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Example 1 with Traceable

use of org.candlepin.util.Traceable in project candlepin by candlepin.

the class CandlepinPoolManager method refreshPoolsWithRegeneration.

     * We need to update/regen entitlements in the same transaction we update pools
     * so we don't miss anything
void refreshPoolsWithRegeneration(SubscriptionServiceAdapter subAdapter, @TraceableParam("owner") Owner owner, boolean lazy) {
    Date now = new Date();
    owner = this.resolveOwner(owner);"Refreshing pools for owner: {}", owner);
    Map<String, Subscription> subscriptionMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, ProductData> productMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, ContentData> contentMap = new HashMap<>();
    // Resolve all our subscriptions, products and content to ensure we don't have bad or
    // duplicate inbound data
    log.debug("Fetching subscriptions from adapter...");
    List<Subscription> subscriptions = subAdapter.getSubscriptions(owner);
    log.debug("Done. Processing subscriptions...");
    for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) {
        if (subscription == null) {
        if (subscription.getId() == null) {
            log.error("subscription does not contain a mappable ID: {}", subscription);
            throw new IllegalStateException("subscription does not contain a mappable ID: " + subscription);
        Subscription existingSub = subscriptionMap.get(subscription.getId());
        if (existingSub != null && !existingSub.equals(subscription)) {
            log.warn("Multiple versions of the same subscription received during refresh; " + "discarding duplicate: {} => {}, {}", subscription.getId(), existingSub, subscription);
        subscriptionMap.put(subscription.getId(), subscription);
        List<ProductData> products = new LinkedList<>();
        for (ProductData product : products) {
            if (product == null) {
                // forward.
            if (product.getId() == null) {
                log.error("product does not contain a mappable Red Hat ID: {}", product);
                throw new IllegalStateException("product does not contain a mappable Red Hat ID: " + product);
            // Product is coming from an upstream source; lock it so only upstream can make
            // further changes to it.
            ProductData existingProduct = productMap.get(product.getId());
            if (existingProduct != null && !existingProduct.equals(product)) {
                log.warn("Multiple versions of the same product received during refresh; " + "discarding duplicate: {} => {}, {}", product.getId(), existingProduct, product);
            } else {
                productMap.put(product.getId(), product);
                Collection<ProductContentData> pcdCollection = product.getProductContent();
                if (pcdCollection != null) {
                    for (ProductContentData pcd : pcdCollection) {
                        if (pcd == null) {
                            log.error("product contains a null product-content mapping: {}", product);
                            throw new IllegalStateException("product contains a null product-content mapping: " + product);
                        ContentData content = pcd.getContent();
                        // population validation for us.
                        if (content == null || content.getId() == null) {
                            log.error("product contains a null or incomplete product-content mapping: {}", product);
                            throw new IllegalStateException("product contains a null or incomplete " + "product-content mapping: " + product);
                        // We need to lock the incoming content here, but doing so will affect
                        // the equality comparison for products. We'll correct them later.
                        ContentData existingContent = contentMap.get(content.getId());
                        if (existingContent != null && !existingContent.equals(content)) {
                            log.warn("Multiple versions of the same content received during refresh; " + "discarding duplicate: {} => {}, {}", content.getId(), existingContent, content);
                        } else {
                            contentMap.put(content.getId(), content);
    // Persist content changes
    log.debug("Importing {} content...", contentMap.size());
    // TODO: Find a more efficient way of doing this, preferably within this method
    for (ContentData cdata : contentMap.values()) {
    Map<String, Content> importedContent = this.contentManager.importContent(owner, contentMap, productMap.keySet()).getImportedEntities();
    log.debug("Importing {} product(s)...", productMap.size());
    ImportResult<Product> importResult = this.productManager.importProducts(owner, productMap, importedContent);
    Map<String, Product> importedProducts = importResult.getImportedEntities();
    Map<String, Product> updatedProducts = importResult.getUpdatedEntities();
    log.debug("Refreshing {} pool(s)...", subscriptionMap.size());
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Subscription>> subsIterator = subscriptionMap.entrySet().iterator();
    while (subsIterator.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<String, Subscription> entry =;
        Subscription sub = entry.getValue();
        if (now.after(sub.getEndDate())) {
  "Skipping expired subscription: {}", sub);
        log.debug("Processing subscription: {}", sub);
        Pool pool = this.convertToMasterPoolImpl(sub, owner, importedProducts);
        this.refreshPoolsForMasterPool(pool, false, lazy, updatedProducts);
    // delete pools whose subscription disappeared:
    log.debug("Deleting pools for absent subscriptions...");
    List<Pool> poolsToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Pool pool : poolCurator.getPoolsFromBadSubs(owner, subscriptionMap.keySet())) {
        if (this.isManaged(pool)) {
    // TODO: break this call into smaller pieces. There may be lots of floating pools
    log.debug("Updating floating pools...");
    List<Pool> floatingPools = poolCurator.getOwnersFloatingPools(owner);
    updateFloatingPools(floatingPools, lazy, updatedProducts);"Refresh pools for owner: {} completed in: {}ms", owner.getKey(), System.currentTimeMillis() - now.getTime());
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Product(org.candlepin.model.Product) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) ProductContentData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductContentData) ContentData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ContentData) Pool(org.candlepin.model.Pool) SourceSubscription(org.candlepin.model.SourceSubscription) Subscription(org.candlepin.model.dto.Subscription) ProductContentData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductContentData) ProductData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductData) Date(java.util.Date) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Content(org.candlepin.model.Content) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Traceable(org.candlepin.util.Traceable) Transactional(

Example 2 with Traceable

use of org.candlepin.util.Traceable in project candlepin by candlepin.

the class CandlepinPoolManager method revokeEntitlements.

 * Revokes the given set of entitlements.
 * @param entsToRevoke entitlements to revoke
 * @param alreadyDeletedPools pools to skip deletion as they have already been deleted
 * @param regenCertsAndStatuses if this revocation should also trigger regeneration of certificates
 * and recomputation of statuses. For performance reasons some callers might
 * choose to set this to false.
public void revokeEntitlements(List<Entitlement> entsToRevoke, Set<String> alreadyDeletedPools, boolean regenCertsAndStatuses) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(entsToRevoke)) {
    log.debug("Starting batch revoke of {} entitlements", entsToRevoke.size());
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Entitlements IDs: {}", getEntIds(entsToRevoke));
    Set<Pool> poolsToDelete = this.poolCurator.listBySourceEntitlements(entsToRevoke);
    log.debug("Found {} additional pools to delete from source entitlements", poolsToDelete.size());
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Additional pool IDs: {}", getPoolIds(poolsToDelete));
    List<Pool> poolsToLock = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Entitlement ent : entsToRevoke) {
        // associated pool as well.
        if (ent.getPool() != null && ent.getPool().isDevelopmentPool()) {
    poolCurator.lockAndLoad(poolsToLock);"Batch revoking {} entitlements", entsToRevoke.size());
    entsToRevoke = new ArrayList<>(entsToRevoke);
    for (Pool pool : poolsToDelete) {
        for (Entitlement ent : pool.getEntitlements()) {
    log.debug("Adjusting consumed quantities on pools");
    List<Pool> poolsToSave = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<String> entIdsToRevoke = new HashSet<>();
    for (Entitlement ent : entsToRevoke) {
        // or just continue silently ignoring them?
        if (ent == null || ent.getId() == null) {
        // Collect the entitlement IDs to revoke seeing as we are iterating over them anyway.
        // We need to trigger lazy load of provided products
        // to have access to those products later in this method.
        Pool pool = ent.getPool();
        int entQuantity = ent.getQuantity() != null ? ent.getQuantity() : 0;
        pool.setConsumed(pool.getConsumed() - entQuantity);
        Consumer consumer = ent.getConsumer();
        ConsumerType ctype = this.consumerTypeCurator.getConsumerType(consumer);
        if (ctype != null) {
            if (ctype.isManifest()) {
                pool.setExported(pool.getExported() - entQuantity);
            } else if (ctype.isType(ConsumerTypeEnum.SHARE)) {
                pool.setShared(pool.getShared() - entQuantity);
        consumer.setEntitlementCount(consumer.getEntitlementCount() - entQuantity);
    poolCurator.updateAll(poolsToSave, false, false);
         * Before deleting the entitlements, we need to find out if there are any
         * modifier entitlements that need to have their certificates regenerated
    if (regenCertsAndStatuses) {
        log.debug("Marking dependent entitlements as dirty...");
        int update = this.entitlementCurator.markDependentEntitlementsDirty(entIdsToRevoke);
        log.debug("{} dependent entitlements marked dirty.", update);
    }"Starting batch delete of pools");
    poolCurator.batchDelete(poolsToDelete, alreadyDeletedPools);"Starting batch delete of entitlements");
    entitlementCurator.batchDelete(entsToRevoke);"Starting delete flush");
    entitlementCurator.flush();"All deletes flushed successfully");
    Map<Consumer, List<Entitlement>> consumerSortedEntitlements = entitlementCurator.getDistinctConsumers(entsToRevoke);
    filterAndUpdateStackingEntitlements(consumerSortedEntitlements, alreadyDeletedPools);
    // post unbind actions
    for (Entitlement ent : entsToRevoke) {
        enforcer.postUnbind(ent.getConsumer(), this, ent);
    if (!regenCertsAndStatuses) {"Regeneration and status computation was not requested finishing batch revoke");
    }"Recomputing status for {} consumers.", consumerSortedEntitlements.size());
    int i = 1;
    for (Consumer consumer : consumerSortedEntitlements.keySet()) {
        if (i++ % 1000 == 0) {
    consumerCurator.flush();"All statuses recomputed.");
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Consumer(org.candlepin.model.Consumer) Pool(org.candlepin.model.Pool) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Entitlement(org.candlepin.model.Entitlement) ConsumerType(org.candlepin.model.ConsumerType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Traceable(org.candlepin.util.Traceable) Transactional(

Example 3 with Traceable

use of org.candlepin.util.Traceable in project candlepin by candlepin.

the class CandlepinPoolManager method deletePools.

public void deletePools(Collection<Pool> pools, Collection<String> alreadyDeletedPoolIds) {
    if (pools == null || pools.isEmpty()) {
    }"Attempting to delete {} pools...", pools.size());
    // than they need to be and is resulting in running slow calculations multiple times.
    if (alreadyDeletedPoolIds == null) {
        alreadyDeletedPoolIds = new HashSet<>();
    Set<String> poolIds = new HashSet<>();
    Set<String> entitlementIds = new HashSet<>();
    Owner owner = null;
    // Convert pools to pool IDs."Fetching related pools and entitlements...");
    for (Pool pool : pools) {
        if (owner == null) {
            owner = pool.getOwner();
    // Fetch pools which are derived from the pools we're going to delete...
    // Fetch related pools and entitlements (recursively)
    Collection<String> pids = poolIds;
    int cachedSize;
    do {
        // Fetch entitlement IDs for our set of pools
        Collection<String> eids = this.poolCurator.getEntitlementIdsForPools(pids);
        // Fetch pools which are derived from these entitlements...
        pids = this.poolCurator.getPoolIdsForSourceEntitlements(eids);
        // Fetch stack derived pools which will be unentitled when we revoke entitlements
        // Impl note: This may occassionally miss stack derived pools in cases where our
        // entitlement count exceeds the IN block limitations. In those cases, we'll end
        // up doing a recursive call into this method, which sucks, but will still work.
        // Fetch pools which are derived from the pools we're going to delete...
        // Add the new entitlement and pool IDs to our list of things to delete
        cachedSize = poolIds.size();
    } while (poolIds.size() != cachedSize);
    // TODO: Remove this and stop recursively calling into this method.
    if (alreadyDeletedPoolIds != null) {
    // Lock pools we're going to delete (also, fetch them for event generation/slow deletes)
    pools = this.poolCurator.lockAndLoadByIds(poolIds);
    if (!pools.isEmpty()) {"Locked {} pools for deletion...", pools.size());
        // Impl note:
        // There is a fair bit of duplicated work between the actions below this block and
        // methods like revokeEntitlements. However, the decision was made to decouple these
        // methods explicitly to avoid situations such as fetching collections of pools, getting
        // entitlements from them (a slow process in itself) and then passing it off to another
        // standalone method which repeats the process of fetching pools and related entitlements.
        // More work can be done in revokeEntitlements to optimize that method and maybe make it
        // slightly more generic so that this work can be offloaded to it again. Though, at the time
        // of writing, that's no small undertaking. Even changing this method has far-reaching
        // consequences when trying to remove direct uses of entities as far as interoperability is
        // concerned. Going forward we need to be more aware of the amount of duplication we're
        // adding to our code when writing standlone/generic utility methods and linking them
        // together, and perhaps take steps to avoid getting into situations like these two methods.
        // Fetch the list of pools which are related to the entitlements but are *not* being
        // deleted. We'll need to update the quantities on these.
        Collection<String> affectedPoolIds = this.poolCurator.getPoolIdsForEntitlements(entitlementIds);
        // Fetch entitlements (uggh).
        // TODO: Stop doing this. Update the bits below to not use the entities directly and
        // do the updates via queries.
        Collection<Entitlement> entitlements = !entitlementIds.isEmpty() ? this.entitlementCurator.listAllByIds(entitlementIds).list() : Collections.<Entitlement>emptySet();
        // Mark remaining dependent entitlements dirty for this consumer
        // Unlink the pools and entitlements we're about to delete so we don't error out while
        // trying to delete entitlements.
        // Revoke/delete entitlements
        if (!entitlements.isEmpty()) {
  "Revoking {} entitlements...", entitlements.size());
  "Entitlements successfully revoked");
        } else {
  "Skipping entitlement revocation; no entitlements to revoke");
        // Delete pools"Deleting {} pools...", pools.size());
        this.poolCurator.batchDelete(pools, alreadyDeletedPoolIds);
        this.poolCurator.flush();"Pools successfully deleted");
        if (!entitlements.isEmpty()) {
            // Update entitlement counts on affected, non-deleted pools
  "Updating entitlement counts on remaining, affected pools...");
            Map<Consumer, List<Entitlement>> consumerStackedEnts = new HashMap<>();
            List<Pool> poolsToSave = new LinkedList<>();
            Set<String> stackIds = new HashSet<>();
            for (Entitlement entitlement : entitlements) {
                // Since we're sifting through these already, let's also sort them into consumer lists
                // for some of the other methods we'll be calling later
                Consumer consumer = entitlement.getConsumer();
                Pool pool = entitlement.getPool();
                List<Entitlement> stackedEntitlements = consumerStackedEnts.get(consumer);
                if (stackedEntitlements == null) {
                    stackedEntitlements = new LinkedList<>();
                    consumerStackedEnts.put(consumer, stackedEntitlements);
                if (!"true".equals(pool.getAttributeValue(Pool.Attributes.DERIVED_POOL)) && pool.hasProductAttribute(Product.Attributes.STACKING_ID)) {
                // Update quantities if the entitlement quantity is non-zero
                int quantity = entitlement.getQuantity() != null ? entitlement.getQuantity() : 0;
                if (quantity != 0) {
                    // Update the pool quantities if we didn't delete it
                    if (affectedPoolIds.contains(pool.getId())) {
                        pool.setConsumed(pool.getConsumed() - quantity);
                    // Update entitlement counts for affected consumers...
                    consumer.setEntitlementCount(consumer.getEntitlementCount() - quantity);
                    // Set the number exported if we're working with a manifest distributor
                    ConsumerType ctype = this.consumerTypeCurator.getConsumerType(consumer);
                    if (ctype != null && ctype.isManifest()) {
                        pool.setExported(pool.getExported() - quantity);
            this.poolCurator.updateAll(poolsToSave, false, false);
            this.consumerCurator.updateAll(consumerStackedEnts.keySet(), false, false);
  "Entitlement counts successfully updated for {} pools and {} consumers", poolsToSave.size(), consumerStackedEnts.size());
            // Update stacked entitlements for affected consumers(???)
            if (!stackIds.isEmpty()) {
                // Get consumer + pool tuples for stack ids
                Map<String, Set<String>> consumerStackDerivedPoolIds = this.poolCurator.getConsumerStackDerivedPoolIdMap(stackIds);
                if (!consumerStackDerivedPoolIds.isEmpty()) {
          "Updating stacked entitlements for {} consumers...", consumerStackDerivedPoolIds.size());
                    for (Consumer consumer : consumerStackedEnts.keySet()) {
                        Set<String> subPoolIds = consumerStackDerivedPoolIds.get(consumer.getId());
                        if (subPoolIds != null && !subPoolIds.isEmpty()) {
                            // Resolve pool IDs...
                            Collection<Pool> subPools = this.poolCurator.listAllByIds(subPoolIds).list();
                            // Invoke the rules engine to update the affected pools
                            if (subPools != null && !subPools.isEmpty()) {
                                log.debug("Updating {} stacking pools for consumer: {}", subPools.size(), consumer);
                                this.poolRules.updatePoolsFromStack(consumer, subPools, alreadyDeletedPoolIds, true);
            // Hydrate remaining consumer pools so we can skip some extra work during serialization
            Set<Pool> poolsToHydrate = new HashSet<>();
            for (Consumer consumer : consumerStackedEnts.keySet()) {
                for (Entitlement entitlement : consumer.getEntitlements()) {
            // Fire post-unbind events for revoked entitlements
  "Firing post-unbind events for {} entitlements...", entitlements.size());
            for (Entitlement entitlement : entitlements) {
                this.enforcer.postUnbind(entitlement.getConsumer(), this, entitlement);
            // Recalculate status for affected consumers
  "Recomputing status for {} consumers", consumerStackedEnts.size());
            int i = 0;
            for (Consumer consumer : consumerStackedEnts.keySet()) {
                if (++i % 1000 == 0) {
  "All statuses recomputed");
        // Impl note:
        // We don't need to fire entitlement revocation events, since they're all being revoked as
        // a consequence of the pools being deleted.
        // Fire pool deletion events
        // This part hurts so much. Because we output the whole entity, we have to fetch the bloody
        // things before we delete them."Firing pool deletion events for {} pools...", pools.size());
        for (Pool pool : pools) {
    } else {"Skipping pool deletion; no pools to delete");
Also used : Owner(org.candlepin.model.Owner) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Consumer(org.candlepin.model.Consumer) Pool(org.candlepin.model.Pool) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Entitlement(org.candlepin.model.Entitlement) ConsumerType(org.candlepin.model.ConsumerType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Traceable(org.candlepin.util.Traceable) Transactional(

Example 4 with Traceable

use of org.candlepin.util.Traceable in project candlepin by candlepin.

the class ContentManager method importContent.

 * Creates or updates content from the given content DTOs, omitting product updates for the
 * provided Red Hat product IDs.
 * <p></p>
 * The content DTOs provided in the given map should be mapped by the content's Red Hat ID. If
 * the mappings are incorrect or inconsistent, the result of this method is undefined.
 * @param owner
 *  The owner for which to import the given content
 * @param contentData
 *  A mapping of Red Hat content ID to content DTOs to import
 * @param importedProductIds
 *  A set of Red Hat product IDs specifying products which are being imported and should not be
 *  updated as part of this import operation
 * @return
 *  A mapping of Red Hat content ID to content entities representing the imported content
public ImportResult<Content> importContent(@TraceableParam("owner") Owner owner, Map<String, ContentData> contentData, Set<String> importedProductIds) {
    if (owner == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("owner is null");
    ImportResult<Content> importResult = new ImportResult<>();
    if (contentData == null || contentData.isEmpty()) {
        // Nothing to import
        return importResult;
    Map<String, Content> skippedContent = importResult.getSkippedEntities();
    Map<String, Content> createdContent = importResult.getCreatedEntities();
    Map<String, Content> updatedContent = importResult.getUpdatedEntities();
    Map<String, Integer> contentVersions = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Content> sourceContent = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, List<Content>> existingVersions = new HashMap<>();
    List<OwnerContent> ownerContentBuffer = new LinkedList<>();
    // - Divide imported products into sets of updates and creates
    log.debug("Fetching existing content for update...");
    for (Content content : this.ownerContentCurator.getContentByIds(owner, contentData.keySet())) {
        ContentData update = contentData.get(content.getId());
        if (!this.isChangedBy(content, update)) {
            // This content won't be changing, so we'll just pretend it's not being imported at all
            skippedContent.put(content.getId(), content);
        // Content is coming from an upstream source; lock it so only upstream can make
        // further changes to it. If we ever use this method for anything other than
        // imports, we'll need to stop doing this.
        sourceContent.put(content.getId(), content);
        content = this.applyContentChanges((Content) content.clone(), update);
        updatedContent.put(content.getId(), content);
        contentVersions.put(content.getId(), content.getEntityVersion());
    log.debug("Validating new content...");
    for (ContentData update : contentData.values()) {
        if (!skippedContent.containsKey(update.getId()) && !updatedContent.containsKey(update.getId())) {
            // Ensure content is minimally populated
            if (update.getId() == null || update.getType() == null || update.getLabel() == null || update.getName() == null || update.getVendor() == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Content data is incomplete: " + update);
            Content content = this.applyContentChanges(new Content(update.getId()), update);
            createdContent.put(content.getId(), content);
            contentVersions.put(content.getId(), content.getEntityVersion());
    log.debug("Checking for existing content versions...");
    for (Content alt : this.ownerContentCurator.getContentByVersions(owner, contentVersions)) {
        List<Content> alternates = existingVersions.get(alt.getId());
        if (alternates == null) {
            alternates = new LinkedList<>();
            existingVersions.put(alt.getId(), alternates);
    contentVersions = null;
    // We're about to start modifying the maps, so we need to clone the created set before we
    // start adding the update forks to it.
    Map<String, Content> stagedEntities = new HashMap<>(createdContent);
    // Process the created group...
    // Check our created set for existing versions:
    // - If there's an existing version, we'll remove the staged entity from the creation
    // set, and stage an owner-content mapping for the existing version
    // - Otherwise, we'll stage the new entity for persistence by leaving it in the created
    // set, and stage an owner-content mapping to the new entity
    Iterator<Content> iterator = stagedEntities.values().iterator();
    createdContentLoop: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Content created =;
        List<Content> alternates = existingVersions.get(created.getId());
        if (alternates != null) {
            for (Content alt : alternates) {
                if (created.equals(alt)) {
                    ownerContentBuffer.add(new OwnerContent(owner, alt));
                    createdContent.put(alt.getId(), alt);
                    continue createdContentLoop;
        ownerContentBuffer.add(new OwnerContent(owner, created));
    // - Otherwise, we need to stage the updated entity for persistence
    updatedContentLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, Content> entry : updatedContent.entrySet()) {
        Content updated = entry.getValue();
        List<Content> alternates = existingVersions.get(updated.getId());
        if (alternates != null) {
            for (Content alt : alternates) {
                if (!updated.getUuid().equals(alt.getUuid()) && updated.equals(alt)) {
                    updated = alt;
                    continue updatedContentLoop;
        // We need to stage the updated entity for persistence. We'll reuse the now-empty
        // createdContent map for this.
        stagedEntities.put(updated.getId(), updated);
    // Persist our staged entities
    // We probably don't want to evict the content yet, as they'll appear as unmanaged if
    // they're used later. However, the join objects can be evicted safely since they're only
    // really used here.
    log.debug("Persisting content changes...");
    this.contentCurator.saveAll(stagedEntities.values(), true, false);
    this.ownerContentCurator.saveAll(ownerContentBuffer, true, true);
    // Fetch collection of products affected by this import that aren't being imported themselves
    log.debug("Updating non-imported, affected products...");
    List<Product> affectedProducts = this.productCurator.getProductsByContent(owner, sourceContent.keySet(), importedProductIds).list();
    if (affectedProducts != null && !affectedProducts.isEmpty()) {
        // Get the collection of content those products use
        Map<String, Content> affectedProductsContent = new HashMap<>();
        for (Content content : this.contentCurator.getContentByProducts(affectedProducts)) {
            affectedProductsContent.put(content.getId(), content);
        // Update the content map so it references the updated content
        Map<String, ProductData> affectedProductData = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, ContentData> contentDTOCache = new HashMap<>();
        for (Product product : affectedProducts) {
            ProductData pdto = product.toDTO();
            for (ProductContent pcdata : product.getProductContent()) {
                Content content = pcdata.getContent();
                Content updated = updatedContent.get(content.getId());
                if (updated != null) {
                    ContentData cdto = contentDTOCache.get(content.getId());
                    if (cdto == null) {
                        cdto = content.toDTO();
                        contentDTOCache.put(cdto.getId(), cdto);
                    pdto.addContent(cdto, pcdata.isEnabled());
            affectedProductData.put(pdto.getId(), pdto);
        // Perform a micro-import for these products using the content map we just built
        this.productManager.importProducts(owner, affectedProductData, affectedProductsContent);
    // Perform bulk reference update
    Map<String, String> contentUuidMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Content update : updatedContent.values()) {
        Content source = sourceContent.get(update.getId());
        contentUuidMap.put(source.getUuid(), update.getUuid());
    this.ownerContentCurator.updateOwnerContentReferences(owner, contentUuidMap);
    // Return
    return importResult;
Also used : OwnerContent(org.candlepin.model.OwnerContent) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Product(org.candlepin.model.Product) ContentData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ContentData) ProductContentData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductContentData) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) ProductData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductData) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) ProductContent(org.candlepin.model.ProductContent) ProductContent(org.candlepin.model.ProductContent) Content(org.candlepin.model.Content) OwnerContent(org.candlepin.model.OwnerContent) Traceable(org.candlepin.util.Traceable) Transactional(

Example 5 with Traceable

use of org.candlepin.util.Traceable in project candlepin by candlepin.

the class ProductManager method importProducts.

 * Creates or updates products from the given products DTOs, using the provided content for
 * content lookup and resolution.
 * <p></p>
 * The product DTOs provided in the given map should be mapped by the product's Red Hat ID. If
 * the mappings are incorrect or inconsistent, the result of this method is undefined.
 * @param owner
 *  The owner for which to import the given product
 * @param productData
 *  A mapping of Red Hat product ID to product DTOs to import
 * @param importedContent
 *  A mapping of Red Hat content ID to content instances to use to lookup and resolve content
 *  references on the provided product DTOs.
 * @return
 *  A mapping of Red Hat content ID to content entities representing the imported content
public ImportResult<Product> importProducts(@TraceableParam("owner") Owner owner, Map<String, ProductData> productData, Map<String, Content> importedContent) {
    if (owner == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("owner is null");
    ImportResult<Product> importResult = new ImportResult<>();
    if (productData == null || productData.isEmpty()) {
        // Nothing to import
        return importResult;
    Map<String, Product> skippedProducts = importResult.getSkippedEntities();
    Map<String, Product> createdProducts = importResult.getCreatedEntities();
    Map<String, Product> updatedProducts = importResult.getUpdatedEntities();
    Map<String, Integer> productVersions = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Product> sourceProducts = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, List<Product>> existingVersions = new HashMap<>();
    List<OwnerProduct> ownerProductBuffer = new LinkedList<>();
    // - Divide imported products into sets of updates and creates
    log.debug("Fetching existing products for update...");
    for (Product product : this.ownerProductCurator.getProductsByIds(owner, productData.keySet())) {
        ProductData update = productData.get(product.getId());
        if (!this.isChangedBy(product, update)) {
            // This product won't be changing, so we'll just pretend it's not being imported at all
            skippedProducts.put(product.getId(), product);
        sourceProducts.put(product.getId(), product);
        product = this.applyProductChanges((Product) product.clone(), update, importedContent);
        updatedProducts.put(product.getId(), product);
        productVersions.put(product.getId(), product.getEntityVersion());
    log.debug("Validating new products...");
    for (ProductData update : productData.values()) {
        if (!skippedProducts.containsKey(update.getId()) && !updatedProducts.containsKey(update.getId())) {
            // Ensure the product is minimally populated
            if (update.getId() == null || update.getName() == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Product data is incomplete: " + update);
            Product product = new Product(update.getId(), update.getName());
            // TODO: Remove this shim and stop using DTOs in this class
            product = this.applyProductChanges(product, update, importedContent);
            createdProducts.put(product.getId(), product);
            productVersions.put(product.getId(), product.getEntityVersion());
    log.debug("Checking for existing product versions...");
    for (Product alt : this.ownerProductCurator.getProductsByVersions(owner, productVersions)) {
        List<Product> alternates = existingVersions.get(alt.getId());
        if (alternates == null) {
            alternates = new LinkedList<>();
            existingVersions.put(alt.getId(), alternates);
    productVersions = null;
    // We're about to start modifying the maps, so we need to clone the created set before we
    // start adding the update forks to it.
    Map<String, Product> stagedEntities = new HashMap<>(createdProducts);
    // Process the created group...
    // Check our created set for existing versions:
    // - If there's an existing version, we'll remove the staged entity from the creation
    // set, and stage an owner-product mapping for the existing version
    // - Otherwise, we'll stage the new entity for persistence by leaving it in the created
    // set, and stage an owner-product mapping to the new entity
    Iterator<Product> iterator = stagedEntities.values().iterator();
    createdProductLoop: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Product created =;
        List<Product> alternates = existingVersions.get(created.getId());
        if (alternates != null) {
            for (Product alt : alternates) {
                if (created.equals(alt)) {
                    ownerProductBuffer.add(new OwnerProduct(owner, alt));
                    createdProducts.put(alt.getId(), alt);
                    continue createdProductLoop;
        ownerProductBuffer.add(new OwnerProduct(owner, created));
    // - Otherwise, we need to stage the updated entity for persistence
    updatedProductLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, Product> entry : updatedProducts.entrySet()) {
        Product updated = entry.getValue();
        List<Product> alternates = existingVersions.get(updated.getId());
        if (alternates != null) {
            for (Product alt : alternates) {
                if (updated.equals(alt)) {
                    updated = alt;
                    continue updatedProductLoop;
        // We need to stage the updated entity for persistence. We'll reuse the now-empty
        // createdProducts map for this.
        stagedEntities.put(updated.getId(), updated);
    // Persist our staged entities
    // We probably don't want to evict the products yet, as they'll appear as unmanaged if
    // they're used later. However, the join objects can be evicted safely since they're only
    // really used here.
    log.debug("Persisting product changes...");
    this.productCurator.saveAll(stagedEntities.values(), true, false);
    this.ownerProductCurator.saveAll(ownerProductBuffer, true, true);
    // Perform bulk reference update
    Map<String, String> productUuidMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Product update : updatedProducts.values()) {
        Product source = sourceProducts.get(update.getId());
        productUuidMap.put(source.getUuid(), update.getUuid());
    this.ownerProductCurator.updateOwnerProductReferences(owner, productUuidMap);
    // Return
    return importResult;
Also used : ProductData(org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductData) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OwnerProduct(org.candlepin.model.OwnerProduct) Product(org.candlepin.model.Product) OwnerProduct(org.candlepin.model.OwnerProduct) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) Traceable(org.candlepin.util.Traceable) Transactional(


Transactional ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)5 Traceable (org.candlepin.util.Traceable)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Pool (org.candlepin.model.Pool)3 Product (org.candlepin.model.Product)3 ProductData (org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductData)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Consumer (org.candlepin.model.Consumer)2 ConsumerType (org.candlepin.model.ConsumerType)2 Content (org.candlepin.model.Content)2 Entitlement (org.candlepin.model.Entitlement)2 ContentData (org.candlepin.model.dto.ContentData)2 ProductContentData (org.candlepin.model.dto.ProductContentData)2 Date (java.util.Date)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 Set (java.util.Set)1