use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.reference.ReferenceBases in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class ReferenceTwoBitSourceUnitTest method testIntervalConversion.
@Test(dataProvider = "goodIntervals")
public void testIntervalConversion(ReferenceSource fastaRef, ReferenceSource twoBitRef, String intervalString) throws IOException {
SimpleInterval interval = new SimpleInterval(intervalString);
ReferenceBases expected = fastaRef.getReferenceBases(null, interval);
ReferenceBases actual = twoBitRef.getReferenceBases(null, interval);
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.reference.ReferenceBases in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class TandemRepeatUnitTest method testUsingVC.
public void testUsingVC() {
// - [ref] / ATC from 20-20
final String insLoc = "chr1";
final int insLocStart = 2;
final int insLocStop = 2;
final byte[] refBytes = "GTATCATCATCGGA".getBytes();
final Allele nullR = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele atc = Allele.create("AATC", false);
// A*,ATC, context = ATC ATC ATC : (ATC)3 -> (ATC)4
final VariantContext vc = new VariantContextBuilder("foo", insLoc, insLocStart, insLocStop, Arrays.asList(nullR, atc)).make();
// we test that the interval from which the ReferenceContext is constructed does not need to exactly overlap
// the VariantContext. The annotation should be able to handle this.
final SimpleInterval interval = new SimpleInterval(insLoc, insLocStart + 3, insLocStop + 4);
final SimpleInterval interval1 = new SimpleInterval(insLoc, 1, refBytes.length);
final ReferenceBases ref1 = new ReferenceBases(refBytes, interval1);
final SAMSequenceDictionary dict = new SAMSequenceDictionary(Arrays.asList(new SAMSequenceRecord(insLoc, refBytes.length)));
final ReferenceContext ref = new ReferenceContext(ReferenceDataSource.of(ref1, dict), interval, 20, 20);
final InfoFieldAnnotation ann = new TandemRepeat();
final Map<String, Object> a = ann.annotate(ref, vc, null);
Assert.assertEquals(a.size(), 3);
Assert.assertEquals(a.get(GATKVCFConstants.STR_PRESENT_KEY), true);
Assert.assertEquals(a.get(GATKVCFConstants.REPEAT_UNIT_KEY), "ATC");
//3 repeats in the reference, 4 in the variant
Assert.assertEquals(a.get(GATKVCFConstants.REPEATS_PER_ALLELE_KEY), Arrays.asList(3, 4));
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.reference.ReferenceBases in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class TandemRepeatUnitTest method testUsingVCNoRepeat.
public void testUsingVCNoRepeat() {
// - [ref] / ATC from 20-20
final String insLoc = "chr1";
final int insLocStart = 6;
final int insLocStop = 6;
final byte[] refBytes = "GTATCATCATCGGA".getBytes();
final Allele nullR = Allele.create("A", true);
final Allele atc = Allele.create("AATC", false);
// A*,ATC, context = ATC ATC ATC : (ATC)3 -> (ATC)4
final VariantContext vc = new VariantContextBuilder("foo", insLoc, insLocStart, insLocStop, Arrays.asList(nullR, atc)).make();
final SimpleInterval interval = new SimpleInterval(insLoc, insLocStart, insLocStop);
final SimpleInterval interval1 = new SimpleInterval(insLoc, 1, refBytes.length);
final ReferenceBases ref1 = new ReferenceBases(refBytes, interval1);
final SAMSequenceDictionary dict = new SAMSequenceDictionary(Arrays.asList(new SAMSequenceRecord(insLoc, refBytes.length)));
final ReferenceContext ref = new ReferenceContext(ReferenceDataSource.of(ref1, dict), interval, 0, 20);
final InfoFieldAnnotation ann = new TandemRepeat();
final Map<String, Object> a = ann.annotate(ref, vc, null);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.reference.ReferenceBases in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class TandemRepeatUnitTest method testUsingVCNotIndel.
public void testUsingVCNotIndel() {
// - [ref] / ATC from 20-20
String insLoc = "chr1";
int insLocStart = 2;
int insLocStop = 2;
byte[] refBytes = "GTATCATCATCGGA".getBytes();
Allele nullR = Allele.create("A", true);
Allele atc = Allele.create("C", false);
// A*,ATC, context = ATC ATC ATC : (ATC)3 -> (ATC)4
VariantContext vc = new VariantContextBuilder("foo", insLoc, insLocStart, insLocStop, Arrays.asList(nullR, atc)).make();
final SimpleInterval interval = new SimpleInterval("chr1", insLocStart, insLocStop);
final String contigName = "chr1";
final SimpleInterval interval1 = new SimpleInterval(contigName, 1, refBytes.length);
final ReferenceBases ref1 = new ReferenceBases(refBytes, interval1);
final SAMSequenceDictionary dict = new SAMSequenceDictionary(Arrays.asList(new SAMSequenceRecord(contigName, refBytes.length)));
final ReferenceContext ref = new ReferenceContext(ReferenceDataSource.of(ref1, dict), interval, 0, 20);
final InfoFieldAnnotation ann = new TandemRepeat();
final Map<String, Object> a = ann.annotate(ref, vc, null);