use of org.broadleafcommerce.core.order.fulfillment.domain.BandedWeightFulfillmentOption in project BroadleafCommerce by BroadleafCommerce.
the class BandedPriceFulfillmentTest method testWeightBandsWithQuantities.
public void testWeightBandsWithQuantities() throws Exception {
BandedWeightFulfillmentOption option = createWeightBands(new String[] { "50", "100", "65" }, new String[] { "30", "20", "10" }, new FulfillmentBandResultAmountType[] { FulfillmentBandResultAmountType.RATE, FulfillmentBandResultAmountType.RATE, FulfillmentBandResultAmountType.RATE });
// 60lbs
assertEquals(new Money("30"), calculationResponse(option, createCandidateOrder(new BigDecimal("18.00"), 3, null, new int[] { 2, 3, 5 }, option)));
// 66lbs
assertEquals(new Money("10"), calculationResponse(option, createCandidateOrder(new BigDecimal("18.00"), 6, null, new int[] { 4, 1, 2, 5, 5, 5 }, option)));
// 120lbs
assertEquals(new Money("20"), calculationResponse(option, createCandidateOrder(new BigDecimal("60.00"), 3, null, new int[] { 2, 3, 2 }, option)));
use of org.broadleafcommerce.core.order.fulfillment.domain.BandedWeightFulfillmentOption in project BroadleafCommerce by BroadleafCommerce.
the class BandedPriceFulfillmentTest method createWeightBands.
protected BandedWeightFulfillmentOption createWeightBands(String[] minimumAmounts, String[] resultAmounts, FulfillmentBandResultAmountType[] resultAmountTypes) {
if ((minimumAmounts.length != resultAmounts.length) || (resultAmounts.length != resultAmountTypes.length)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("All lists should be the same length");
List<FulfillmentWeightBand> bands = new ArrayList<FulfillmentWeightBand>();
for (int i = 0; i < minimumAmounts.length; i++) {
FulfillmentWeightBand band = new FulfillmentWeightBandImpl();
band.setMinimumWeight(new BigDecimal(minimumAmounts[i]));
band.setResultAmount(new BigDecimal(resultAmounts[i]));
BandedWeightFulfillmentOption option = new BandedWeightFulfillmentOptionImpl();
return option;
use of org.broadleafcommerce.core.order.fulfillment.domain.BandedWeightFulfillmentOption in project BroadleafCommerce by BroadleafCommerce.
the class BandedFulfillmentPricingProvider method estimateCostForFulfillmentGroup.
public FulfillmentEstimationResponse estimateCostForFulfillmentGroup(FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup, Set<FulfillmentOption> options) throws FulfillmentPriceException {
// Set up the response object
FulfillmentEstimationResponse res = new FulfillmentEstimationResponse();
HashMap<FulfillmentOption, Money> shippingPrices = new HashMap<FulfillmentOption, Money>();
for (FulfillmentOption option : options) {
if (canCalculateCostForFulfillmentGroup(fulfillmentGroup, option)) {
List<? extends FulfillmentBand> bands = null;
if (option instanceof BandedPriceFulfillmentOption) {
bands = ((BandedPriceFulfillmentOption) option).getBands();
} else if (option instanceof BandedWeightFulfillmentOption) {
bands = ((BandedWeightFulfillmentOption) option).getBands();
if (bands == null || bands.isEmpty()) {
// Something is misconfigured. There are no bands associated with this fulfillment option
throw new IllegalStateException("There were no Fulfillment Price Bands configured for a BandedPriceFulfillmentOption with ID: " + option.getId());
// Calculate the amount that the band will be applied to
BigDecimal retailTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
BigDecimal flatTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
BigDecimal weightTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
boolean foundCandidateForBand = false;
for (FulfillmentGroupItem fulfillmentGroupItem : fulfillmentGroup.getFulfillmentGroupItems()) {
// If this item has a Sku associated with it which also has a flat rate for this fulfillment option, don't add it to the price
// or weight total but instead tack it onto the final rate
boolean addToTotal = true;
Sku sku = null;
if (fulfillmentGroupItem.getOrderItem() instanceof DiscreteOrderItem) {
sku = ((DiscreteOrderItem) fulfillmentGroupItem.getOrderItem()).getSku();
} else if (fulfillmentGroupItem.getOrderItem() instanceof BundleOrderItem) {
sku = ((BundleOrderItem) fulfillmentGroupItem.getOrderItem()).getSku();
if (sku != null && option.getUseFlatRates()) {
BigDecimal rate = sku.getFulfillmentFlatRates().get(option);
if (rate != null) {
addToTotal = false;
flatTotal = flatTotal.add(rate);
if (addToTotal) {
foundCandidateForBand = true;
BigDecimal price = (fulfillmentGroupItem.getTotalItemAmount() != null) ? fulfillmentGroupItem.getTotalItemAmount().getAmount() : null;
if (price == null) {
price = fulfillmentGroupItem.getOrderItem().getAveragePrice().getAmount().multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(fulfillmentGroupItem.getQuantity()));
retailTotal = retailTotal.add(price);
if (sku != null && sku.getWeight() != null && sku.getWeight().getWeight() != null) {
BigDecimal convertedWeight = convertWeight(sku.getWeight().getWeight(), sku.getWeight().getWeightUnitOfMeasure()).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(fulfillmentGroupItem.getQuantity()));
weightTotal = weightTotal.add(convertedWeight);
// Used to keep track of the lowest price when there is are bands that have the same
// minimum amount
BigDecimal lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = null;
// Used to keep track of the amount for the lowest band fulfillment price. Used to compare
// if 2 bands are configured for the same minimum amount
BigDecimal lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
if (foundCandidateForBand) {
for (FulfillmentBand band : bands) {
BigDecimal bandMinimumAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
boolean foundMatch = false;
if (band instanceof FulfillmentPriceBand) {
bandMinimumAmount = ((FulfillmentPriceBand) band).getRetailPriceMinimumAmount();
foundMatch = retailTotal.compareTo(bandMinimumAmount) >= 0;
} else if (band instanceof FulfillmentWeightBand) {
bandMinimumAmount = ((FulfillmentWeightBand) band).getMinimumWeight();
foundMatch = weightTotal.compareTo(bandMinimumAmount) >= 0;
if (foundMatch) {
// So far, we've found a potential match
// Now, determine if this is a percentage or actual amount
FulfillmentBandResultAmountType resultAmountType = band.getResultAmountType();
BigDecimal bandFulfillmentPrice = null;
if (FulfillmentBandResultAmountType.RATE.equals(resultAmountType)) {
bandFulfillmentPrice = band.getResultAmount();
} else if (FulfillmentBandResultAmountType.PERCENTAGE.equals(resultAmountType)) {
// Since this is a percentage, we calculate the result amount based on retailTotal and the band percentage
bandFulfillmentPrice = retailTotal.multiply(band.getResultAmount());
} else {
LOG.warn("Unknown FulfillmentBandResultAmountType: " + resultAmountType.getType() + " Should be RATE or PERCENTAGE. Ignoring.");
if (bandFulfillmentPrice != null) {
// haven't initialized the lowest price yet so just take on this one
if (lowestBandFulfillmentPrice == null) {
lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = bandFulfillmentPrice;
lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount = bandMinimumAmount;
// is cheaper
if (lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount.compareTo(bandMinimumAmount) == 0) {
if (bandFulfillmentPrice.compareTo(lowestBandFulfillmentPrice) <= 0) {
lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = bandFulfillmentPrice;
lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount = bandMinimumAmount;
} else if (bandMinimumAmount.compareTo(lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount) > 0) {
lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = bandFulfillmentPrice;
lowestBandFulfillmentPriceMinimumAmount = bandMinimumAmount;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bands must have a non-null fulfillment price");
// If I didn't find a valid band, initialize the fulfillment price to zero
if (lowestBandFulfillmentPrice == null) {
lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// add the flat rate amount calculated on the Sku
lowestBandFulfillmentPrice = lowestBandFulfillmentPrice.add(flatTotal);
shippingPrices.put(option, BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getMoney(lowestBandFulfillmentPrice, fulfillmentGroup.getOrder().getCurrency()));
return res;
use of org.broadleafcommerce.core.order.fulfillment.domain.BandedWeightFulfillmentOption in project BroadleafCommerce by BroadleafCommerce.
the class BandedPriceFulfillmentTest method createCandidateOrder.
* @param total - this number divided by the number of items to create is the value of either the weight or the price
* (depending on which <b>option</b> is being passed in) for a single order item. Note that the final price of each item
* will be: (<b>total</b> / <b>orderItemsToCreate</b>) * <b>quantity</b>
* @param orderItemsToCreate - the number of order items to split the retail total across
* @param flatRates - the flat rates to assign to the OrderItems that are created. To have an Order that is mixed between OrderItems and
* DiscreteOrderItems (which are created for flat rates) ensure that the size of this array is less than <b>orderItemsToCreate</b>
* @param quantities - the quantities to assign to each OrderItem. If specified, this should be equal to the number of
* items to create
* @param option - the option to associate with the flat rates
* @return
protected Order createCandidateOrder(BigDecimal total, int orderItemsToCreate, String[] flatRates, int[] quantities, FulfillmentOption option) {
if (flatRates != null && flatRates.length > orderItemsToCreate) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Flat rates for Skus should be less than or equal to the number of order items being created");
if (quantities != null && quantities.length != orderItemsToCreate) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Quantities for Skus should be less than or equal to the number of order items being created");
Order result = new OrderImpl();
List<FulfillmentGroupItem> fulfillmentItems = new ArrayList<FulfillmentGroupItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < orderItemsToCreate; i++) {
DiscreteOrderItem orderItem = new DiscreteOrderItemImpl();
Sku sku = new SkuImpl();
// set the sku price to some arbitrary amount - won't matter because the test is based on order item price
sku.setRetailPrice(new Money("1"));
if (flatRates != null && i < flatRates.length) {
sku.getFulfillmentFlatRates().put(option, new BigDecimal(flatRates[i]));
if (option instanceof BandedPriceFulfillmentOption) {
orderItem.setPrice(new Money(total.divide(new BigDecimal(orderItemsToCreate))));
} else if (option instanceof BandedWeightFulfillmentOption) {
Weight weight = new Weight();
weight.setWeight(total.divide(new BigDecimal(orderItemsToCreate)));
orderItem.setPrice(new Money(BigDecimal.ZERO));
FulfillmentGroupItem fulfillmentItem = new FulfillmentGroupItemImpl();
if (quantities == null) {
} else {
FulfillmentGroup group = new FulfillmentGroupImpl();
List<FulfillmentGroup> groups = new ArrayList<FulfillmentGroup>();
return result;