Search in sources :

Example 1 with HorseInventory

use of org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class dInventory method getEquipment.

public dList getEquipment() {
    ItemStack[] equipment = null;
    if (inventory instanceof PlayerInventory) {
        equipment = ((PlayerInventory) inventory).getArmorContents();
    } else if (inventory instanceof HorseInventory) {
        equipment = new ItemStack[] { ((HorseInventory) inventory).getSaddle(), ((HorseInventory) inventory).getArmor() };
    if (equipment == null) {
        return null;
    dList equipmentList = new dList();
    for (ItemStack item : equipment) {
        equipmentList.add(new dItem(item).identify());
    return equipmentList;
Also used : PlayerInventory(org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory) HorseInventory(org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)

Example 2 with HorseInventory

use of org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class dInventory method getAttribute.

//  Attributes
public String getAttribute(Attribute attribute) {
    if (attribute == null) {
        return null;
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("empty_slots")) {
        int full = new dInventory(inventory).count(null, true);
        return new Element(inventory.getSize() - full).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("can_fit") && attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
        dItem item = dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1));
        if (item == null) {
            return null;
        int attribs = 1;
        int qty = 1;
        InventoryType type = inventory.getType();
        dInventory dummyInv = new dInventory(Bukkit.createInventory(null, type == InventoryType.PLAYER ? InventoryType.CHEST : type, inventory.getTitle()));
        ItemStack[] contents = getStorageContents();
        if (dummyInv.getInventoryType() == InventoryType.CHEST) {
        if (contents.length != dummyInv.getSize()) {
            contents = Arrays.copyOf(contents, dummyInv.getSize());
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(2) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(2))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(2);
            attribs = 2;
        List<ItemStack> leftovers = dummyInv.addWithLeftovers(0, true, item.getItemStack());
        return new Element(leftovers.isEmpty()).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("include") && attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
        dItem item = dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1));
        if (item == null) {
            return null;
        int attribs = 1;
        int qty = 1;
        dInventory dummyInv = new dInventory(Bukkit.createInventory(null, inventory.getType(), inventory.getTitle()));
        if (inventory.getType() == InventoryType.CHEST) {
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(2) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(2))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(2);
            attribs = 2;
        dummyInv.add(0, item.getItemStack());
        return dummyInv.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("is_empty")) {
        boolean empty = true;
        for (ItemStack item : getStorageContents()) {
            if (item != null && item.getType() != Material.AIR) {
                empty = false;
        return new Element(empty).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("is_full")) {
        boolean full = true;
        for (ItemStack item : getStorageContents()) {
            if ((item == null) || (item.getType() == Material.AIR) || (item.getAmount() < item.getMaxStackSize())) {
                full = false;
        return new Element(full).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("contains.display") && attribute.hasContext(2)) {
        String search_string = attribute.getContext(2);
        boolean strict = false;
        if (CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(search_string).startsWith("strict:") && search_string.length() > 7) {
            strict = true;
            search_string = search_string.substring(7);
        if (search_string.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        int qty = 1;
        int attribs = 2;
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(3) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(3))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(3);
            attribs = 3;
        int found_items = 0;
        if (strict) {
            for (ItemStack item : getContents()) {
                if (item != null && item.getType() == Material.WRITTEN_BOOK && ((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase(search_string)) {
                    found_items += item.getAmount();
                    if (found_items >= qty) {
                } else if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(search_string)) {
                    found_items += item.getAmount();
                    if (found_items >= qty) {
        } else {
            for (ItemStack item : getContents()) {
                if (item != null && item.getType() == Material.WRITTEN_BOOK && CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getTitle()).contains(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(search_string))) {
                    found_items += item.getAmount();
                    if (found_items >= qty) {
                } else if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()).contains(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(search_string))) {
                    found_items += item.getAmount();
                    if (found_items >= qty) {
        return new Element(found_items >= qty).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("contains.lore") && attribute.hasContext(2)) {
        String search_string = attribute.getContext(2);
        boolean strict = false;
        if (CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(search_string).startsWith("strict:")) {
            strict = true;
            search_string = search_string.substring(7);
        if (search_string.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        dList lore = dList.valueOf(search_string);
        int qty = 1;
        int attribs = 2;
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(3) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(3))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(3);
            attribs = 3;
        int found_items = 0;
        if (strict) {
            strict_items: for (ItemStack item : getContents()) {
                if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasLore()) {
                    List<String> item_lore = item.getItemMeta().getLore();
                    if (lore.size() != item_lore.size()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < item_lore.size(); i++) {
                        if (lore.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase(item_lore.get(i))) {
                            if (i == lore.size()) {
                                found_items += item.getAmount();
                                if (found_items >= qty) {
                                    break strict_items;
                        } else {
                            continue strict_items;
        } else {
            for (ItemStack item : getContents()) {
                if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta().hasLore()) {
                    List<String> item_lore = item.getItemMeta().getLore();
                    int loreCount = 0;
                    lines: for (String line : lore) {
                        for (String item_line : item_lore) {
                            if (CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(item_line).contains(CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(line))) {
                                continue lines;
                    if (loreCount == lore.size()) {
                        found_items += item.getAmount();
                        if (found_items >= qty) {
        return new Element(found_items >= qty).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("contains.material") && attribute.hasContext(2) && dMaterial.matches(attribute.getContext(2))) {
        dMaterial material = dMaterial.valueOf(attribute.getContext(2));
        int qty = 1;
        int attribs = 2;
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(3).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(3) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(3))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(3);
            attribs = 3;
        int found_items = 0;
        for (ItemStack item : getContents()) {
            if (item != null && item.getType() == material.getMaterial()) {
                found_items += item.getAmount();
                if (found_items >= qty) {
        return new Element(found_items >= qty).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("contains_any") && attribute.hasContext(1)) {
        dList list = dList.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1));
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        int qty = 1;
        int attribs = 1;
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(2) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(2))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(2);
            attribs = 2;
        List<dItem> contains = list.filter(dItem.class, attribute.getScriptEntry());
        if (!contains.isEmpty()) {
            for (dItem item : contains) {
                if (containsItem(item, qty)) {
                    return Element.TRUE.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
        return Element.FALSE.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("contains") && attribute.hasContext(1)) {
        dList list = dList.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1));
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        int qty = 1;
        int attribs = 1;
        // -->
        if ((attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("quantity") || attribute.getAttribute(2).startsWith("qty")) && attribute.hasContext(2) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(2))) {
            qty = attribute.getIntContext(2);
            attribs = 2;
        // TODO: Fix logic
        List<dItem> contains = list.filter(dItem.class, attribute.getScriptEntry());
        if (!contains.isEmpty()) {
            for (dItem item : contains) {
                if (containsItem(item, qty)) {
                    return Element.TRUE.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
        return Element.FALSE.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(attribs));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("first_empty")) {
        return new Element(firstEmpty(0)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("find.material") && attribute.hasContext(2) && dMaterial.matches(attribute.getContext(2))) {
        dMaterial material = dMaterial.valueOf(attribute.getContext(2));
        if (material == null) {
            return null;
        int slot = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
            if (inventory.getItem(i) != null && inventory.getItem(i).getType() == material.getMaterial()) {
                slot = i + 1;
        return new Element(slot).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(2));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("find_imperfect") && attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
        dItem item = dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1), attribute.getScriptEntry() != null ? ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer() : null, attribute.getScriptEntry() != null ? ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getNPC() : null);
        int slot = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
            if (inventory.getItem(i) != null) {
                dItem compare_to = new dItem(inventory.getItem(i).clone());
                if (item.identify().equalsIgnoreCase(compare_to.identify())) {
                    slot = i + 1;
        return new Element(slot).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("find") && attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
        dItem item = dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1), attribute.getScriptEntry() != null ? ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer() : null, attribute.getScriptEntry() != null ? ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getNPC() : null);
        int slot = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
            if (inventory.getItem(i) != null) {
                dItem compare_to = new dItem(inventory.getItem(i).clone());
                if (item.getFullString().equalsIgnoreCase(compare_to.getFullString())) {
                    slot = i + 1;
        return new Element(slot).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("id_type")) {
        return new Element(idType).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("notable_name")) {
        String notname = NotableManager.getSavedId(this);
        if (notname == null) {
            return null;
        return new Element(notname).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("location")) {
        dLocation location = getLocation();
        if (location == null) {
            return null;
        return location.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("quantity") || attribute.startsWith("qty")) {
        if (attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
            return new Element(count(dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1), ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer(), ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getNPC()).getItemStack(), false)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
        } else {
            return new Element(count(null, false)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("stacks")) {
        if (attribute.hasContext(1) && dItem.matches(attribute.getContext(1))) {
            return new Element(count(dItem.valueOf(attribute.getContext(1), ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getPlayer(), ((BukkitScriptEntryData) attribute.getScriptEntry().entryData).getNPC()).getItemStack(), true)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
        } else {
            return new Element(count(null, true)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("slot") && attribute.hasContext(1) && aH.matchesInteger(attribute.getContext(1))) {
        int slot = new Element(attribute.getContext(1)).asInt() - 1;
        if (slot < 0) {
            slot = 0;
        } else if (slot > getInventory().getSize() - 1) {
            slot = getInventory().getSize() - 1;
        return new dItem(getInventory().getItem(slot)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("inventory_type")) {
        return new Element(inventory instanceof HorseInventory ? "HORSE" : getInventory().getType().name()).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("equipment")) {
        dList equipment = getEquipment();
        if (equipment == null) {
            return null;
        return equipment.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    if (inventory instanceof CraftingInventory) {
        CraftingInventory craftingInventory = (CraftingInventory) inventory;
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("matrix")) {
            dList recipeList = new dList();
            for (ItemStack item : craftingInventory.getMatrix()) {
                if (item != null) {
                    recipeList.add(new dItem(item).identify());
                } else {
                    recipeList.add(new dItem(Material.AIR).identify());
            return recipeList.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("result")) {
            ItemStack result = craftingInventory.getResult();
            if (result == null) {
                return null;
            return new dItem(result).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // -->
    if (attribute.startsWith("type")) {
        return new Element("Inventory").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
    // Iterate through this object's properties' attributes
    for (Property property : PropertyParser.getProperties(this)) {
        String returned = property.getAttribute(attribute);
        if (returned != null) {
            return returned;
    return new Element(identify()).getAttribute(attribute);
Also used : CraftingInventory(org.bukkit.inventory.CraftingInventory) InventoryType(org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType) BukkitScriptEntryData(net.aufdemrand.denizen.BukkitScriptEntryData) HorseInventory(org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) BookMeta(org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta) Property(

Example 3 with HorseInventory

use of org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class EntityAction method setEntity.

     * @param entity
     * @param dyeUsed
public void setEntity(Entity entity, String dyeUsed) {
    // Build an object for the specific details of this action
    actionData = new EntityActionData();
    if (entity != null && entity.getType() != null && entity.getType().name() != null) {
        this.actionData.entity_name = entity.getType().name().toLowerCase();
        this.world_name = entity.getWorld().getName();
        this.x = entity.getLocation().getBlockX();
        this.y = entity.getLocation().getBlockY();
        this.z = entity.getLocation().getBlockZ();
        // Get custom name
        if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
            this.actionData.custom_name = ((LivingEntity) entity).getCustomName();
        // Get animal age
        if (entity instanceof Ageable && !(entity instanceof Monster)) {
            final Ageable a = (Ageable) entity;
            this.actionData.isAdult = a.isAdult();
        } else {
            this.actionData.isAdult = true;
        // Get current sheep color
        if (entity instanceof Sheep) {
            final Sheep sheep = ((Sheep) entity);
            this.actionData.color = sheep.getColor().name().toLowerCase();
        // Get color it will become
        if (dyeUsed != null) {
            this.actionData.newColor = dyeUsed;
        // Get villager type
        if (entity instanceof Villager) {
            final Villager v = (Villager) entity;
            if (v.getProfession() != null) {
                this.actionData.profession = v.getProfession().toString().toLowerCase();
        // Wolf details
        if (entity instanceof Wolf) {
            final Wolf wolf = (Wolf) entity;
            // Owner
            if (wolf.isTamed()) {
                if (wolf.getOwner() instanceof Player) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = wolf.getOwner().getName();
                if (wolf.getOwner() instanceof OfflinePlayer) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = wolf.getOwner().getName();
            // Collar color
            this.actionData.color = wolf.getCollarColor().name().toLowerCase();
            // Sitting
            if (wolf.isSitting()) {
                this.actionData.sitting = true;
        // Ocelot details
        if (entity instanceof Ocelot) {
            final Ocelot ocelot = (Ocelot) entity;
            // Owner
            if (ocelot.isTamed()) {
                if (ocelot.getOwner() instanceof Player) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = ocelot.getOwner().getName();
                if (ocelot.getOwner() instanceof OfflinePlayer) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = ocelot.getOwner().getName();
            // Cat type
            this.actionData.var = ocelot.getCatType().toString().toLowerCase();
            // Sitting
            if (ocelot.isSitting()) {
                this.actionData.sitting = true;
        // Horse details
        if (entity instanceof Horse) {
            final Horse h = (Horse) entity;
            this.actionData.var = h.getVariant().toString();
            this.actionData.hColor = h.getColor().toString();
   = h.getStyle().toString();
            this.actionData.chest = h.isCarryingChest();
            this.actionData.dom = h.getDomestication();
            this.actionData.maxDom = h.getMaxDomestication();
            this.actionData.jump = h.getJumpStrength();
            this.actionData.maxHealth = h.getMaxHealth();
            final HorseInventory hi = h.getInventory();
            if (hi.getSaddle() != null) {
                this.actionData.saddle = "" + hi.getSaddle().getTypeId();
            if (hi.getArmor() != null) {
                this.actionData.armor = "" + hi.getArmor().getTypeId();
            // Owner
            if (h.isTamed()) {
                if (h.getOwner() instanceof Player) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = h.getOwner().getName();
                if (h.getOwner() instanceof OfflinePlayer) {
                    this.actionData.taming_owner = h.getOwner().getName();
Also used : OfflinePlayer(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer) OfflinePlayer(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer) HorseInventory(org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory)


HorseInventory (org.bukkit.inventory.HorseInventory)3 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)2 BukkitScriptEntryData (net.aufdemrand.denizen.BukkitScriptEntryData)1 Property ( OfflinePlayer (org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)1 InventoryType (org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType)1 CraftingInventory (org.bukkit.inventory.CraftingInventory)1 PlayerInventory (org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory)1 BookMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BookMeta)1