use of org.btrplace.plan.ReconfigurationPlan in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class BenchTest method testList.
* Create a liste, solve each instance. Check for the CSV file
* @throws Exception
public void testList() throws Exception {
List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
Instance i = instance();
File f = store(i);
// Instance list
File list = File.createTempFile("foo", "");
// Output directory
Path output = Files.createTempDirectory("instances");
Files.write(list.toPath(), files, UTF_8);
Bench.main(new String[] { "-l", list.getAbsolutePath(), "-o", output.toString(), "-v", "1" });
// Read the output CSV file
File csv = new File(output.toString() + File.separator + Bench.SCHEDULER_STATS);
for (String line : Files.readAllLines(csv.toPath(), UTF_8)) {
String file = line.split(";")[0];
File plan = new File(output.toString() + File.separator + file + ".gz");
ReconfigurationPlan p = JSON.readReconfigurationPlan(plan);
use of org.btrplace.plan.ReconfigurationPlan in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class UCC15 method decommissioning_40gb.
public SolvingStatistics decommissioning_40gb() throws SchedulerException {
// Set nb of nodes and vms
int nbNodesRack = 24;
int nbSrcNodes = nbNodesRack * 8;
int nbDstNodes = nbNodesRack * 4;
int nbVMs = nbSrcNodes * 2;
// Set mem + cpu for VMs and Nodes
int memVM = 4, cpuVM = 1;
int memSrcNode = 16, cpuSrcNode = 4;
int memDstNode = 16, cpuDstNode = 4;
// Set memoryUsed and dirtyRate (for all VMs)
int tpl1MemUsed = 2000, tpl1MaxDirtySize = 5, tpl1MaxDirtyDuration = 3;
// idle vm
double tpl1DirtyRate = 0;
int tpl2MemUsed = 4000, tpl2MaxDirtySize = 96, tpl2MaxDirtyDuration = 2;
// stress --vm 1000 --bytes 70K
double tpl2DirtyRate = 3;
int tpl3MemUsed = 2000, tpl3MaxDirtySize = 96, tpl3MaxDirtyDuration = 2;
// stress --vm 1000 --bytes 70K
double tpl3DirtyRate = 3;
int tpl4MemUsed = 4000, tpl4MaxDirtySize = 5, tpl4MaxDirtyDuration = 3;
// idle vm
double tpl4DirtyRate = 0;
// New default model
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
Mapping ma = mo.getMapping();
// Create online source nodes and offline destination nodes
List<Node> srcNodes = new ArrayList<>(), dstNodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nbSrcNodes; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nbDstNodes; i++) {
// Set boot and shutdown time
for (Node n : dstNodes) {
mo.getAttributes().put(n, "boot", 120);
/*~2 minutes to boot*/
for (Node n : srcNodes) {
mo.getAttributes().put(n, "shutdown", 17);
/*~30 seconds to shutdown*/
// Create running VMs on src nodes
List<VM> vms = new ArrayList<>();
VM v;
for (int i = 0; i < nbSrcNodes; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
v = mo.newVM();
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "memUsed", tpl1MemUsed);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "coldDirtyRate", tpl1DirtyRate);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtySize", tpl1MaxDirtySize);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtyDuration", tpl1MaxDirtyDuration);
ma.addRunningVM(v, srcNodes.get(i));
v = mo.newVM();
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "memUsed", tpl2MemUsed);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "coldDirtyRate", tpl2DirtyRate);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtySize", tpl2MaxDirtySize);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtyDuration", tpl2MaxDirtyDuration);
ma.addRunningVM(v, srcNodes.get(i));
} else {
v = mo.newVM();
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "memUsed", tpl3MemUsed);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "coldDirtyRate", tpl3DirtyRate);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtySize", tpl3MaxDirtySize);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtyDuration", tpl3MaxDirtyDuration);
ma.addRunningVM(v, srcNodes.get(i));
v = mo.newVM();
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "memUsed", tpl4MemUsed);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "coldDirtyRate", tpl4DirtyRate);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtySize", tpl4MaxDirtySize);
mo.getAttributes().put(v, "hotDirtyDuration", tpl4MaxDirtyDuration);
ma.addRunningVM(v, srcNodes.get(i));
// Add resource decorators
ShareableResource rcMem = new ShareableResource("mem", 0, 0);
ShareableResource rcCPU = new ShareableResource("cpu", 0, 0);
for (Node n : srcNodes) {
rcMem.setCapacity(n, memSrcNode);
rcCPU.setCapacity(n, cpuSrcNode);
for (Node n : dstNodes) {
rcMem.setCapacity(n, memDstNode);
rcCPU.setCapacity(n, cpuDstNode);
for (VM vm : vms) {
rcMem.setConsumption(vm, memVM);
rcCPU.setConsumption(vm, cpuVM);
// Add a NetworkView view
Network net = new Network();
Switch swSrcRack1 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack2 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack3 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack4 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack5 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack6 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack7 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swSrcRack8 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swDstRack1 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swDstRack2 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swDstRack3 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swDstRack4 = net.newSwitch();
Switch swMain = net.newSwitch();
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack1, srcNodes.subList(0, nbNodesRack));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack2, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack, nbNodesRack * 2));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack3, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 2, nbNodesRack * 3));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack4, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 3, nbNodesRack * 4));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack5, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 4, nbNodesRack * 5));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack6, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 5, nbNodesRack * 6));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack7, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 6, nbNodesRack * 7));
net.connect(1000, swSrcRack8, srcNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 7, nbNodesRack * 8));
net.connect(1000, swDstRack1, dstNodes.subList(0, nbNodesRack));
net.connect(1000, swDstRack2, dstNodes.subList(nbNodesRack, nbNodesRack * 2));
net.connect(1000, swDstRack3, dstNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 2, nbNodesRack * 3));
net.connect(1000, swDstRack4, dstNodes.subList(nbNodesRack * 3, nbNodesRack * 4));
net.connect(40000, swMain, swSrcRack1, swSrcRack2, swSrcRack3, swSrcRack4, swSrcRack5, swSrcRack6, swSrcRack7, swSrcRack8, swDstRack1, swDstRack2, swDstRack3, swDstRack4);
// net.generateDot(path + "", false);
// Set parameters
DefaultParameters ps = new DefaultParameters();
// ps.setMaxEnd(600);
// Migrate all VMs to destination nodes
List<SatConstraint> cstrs = new ArrayList<>();
int vm_num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbDstNodes; i++) {
cstrs.add(new Fence(vms.get(vm_num), Collections.singleton(dstNodes.get(i))));
cstrs.add(new Fence(vms.get(vm_num + 1), Collections.singleton(dstNodes.get(i))));
cstrs.add(new Fence(vms.get(nbVMs - 1 - vm_num), Collections.singleton(dstNodes.get(i))));
cstrs.add(new Fence(vms.get(nbVMs - 2 - vm_num), Collections.singleton(dstNodes.get(i))));
vm_num += 2;
// Shutdown source nodes
// Set a custom objective
DefaultChocoScheduler sc = new DefaultChocoScheduler(ps);
Instance i = new Instance(mo, cstrs, new MinMTTRMig());
ReconfigurationPlan p;
try {
p = sc.solve(i);
} catch (Exception e) {
// finally {
return sc.getStatistics();
// }
use of org.btrplace.plan.ReconfigurationPlan in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class ScriptBuilderTest method testResolution.
public void testResolution() throws Exception {
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
ScriptBuilder b = new ScriptBuilder(mo);
NamingService<Node> nsNodes = b.getNamingServiceNodes();
NamingService<VM> nsVMs = b.getNamingServiceVMs();
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
if (i <= 5) {
Node n = mo.newNode();
nsNodes.register(n, "@N" + i);
VM v = mo.newVM();
nsVMs.register(v, "ns.VM" + i);
// TemplateFactory tpf = new DefaultTemplateFactory(b.getNamingService(), true);
// b.setTemplateFactory(tpf);
Script scr ="namespace ns;\n" + "VM[1..10] : tiny;\n" + "@N[1..5]: default;\n" + "$vms = VM[1..10];\n" + "running($vms);\n" + ">>split($vms / 2);\n");
Assert.assertEquals(mo.getMapping().getNbNodes(), 5);
Assert.assertEquals(mo.getMapping().getNbVMs(), 10);
ChocoScheduler ra = new DefaultChocoScheduler();
ReconfigurationPlan p = ra.solve(mo, scr.getConstraints());
Assert.assertEquals(p.getSize(), 10);
use of org.btrplace.plan.ReconfigurationPlan in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class AmongTest method testContinuousIsSatisfied.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testInstantiation" })
public void testContinuousIsSatisfied() {
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
List<Node> ns = Util.newNodes(mo, 10);
List<VM> vms = Util.newVMs(mo, 10);
Collection<Node> s1 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(ns.get(0), ns.get(1)));
Collection<Node> s2 = new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(ns.get(2)));
Collection<Collection<Node>> pGrps = Arrays.asList(s1, s2);
Set<VM> vs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(vms.get(0), vms.get(1), vms.get(2)));
Among a = new Among(vs, pGrps, true);
Mapping map = mo.getMapping();
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(0));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(1), ns.get(1));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(1));
ReconfigurationPlan plan = new DefaultReconfigurationPlan(mo);
Assert.assertEquals(a.isSatisfied(plan), true);
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(1), ns.get(2), 0, 1));
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(2), ns.get(1), 1, 2));
// At moment 1, the constraint will be violated
Assert.assertEquals(a.isSatisfied(plan), false);
use of org.btrplace.plan.ReconfigurationPlan in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class BanTest method testIsSatisfied.
public void testIsSatisfied() {
Model m = new DefaultModel();
List<VM> vms = Util.newVMs(m, 10);
List<Node> ns = Util.newNodes(m, 10);
Mapping map = m.getMapping();
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(0));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(1), ns.get(1));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(2));
Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(ns.get(0)));
Ban b = new Ban(vms.get(2), nodes);
Assert.assertEquals(b.isSatisfied(m), true);
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(0));
Assert.assertEquals(new Ban(vms.get(2), nodes).isSatisfied(m), false);
ReconfigurationPlan plan = new DefaultReconfigurationPlan(m);
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(0), ns.get(1), 0, 3));
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(1), ns.get(0), 3, 6));
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vms.get(1), ns.get(1), ns.get(2), 3, 6));
Assert.assertEquals(b.isSatisfied(plan), false);