use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariant in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class BaseRecalibratorSparkFn method apply.
public static RecalibrationReport apply(final JavaPairRDD<GATKRead, ReadContextData> readsWithContext, final SAMFileHeader header, final SAMSequenceDictionary referenceDictionary, final RecalibrationArgumentCollection recalArgs) {
JavaRDD<RecalibrationTables> unmergedTables = readsWithContext.mapPartitions(readWithContextIterator -> {
final BaseRecalibrationEngine bqsr = new BaseRecalibrationEngine(recalArgs, header);
while (readWithContextIterator.hasNext()) {
final Tuple2<GATKRead, ReadContextData> readWithData =;
Iterable<GATKVariant> variants = readWithData._2().getOverlappingVariants();
final ReferenceBases refBases = readWithData._2().getOverlappingReferenceBases();
ReferenceDataSource refDS = new ReferenceMemorySource(refBases, referenceDictionary);
bqsr.processRead(readWithData._1(), refDS, variants);
return Arrays.asList(bqsr.getRecalibrationTables()).iterator();
final RecalibrationTables emptyRecalibrationTable = new RecalibrationTables(new StandardCovariateList(recalArgs, header));
final RecalibrationTables combinedTables = unmergedTables.treeAggregate(emptyRecalibrationTable, RecalibrationTables::inPlaceCombine, RecalibrationTables::inPlaceCombine, Math.max(1, (int) (Math.log(unmergedTables.partitions().size()) / Math.log(2))));
final QuantizationInfo quantizationInfo = new QuantizationInfo(combinedTables, recalArgs.QUANTIZING_LEVELS);
final StandardCovariateList covariates = new StandardCovariateList(recalArgs, header);
return RecalUtils.createRecalibrationReport(recalArgs.generateReportTable(covariates.covariateNames()), quantizationInfo.generateReportTable(), RecalUtils.generateReportTables(combinedTables, covariates));
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariant in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class BaseRecalibratorEngineSparkWrapper method apply.
public Iterator<RecalibrationTables> apply(Iterator<ContextShard> shards) throws Exception {
this.header = headerBcast.value();
this.referenceSequenceDictionary = referenceSequenceDictionaryBcast.value();
recalibrationEngine = new BaseRecalibrationEngine(recalArgs, header);
while (shards.hasNext()) {
ContextShard shard =;
for (int i = 0; i < shard.reads.size(); i++) {
final GATKRead read = shard.reads.get(i);
// Reads are shipped without the header -- put it back in
ReadUtils.restoreHeaderIfNecessary(read, header);
final ReadContextData rc = shard.readContext.get(i);
final Iterable<GATKVariant> variants = rc.getOverlappingVariants();
final ReferenceBases refBases = rc.getOverlappingReferenceBases();
final ReferenceDataSource refDS = new ReferenceMemorySource(refBases, referenceSequenceDictionary);
recalibrationEngine.processRead(read, refDS, variants);
ArrayList<RecalibrationTables> ret = new ArrayList<>();
return ret.iterator();
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariant in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AddContextDataToReadSparkOptimized method fillContext.
* Given a shard that has reads and variants, query Google Genomics' Reference server and get reference info
* (including an extra margin on either side), and fill that and the correct variants into readContext.
public static ContextShard fillContext(ReferenceMultiSource refSource, ContextShard shard) {
if (null == shard)
return null;
// use the function to make sure we get the exact correct amount of reference bases
int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int end = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
SerializableFunction<GATKRead, SimpleInterval> referenceWindowFunction = refSource.getReferenceWindowFunction();
for (GATKRead r : shard.reads) {
SimpleInterval readRefs = referenceWindowFunction.apply(r);
start = Math.min(readRefs.getStart(), start);
end = Math.max(readRefs.getEnd(), end);
if (start == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// there are no reads in this shard, so we're going to remove it
return null;
SimpleInterval refInterval = new SimpleInterval(shard.interval.getContig(), start, end);
ReferenceBases refBases;
try {
refBases = refSource.getReferenceBases(null, refInterval);
} catch (IOException x) {
throw new GATKException("Unable to read the reference");
ArrayList<ReadContextData> readContext = new ArrayList<>();
for (GATKRead r : shard.reads) {
SimpleInterval readInterval = new SimpleInterval(r);
List<GATKVariant> variantsOverlappingThisRead = shard.variantsOverlapping(readInterval);
// we pass all the bases. That's better because this way it's just a shared
// pointer instead of being an array copy. Downstream processing is fine with having
// extra bases (it expects a few, actually).
readContext.add(new ReadContextData(refBases, variantsOverlappingThisRead));
return shard.withReadContext(readContext);
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariant in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AddContextDataToReadSparkOptimized method fillVariants.
* Given a list of shards and a list of variants,
* add each variant to every (shard+margin) that it overlaps.
* This happens immediately, at the caller.
public static ArrayList<ContextShard> fillVariants(List<SimpleInterval> shardedIntervals, List<GATKVariant> variants, int margin) {
IntervalsSkipList<GATKVariant> intervals = new IntervalsSkipList<>(variants);
ArrayList<ContextShard> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (SimpleInterval s : shardedIntervals) {
int start = Math.max(s.getStart() - margin, 1);
int end = s.getEnd() + margin;
// here it's OK if end is past the contig's boundary, there just won't be any variant there.
SimpleInterval expandedInterval = new SimpleInterval(s.getContig(), start, end);
// the next ContextShard has interval s because we want it to contain all reads that start in s.
// We give it all variants that overlap the expanded interval in order to make sure we include
// all the variants that overlap with the reads of interest.
// Graphically:
// |------- s --------|
// |-- a read starting in s --|
// |--- a variant overlapping the read ---|
// Since the read's length is less than margin, we know that by including all the variants that overlap
// with the expanded interval we are also including all the variants that overlap with all the reads in this shard.
ret.add(new ContextShard(s).withVariants(intervals.getOverlapping(expandedInterval)));
return ret;
use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariant in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class AddContextDataToReadSparkUnitTest method addContextDataTest.
@Test(dataProvider = "bases", groups = "spark")
public void addContextDataTest(List<GATKRead> reads, List<GATKVariant> variantList, List<KV<GATKRead, ReadContextData>> expectedReadContextData, JoinStrategy joinStrategy) throws IOException {
JavaSparkContext ctx = SparkContextFactory.getTestSparkContext();
JavaRDD<GATKRead> rddReads = ctx.parallelize(reads);
JavaRDD<GATKVariant> rddVariants = ctx.parallelize(variantList);
ReferenceMultiSource mockSource = mock(ReferenceMultiSource.class, withSettings().serializable());
when(mockSource.getReferenceBases(any(PipelineOptions.class), any())).then(new ReferenceBasesAnswer());
SAMSequenceDictionary sd = new SAMSequenceDictionary(Lists.newArrayList(new SAMSequenceRecord("1", 100000), new SAMSequenceRecord("2", 100000)));
JavaPairRDD<GATKRead, ReadContextData> rddActual = AddContextDataToReadSpark.add(ctx, rddReads, mockSource, rddVariants, joinStrategy, sd, 10000, 1000);
Map<GATKRead, ReadContextData> actual = rddActual.collectAsMap();
Assert.assertEquals(actual.size(), expectedReadContextData.size());
for (KV<GATKRead, ReadContextData> kv : expectedReadContextData) {
ReadContextData readContextData = actual.get(kv.getKey());
Assert.assertTrue(CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(Lists.newArrayList(readContextData.getOverlappingVariants()), Lists.newArrayList(kv.getValue().getOverlappingVariants())));
SimpleInterval minimalInterval = kv.getValue().getOverlappingReferenceBases().getInterval();
ReferenceBases subset = readContextData.getOverlappingReferenceBases().getSubset(minimalInterval);
Assert.assertEquals(subset, kv.getValue().getOverlappingReferenceBases());