use of org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.MemberSetter in project javacpp by bytedeco.
the class Generator method methodInformation.
MethodInformation methodInformation(Method method) {
MethodInformation info = new MethodInformation();
info.cls = method.getDeclaringClass();
info.method = method;
info.annotations = method.getAnnotations();
info.modifiers = method.getModifiers();
info.returnType = method.getReturnType(); = method.getName();
Name name = method.getAnnotation(Name.class);
info.memberName = name != null ? name.value() : new String[] { };
Index index = method.getAnnotation(Index.class);
info.dim = index != null ? index.value() : 0;
info.parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
info.parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
info.returnRaw = method.isAnnotationPresent(Raw.class);
info.withEnv = info.returnRaw ? method.getAnnotation(Raw.class).withEnv() : false;
info.parameterRaw = new boolean[info.parameterAnnotations.length];
for (int i = 0; i < info.parameterAnnotations.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterAnnotations[i].length; j++) {
if (info.parameterAnnotations[i][j] instanceof Raw) {
info.parameterRaw[i] = true;
info.withEnv |= ((Raw) info.parameterAnnotations[i][j]).withEnv();
boolean canBeGetter = info.returnType != void.class || (info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive());
boolean canBeSetter = (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && info.parameterTypes.length > 0;
boolean canBeAllocator = !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.returnType == void.class;
boolean canBeArrayAllocator = canBeAllocator && info.parameterTypes.length == 1 && (info.parameterTypes[0] == int.class || info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class);
boolean valueGetter = false;
boolean valueSetter = false;
boolean memberGetter = false;
boolean memberSetter = false;
boolean noReturnGetter = false;
Method pairedMethod = null;
for (Method method2 : info.cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
MethodInformation info2 = annotationCache.get(method2);
if (info2 == null) {
annotationCache.put(method2, info2 = new MethodInformation());
info2.modifiers = method2.getModifiers();
info2.returnType = method2.getReturnType(); = method2.getName();
info2.parameterTypes = method2.getParameterTypes();
info2.annotations = method2.getAnnotations();
info2.parameterAnnotations = method2.getParameterAnnotations();
int skipParameters = info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0;
int skipParameters2 = info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0;
if (method.equals(method2) || !Modifier.isNative(info2.modifiers)) {
boolean canBeValueGetter = false;
boolean canBeValueSetter = false;
boolean canBeMemberGetter = false;
boolean canBeMemberSetter = false;
if (canBeGetter && "get".equals( && "put".equals( {
canBeValueGetter = true;
} else if (canBeSetter && "put".equals( && "get".equals( {
canBeValueSetter = true;
} else if ( {
info.overloaded = true;
canBeMemberGetter = canBeGetter;
canBeMemberSetter = canBeSetter;
} else {
boolean sameIndexParameters = true;
for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && j < info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2; j++) {
if (info.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters] != info2.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters2]) {
sameIndexParameters = false;
if (!sameIndexParameters) {
boolean parameterAsReturn = canBeValueGetter && info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive();
boolean parameterAsReturn2 = canBeValueSetter && info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info2.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive();
if (canBeGetter && info2.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn ? 0 : 1) == info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && (parameterAsReturn ? info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info.returnType) == info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info2.returnType == void.class || info2.returnType == info.cls) && (info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info.annotations)))) {
pairedMethod = method2;
valueGetter = canBeValueGetter;
memberGetter = canBeMemberGetter;
noReturnGetter = parameterAsReturn;
} else if (canBeSetter && info.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn2 ? 0 : 1) == info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2 && (parameterAsReturn2 ? info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info2.returnType) == info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && (info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info2.annotations)))) {
pairedMethod = method2;
valueSetter = canBeValueSetter;
memberSetter = canBeMemberSetter;
if (memberGetter || memberSetter) {
for (int j = skipParameters; j < info.parameterTypes.length; j++) {
if (!method.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class) && (pairedMethod == null || !pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class)) && info.parameterTypes[j] != int.class && info.parameterTypes[j] != long.class) {
memberGetter = false;
if (j < info.parameterTypes.length - 1) {
memberSetter = false;
Annotation behavior = behavior(info.annotations);
if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof ValueGetter) {
info.valueGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
} else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof ValueSetter) {
info.valueSetter = true;
} else if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof MemberGetter) {
info.memberGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
} else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof MemberSetter) {
info.memberSetter = true;
} else if (canBeAllocator && behavior instanceof Allocator) {
info.allocator = true;
} else if (canBeArrayAllocator && behavior instanceof ArrayAllocator) {
info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true;
} else if (behavior == null) {
// try to guess the behavior of the method
if (info.returnType == void.class && "deallocate".equals( && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 2 && info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class && info.parameterTypes[1] == long.class) {
info.deallocator = true;
} else if (canBeAllocator && "allocate".equals( {
info.allocator = true;
} else if (canBeArrayAllocator && "allocateArray".equals( {
info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true;
} else if (info.returnType.isAssignableFrom(ByteBuffer.class) && "asDirectBuffer".equals( && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 0) {
info.bufferGetter = true;
} else if (valueGetter || (!memberGetter && canBeGetter && "get".equals( && index != null)) {
info.valueGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (valueSetter) {
info.valueSetter = true;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (memberGetter) {
info.memberGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (memberSetter) {
info.memberSetter = true;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (!(behavior instanceof Function)) {
logger.warn("Method \"" + method + "\" cannot behave like a \"" + behavior.annotationType().getSimpleName() + "\". No code will be generated.");
return null;
if (name == null && info.pairedMethod != null) {
name = info.pairedMethod.getAnnotation(Name.class);
if (name != null) {
info.memberName = name.value();
info.noOffset = info.cls.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class);
if (!info.noOffset && info.pairedMethod != null) {
info.noOffset = info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class);
if (info.parameterTypes.length == 0 || !info.parameterTypes[0].isArray()) {
if (info.valueGetter || info.memberGetter) {
info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length;
} else if (info.memberSetter || info.valueSetter) {
info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length - 1;
if ((info.valueGetter || info.valueSetter) && FunctionPointer.class.isAssignableFrom(info.cls) && info.cls.isAnnotationPresent(Namespace.class)) {
// a member pointer where the first argument is the object
Index index2 = pairedMethod != null ? pairedMethod.getAnnotation(Index.class) : null;
info.throwsException = null;
if (!noException(info.cls, method)) {
if ((by(info.annotations) instanceof ByVal && !noException(info.returnType, method)) || (index != null && index.function().length() > 0) || (index2 != null && index2.function().length() > 0) || !info.deallocator && !info.valueGetter && !info.valueSetter && !info.memberGetter && !info.memberSetter && !info.bufferGetter) {
Class<?>[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes();
info.throwsException = exceptions.length > 0 ? exceptions[0] : RuntimeException.class;
return info;
use of org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.MemberSetter in project bigbluebutton by bigbluebutton.
the class Generator method methodInformation.
MethodInformation methodInformation(Method method) {
MethodInformation info = new MethodInformation();
info.cls = method.getDeclaringClass();
info.method = method;
info.annotations = method.getAnnotations();
info.modifiers = method.getModifiers();
info.returnType = method.getReturnType(); = method.getName();
Name name = method.getAnnotation(Name.class);
info.memberName = name != null ? name.value() : new String[] { };
Index index = method.getAnnotation(Index.class);
info.dim = index != null ? index.value() : 0;
info.parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
info.parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
info.returnRaw = method.isAnnotationPresent(Raw.class);
info.withEnv = info.returnRaw ? method.getAnnotation(Raw.class).withEnv() : false;
info.parameterRaw = new boolean[info.parameterAnnotations.length];
for (int i = 0; i < info.parameterAnnotations.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterAnnotations[i].length; j++) {
if (info.parameterAnnotations[i][j] instanceof Raw) {
info.parameterRaw[i] = true;
info.withEnv |= ((Raw) info.parameterAnnotations[i][j]).withEnv();
boolean canBeGetter = info.returnType != void.class || (info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive());
boolean canBeSetter = (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && info.parameterTypes.length > 0;
boolean canBeAllocator = !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.returnType == void.class;
boolean canBeArrayAllocator = canBeAllocator && info.parameterTypes.length == 1 && (info.parameterTypes[0] == int.class || info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class);
boolean valueGetter = false;
boolean valueSetter = false;
boolean memberGetter = false;
boolean memberSetter = false;
boolean noReturnGetter = false;
Method pairedMethod = null;
for (Method method2 : info.cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
MethodInformation info2 = annotationCache.get(method2);
if (info2 == null) {
annotationCache.put(method2, info2 = new MethodInformation());
info2.modifiers = method2.getModifiers();
info2.returnType = method2.getReturnType(); = method2.getName();
info2.parameterTypes = method2.getParameterTypes();
info2.annotations = method2.getAnnotations();
info2.parameterAnnotations = method2.getParameterAnnotations();
int skipParameters = info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0;
int skipParameters2 = info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0] == Class.class ? 1 : 0;
if (method.equals(method2) || !Modifier.isNative(info2.modifiers)) {
boolean canBeValueGetter = false;
boolean canBeValueSetter = false;
boolean canBeMemberGetter = false;
boolean canBeMemberSetter = false;
if (canBeGetter && "get".equals( && "put".equals( {
canBeValueGetter = true;
} else if (canBeSetter && "put".equals( && "get".equals( {
canBeValueSetter = true;
} else if ( {
info.overloaded = true;
canBeMemberGetter = canBeGetter;
canBeMemberSetter = canBeSetter;
for (int j = skipParameters; j < info.parameterTypes.length; j++) {
if (info.parameterTypes[j] != int.class && info.parameterTypes[j] != long.class) {
canBeMemberGetter = false;
if (j < info.parameterTypes.length - 1) {
canBeMemberSetter = false;
} else {
boolean sameIndexParameters = true;
for (int j = 0; j < info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && j < info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2; j++) {
if (info.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters] != info2.parameterTypes[j + skipParameters2]) {
sameIndexParameters = false;
if (!sameIndexParameters) {
boolean parameterAsReturn = canBeValueGetter && info.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive();
boolean parameterAsReturn2 = canBeValueSetter && info2.parameterTypes.length > 0 && info2.parameterTypes[0].isArray() && info2.parameterTypes[0].getComponentType().isPrimitive();
if (canBeGetter && info2.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn ? 0 : 1) == info.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters && (parameterAsReturn ? info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info.returnType) == info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info2.returnType == void.class || info2.returnType == info.cls) && (info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info2.parameterAnnotations[info2.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info.annotations)))) {
pairedMethod = method2;
valueGetter = canBeValueGetter;
memberGetter = canBeMemberGetter;
noReturnGetter = parameterAsReturn;
} else if (canBeSetter && info.parameterTypes.length - (parameterAsReturn2 ? 0 : 1) == info2.parameterTypes.length - skipParameters2 && (parameterAsReturn2 ? info2.parameterTypes[info2.parameterTypes.length - 1] : info2.returnType) == info.parameterTypes[info.parameterTypes.length - 1] && (info.returnType == void.class || info.returnType == info.cls) && (info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1].length == 0 || (Arrays.equals(info.parameterAnnotations[info.parameterAnnotations.length - 1], info2.annotations)))) {
pairedMethod = method2;
valueSetter = canBeValueSetter;
memberSetter = canBeMemberSetter;
Annotation behavior = behavior(info.annotations);
if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof ValueGetter) {
info.valueGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
} else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof ValueSetter) {
info.valueSetter = true;
} else if (canBeGetter && behavior instanceof MemberGetter) {
info.memberGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
} else if (canBeSetter && behavior instanceof MemberSetter) {
info.memberSetter = true;
} else if (canBeAllocator && behavior instanceof Allocator) {
info.allocator = true;
} else if (canBeArrayAllocator && behavior instanceof ArrayAllocator) {
info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true;
} else if (behavior == null) {
// try to guess the behavior of the method
if (info.returnType == void.class && "deallocate".equals( && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 2 && info.parameterTypes[0] == long.class && info.parameterTypes[1] == long.class) {
info.deallocator = true;
} else if (canBeAllocator && "allocate".equals( {
info.allocator = true;
} else if (canBeArrayAllocator && "allocateArray".equals( {
info.allocator = info.arrayAllocator = true;
} else if (info.returnType.isAssignableFrom(ByteBuffer.class) && "asDirectBuffer".equals( && !Modifier.isStatic(info.modifiers) && info.parameterTypes.length == 0) {
info.bufferGetter = true;
} else if (valueGetter) {
info.valueGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (valueSetter) {
info.valueSetter = true;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (memberGetter) {
info.memberGetter = true;
info.noReturnGetter = noReturnGetter;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (memberSetter) {
info.memberSetter = true;
info.pairedMethod = pairedMethod;
} else if (!(behavior instanceof Function)) {
logger.warn("Method \"" + method + "\" cannot behave like a \"" + behavior.annotationType().getSimpleName() + "\". No code will be generated.");
return null;
if (name == null && info.pairedMethod != null) {
name = info.pairedMethod.getAnnotation(Name.class);
if (name != null) {
info.memberName = name.value();
info.noOffset = info.cls.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || method.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class);
if (!info.noOffset && info.pairedMethod != null) {
info.noOffset = info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(NoOffset.class) || info.pairedMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Index.class);
if (info.parameterTypes.length == 0 || !info.parameterTypes[0].isArray()) {
if (info.valueGetter || info.memberGetter) {
info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length;
} else if (info.memberSetter || info.valueSetter) {
info.dim = info.parameterTypes.length - 1;
info.throwsException = null;
if (!noException(info.cls, method)) {
if ((by(info.annotations) instanceof ByVal && !noException(info.returnType, method)) || !info.deallocator && !info.valueGetter && !info.valueSetter && !info.memberGetter && !info.memberSetter && !info.bufferGetter) {
Class<?>[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes();
info.throwsException = exceptions.length > 0 ? exceptions[0] : RuntimeException.class;
return info;