use of org.btrplace.plan.event.MigrateVM in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class DependencyBasedPlanApplierTest method testApply.
public void testApply() {
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
List<VM> vms = Util.newVMs(mo, 10);
List<Node> ns = Util.newNodes(mo, 10);
Mapping map = mo.getMapping();
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(2));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(1), ns.get(0));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(2), ns.get(1));
map.addRunningVM(vms.get(3), ns.get(1));
BootNode bN4 = new BootNode(ns.get(3), 3, 5);
MigrateVM mVM1 = new MigrateVM(vms.get(0), ns.get(2), ns.get(3), 6, 7);
Allocate aVM3 = new Allocate(vms.get(2), ns.get(1), "cpu", 7, 8, 9);
MigrateVM mVM2 = new MigrateVM(vms.get(1), ns.get(0), ns.get(1), 1, 3);
MigrateVM mVM4 = new MigrateVM(vms.get(3), ns.get(1), ns.get(2), 1, 7);
ShutdownNode sN1 = new ShutdownNode(ns.get(0), 5, 7);
ShareableResource rc = new ShareableResource("cpu");
rc.setConsumption(vms.get(2), 3);
ReconfigurationPlan plan = new DefaultReconfigurationPlan(mo);
Model res = new DependencyBasedPlanApplier().apply(plan);
Mapping resMapping = res.getMapping();
rc = ShareableResource.get(res, "cpu");
Assert.assertEquals(rc.getConsumption(vms.get(2)), 7);
Assert.assertEquals(resMapping.getVMLocation(vms.get(0)), ns.get(3));
Assert.assertEquals(resMapping.getVMLocation(vms.get(1)), ns.get(1));
Assert.assertEquals(resMapping.getVMLocation(vms.get(3)), ns.get(2));
use of org.btrplace.plan.event.MigrateVM in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class RelocatableVM method insertActions.
public boolean insertActions(Solution s, ReconfigurationPlan plan) {
DurationEvaluators dev = rp.getDurationEvaluators();
// Only if the VM doesn't stay
if (s.getIntVal(cSlice.getHoster()) != (s.getIntVal(dSlice.getHoster()))) {
Action a;
Node dst = rp.getNode(s.getIntVal(dSlice.getHoster()));
// Migration
if (s.getIntVal(doReinstantiation) == 0) {
int st = s.getIntVal(getStart());
int ed = s.getIntVal(getEnd());
if (getBandwidth() != null) {
a = new MigrateVM(vm, src, dst, st, ed, s.getIntVal(getBandwidth()));
} else {
a = new MigrateVM(vm, src, dst, st, ed);
// Re-instantiation
} else {
VM newVM = rp.cloneVM(vm);
if (newVM == null) {
rp.getLogger().error("Unable to get a new int to plan the re-instantiate of VM {}", vm);
return false;
org.btrplace.plan.event.ForgeVM fvm = new org.btrplace.plan.event.ForgeVM(newVM, s.getIntVal(dSlice.getStart()) - dev.evaluate(rp.getSourceModel(), org.btrplace.plan.event.ForgeVM.class, vm), s.getIntVal(dSlice.getStart()));
// forge the new VM from a template
// Boot the new VM
int endForging = fvm.getEnd();
org.btrplace.plan.event.BootVM boot = new org.btrplace.plan.event.BootVM(newVM, dst, endForging, endForging + dev.evaluate(rp.getSourceModel(), org.btrplace.plan.event.BootVM.class, newVM));
boot.addEvent(Action.Hook.PRE, new SubstitutedVMEvent(vm, newVM));
return plan.add(boot) && plan.add(new org.btrplace.plan.event.ShutdownVM(vm, src, boot.getEnd(), s.getIntVal(cSlice.getEnd())));
return true;
use of org.btrplace.plan.event.MigrateVM in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class ModelCustomization method run.
public void run() {
Model model = makeModel();
List<SatConstraint> cstrs = makeConstraints(model);
// Set attributes for the VMs
Attributes attrs = model.getAttributes();
for (VM vm : model.getMapping().getAllVMs()) {
attrs.put(vm, "template", % 2 == 0 ? "small" : "large");
attrs.put(vm, "clone", true);
attrs.put(vm, "forge", % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 10);
// forge == 2 && template == small for vm0, vm2, vm4, vm6, vm8
// forge == 10 && template == large for vm1, vm3, vm5, vm7, vm9
// Change the duration evaluator for MigrateVM action
ChocoScheduler cra = new DefaultChocoScheduler();
DurationEvaluators dev = cra.getDurationEvaluators();
dev.register(MigrateVM.class, new LinearToAResourceActionDuration<VM>("mem", 2, 3));
dev.register(BootVM.class, new ConstantActionDuration<>(1));
dev.register(ShutdownVM.class, new ConstantActionDuration<>(1));
// Relocate VM4:
// using a migration: (2 * mem + 3) = (2 * 2 + 3) = 7 sec.
// using a re-instantiation: forge + boot + shutdown = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 sec.
// Relocate VM5:
// using a migration: (2 * mem + 3) = (2 * 3 + 3) = 9 sec.
// using a re-instantiation: forge + boot + shutdown = 10 + 1 + 1 = 12 sec.
ReconfigurationPlan plan = cra.solve(model, cstrs);
use of org.btrplace.plan.event.MigrateVM in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class ReconfigurationPlanConverterTest method testConversion.
public void testConversion() throws JSONConverterException {
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
VM vm1 = mo.newVM();
VM vm2 = mo.newVM();
VM vm3 = mo.newVM();
VM vm4 = mo.newVM();
VM vm5 = mo.newVM();
Node n1 = mo.newNode();
Node n2 = mo.newNode();
Node n3 = mo.newNode();
Mapping map = mo.getMapping();
map.addRunningVM(vm2, n1);
map.addRunningVM(vm3, n1);
map.addSleepingVM(vm4, n3);
map.addRunningVM(vm5, n3);
ReconfigurationPlan plan = new DefaultReconfigurationPlan(mo);
plan.add(new MigrateVM(vm2, n1, n3, 0, 1));
plan.add(new BootVM(vm1, n3, 1, 2));
plan.add(new BootNode(n2, 2, 5));
plan.add(new Allocate(vm1, n3, "foo", 5, 3, 5));
ReconfigurationPlanConverter rcp = new ReconfigurationPlanConverter();
String j = rcp.toJSONString(plan);
ReconfigurationPlan p2 = rcp.fromJSON(j);
Assert.assertEquals(p2, plan);
use of org.btrplace.plan.event.MigrateVM in project scheduler by btrplace.
the class CFenceTest method testBasic.
public void testBasic() throws SchedulerException {
Model mo = new DefaultModel();
VM vm1 = mo.newVM();
VM vm2 = mo.newVM();
VM vm3 = mo.newVM();
VM vm4 = mo.newVM();
Node n1 = mo.newNode();
Node n2 = mo.newNode();
Node n3 = mo.newNode();
Mapping map = mo.getMapping().on(n1, n2, n3).run(n1, vm1, vm4).run(n2, vm2).run(n3, vm3);
Set<Node> on = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(n1, n3));
Fence f = new Fence(vm2, on);
ChocoScheduler cra = new DefaultChocoScheduler();
List<SatConstraint> cstrs = new ArrayList<>();
ReconfigurationPlan p = cra.solve(mo, cstrs);
Assert.assertTrue(p.getSize() > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(p.iterator().next() instanceof MigrateVM);
// Assert.assertEquals(SatConstraint.Sat.SATISFIED, f.isSatisfied(p.getResult()));
cstrs.add(new Ready(vm2));
p = cra.solve(mo, cstrs);
// Just the suspend of vm2
Assert.assertEquals(1, p.getSize());
// Assert.assertEquals(SatConstraint.Sat.SATISFIED, f.isSatisfied(p.getResult()));