use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.samples.MendelianViolation in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class SelectVariants method onTraversalStart.
* Set up the VCF writer, the sample expressions and regexs, filters inputs, and the JEXL matcher
public void onTraversalStart() {
final Map<String, VCFHeader> vcfHeaders = Collections.singletonMap(getDrivingVariantsFeatureInput().getName(), getHeaderForVariants());
// Initialize VCF header lines
final Set<VCFHeaderLine> headerLines = createVCFHeaderLineList(vcfHeaders);
for (int i = 0; i < selectExpressions.size(); i++) {
// It's not necessary that the user supply select names for the JEXL expressions, since those
// expressions will only be needed for omitting records. Make up the select names here.
selectNames.add(String.format("select-%d", i));
jexls = VariantContextUtils.initializeMatchExps(selectNames, selectExpressions);
// Prepare the sample names and types to be used by the corresponding filters
samples = createSampleNameInclusionList(vcfHeaders);
selectedTypes = createSampleTypeInclusionList();
// Look at the parameters to decide which analysis to perform
discordanceOnly = discordanceTrack != null;
if (discordanceOnly) {"Selecting only variants discordant with the track: " + discordanceTrack.getName());
concordanceOnly = concordanceTrack != null;
if (concordanceOnly) {"Selecting only variants concordant with the track: " + concordanceTrack.getName());
if (mendelianViolations) {
sampleDB = initializeSampleDB();
mv = new MendelianViolation(mendelianViolationQualThreshold, false, true);
selectRandomFraction = fractionRandom > 0;
if (selectRandomFraction) {"Selecting approximately " + 100.0 * fractionRandom + "% of the variants at random from the variant track");
//TODO: this should be refactored/consolidated as part of
// and
Set<VCFHeaderLine> actualLines = null;
SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary = null;
if (hasReference()) {
File refFile = referenceArguments.getReferenceFile();
sequenceDictionary = this.getReferenceDictionary();
actualLines = VcfUtils.updateHeaderContigLines(headerLines, refFile, sequenceDictionary, suppressReferencePath);
} else {
sequenceDictionary = getHeaderForVariants().getSequenceDictionary();
if (null != sequenceDictionary) {
actualLines = VcfUtils.updateHeaderContigLines(headerLines, null, sequenceDictionary, suppressReferencePath);
} else {
actualLines = headerLines;
vcfWriter = createVCFWriter(outFile);
vcfWriter.writeHeader(new VCFHeader(actualLines, samples));