use of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobAcquisitionContext in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class BackoffJobAcquisitionStrategyTest method testAcquisitionAfterIdleWait.
public void testAcquisitionAfterIdleWait() {
// given a job acquisition strategy and a job acquisition context
// with no acquired jobs
JobAcquisitionContext context = new JobAcquisitionContext();
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(BASE_IDLE_WAIT_TIME, strategy.getWaitTime());
// when receiving a successful acquisition result
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0));
// then the idle wait time has been reset
Assert.assertEquals(0L, strategy.getWaitTime());
use of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobAcquisitionContext in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class BackoffJobAcquisitionStrategyTest method testWaitTimeOnFullRejection.
public void testWaitTimeOnFullRejection() {
// given a job acquisition strategy and a job acquisition context
// with acquired jobs all of which have been rejected for execution
JobAcquisitionContext context = new JobAcquisitionContext();
AcquiredJobs acquiredJobs = buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0);
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, acquiredJobs);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE; i++) {
context.submitRejectedBatch(ENGINE_NAME, acquiredJobs.getJobIdBatches().get(i));
// when reconfiguring the strategy
// then there is a slight wait time to avoid constant spinning while
// no execution resources are available
Assert.assertEquals(BackoffJobAcquisitionStrategy.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_SATURATION_WAIT_TIME, strategy.getWaitTime());
use of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobAcquisitionContext in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class BackoffJobAcquisitionStrategyTest method testAcquireLessJobsOnRejection.
public void testAcquireLessJobsOnRejection() {
// given a job acquisition strategy and a job acquisition context
// with acquired jobs, some of which have been rejected for execution
JobAcquisitionContext context = new JobAcquisitionContext();
AcquiredJobs acquiredJobs = buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0);
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, acquiredJobs);
// when half of the jobs are rejected
int numJobsRejected = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < numJobsRejected; i++) {
context.submitRejectedBatch(ENGINE_NAME, acquiredJobs.getJobIdBatches().get(i));
// then the strategy only attempts to acquire the number of jobs that were successfully submitted
Assert.assertEquals(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE - numJobsRejected, strategy.getNumJobsToAcquire(ENGINE_NAME));
// without a timeout
Assert.assertEquals(0, strategy.getWaitTime());
use of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobAcquisitionContext in project camunda-bpm-platform by camunda.
the class BackoffJobAcquisitionStrategyTest method testIdleWaitTime.
public void testIdleWaitTime() {
// given a job acquisition strategy and a job acquisition context
// with no acquired jobs
JobAcquisitionContext context = new JobAcquisitionContext();
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0, 0));
// when reconfiguring the strategy
// then the job acquisition strategy returns the level 1 idle time
Assert.assertEquals(BASE_IDLE_WAIT_TIME, strategy.getWaitTime());
// when resubmitting the same acquisition result
for (int idleLevel = 1; idleLevel < 6; idleLevel++) {
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0, 0));
Assert.assertEquals((long) (BASE_IDLE_WAIT_TIME * Math.pow(IDLE_INCREASE_FACTOR, idleLevel)), strategy.getWaitTime());
// and the maximum idle level is finally reached
context.submitAcquiredJobs(ENGINE_NAME, buildAcquiredJobs(NUM_JOBS_TO_ACQUIRE, 0, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(MAX_IDLE_TIME, strategy.getWaitTime());