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Example 11 with ICountryEnvParamService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class NewBuildRevisionV000 method processRequest.

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    String charset = request.getCharacterEncoding();
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
     * Adding Log entry.
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(ILogEventService.class);
    logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/NewBuildRevisionV000", "CALL", "NewBuildRevisionV000 called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);
    ICountryEnvParamService countryEnvParamService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParamService.class);
    IInvariantService invariantService = appContext.getBean(IInvariantService.class);
    IBuildRevisionInvariantService buildRevisionInvariantService = appContext.getBean(IBuildRevisionInvariantService.class);
    IEmailService emailService = appContext.getBean(IEmailService.class);
    IEmailGenerationService emailGenerationService = appContext.getBean(IEmailGenerationService.class);
    ICountryEnvParam_logService countryEnvParam_logService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParam_logService.class);
    IParameterService parameterService = appContext.getBean(IParameterService.class);
    // Parsing all parameters.
    String system = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("system"), "", charset);
    String country = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("country"), "", charset);
    String environment = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("environment"), "", charset);
    String build = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("build"), "", charset);
    String revision = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("revision"), "", charset);
    String helpMessage = "\nThis servlet is used to inform Cerberus that a new Build and Revision has been deployed on a system.\n\nParameter list :\n" + "- system [mandatory] : the system where the Build Revision has been deployed. [" + system + "]\n" + "- country [mandatory] : the country where the Build Revision has been deployed. You can use ALL if you want to perform the action for all countries that exist for the given system and environement. [" + country + "]\n" + "- environment [mandatory] : the environment where the Build Revision has been deployed. [" + environment + "]\n" + "- build [mandatory] : the build that has been deployed. [" + build + "]\n" + "- revision [mandatory] : the revision that has been deployed. [" + revision + "]\n";
    boolean error = false;
    // Checking the parameter validity. If application has been entered, does it exist ?
    if (system.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter system is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!system.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !invariantService.isInvariantExist("SYSTEM", system)) {
        out.println("Error - System does not exist  : " + system);
        error = true;
    if (environment.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter environment is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!environment.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !invariantService.isInvariantExist("ENVIRONMENT", environment)) {
        out.println("Error - Environment does not exist  : " + environment);
        error = true;
    if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter country is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    } else if (!country.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETERALL)) {
        if (!invariantService.isInvariantExist("COUNTRY", country)) {
            out.println("Error - Country does not exist  : " + country);
            error = true;
        if (!error) {
            if (!countryEnvParamService.exist(system, country, environment)) {
                out.println("Error - System/Country/Environment does not exist : " + system + "/" + country + "/" + environment);
                error = true;
    if (build.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter build is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!build.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !buildRevisionInvariantService.exist(system, 1, build)) {
        out.println("Error - Build does not exist : " + build);
        error = true;
    if (revision.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter revision is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!revision.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !buildRevisionInvariantService.exist(system, 2, revision)) {
        out.println("Error - Revision does not exist : " + revision);
        error = true;
    // Starting the database update only when no blocking error has been detected.
    if (error == false) {
         * Getting the list of objects to treat.
        // We update the object.
        MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_OK);
        Answer finalAnswer = new Answer(msg);
        AnswerList answerList = new AnswerList();
        if (country.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETERALL)) {
            country = null;
        answerList = countryEnvParamService.readByVarious(system, country, environment, null, null, null);
        finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, (Answer) answerList);
        for (CountryEnvParam cepData : (List<CountryEnvParam>) answerList.getDataList()) {
            // Email Calculation. Email must be calcuated before we update the Build and revision in order to have the old build revision still available in the mail.
            String OutputMessage = "";
            Email email = null;
            try {
                email = emailGenerationService.generateRevisionChangeEmail(cepData.getSystem(), cepData.getCountry(), cepData.getEnvironment(), build, revision);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", ex);
                logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/NewBuildRevisionV000", "NEWBUILDREV", "Warning on New Build/Revision environment : ['" + cepData.getSystem() + "','" + cepData.getCountry() + "','" + cepData.getEnvironment() + "'] " + ex.getMessage(), request);
                OutputMessage = ex.getMessage();
             * For each object, we can update it.
            Answer answerUpdate = countryEnvParamService.update(cepData);
            if (!(answerUpdate.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode()))) {
                 * Object could not be updated. We stop here and report the
                 * error.
                finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, answerUpdate);
            } else {
                 * Update was successful.
                // Adding Log entry.
                logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/NewBuildRevisionV000", "UPDATE", "Updated CountryEnvParam : ['" + cepData.getSystem() + "','" + cepData.getCountry() + "','" + cepData.getEnvironment() + "']", request);
                // Adding CountryEnvParam Log entry.
                countryEnvParam_logService.createLogEntry(cepData.getSystem(), cepData.getCountry(), cepData.getEnvironment(), build, revision, "New Build Revision.", "PublicCall");
                 * Email notification.
                try {
                    // Sending the email
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);
                    logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/NewBuildRevisionV000", "NEWBUILDREV", "Warning on New Build/Revision environment : ['" + cepData.getSystem() + "','" + cepData.getCountry() + "','" + cepData.getEnvironment() + "'] " + e.getMessage(), request);
                    OutputMessage = e.getMessage();
                if (OutputMessage.equals("")) {
                    msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_OK);
                    Answer answerSMTP = new AnswerList(msg);
                    finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, answerSMTP);
                } else {
                    msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_WARNING);
                    msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%REASON%", OutputMessage + " when sending email for " + cepData.getSystem() + "/" + cepData.getCountry() + "/" + cepData.getEnvironment()));
                    Answer answerSMTP = new AnswerList(msg);
                    finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, answerSMTP);
         * Formating and returning the result.
        out.println(finalAnswer.getResultMessage().getMessage().getCodeString() + " - " + finalAnswer.getResultMessage().getDescription());
    } else {
        // In case of errors, we display the help message.
Also used : AnswerList(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList) Email( MessageEvent(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent) IInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IInvariantService) IParameterService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IParameterService) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( IBuildRevisionInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IBuildRevisionInvariantService) ICountryEnvParam_logService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParam_logService) Answer(org.cerberus.util.answer.Answer) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) AnswerList(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList) List(java.util.List) ICountryEnvParamService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService) IEmailService( CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam) IEmailGenerationService( PrintWriter(

Example 12 with ICountryEnvParamService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class NewEnvironmentEventV000 method processRequest.

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    String charset = request.getCharacterEncoding();
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
     * Adding Log entry.
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(ILogEventService.class);
    logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/NewEnvironmentEventV000", "CALL", "NewEnvironmentEventV000 called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);
    ICountryEnvParamService countryEnvParamService = appContext.getBean(ICountryEnvParamService.class);
    IInvariantService invariantService = appContext.getBean(IInvariantService.class);
    IBatchInvariantService batchInvariantService = appContext.getBean(IBatchInvariantService.class);
    IBuildRevisionBatchService buildRevisionBatchService = appContext.getBean(IBuildRevisionBatchService.class);
    IEmailService emailService = appContext.getBean(IEmailService.class);
    // Parsing all parameters.
    String system = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("system"), "", charset);
    String country = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("country"), "", charset);
    String environment = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("environment"), "", charset);
    String event = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecodeAndSanitize(request.getParameter("event"), "", charset);
    String helpMessage = "\nThis servlet is used to inform Cerberus about an event that occured on a given environment. For example when a treatment has been executed.\n\nParameter list :\n" + "- system [mandatory] : the system where the Build Revision has been deployed. [" + system + "]\n" + "- country [mandatory] : the country where the Build Revision has been deployed. You can use ALL if you want to perform the action for all countries that exist for the given system and environement. [" + country + "]\n" + "- environment [mandatory] : the environment where the Build Revision has been deployed. [" + environment + "]\n" + "- event [mandatory] : the event that should be recorded.. [" + event + "]\n";
    boolean error = false;
    // Checking the parameter validity. If application has been entered, does it exist ?
    if (system.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter system is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!system.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !invariantService.isInvariantExist("SYSTEM", system)) {
        out.println("Error - System does not exist  : " + system);
        error = true;
    if (environment.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter environment is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!environment.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !invariantService.isInvariantExist("ENVIRONMENT", environment)) {
        out.println("Error - Environment does not exist  : " + environment);
        error = true;
    if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter country is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    } else if (!country.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETERALL)) {
        if (!invariantService.isInvariantExist("COUNTRY", country)) {
            out.println("Error - Country does not exist  : " + country);
            error = true;
        if (!error) {
            if (!countryEnvParamService.exist(system, country, environment)) {
                out.println("Error - System/Country/Environment does not exist : " + system + "/" + country + "/" + environment);
                error = true;
    if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
        out.println("Error - Parameter event is mandatory.");
        error = true;
    if (!event.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !batchInvariantService.exist(event)) {
        out.println("Error - Event does not exist  : " + event);
        error = true;
    // Starting the database update only when no blocking error has been detected.
    if (error == false) {
         * Getting the list of objects to treat.
        MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_OK);
        Answer finalAnswer = new Answer(msg);
        AnswerList answerList = new AnswerList();
        if (country.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETERALL)) {
            country = null;
        answerList = countryEnvParamService.readByVarious(system, country, environment, null, null, "Y");
        finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, (Answer) answerList);
        for (CountryEnvParam cepData : (List<CountryEnvParam>) answerList.getDataList()) {
             * For each object, we can update it.
            // Adding CountryEnvParam Log entry.
            buildRevisionBatchService.create(cepData.getSystem(), cepData.getCountry(), cepData.getEnvironment(), cepData.getBuild(), cepData.getRevision(), event);
             * Email notification.
            String OutputMessage = "";
            MessageEvent me = emailService.generateAndSendNewChainEmail(cepData.getSystem(), cepData.getCountry(), cepData.getEnvironment(), event);
            if (!"OK".equals(me.getMessage().getCodeString())) {
                LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched." + me.getMessage().getDescription());
                logEventService.createForPrivateCalls("/NewEnvironmentEventV000", "NEW", "Warning on New environment event : ['" + cepData.getSystem() + "','" + cepData.getCountry() + "','" + cepData.getEnvironment() + "'] " + me.getMessage().getDescription(), request);
                OutputMessage = me.getMessage().getDescription();
            if (OutputMessage.equals("")) {
                msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_OK);
                Answer answerSMTP = new AnswerList(msg);
                finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, answerSMTP);
            } else {
                msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.GENERIC_WARNING);
                msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%REASON%", OutputMessage + " when sending email for " + cepData.getSystem() + "/" + cepData.getCountry() + "/" + cepData.getEnvironment()));
                Answer answerSMTP = new AnswerList(msg);
                finalAnswer = AnswerUtil.agregateAnswer(finalAnswer, answerSMTP);
         * Formating and returning the result.
        out.println(finalAnswer.getResultMessage().getMessage().getCodeString() + " - " + finalAnswer.getResultMessage().getDescription());
    } else {
        // In case of errors, we display the help message.
Also used : AnswerList(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList) MessageEvent(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent) IInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IInvariantService) IBatchInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IBatchInvariantService) Answer(org.cerberus.util.answer.Answer) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) AnswerList(org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList) List(java.util.List) ICountryEnvParamService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService) IEmailService( CountryEnvParam(org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam) PrintWriter( IBuildRevisionBatchService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IBuildRevisionBatchService)


ICountryEnvParamService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParamService)12 ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)11 CountryEnvParam (org.cerberus.crud.entity.CountryEnvParam)10 MessageEvent (org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent)10 ILogEventService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService)9 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)9 Answer (org.cerberus.util.answer.Answer)8 AnswerItem (org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerItem)7 PolicyFactory (org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory)7 IEmailService ( ICountryEnvParam_logService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ICountryEnvParam_logService)4 IInvariantService (org.cerberus.crud.service.IInvariantService)4 IParameterService (org.cerberus.crud.service.IParameterService)4 PrintWriter ( List (java.util.List)3 AnswerList (org.cerberus.util.answer.AnswerList)3 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)3 IOException ( ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)2 IBuildRevisionBatchService (org.cerberus.crud.service.IBuildRevisionBatchService)2