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Example 1 with NamedDirectedSubgraph

use of org.candle.decompiler.instruction.graph.vertex.NamedDirectedSubgraph in project candle-decompiler by bradsdavis.

the class DOTSubgraphExporter method export.

//~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Exports a graph into a plain text file in DOT format.
     * @param writer the writer to which the graph to be exported
     * @param g the graph to be exported
public void export(Writer writer, Subgraph<V, E, ?> g) {
    String name = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    if (g instanceof NamedDirectedSubgraph) {
        name = ((NamedDirectedSubgraph) g).getName();
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(writer);
    String indent = "  ";
    String connector;
    if (g instanceof DirectedGraph<?, ?>) {
        out.println("subgraph cluster_" + name + " {");
        connector = " -> ";
    } else {
        out.println("subgraph cluster_" + name + " {");
        connector = " -- ";
    for (V v : g.vertexSet()) {
        out.print(indent + getVertexID(v));
        String labelName = null;
        if (vertexLabelProvider != null) {
            labelName = vertexLabelProvider.getVertexName(v);
        Map<String, String> attributes = null;
        if (vertexAttributeProvider != null) {
            attributes = vertexAttributeProvider.getComponentAttributes(v);
        renderAttributes(out, labelName, attributes);
    out.println("label=\"" + name + "\";");
Also used : DirectedGraph(org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph) NamedDirectedSubgraph(org.candle.decompiler.instruction.graph.vertex.NamedDirectedSubgraph) PrintWriter(


PrintWriter ( NamedDirectedSubgraph (org.candle.decompiler.instruction.graph.vertex.NamedDirectedSubgraph)1 DirectedGraph (org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph)1