use of org.bukkit.inventory.MerchantRecipe in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.
the class VillagerStore method save.
public void save(GlowVillager entity, CompoundTag tag) {, tag);
if (entity.getProfession() != null) {
tag.putInt("Profession", entity.getProfession().ordinal());
tag.putInt("Riches", entity.getRiches());
tag.putBool("Willing", entity.isWilling());
tag.putInt("CareerLevel", entity.getCareerLevel());
// Recipes
CompoundTag offers = new CompoundTag();
List<CompoundTag> recipesList = new ArrayList<>();
for (MerchantRecipe recipe : entity.getRecipes()) {
CompoundTag recipeTag = new CompoundTag();
recipeTag.putBool("rewardExp", recipe.hasExperienceReward());
recipeTag.putInt("uses", recipe.getUses());
recipeTag.putInt("maxUses", recipe.getMaxUses());
recipeTag.putCompound("sell", NbtSerialization.writeItem(recipe.getResult(), 0));
recipeTag.putCompound("buy", NbtSerialization.writeItem(recipe.getIngredients().get(0), 0));
if (recipe.getIngredients().size() > 1) {
recipeTag.putCompound("buyB", NbtSerialization.writeItem(recipe.getIngredients().get(1), 0));
offers.putCompoundList("Recipes", recipesList);
tag.putCompound("Offers", offers);
// TODO: remaining data
use of org.bukkit.inventory.MerchantRecipe in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class TradeTag method duplicate.
public TradeTag duplicate() {
MerchantRecipe result = new MerchantRecipe(recipe.getResult(), recipe.getUses(), recipe.getMaxUses(), recipe.hasExperienceReward(), recipe.getVillagerExperience(), recipe.getPriceMultiplier());
return new TradeTag(result);
use of org.bukkit.inventory.MerchantRecipe in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.
the class GlowVillager method sendRecipes.
private void sendRecipes(GlowMerchantInventory inventory, GlowPlayer player) {
// TODO: Move this to a new 'GlowMerchant' class, to allow custom Merchant windows
int windowId = player.getOpenWindowId();
if (windowId == -1) {
ByteBuf payload = Unpooled.buffer();
for (MerchantRecipe recipe : {
if (recipe.getIngredients().isEmpty()) {
GlowBufUtils.writeSlot(payload, InventoryUtil.createEmptyStack());
} else {
GlowBufUtils.writeSlot(payload, recipe.getIngredients().get(0));
GlowBufUtils.writeSlot(payload, recipe.getResult());
boolean secondIngredient = recipe.getIngredients().size() > 1;
if (secondIngredient) {
GlowBufUtils.writeSlot(payload, recipe.getIngredients().get(1));
// todo: no isDisabled() in MerchantRecipe?
player.getSession().send(new PluginMessage("MC|TrList", payload.array()));
use of org.bukkit.inventory.MerchantRecipe in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.
the class VillagerStore method load.
public void load(GlowVillager entity, CompoundTag compound) {
super.load(entity, compound);
compound.tryGetInt("Career").map(GlowVillager::getProfessionById).ifPresent(career -> {
compound.readInt("Riches", entity::setRiches);
compound.readBoolean("Willing", entity::setWilling);
// Recipes
compound.readCompound("Offers", offers -> offers.readCompoundList("Recipes", recipesList -> {
// clear defaults
List<MerchantRecipe> recipes = new ArrayList<>(recipesList.size());
for (CompoundTag recipeTag : recipesList) {
recipeTag.readItem("sell", sell -> {
List<ItemStack> ingredients = new ArrayList<>(2);
recipeTag.readItem("buy", ingredients::add);
recipeTag.readItem("buyB", ingredients::add);
boolean experienceReward = recipeTag.getBoolean("rewardExp", false);
int uses = recipeTag.getInt("uses");
int maxUses = recipeTag.getInt("maxUses");
MerchantRecipe recipe = new MerchantRecipe(sell, uses, maxUses, experienceReward);
// TODO: remaining data
use of org.bukkit.inventory.MerchantRecipe in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class TradeTag method valueOf.
// <--[ObjectType]
// @name TradeTag
// @prefix trade
// @base ElementTag
// @implements PropertyHolderObject
// @format
// The identity format for trades is just the text 'trade'. All other data is specified through properties.
// @description
// Merchant trades are the parts of a special merchant inventory that is typically viewed by right clicking
// a villager entity. Any number of trades can fit in a single merchant inventory.
// Trades are represented by TradeTags.
// The properties that can be used to customize a merchant trade are:
// result=<item>
// inputs=<item>(|<item>)
// uses=<number of uses>
// max_uses=<maximum number of uses>
// has_xp=true/false
// For example, the following command opens a virtual merchant inventory with two merchant trades.
// The first trade offers a sponge for two emeralds, can be used up to 10 times,
// and offers XP upon a successful transaction.
// The second trade has zero maximum uses and displays a barrier.
// <code>
// - opentrades trade[max_uses=10;inputs=emerald[quantity=2];result=sponge]|trade[result=barrier]
// </code>
// -->
public static TradeTag valueOf(String string, TagContext context) {
if (string == null) {
return null;
if (ObjectFetcher.isObjectWithProperties(string)) {
return ObjectFetcher.getObjectFromWithProperties(TradeTag.class, string, context);
string = CoreUtilities.toLowerCase(string).replace("trade@", "");
if (string.toLowerCase().matches("trade")) {
MerchantRecipe recipe = new MerchantRecipe(new ItemStack(Material.AIR), 0);
recipe.setIngredients(Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(Material.AIR)));
return new TradeTag(recipe);
return null;