Search in sources :

Example 1 with CountryEnvParam

use of org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class CountryEnvParamDAO method readActiveBySystem.

public AnswerList readActiveBySystem(String system) {
    AnswerList response = new AnswerList();
    MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));
    List<CountryEnvParam> countryEnvParamList = new ArrayList<CountryEnvParam>();
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
    // SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS allows to retrieve the total number of columns by disrearding the limit clauses that
    // were applied -- used for pagination p
    query.append("SELECT * FROM countryenvparam WHERE 1=1 ");
    if (system != null) {
        query.append("AND system = ? ");
    query.append("AND active = 'Y'");
    // Debug message on SQL.
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("SQL : " + query.toString());
    try (Connection connection = this.databaseSpring.connect();
        PreparedStatement preStat = connection.prepareStatement(query.toString());
        Statement stm = connection.createStatement()) {
        if (system != null) {
            preStat.setString(1, system);
        try (ResultSet resultSet = preStat.executeQuery();
            ResultSet rowSet = stm.executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")) {
            // gets the data
            while ( {
            // get the total number of rows
            int nrTotalRows = 0;
            if (rowSet != null && {
                nrTotalRows = rowSet.getInt(1);
            if (countryEnvParamList.size() >= MAX_ROW_SELECTED) {
                // Result of SQl was limited by MAX_ROW_SELECTED constrain. That means that we may miss some lines in the resultList.
                LOG.error("Partial Result in the query.");
                msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_WARNING_PARTIAL_RESULT);
                msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", "Maximum row reached : " + MAX_ROW_SELECTED));
                response = new AnswerList(countryEnvParamList, nrTotalRows);
            } else {
                msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
                msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", OBJECT_NAME).replace("%OPERATION%", "SELECT"));
                response = new AnswerList(countryEnvParamList, nrTotalRows);
        } catch (SQLException exception) {
            LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
            msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
            msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", "Unable to retrieve the list of entries!"));
    } catch (SQLException exception) {
        LOG.error("Unable to execute query : " + exception.toString());
        msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
        msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", "Unable to retrieve the list of entries!"));
    return response;
Also used : AnswerList(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) MessageEvent(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Statement(java.sql.Statement) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Connection(java.sql.Connection) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) IFactoryCountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryCountryEnvParam) CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam)

Example 2 with CountryEnvParam

use of org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class EmailGenerationService method generateNewChainEmail.

public Email generateNewChainEmail(String system, String country, String env, String chain) throws Exception {
    Email email = new Email();
    /* Page Display - START */
    CountryEnvParam myCountryEnvParam;
    myCountryEnvParam = countryEnvParamService.convert(countryEnvParamService.readByKey(system, country, env));
    BatchInvariant myBatchInvariant;
    myBatchInvariant = batchInvariantService.convert(batchInvariantService.readByKey(chain));
    String lastchain = myBatchInvariant.getBatch() + " (" + myBatchInvariant.getDescription() + ")";
    /* Pick the datas from the database */
    String from = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_from", system).getValue();
    String host = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_host", system).getValue();
    int port = Integer.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_port", system).getValue());
    String userName = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_username", system).getValue();
    String password = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_password", system).getValue();
    String to = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newchain_to", system).getValue();
    String cc = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newchain_cc", system).getValue();
    String subject = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newchain_subject", system).getValue();
    String body = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newchain_body", system).getValue();
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmptyOrNull(myCountryEnvParam.geteMailBodyChain())) {
        body = myCountryEnvParam.geteMailBodyChain();
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmptyOrNull(myCountryEnvParam.getDistribList())) {
        to = myCountryEnvParam.getDistribList();
    subject = subject.replace("%SYSTEM%", system);
    subject = subject.replace("%COUNTRY%", country);
    subject = subject.replace("%ENV%", env);
    subject = subject.replace("%BUILD%", myCountryEnvParam.getBuild());
    subject = subject.replace("%REVISION%", myCountryEnvParam.getRevision());
    subject = subject.replace("%CHAIN%", lastchain);
    body = body.replace("%SYSTEM%", system);
    body = body.replace("%COUNTRY%", country);
    body = body.replace("%ENV%", env);
    body = body.replace("%BUILD%", myCountryEnvParam.getBuild());
    body = body.replace("%REVISION%", myCountryEnvParam.getRevision());
    body = body.replace("%CHAIN%", lastchain);
    email = emailFactory.create(host, port, userName, password, true, subject, body, from, to, cc);
    return email;
Also used : Email( CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam) BatchInvariant(org.cerberus.crud.entity.BatchInvariant)

Example 3 with CountryEnvParam

use of org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class EmailGenerationService method generateRevisionChangeEmail.

public Email generateRevisionChangeEmail(String system, String country, String env, String build, String revision) throws Exception {
    Email email = new Email();
    CountryEnvParam myCountryEnvParam;
    myCountryEnvParam = countryEnvParamService.convert(countryEnvParamService.readByKey(system, country, env));
    /* Pick the datas from the database */
    String from = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_from", system).getValue();
    String host = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_host", system).getValue();
    int port = Integer.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_port", system).getValue());
    String userName = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_username", system).getValue();
    String password = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_smtp_password", system).getValue();
    String to = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newbuildrevision_to", system).getValue();
    String cc = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newbuildrevision_cc", system).getValue();
    String subject = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newbuildrevision_subject", system).getValue();
    String body = parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_notification_newbuildrevision_body", system).getValue();
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmptyOrNull(myCountryEnvParam.geteMailBodyRevision())) {
        body = myCountryEnvParam.geteMailBodyRevision();
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmptyOrNull(myCountryEnvParam.getDistribList())) {
        to = myCountryEnvParam.getDistribList();
    /* Replace the Keywords from the fed text  */
    subject = subject.replace("%SYSTEM%", system);
    subject = subject.replace("%COUNTRY%", country);
    subject = subject.replace("%ENV%", env);
    subject = subject.replace("%BUILD%", build);
    subject = subject.replace("%REVISION%", revision);
    body = body.replace("%SYSTEM%", system);
    body = body.replace("%COUNTRY%", country);
    body = body.replace("%ENV%", env);
    body = body.replace("%BUILD%", build);
    body = body.replace("%REVISION%", revision);
    // Generate the Table Contented in the mail
    String content;
    String lastBuild = myCountryEnvParam.getBuild();
    String lastRev = myCountryEnvParam.getRevision();
    content = emailBodyGeneration.GenerateBuildContentTable(system, build, revision, lastBuild, lastRev);
    content = content.replace("$", " ");
    body = body.replace("%BUILDCONTENT%", content);
    content = emailBodyGeneration.GenerateTestRecapTable(system, build, revision, country);
    content = content.replace("$", " ");
    body = body.replace("%TESTRECAP%", content);
    content = emailBodyGeneration.GenerateTestRecapTable(system, build, revision, "ALL");
    content = content.replace("$", " ");
    body = body.replace("%TESTRECAPALL%", content);
    // End
    email = emailFactory.create(host, port, userName, password, true, subject, body, from, to, cc);
    return email;
Also used : Email( CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam)

Example 4 with CountryEnvParam

use of org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class AddToExecutionQueueV002 method processRequest.

 * Process request for both GET and POST method.
 * <p>
 * Request processing is divided in two parts:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Getting all test cases which have been sent to this servlet;</li>
 * <li>Try to insert all these test cases to the execution queue.</li>
 * </ol>
 * </p>
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @throws ServletException
 * @throws IOException
private void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    final String charset = request.getCharacterEncoding();
    Date requestDate = new Date();
    // Loading Services.
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
    inQueueService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionQueueService.class);
    inQueueFactoryService = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue.class);
    executionThreadService = appContext.getBean(IExecutionThreadPoolService.class);
    testCaseService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseService.class);
    invariantService = appContext.getBean(IInvariantService.class);
    applicationService = appContext.getBean(IApplicationService.class);
    testCaseCountryService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseCountryService.class);
    campaignParameterService = appContext.getBean(ICampaignParameterService.class);
    countryEnvParamService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParamService.class);
    // Calling Servlet Transversal Util.
    // Default message to unexpected error.
    MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));
    AnswerItem<List<TestCase>> testcases = null;
     * Adding Log entry.
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(ILogEventService.class);
    logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/AddToExecutionQueueV002", "CALL", "AddToExecutionQueueV002 called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);
    // Parsing all parameters.
    // Execution scope parameters : Campaign, TestCases, Countries, Environment, Browser.
    String campaign = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_CAMPAIGN), null, charset);
    List<String> selectTest;
    selectTest = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_TEST), null, charset);
    List<String> selectTestCase;
    selectTestCase = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_TESTCASE), null, charset);
    List<String> countries;
    countries = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_COUNTRY), null, charset);
    List<String> environments;
    environments = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecodeAndDeleteEmptyValue(request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_ENVIRONMENT), null, charset);
    List<String> browsers = new ArrayList<>();
    browsers = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues(PARAMETER_BROWSER), browsers, charset);
    // Execution parameters.
    String tag = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_TAG), "");
    String robot = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROBOT), null, charset);
    String robotIP = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROBOT_IP), null, charset);
    String robotPort = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ROBOT_PORT), null, charset);
    String browserVersion = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_BROWSER_VERSION), null, charset);
    String platform = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PLATFORM), null, charset);
    String screenSize = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SCREENSIZE), null, charset);
    int manualURL = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL), DEFAULT_VALUE_MANUAL_URL, charset);
    String manualHost = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_HOST), null, charset);
    String manualContextRoot = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_CONTEXT_ROOT), null, charset);
    String manualLoginRelativeURL = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_LOGIN_RELATIVE_URL), null, charset);
    String manualEnvData = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_ENV_DATA), null, charset);
    int screenshot = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SCREENSHOT), DEFAULT_VALUE_SCREENSHOT, charset);
    int verbose = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_VERBOSE), DEFAULT_VALUE_VERBOSE, charset);
    String timeout = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_TIMEOUT);
    int pageSource = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PAGE_SOURCE), DEFAULT_VALUE_PAGE_SOURCE, charset);
    int seleniumLog = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELENIUM_LOG), DEFAULT_VALUE_SELENIUM_LOG, charset);
    int retries = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_RETRIES), DEFAULT_VALUE_RETRIES, charset);
    String manualExecution = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_MANUAL_EXECUTION), DEFAULT_VALUE_MANUAL_EXECUTION, charset);
    int priority = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_EXEPRIORITY), DEFAULT_VALUE_PRIORITY, charset);
    if (manualExecution.equals("")) {
        manualExecution = DEFAULT_VALUE_MANUAL_EXECUTION;
    String outputFormat = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecode(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_OUTPUTFORMAT), DEFAULT_VALUE_OUTPUTFORMAT, charset);
    // Defining help message.
    String helpMessage = "This servlet is used to add to Cerberus execution queue a list of execution. Execution list will be calculated from cartesian product of " + "testcase, country, environment and browser list. Those list can be defined from the associated servlet parameter but can also be defined from campaign directy inside Cerberus.\n" + "List defined from servlet overwrite the list defined from the campaign. All other execution parameters will be taken to each execution.\n" + "Available parameters:\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_CAMPAIGN + " : Campaign name from which testcase, countries, environment and browser can be defined from Cerberus. [" + campaign + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_TEST + " : List of test to trigger. That list overwrite the list coming from the Campaign (if defined).. [" + selectTest + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_TESTCASE + " : List of testCase to trigger. That list overwrite the list coming from the Campaign (if defined).. [" + selectTestCase + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_COUNTRY + " : List of countries to trigger. That list overwrite the list coming from the Campaign (if defined).. [" + countries + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_ENVIRONMENT + " : List of environment to trigger. That list overwrite the list coming from the Campaign (if defined).. [" + environments + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_BROWSER + " : List of browser to trigger. That list overwrite the list coming from the Campaign (if defined).. [" + browsers + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_ROBOT + " : Robot Name that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + robot + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_ROBOT_IP + " : Robot IP that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + robotIP + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_ROBOT_PORT + " : Robot Port that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + robotPort + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_BROWSER_VERSION + " : Browser Version that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + browserVersion + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_PLATFORM + " : Platform that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + platform + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_SCREENSIZE + " : Size of the screen that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + screenSize + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " : Activate (1) or not (0) the Manual URL of the application to execute. If activated the 4 parameters after are necessary. [" + manualURL + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_HOST + " : Host of the application to test (only used when " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " is activated). [" + manualHost + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_CONTEXT_ROOT + " : Context root of the application to test (only used when " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " is activated). [" + manualContextRoot + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_LOGIN_RELATIVE_URL + " : Relative login URL of the application (only used when " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " is activated). [" + manualLoginRelativeURL + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_ENV_DATA + " : Environment where to get the test data when a " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " is defined. (only used when manualURL is active). [" + manualEnvData + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_TAG + " : Tag that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + tag + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_SCREENSHOT + " : Activate or not the screenshots for every execution triggered. [" + screenshot + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_VERBOSE + " : Verbose level for every execution triggered. [" + verbose + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_TIMEOUT + " : Timeout used for the action that will be used for every execution triggered. [" + timeout + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_PAGE_SOURCE + " : Record Page Source during for every execution triggered. [" + pageSource + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_SELENIUM_LOG + " : Get the SeleniumLog at the end of the execution for every execution triggered. [" + seleniumLog + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_EXECUTION + " : Execute testcase in manual mode for every execution triggered. [" + manualExecution + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_RETRIES + " : Number of tries if the result is not OK for every execution triggered. [" + retries + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_EXEPRIORITY + " : Priority that will be used in the queue for every execution triggered. [" + priority + "]\n" + "- " + PARAMETER_OUTPUTFORMAT + " : Format of the servlet output. can be compact, json [" + outputFormat + "]\n";
    // try {
    // Checking the parameter validity.
    StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
    boolean error = false;
    if (tag == null || tag.isEmpty()) {
        if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) {
            tag = request.getRemoteUser();
        if (tag.length() > 0) {
            tag += ".";
        if (campaign != null) {
            tag += campaign;
        if (tag.length() > 0) {
            tag += ".";
        Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
        String mytimestamp = sdf.format(timestamp);
        tag += mytimestamp;
    } else if (tag.length() > 255) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - Parameter ").append(PARAMETER_TAG).append(" is too big. Maximum size if 255. Current size is : ").append(tag.length()).append("\n");
        error = true;
    if (campaign != null && !campaign.isEmpty()) {
        final AnswerItem<Map<String, List<String>>> parsedCampaignParameters = campaignParameterService.parseParametersByCampaign(campaign);
        if (parsedCampaignParameters.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode())) {
            // If parameters are already defined from request, we ignore the campaign values.
            if (countries == null || countries.isEmpty()) {
                countries = parsedCampaignParameters.getItem().get(CampaignParameter.COUNTRY_PARAMETER);
            if (environments == null || environments.isEmpty()) {
                environments = parsedCampaignParameters.getItem().get(CampaignParameter.ENVIRONMENT_PARAMETER);
            if (browsers == null || browsers.isEmpty()) {
                browsers = parsedCampaignParameters.getItem().get(CampaignParameter.BROWSER_PARAMETER);
        if ((countries != null) && (selectTest == null || selectTest.isEmpty())) {
            // If no countries are found, there is no need to get the testcase list. None will be returned.
            selectTest = new ArrayList<>();
            selectTestCase = new ArrayList<>();
            testcases = testCaseService.findTestCaseByCampaignNameAndCountries(campaign, countries.toArray(new String[countries.size()]));
            for (TestCase campaignTestCase : testcases.getItem()) {
    if (countries == null || countries.isEmpty()) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - No Country defined. You can either feed it with parameter '" + PARAMETER_COUNTRY + "' or add it into the campaign definition.\n");
        error = true;
    if ((StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(robot)) && (browsers == null || browsers.isEmpty())) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - No Browser defined. You can either feed it with parameter '" + PARAMETER_BROWSER + "' or add it into the campaign definition.\n");
        error = true;
    if (selectTest == null || selectTest.isEmpty() || selectTestCase == null || selectTestCase.isEmpty()) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - No TestCases defined. You can either feed it with parameters '" + PARAMETER_TEST + "' and '" + PARAMETER_TESTCASE + "' or add it into the campaign definition.\n");
        error = true;
    if ((selectTest != null) && (selectTestCase != null) && (selectTest.size() != selectTestCase.size())) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - Test list size (").append(selectTest.size()).append(") is not the same as testcase list size (").append(selectTestCase.size()).append("). Please check that both list are consistent.\n");
        error = true;
    if (manualURL >= 1) {
        if (manualHost == null || manualEnvData == null) {
            errorMessage.append("Error - ManualURL has been activated but no ManualHost or Manual Environment defined.\n");
            error = true;
    } else if (environments == null || environments.isEmpty()) {
        errorMessage.append("Error - No Environment defined (and " + PARAMETER_MANUAL_URL + " not activated). You can either feed it with parameter '" + PARAMETER_ENVIRONMENT + "' or add it into the campaign definition.\n");
        error = true;
    int nbExe = 0;
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
    String user = request.getRemoteUser() == null ? "" : request.getRemoteUser();
    int nbtestcasenotactive = 0;
    int nbtestcaseenvgroupnotallowed = 0;
    int nbenvnotexist = 0;
    boolean tagAlreadyAdded = false;
    int nbbrowser = 0;
    if (browsers.isEmpty()) {
        nbbrowser = 1;
    } else {
        nbbrowser = browsers.size();
    int nbtescase = selectTest.size();
    int nbenv = environments.size();
    int nbcountries = countries.size();
    // Starting the request only if previous parameters exist.
    if (!error) {
        // Part 1: Getting all possible Execution from test cases + countries + environments + browsers which have been sent to this servlet.
        Map<String, String> invariantEnv = invariantService.readToHashMapGp1StringByIdname("ENVIRONMENT", "");
        List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> toInserts = new ArrayList<TestCaseExecutionQueue>();
        try {
            HashMap<String, CountryEnvParam> envMap = new HashMap<>();
            LOG.debug("Loading all environments.");
            for (CountryEnvParam envParam : countryEnvParamService.convert(countryEnvParamService.readActiveBySystem(null))) {
                envMap.put(envParam.getSystem() + LOCAL_SEPARATOR + envParam.getCountry() + LOCAL_SEPARATOR + envParam.getEnvironment(), envParam);
            LOG.debug("Nb of TestCase : " + selectTest.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < selectTest.size(); i++) {
                // for (String localTest : selectTest) {
                String test = selectTest.get(i);
                String testCase = selectTestCase.get(i);
                TestCase tc = testCaseService.convert(testCaseService.readByKey(test, testCase));
                // TestCases that are not active are not inserted into queue.
                if (tc.getTcActive().equals("Y")) {
                    // We only insert testcase that exist for the given country.
                    for (TestCaseCountry country : testCaseCountryService.convert(testCaseCountryService.readByTestTestCase(null, test, testCase))) {
                        if (countries.contains(country.getCountry())) {
                            // for each environment we test that correspondng gp1 is compatible with testcase environment flag activation.
                            for (String environment : environments) {
                                String envGp1 = invariantEnv.get(environment);
                                if (((envGp1.equals("PROD")) && (tc.getActivePROD().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) || ((envGp1.equals("UAT")) && (tc.getActiveUAT().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) || ((envGp1.equals("QA")) && (tc.getActiveQA().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) || (envGp1.equals("DEV"))) {
                                    // Getting Application in order to check application type against browser.
                                    Application app = applicationService.convert(applicationService.readByKey(tc.getApplication()));
                                    if (envMap.containsKey(app.getSystem() + LOCAL_SEPARATOR + country.getCountry() + LOCAL_SEPARATOR + environment)) {
                                        // Create Tag only if not already done and defined.
                                        if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tag) && !tagAlreadyAdded) {
                                            // We create or update it.
                                            ITagService tagService = appContext.getBean(ITagService.class);
                                            tagService.createAuto(tag, campaign, user);
                                            tagAlreadyAdded = true;
                                        if ((app != null) && (app.getType() != null) && app.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Application.TYPE_GUI)) {
                                            if (browsers == null || browsers.isEmpty()) {
                                            for (String browser : browsers) {
                                                try {
                                                    LOG.debug("Insert Queue Entry.");
                                                    toInserts.add(inQueueFactoryService.create(test, testCase, country.getCountry(), environment, robot, robotIP, robotPort, browser, browserVersion, platform, screenSize, manualURL, manualHost, manualContextRoot, manualLoginRelativeURL, manualEnvData, tag, screenshot, verbose, timeout, pageSource, seleniumLog, 0, retries, manualExecution, priority, user, null, null, null));
                                                } catch (FactoryCreationException e) {
                                                    LOG.error("Unable to insert record due to: " + e, e);
                                                    LOG.error("test: " + test + "-" + testCase + "-" + country.getCountry() + "-" + environment + "-" + robot);
                                        } else {
                                            // Application does not support browser so we force an empty value.
                                            LOG.debug("Forcing Browser to empty value. Application type=" + app.getType());
                                            try {
                                                LOG.debug("Insert Queue Entry.");
                                                toInserts.add(inQueueFactoryService.create(test, testCase, country.getCountry(), environment, robot, robotIP, robotPort, "", browserVersion, platform, screenSize, manualURL, manualHost, manualContextRoot, manualLoginRelativeURL, manualEnvData, tag, screenshot, verbose, timeout, pageSource, seleniumLog, 0, retries, manualExecution, priority, user, null, null, null));
                                            } catch (FactoryCreationException e) {
                                                LOG.error("Unable to insert record due to: " + e, e);
                                                LOG.error("test: " + test + "-" + testCase + "-" + country.getCountry() + "-" + environment + "-" + robot);
                                    } else {
                                        LOG.debug("Env does not exist or is not active.");
                                        nbenvnotexist = nbenvnotexist + nbbrowser;
                                } else {
                                    LOG.debug("Env group not active for testcase : " + environment);
                                    nbtestcaseenvgroupnotallowed = nbtestcaseenvgroupnotallowed + nbbrowser;
                        } else {
                            LOG.debug("Country does not match. " + countries + " " + country.getCountry());
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("TestCase not Active.");
                    nbtestcasenotactive = nbtestcasenotactive + (nbcountries * nbenv * nbbrowser);
        } catch (CerberusException ex) {
        // Part 2: Try to insert all these test cases to the execution queue.
        List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (TestCaseExecutionQueue toInsert : toInserts) {
            try {
                JSONObject value = new JSONObject();
                value.put("queueId", toInsert.getId());
                value.put("test", toInsert.getTest());
                value.put("testcase", toInsert.getTestCase());
                value.put("country", toInsert.getCountry());
                value.put("environment", toInsert.getEnvironment());
            } catch (CerberusException e) {
                String errorMessageTmp = "Unable to insert " + toInsert.toString() + " due to " + e.getMessage();
            } catch (JSONException ex) {
        // Part 3 : Trigger JobQueue
        try {
        } catch (CerberusException ex) {
            String errorMessageTmp = "Unable to feed the execution queue due to " + ex.getMessage();
        if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuilder errorMessageTmp = new StringBuilder();
            for (String item : errorMessages) {
        errorMessage.append(" execution(s) succesfully inserted to queue. ");
        if (testcases != null && testcases.getResultMessage().getSource() == MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_WARNING_PARTIAL_RESULT) {
        // Message that everything went fine.
        msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_OK);
    } else {
    // In case of errors, we display the help message.
    // errorMessage.append(helpMessage);
    // Init Answer with potencial error from Parsing parameter.
    AnswerItem answer = new AnswerItem(msg);
    switch(outputFormat) {
        case "json":
            try {
                JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
                jsonResponse.put("messageType", answer.getResultMessage().getMessage().getCodeString());
                jsonResponse.put("message", errorMessage.toString());
                jsonResponse.put("helpMessage", helpMessage);
                jsonResponse.put("tag", tag);
                jsonResponse.put("nbExe", nbExe);
                jsonResponse.put("nbErrorTCNotActive", nbtestcasenotactive);
                jsonResponse.put("nbErrorTCNotAllowedOnEnv", nbtestcaseenvgroupnotallowed);
                jsonResponse.put("nbErrorEnvNotExistOrNotActive", nbenvnotexist);
                jsonResponse.put("queueList", jsonArray);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // returns a default error message with the json format that is able to be parsed by the client-side
            if (error) {
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LOG.error(e);
// out.println(helpMessage);
// out.println(e.toString());
// }
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) MessageEvent(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) ITestCaseCountryService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseCountryService) FactoryCreationException(org.cerberus.exception.FactoryCreationException) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ITestCaseService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseService) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) TestCaseCountry(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseCountry) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) TestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue) IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue) IApplicationService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IApplicationService) PrintWriter( ITestCaseExecutionQueueService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionQueueService) CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) IInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IInvariantService) ICampaignParameterService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICampaignParameterService) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) AnswerItem(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerItem) Date(java.util.Date) IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) IExecutionThreadPoolService(org.cerberus.engine.threadpool.IExecutionThreadPoolService) TestCase(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCase) ITagService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITagService) ICountryEnvParamService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam) Application(org.cerberus.crud.entity.Application)

Example 5 with CountryEnvParam

use of org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class DisableEnvironment method processRequest.

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, JSONException {
    JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
    AnswerItem answerItem = new AnswerItem();
    MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));
    PolicyFactory policy = Sanitizers.FORMATTING.and(Sanitizers.LINKS);
     * Parsing and securing all required parameters.
    String system = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("system"));
    String country = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("country"));
    String env = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("environment"));
    // Init Answer with potencial error from Parsing parameter.
    // AnswerItem answer = new AnswerItem(msg);
    String eMailContent = "";
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
    IEmailService emailService = appContext.getBean(IEmailService.class);
    ICountryEnvParamService countryEnvParamService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParamService.class);
    ICountryEnvParam_logService countryEnvParam_logService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParam_logService.class);
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(LogEventService.class);
    if (request.getParameter("system") == null) {
        msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_EXPECTED);
        msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", ITEM).replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION).replace("%REASON%", "System name is missing!"));
    } else if (request.getParameter("country") == null) {
        msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_EXPECTED);
        msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", ITEM).replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION).replace("%REASON%", "Country is missing!"));
    } else if (request.getParameter("environment") == null) {
        msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_EXPECTED);
        msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", ITEM).replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION).replace("%REASON%", "Environment is missing!"));
    } else {
        // All parameters are OK we can start performing the operation.
        // Getting the contryEnvParam based on the parameters.
        answerItem = countryEnvParamService.readByKey(system, country, env);
        if (!(answerItem.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode()) && answerItem.getItem() != null)) {
             * Object could not be found. We stop here and report the error.
            msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_EXPECTED);
            msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", OBJECT_NAME).replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION).replace("%REASON%", OBJECT_NAME + " ['" + system + "','" + country + "','" + env + "'] does not exist. Cannot disable it!"));
        } else {
             * The service was able to perform the query and confirm the
             * object exist, then we can update it.
            CountryEnvParam cepData = (CountryEnvParam) answerItem.getItem();
            Answer answer = countryEnvParamService.update(cepData);
            if (!(answer.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode()))) {
                 * Object could not be updated. We stop here and report the
                 * error.
            } else {
                 * Update was successful.
                // Adding Log entry.
                logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/DisableEnvironment", "UPDATE", "Updated CountryEnvParam : ['" + system + "','" + country + "','" + env + "']", request);
                // Adding CountryEnvParam Log entry.
                countryEnvParam_logService.createLogEntry(system, country, env, "", "", "Disabled.", request.getUserPrincipal().getName());
                 * Email notification.
                String OutputMessage = "";
                MessageEvent me = emailService.generateAndSendDisableEnvEmail(system, country, env);
                if (!"OK".equals(me.getMessage().getCodeString())) {
                    LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched." + me.getMessage().getDescription());
                    logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/DisableEnvironment", "DISABLE", "Warning on Disable environment : ['" + system + "','" + country + "','" + env + "'] " + me.getMessage().getDescription(), request);
                    OutputMessage = me.getMessage().getDescription();
                if (OutputMessage.equals("")) {
                    msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
                    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", "Environment").replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION));
                } else {
                    msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK);
                    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%ITEM%", "Environment").replace("%OPERATION%", OPERATION).concat(" Just one warning : ").concat(OutputMessage));
     * Formating and returning the json result.
    jsonResponse.put("messageType", answerItem.getResultMessage().getMessage().getCodeString());
    jsonResponse.put("message", answerItem.getResultMessage().getDescription());
Also used : ICountryEnvParam_logService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParam_logService) Answer(org.cerberus.util.answer.Answer) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) PolicyFactory(org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory) MessageEvent(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) ICountryEnvParamService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService) AnswerItem(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerItem) IEmailService( CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam)


CountryEnvParam (org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam)30 MessageEvent (org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent)17 ICountryEnvParamService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService)14 AnswerItem (org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerItem)12 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 ILogEventService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService)11 ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)11 IFactoryCountryEnvParam (org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryCountryEnvParam)10 AnswerList (org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList)10 List (java.util.List)8 Answer (org.cerberus.util.answer.Answer)8 CerberusException (org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException)7 Connection (java.sql.Connection)6 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)6 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)6 TestCase (org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCase)6 IEmailService ( PolicyFactory (org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory)6