use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.recalibration.covariates.CovariateKeyCache in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReadRecalibrationInfoUnitTest method testReadInfo.
@Test(dataProvider = "InfoProvider")
public void testReadInfo(final int readLength, final boolean includeIndelErrors) {
final ReadCovariates covariates = new ReadCovariates(readLength, 2, new CovariateKeyCache());
final byte[] bases = new byte[readLength];
final byte[] baseQuals = new byte[readLength];
final byte[] insertionQuals = new byte[readLength];
final byte[] deletionQuals = new byte[readLength];
final boolean[] skips = new boolean[readLength];
final double[] snpErrors = new double[readLength];
final double[] insertionErrors = new double[readLength];
final double[] deletionsErrors = new double[readLength];
for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) {
bases[i] = 'A';
baseQuals[i] = (byte) (i % SAMUtils.MAX_PHRED_SCORE);
insertionQuals[i] = (byte) ((i + 1) % SAMUtils.MAX_PHRED_SCORE);
deletionQuals[i] = (byte) ((i + 2) % SAMUtils.MAX_PHRED_SCORE);
skips[i] = i % 2 == 0;
snpErrors[i] = 1.0 / (i + 1);
insertionErrors[i] = 0.5 / (i + 1);
deletionsErrors[i] = 0.3 / (i + 1);
final EnumMap<EventType, double[]> errors = new EnumMap<>(EventType.class);
errors.put(EventType.BASE_SUBSTITUTION, snpErrors);
errors.put(EventType.BASE_INSERTION, insertionErrors);
errors.put(EventType.BASE_DELETION, deletionsErrors);
final EnumMap<EventType, byte[]> quals = new EnumMap<>(EventType.class);
quals.put(EventType.BASE_SUBSTITUTION, baseQuals);
quals.put(EventType.BASE_INSERTION, insertionQuals);
quals.put(EventType.BASE_DELETION, deletionQuals);
final GATKRead read = ArtificialReadUtils.createArtificialRead(bases, baseQuals, readLength + "M");
if (includeIndelErrors) {
ReadUtils.setInsertionBaseQualities(read, insertionQuals);
ReadUtils.setDeletionBaseQualities(read, deletionQuals);
final ReadRecalibrationInfo info = new ReadRecalibrationInfo(read, covariates, skips, snpErrors, insertionErrors, deletionsErrors);
Assert.assertEquals(info.getCovariatesValues(), covariates);
Assert.assertEquals(info.getRead(), read);
for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(info.skip(i), skips[i]);
for (final EventType et : EventType.values()) {
Assert.assertEquals(info.getErrorFraction(et, i), errors.get(et)[i]);
final byte expectedQual = et == EventType.BASE_SUBSTITUTION || includeIndelErrors ? quals.get(et)[i] : ReadUtils.DEFAULT_INSERTION_DELETION_QUAL;
Assert.assertEquals(info.getQual(et, i), expectedQual);