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Example 1 with ITestCaseExecutionService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class GetNumberOfExecutions method processRequest.

 * Processes requests for both HTTP
 * <code>GET</code> and
 * <code>POST</code> methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    // Loading Services.
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
    IApplicationService myApplicationService = appContext.getBean(ApplicationService.class);
    IInvariantService myInvariantService = appContext.getBean(InvariantService.class);
    // Calling Servlet Transversal Util.
     * Adding Log entry.
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(LogEventService.class);
    logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/GetNumberOfExecutions", "CALL", "GetNumberOfExecutions called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);
    // Parsing all parameters.
    String environment = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("environment"), "PROD");
    String test = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("test"), "");
    String application = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("application"), "");
    String country = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("country"), "");
    String controlStatus = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("controlstatus"), "");
    int NbMinutes = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("nbminuteshistory"), 0);
    // Defining help message.
    String helpMessage = "\nThis servlet return the number of execution performed on WORKING test cases that match the following criterias :\n" + "- nbminuteshistory [mandatory] : the number of minutes in the past from the moment the servlet is called. This parameter must be > 0. [" + NbMinutes + "]\n" + "- test : Executions done on the test. [" + test + "]\n" + "- environment : Environment where the execution happened. Default to PROD. [" + environment + "]\n" + "- country : Executions done on the country. [" + country + "]\n" + "- application : Executions done against that application. [" + application + "]\n" + "- controlstatus : execution that return the following status. [" + controlStatus + "]\n";
    try {
        // Checking the parameter validity. nbminuteshistory is a mandatory parameter.
        boolean error = false;
        if (NbMinutes == 0) {
            out.println("Error - Parameter nbminuteshistory is mandatory. Please feed it in order to specify the elapsed time where the history should be considered.");
            error = true;
        // Checking the parameter validity. If application has been entered, does it exist ?
        if (!application.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !myApplicationService.exist(application)) {
            out.println("Error - Application does not exist  : " + application);
            error = true;
        if (!country.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !myInvariantService.isInvariantExist("COUNTRY", country)) {
            out.println("Warning - Country does not exist  : " + country);
        if (!environment.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !myInvariantService.isInvariantExist("ENVIRONMENT", environment)) {
            out.println("Warning - Environment does not exist  : " + environment);
        if (!controlStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !myInvariantService.isInvariantExist("TCESTATUS", controlStatus)) {
            out.println("Warning - Control Status does not exist  : " + controlStatus);
        // Starting the request only if previous parameters exist.
        if (!error) {
            // Getting a timestamp to filter the executions based on the nb of minutes
            String dateLimitFrom = DateUtil.getMySQLTimestampTodayDeltaMinutes(-NbMinutes);
            ITestCaseExecutionService MyTestExecutionService = appContext.getBean(TestCaseExecutionService.class);
            List<TestCaseExecution> myList;
            // Getting the lists of test cases the follow the criterias.
            try {
                myList = MyTestExecutionService.findTCExecutionbyCriteria1(dateLimitFrom, test, "", application, country, environment, controlStatus, "WORKING");
            } catch (CerberusException e) {
        } else {
            // In case of errors, we displayu the help message.
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);
        out.print("Error while Getting number of executions : ");
    } finally {
Also used : TestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution) CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) IInvariantService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IInvariantService) ITestCaseExecutionService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) IApplicationService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IApplicationService) PrintWriter(

Example 2 with ITestCaseExecutionService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class ReadTestCaseExecution method readExecutionByTagList.

private List<TestCaseExecution> readExecutionByTagList(ApplicationContext appContext, String Tag, int startPosition, int length, String sortInformation, String searchParameter, Map<String, List<String>> individualSearch) throws ParseException, CerberusException {
    AnswerList<TestCaseExecution> testCaseExecution;
    AnswerList<TestCaseExecutionQueue> testCaseExecutionInQueue;
    ITestCaseExecutionService testCaseExecService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionService.class);
    ITestCaseExecutionQueueService testCaseExecutionInQueueService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionQueueService.class);
     * Get list of execution by tag, env, country, browser
    testCaseExecution = testCaseExecService.readByTagByCriteria(Tag, startPosition, length, sortInformation, searchParameter, individualSearch);
    List<TestCaseExecution> testCaseExecutions = testCaseExecution.getDataList();
     * Get list of Execution in Queue by Tag
    testCaseExecutionInQueue = testCaseExecutionInQueueService.readByTagByCriteria(Tag, startPosition, length, sortInformation, searchParameter, individualSearch);
    List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> testCaseExecutionsInQueue = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getDataList();
     * Feed hash map with execution from the two list (to get only one by
     * test,testcase,country,env,browser)
    testCaseExecutions = hashExecution(testCaseExecutions, testCaseExecutionsInQueue);
    return testCaseExecutions;
Also used : TestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution) TestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue) ITestCaseExecutionService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService) ITestCaseExecutionQueueService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionQueueService)

Example 3 with ITestCaseExecutionService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class SetTagToExecution method processRequest.

 * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code>
 * methods.
 * @param request servlet request
 * @param response servlet response
 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    PolicyFactory policy = Sanitizers.FORMATTING.and(Sanitizers.LINKS);
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
    ITestCaseExecutionService executionService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionService.class);
    try {
        String id = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("executionId"));
        String tag = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("newTag"));
        executionService.setTagToExecution(Long.valueOf(id), tag);
        // Create Tag when exist.
        if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tag)) {
            // We create or update it.
            ITagService tagService = appContext.getBean(ITagService.class);
            tagService.createAuto(tag, "", request.getRemoteUser());
        /* TODO output your page here. You may use following sample code. */
        out.println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
        out.println("<title>Servlet SetTagToExecution</title>");
        out.println("<h1>Servlet SetTagToExecution at " + request.getContextPath() + "</h1>");
    } catch (CerberusException ex) {
    } finally {
Also used : ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) PolicyFactory(org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory) ITagService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITagService) ITestCaseExecutionService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService) PrintWriter(

Example 4 with ITestCaseExecutionService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class UpdateTestCaseExecution method updateTestCaseExecutionFromJsonArray.

 * update Test case execution with testCaseJson and all the parameter belonging to it (action, control, step)
 * @param JSONObject testCaseJson
 * @param ApplicationContext appContext
 * @throws JSONException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws CerberusException
void updateTestCaseExecutionFromJsonArray(JSONObject testCaseJson, ApplicationContext appContext) throws JSONException, IOException, CerberusException {
    JSONArray stepArray = testCaseJson.getJSONArray("stepArray");
    long executionId = testCaseJson.getLong("executionId");
    ITestCaseExecutionService testCaseExecutionService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionService.class);
    String returnCodeOfTestCase = updateTestCaseStepExecutionFromJsonArray(stepArray, appContext);
    String returnMessage;
    if (returnCodeOfTestCase.equals("OK"))
        returnMessage = "The test case finished successfully";
    else if (returnCodeOfTestCase.equals("FA"))
        returnMessage = "The test case failed to be executed because of an action.";
    else if (returnCodeOfTestCase.equals("KO"))
        returnMessage = "The test case finished, but failed on validations.";
        returnMessage = "";
    // get testCaseExecution
    TestCaseExecution executionToUpdate = testCaseExecutionService.findTCExecutionByKey(executionId);
Also used : TestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) ITestCaseExecutionService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService)

Example 5 with ITestCaseExecutionService

use of org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService in project cerberus-source by cerberustesting.

the class RunTestCase method doGet.

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());
    // Calling Servlet Transversal Util.
     * Adding Log entry.
    ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(ILogEventService.class);
    logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/RunTestCase", "CALL", "RunTestCase called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);
    // Tool
    // Selenium IP
    String ss_ip = "";
    // Selenium Host (optional)
    String ss_ip_user = "";
    // Selenium Password (optional)
    String ss_ip_pass = "";
    // Selenium Port
    String ss_p = "";
    String browser = "";
    String robotDecli = "";
    String version = "";
    String platform = "";
    String robot = "";
    String active = "";
    String timeout = "";
    String userAgent = "";
    String screenSize = "";
    boolean synchroneous = true;
    int getPageSource = 0;
    int getSeleniumLog = 0;
    String manualExecution = "N";
    List<RobotCapability> capabilities = null;
    // Test
    String test = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("Test"), "");
    String testCase = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("TestCase"), "");
    String country = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("Country"), "");
    String environment = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("Environment"), "");
    // Test Dev Environment
    boolean manualURL = ParameterParserUtil.parseBooleanParam(request.getParameter("manualURL"), false);
    String myHost = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("myhost"), "");
    String myContextRoot = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("mycontextroot"), "");
    String myLoginRelativeURL = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("myloginrelativeurl"), "");
    // TODO find another solution
    myLoginRelativeURL = myLoginRelativeURL.replace("&#61;", "=");
    String myEnvData = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("myenvdata"), "");
    // Execution
    String tag = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("Tag"), "");
    String outputFormat = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("outputformat"), "compact");
    int screenshot = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("screenshot"), 1);
    int verbose = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("verbose"), 0);
    timeout = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("timeout"), "");
    synchroneous = ParameterParserUtil.parseBooleanParam(request.getParameter("synchroneous"), false);
    getPageSource = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("pageSource"), 1);
    getSeleniumLog = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("seleniumLog"), 1);
    manualExecution = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(request.getParameter("manualExecution"), "N");
    int numberOfRetries = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("retries"), 0);
    screenSize = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("screenSize"), "");
    robot = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("robot"), "");
    ss_ip = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("ss_ip"), "");
    ss_p = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("ss_p"), "");
    browser = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("Browser"), ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("browser"), ""));
    version = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("version"), "");
    platform = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("platform"), "");
    // hidden parameters.
    long idFromQueue = ParameterParserUtil.parseIntegerParam(request.getParameter("IdFromQueue"), 0);
    String executor = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getParameter("executor"), ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndSanitize(request.getRemoteUser(), null));
    String helpMessage = "\nThis servlet is used to start the execution of a test case.\n" + "Parameter list :\n" + "- Test [mandatory] : Test to execute. [" + test + "]\n" + "- TestCase [mandatory] : Test Case reference to execute. [" + testCase + "]\n" + "- Country [mandatory] : Country where the test case will execute. [" + country + "]\n" + "- Environment : Environment where the test case will execute. This parameter is mandatory only if manualURL is not set to Y. [" + environment + "]\n" + "- robot : robot name on which the test will be executed. [" + robot + "]\n" + "- ss_ip : Host of the Robot where the test will be executed. (Can be overwriten if robot is defined) [" + ss_ip + "]\n" + "- ss_p : Port of the Robot. (Can be overwriten if robot is defined) [" + ss_p + "]\n" + "- browser : Browser to use for the execution. (Can be overwriten if robot is defined) [" + browser + "]\n" + "- version : Version to use for the execution. (Can be overwriten if robot is defined) [" + version + "]\n" + "- platform : Platform to use for the execution. (Can be overwriten if robot is defined) [" + platform + "]\n" + "- screenSize : Size of the screen to set for the execution. [" + screenSize + "]\n" + "- manualURL : Activate or not the Manual URL of the application to execute. If activated the 4 parameters after (myhost, mycontextroot, myloginrelativeurl, myenvdata) are necessary. [" + manualURL + "]\n" + "- myhost : Host of the application to test (only used when manualURL is feed). [" + myHost + "]\n" + "- mycontextroot : Context root of the application to test (only used when manualURL is feed). [" + myContextRoot + "]\n" + "- myloginrelativeurl : Relative login URL of the application (only used when manualURL is feed). [" + myLoginRelativeURL + "]\n" + "- myenvdata : Environment where to get the test data when a manualURL is defined. (only used when manualURL is feed) [" + myEnvData + "]\n" + "- Tag : Tag that will be stored on the execution. [" + tag + "]\n" + "- outputformat : Format of the output of the execution. [" + outputFormat + "]\n" + "- screenshot : Activate or not the screenshots. [" + screenshot + "]\n" + "- verbose : Verbose level of the execution. [" + verbose + "]\n" + "- timeout : Timeout used for the action. If empty, the default value will be the one configured in parameter table. [" + timeout + "]\n" + "- synchroneous : Synchroneous define if the servlet wait for the end of the execution to report its execution. [" + synchroneous + "\n" + "- pageSource : Record Page Source during the execution. [" + getPageSource + "]\n" + "- seleniumLog : Get the SeleniumLog at the end of the execution. [" + getSeleniumLog + "]\n" + "- manualExecution : Execute testcase in manual mode. [" + manualExecution + "]\n" + "- retries : Number of tries if the result is not OK. [" + numberOfRetries + "]\n";
    boolean error = false;
    String errorMessage = "";
    // test, testcase and country parameters are mandatory
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(test)) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Parameter test is mandatory. ";
        error = true;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(testCase)) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Parameter testCase is mandatory. ";
        error = true;
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tag) && tag.length() > 255) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Parameter tag value is too big. Tag cannot be larger than 255 Characters. Currently has : " + tag.length();
        error = true;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(country)) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Parameter country is mandatory. ";
        error = true;
    // environment is mandatory when manualURL is not activated.
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(environment) && !manualURL) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Parameter environment is mandatory (or use the manualURL parameter). ";
        error = true;
    // We check that execution is not desactivated by cerberus_automaticexecution_enable parameter.
    IParameterService parameterService = appContext.getBean(IParameterService.class);
    if (!(parameterService.getParameterBooleanByKey("cerberus_automaticexecution_enable", "", true))) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Execution disable by configuration (cerberus_automaticexecution_enable <> Y). ";
        error = true;"Execution request ignored by cerberus_automaticexecution_enable parameter. " + test + " / " + testCase);
    // If Robot is feeded, we check it exist. If it exist, we overwrite the associated parameters.
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(robot)) {
        IRobotService robotService = appContext.getBean(IRobotService.class);
        try {
            Robot robObj = robotService.readByKey(robot);
            // If Robot parameter is defined and we can find the robot, we overwrite the corresponding parameters.
            ss_ip = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(robObj.getHost(), ss_ip);
            ss_ip_user = robObj.getHostUser();
            ss_ip_pass = robObj.getHostPassword();
            ss_p = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(String.valueOf(robObj.getPort()), ss_p);
            browser = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(robObj.getBrowser(), browser);
            robotDecli = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(robObj.getRobotDecli(), "");
            if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(robotDecli)) {
                robotDecli = robObj.getRobot();
            version = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(robObj.getVersion(), version);
            platform = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParam(robObj.getPlatform(), platform);
            active = robObj.getActive();
            userAgent = robObj.getUserAgent();
            capabilities = robObj.getCapabilities();
            screenSize = robObj.getScreenSize();
        } catch (CerberusException ex) {
            errorMessage += "Error - Robot [" + robot + "] does not exist. ";
            error = true;
    } else {
        robotDecli = browser;
    // We cannot execute a testcase on a desactivated Robot.
    if (active.equals("N")) {
        errorMessage += "Error - Robot is not Active. ";
        error = true;
    // verify the format of the ScreenSize. It must be 2 integer separated by a *. For example : 1024*768
    if (!"".equals(screenSize)) {
        if (!screenSize.contains("*")) {
            errorMessage += "Error - ScreenSize format is not Correct. It must be 2 Integer separated by a *. ";
            error = true;
        } else {
            try {
                String screenWidth = screenSize.split("\\*")[0];
                String screenLength = screenSize.split("\\*")[1];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                errorMessage += "Error - ScreenSize format is not Correct. It must be 2 Integer separated by a *. ";
                error = true;
    // check if the test case is to be executed in the specific parameters
    try {
        ITestCaseCountryService tccService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseCountryService.class);
        TestCaseCountry tcc = tccService.findTestCaseCountryByKey(test, testCase, country);
        if (tcc == null) {
            error = true;
    } catch (CerberusException ex) {
        error = true;
        errorMessage += "Error - Test Case is not selected for country. ";
    // Create Tag when exist.
    if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tag)) {
        // We create or update it.
        ITagService tagService = appContext.getBean(ITagService.class);
        tagService.createAuto(tag, "", executor);
    if (!error) {
        // TODO:FN debug messages to be removed
        LOG.debug("STARTED: Test " + test + "-" + testCase);
        IRunTestCaseService runTestCaseService = appContext.getBean(IRunTestCaseService.class);
        IFactoryTestCase factoryTCase = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCase.class);
        IFactoryTestCaseExecution factoryTCExecution = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCaseExecution.class);
        IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue factoryTCExecutionQueue = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue.class);
        ITestCaseExecutionService tces = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionService.class);
        ITestCaseService tcs = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseService.class);
        TestCase tCase = factoryTCase.create(test, testCase);
        // Building Execution Object.
        TestCaseExecution tCExecution = factoryTCExecution.create(0, test, testCase, null, null, null, environment, country, browser, version, platform, "", 0, 0, "", "", "", null, ss_ip, null, ss_p, tag, verbose, screenshot, getPageSource, getSeleniumLog, synchroneous, timeout, outputFormat, null, Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion(), tCase, null, null, manualURL, myHost, myContextRoot, myLoginRelativeURL, myEnvData, ss_ip, ss_p, null, new MessageGeneral(MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_PE_TESTSTARTED), executor, numberOfRetries, screenSize, capabilities, "", "", "", "", "", manualExecution, userAgent, 0, "", robotDecli);
         * Set IdFromQueue
        try {
            TestCaseExecutionQueue queueExecution = factoryTCExecutionQueue.create(idFromQueue, test, testCase, country, environment, robot, ss_ip, ss_p, browser, version, platform, screenSize, 0, myHost, myContextRoot, myLoginRelativeURL, myEnvData, tag, screenshot, verbose, timeout, getPageSource, getSeleniumLog, 0, numberOfRetries, manualExecution, executor, null, null, null);
        } catch (FactoryCreationException ex) {
         * Set UUID
        ExecutionUUID executionUUIDObject = appContext.getBean(ExecutionUUID.class);
        UUID executionUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
        executionUUIDObject.setExecutionUUID(executionUUID.toString(), tCExecution);
        tCExecution.setExecutionUUID(executionUUID.toString());"Execution Requested : UUID=" + executionUUID);
         * Execution of the testcase.
        LOG.debug("Start execution " + tCExecution.getId());
        tCExecution = runTestCaseService.runTestCase(tCExecution);
         * Clean memory in case testcase has not been launched(Remove all
         * object put in memory)
        try {
            if (tCExecution.getId() == 0) {
                LOG.debug("Clean ExecutionUUID");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("Exception cleaning Memory: ", ex);
         * Execution is finished we report the result.
        long runID = tCExecution.getId();
        if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("gui")) {
            // HTML GUI output. either the detailed execution page or an error page when the execution is not created.
            if (runID > 0) {
                // Execution has been created.
                response.sendRedirect("TestCaseExecution.jsp?executionId=" + runID);
            } else {
                // Execution was not even created.
                out.println("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"><title>Test Execution Result</title></head>");
                out.println("<tr><td>RunID</td><td><span id='RunID'>" + runID + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>IdFromQueue</td><td><b><span id='IdFromQueue'>" + tCExecution.getQueueID() + "</span></b></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Test</td><td><span id='Test'>" + test + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>TestCase</td><td><span id='TestCase'>" + testCase + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Country</td><td><span id='Country'>" + country + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Environment</td><td><span id='Environment'>" + environment + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>TimestampStart</td><td><span id='TimestampStart'>" + new Timestamp(tCExecution.getStart()) + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>TimestampEnd</td><td><span id='TimestampEnd'>" + new Timestamp(tCExecution.getEnd()) + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>OutputFormat</td><td><span id='OutputFormat'>" + outputFormat + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Verbose</td><td><span id='Verbose'>" + verbose + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Screenshot</td><td><span id='Screenshot'>" + screenshot + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>PageSource</td><td><span id='PageSource'>" + getPageSource + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>SeleniumLog</td><td><span id='SeleniumLog'>" + getSeleniumLog + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Robot</td><td><span id='Robot'>" + robot + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Selenium Server IP</td><td><span id='SeleniumIP'>" + ss_ip + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Selenium Server Port</td><td><span id='SeleniumPort'>" + ss_p + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Timeout</td><td><span id='Timeout'>" + timeout + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Synchroneous</td><td><span id='Synchroneous'>" + synchroneous + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Browser</td><td><span id='Browser'>" + browser + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Version</td><td><span id='Version'>" + version + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Platform</td><td><span id='Platform'>" + platform + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Screen Size</td><td><span id='screenSize'>" + screenSize + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>Number of Retry</td><td><span id='nbretry'>" + numberOfRetries + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>ManualURL</td><td><span id='ManualURL'>" + tCExecution.isManualURL() + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>MyHost</td><td><span id='MyHost'>" + tCExecution.getMyHost() + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>MyContextRoot</td><td><span id='MyContextRoot'>" + tCExecution.getMyContextRoot() + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>MyLoginRelativeURL</td><td><span id='MyLoginRelativeURL'>" + tCExecution.getMyLoginRelativeURL() + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>myEnvironmentData</td><td><span id='myEnvironmentData'>" + tCExecution.getEnvironmentData() + "</span></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>ReturnCode</td><td><b><span id='ReturnCodeDescription'>" + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCode() + "</span></b></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>ReturnCodeDescription</td><td><b><span id='ReturnCodeDescription'>" + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getDescription() + "</span></b></td></tr>");
                out.println("<tr><td>ControlStatus</td><td><b><span id='ReturnCodeMessage'>" + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCodeString() + "</span></b></td></tr>");
                out.println("<table border>");
                out.println("<tr>" + "<td><input id=\"ButtonRetry\" type=\"button\" value=\"Retry\" onClick=\"window.location.reload()\"></td>" + "<td><input id=\"ButtonBack\" type=\"button\" value=\"Go Back\" onClick=\"window.history.back()\"></td>" + "<td><input id=\"ButtonOpenTC\" type=\"button\" value=\"Open Test Case\" onClick=\"'TestCaseScript.jsp?test=" + test + "&testcase=" + testCase + "')\"></td>" + "</tr>");
        } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("redirectToReport")) {
            // Redirect to the reporting page by tag.
            response.sendRedirect("./ReportingExecutionByTag.jsp?Tag=" + StringUtil.encodeAsJavaScriptURIComponent(tag));
        } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("verbose-txt")) {
            // Text verbose output.
            String separator = " = ";
            out.println("RunID" + separator + runID);
            out.println("QueueID" + separator + idFromQueue);
            out.println("Test" + separator + test);
            out.println("TestCase" + separator + testCase);
            out.println("Country" + separator + country);
            out.println("Environment" + separator + environment);
            out.println("Time Start" + separator + new Timestamp(tCExecution.getStart()));
            out.println("Time End" + separator + new Timestamp(tCExecution.getEnd()));
            out.println("OutputFormat" + separator + outputFormat);
            out.println("Verbose" + separator + verbose);
            out.println("Screenshot" + separator + screenshot);
            out.println("PageSource" + separator + getPageSource);
            out.println("SeleniumLog" + separator + getSeleniumLog);
            out.println("Robot" + separator + robot);
            out.println("Selenium Server IP" + separator + ss_ip);
            out.println("Selenium Server Port" + separator + ss_p);
            out.println("Timeout" + separator + timeout);
            out.println("Synchroneous" + separator + synchroneous);
            out.println("Browser" + separator + browser);
            out.println("Version" + separator + version);
            out.println("Platform" + separator + platform);
            out.println("ScreenSize" + separator + screenSize);
            out.println("Nb Of Retry" + separator + numberOfRetries);
            out.println("ManualURL" + separator + tCExecution.isManualURL());
            out.println("MyHost" + separator + tCExecution.getMyHost());
            out.println("MyContextRoot" + separator + tCExecution.getMyContextRoot());
            out.println("MyLoginRelativeURL" + separator + tCExecution.getMyLoginRelativeURL());
            out.println("myEnvironmentData" + separator + tCExecution.getEnvironmentData());
            out.println("ReturnCode" + separator + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCode());
            out.println("ReturnCodeDescription" + separator + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getDescription());
            out.println("ControlStatus" + separator + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCodeString());
        } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("verbose-json")) {
            // JSON verbose output.
            TestCaseExecution t = (TestCaseExecution) tces.readByKeyWithDependency(tCExecution.getId()).getItem();
        } else {
            // Default behaviour when not outputformat is defined : compact mode.
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DateUtil.DATE_FORMAT_DISPLAY);
            out.println(df.format(tCExecution.getStart()) + " - " + runID + " [" + test + "|" + testCase + "|" + country + "|" + environment + "] : '" + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCodeString() + "' - " + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getCode() + " " + tCExecution.getResultMessage().getDescription());
    } else {
        // Error occured in the servlet.
        if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("verbose-txt")) {
            // Text verbose output.
            String separator = " = ";
            out.println("RunID" + separator + 0);
            out.println("QueueID" + separator + idFromQueue);
            out.println("Test" + separator + test);
            out.println("TestCase" + separator + testCase);
            out.println("Country" + separator + country);
            out.println("Environment" + separator + environment);
            out.println("OutputFormat" + separator + outputFormat);
            out.println("Verbose" + separator + verbose);
            out.println("Screenshot" + separator + screenshot);
            out.println("PageSource" + separator + getPageSource);
            out.println("SeleniumLog" + separator + getSeleniumLog);
            out.println("Robot" + separator + robot);
            out.println("Selenium Server IP" + separator + ss_ip);
            out.println("Selenium Server Port" + separator + ss_p);
            out.println("Timeout" + separator + timeout);
            out.println("Synchroneous" + separator + synchroneous);
            out.println("Browser" + separator + browser);
            out.println("Version" + separator + version);
            out.println("Platform" + separator + platform);
            out.println("ScreenSize" + separator + screenSize);
            out.println("Nb Of Retry" + separator + numberOfRetries);
            out.println("ManualURL" + separator + manualURL);
            out.println("MyHost" + separator + myHost);
            out.println("MyContextRoot" + separator + myContextRoot);
            out.println("MyLoginRelativeURL" + separator + myLoginRelativeURL);
            out.println("myEnvironmentData" + separator + myEnvData);
            out.println("ReturnCode" + separator + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getCode());
            out.println("ReturnCodeDescription" + separator + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getDescription() + " " + errorMessage);
            out.println("ControlStatus" + separator + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getCodeString());
        } else {
            // In case of errors, we display the help message.
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DateUtil.DATE_FORMAT_DISPLAY);
            String errorMessageFinal = df.format(new Date()) + " - " + 0 + " [" + test + "|" + testCase + "|" + country + "|" + environment + "] : '" + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getCodeString() + "' - " + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getCode() + " " + MessageGeneralEnum.EXECUTION_FA_SERVLETVALIDATONS.getDescription() + " " + errorMessage;
Also used : IParameterService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IParameterService) IFactoryTestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecution) ITestCaseExecutionService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) ITestCaseCountryService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseCountryService) FactoryCreationException(org.cerberus.exception.FactoryCreationException) ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) MessageGeneral(org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageGeneral) ITestCaseService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseService) ILogEventService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService) TestCaseCountry(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseCountry) TestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue) IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue) RobotCapability(org.cerberus.crud.entity.RobotCapability) UUID(java.util.UUID) ExecutionUUID(org.cerberus.engine.entity.ExecutionUUID) PrintWriter( CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) IFactoryTestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecution) TestCaseExecution(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution) ExecutionUUID(org.cerberus.engine.entity.ExecutionUUID) IRunTestCaseService(org.cerberus.engine.execution.IRunTestCaseService) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) FactoryCreationException(org.cerberus.exception.FactoryCreationException) IOException( CerberusException(org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException) IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCaseExecutionQueue) Date(java.util.Date) IRobotService(org.cerberus.crud.service.IRobotService) TestCase(org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCase) IFactoryTestCase(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCase) ITagService(org.cerberus.crud.service.ITagService) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) IFactoryTestCase(org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryTestCase) Robot(org.cerberus.crud.entity.Robot) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)


ITestCaseExecutionService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ITestCaseExecutionService)7 TestCaseExecution (org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution)6 CerberusException (org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException)5 ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)5 PrintWriter ( ILogEventService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ILogEventService)4 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)3 IParameterService (org.cerberus.crud.service.IParameterService)3 PolicyFactory (org.owasp.html.PolicyFactory)3 IOException ( ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)2 TestCaseExecutionQueue (org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue)2 ITagService (org.cerberus.crud.service.ITagService)2 JSONException (org.json.JSONException)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)1 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1