phase
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes1 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc1, haplotypes1);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc1, vc2, vc4), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 1, 2 });
// test homs around a het
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2hom = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4hom = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3het = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2hom);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3het);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4hom);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 3, 0 });
// test hets around a hom
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2het = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4het = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3hom = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2het);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3hom);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4het);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 3, 0 });
// test no phased variants around a hom
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2incomplete = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3incomplete = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4complete = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2incomplete);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3incomplete);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4complete);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
return tests.toArray(new Object[][] {});
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.EventMap in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class HaplotypeCallerGenotypingEngineUnitTest method makeConstructPhaseSetMappingData.
@DataProvider(name = "ConstructPhaseSetMappingProvider")
public Object[][] makeConstructPhaseSetMappingData() {
List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
final Allele ref = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele altC = Allele.create("C", false);
final Allele altT = Allele.create("T", false);
final VariantContext vc1 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(1).stop(1).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final VariantContext vc2 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(2).stop(2).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final VariantContext vc3 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(3).stop(3).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make();
final VariantContext vc4 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(4).stop(4).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
final List<VariantContext> calls = Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3, vc4);
final Haplotype pos1 = new Haplotype("CAAAA".getBytes());
pos1.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc1)));
pos1.getEventMap().put(1, vc1);
final Haplotype pos2 = new Haplotype("ACAAA".getBytes());
pos2.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2)));
pos2.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
final Haplotype pos3 = new Haplotype("AACAA".getBytes());
pos3.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc3)));
pos3.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
final Haplotype pos4 = new Haplotype("AAACA".getBytes());
pos4.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc4)));
pos4.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos24 = new Haplotype("ACACA".getBytes());
pos24.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2, vc4)));
pos24.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
pos24.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos34 = new Haplotype("AACCA".getBytes());
pos34.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc3, vc4)));
pos34.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
pos34.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Haplotype pos234 = new Haplotype("ACCCA".getBytes());
pos234.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3, vc4)));
pos234.getEventMap().put(2, vc2);
pos234.getEventMap().put(3, vc3);
pos234.getEventMap().put(4, vc4);
final Map<VariantContext, Set<Haplotype>> haplotypeMap = new HashMap<>();
// test no phased variants #1
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test no phased variants #2
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test opposite phase
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc3), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 });
// test no phased variants #3
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
// test mixture
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes24 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes24);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes24);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 2, 1 });
// test 2 hets
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc2, vc4), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 1, 2, 1, 2, 0 });
// test 2 with opposite phase
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes1 = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc1, haplotypes1);
tests.add(new Object[] { Arrays.asList(vc1, vc2, vc4), new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 1, 2 });
// test homs around a het
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2hom = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4hom = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3het = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2hom);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3het);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4hom);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 3, 0 });
// test hets around a hom
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2het = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4het = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3hom = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2het);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3hom);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4het);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 2, 3, 1, 3, 0 });
// test no phased variants around a hom
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes2incomplete = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes3incomplete = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes4complete = new HashSet<>();
haplotypeMap.put(vc2, haplotypes2incomplete);
haplotypeMap.put(vc3, haplotypes3incomplete);
haplotypeMap.put(vc4, haplotypes4complete);
tests.add(new Object[] { calls, new HashMap<>(haplotypeMap), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
return tests.toArray(new Object[][] {});
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.EventMap in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class HaplotypeCallerGenotypingEngineUnitTest method makeCreateHaplotypeMappingData.
@DataProvider(name = "CreateHaplotypeMappingProvider")
public Object[][] makeCreateHaplotypeMappingData() {
List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes = new HashSet<>();
final Allele ref = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele altC = Allele.create("C", false);
final Allele altT = Allele.create("T", false);
final Haplotype AtoC1 = new Haplotype("AACAA".getBytes());
final VariantContext vc1 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(3).stop(3).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
AtoC1.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc1)));
AtoC1.getEventMap().put(3, vc1);
final Haplotype AtoC2 = new Haplotype("AAACA".getBytes());
final VariantContext vc2 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(4).stop(4).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make();
AtoC2.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2)));
AtoC2.getEventMap().put(4, vc2);
tests.add(new Object[] { vc1, haplotypes, AtoC1 });
tests.add(new Object[] { vc2, haplotypes, AtoC2 });
tests.add(new Object[] { new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(1).stop(1).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make(), haplotypes, null });
return tests.toArray(new Object[][] {});
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.haplotype.EventMap in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class HaplotypeCallerGenotypingEngineUnitTest method makeCreateHaplotypeMappingData.
@DataProvider(name = "CreateHaplotypeMappingProvider")
public Object[][] makeCreateHaplotypeMappingData() {
List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
final Set<Haplotype> haplotypes = new HashSet<>();
final Allele ref = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele altC = Allele.create("C", false);
final Allele altT = Allele.create("T", false);
final Haplotype AtoC1 = new Haplotype("AACAA".getBytes());
final VariantContext vc1 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(3).stop(3).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altC)).make();
AtoC1.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc1)));
AtoC1.getEventMap().put(3, vc1);
final Haplotype AtoC2 = new Haplotype("AAACA".getBytes());
final VariantContext vc2 = new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(4).stop(4).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make();
AtoC2.setEventMap(new EventMap(Arrays.asList(vc2)));
AtoC2.getEventMap().put(4, vc2);
tests.add(new Object[] { vc1, haplotypes, AtoC1 });
tests.add(new Object[] { vc2, haplotypes, AtoC2 });
tests.add(new Object[] { new VariantContextBuilder().chr("20").start(1).stop(1).alleles(Arrays.asList(ref, altT)).make(), haplotypes, null });
return tests.toArray(new Object[][] {});