use of org.checkerframework.checker.units.qual.Prefix in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class UnitsRelationsTools method getPrefix.
* Retrieves the SI Prefix of an Annotation
* @param unitsAnnotation an AnnotationMirror representing a Units Annotation
* @return a Prefix value (including, or null if it has none
public static Prefix getPrefix(@Nullable final AnnotationMirror unitsAnnotation) {
AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationMirrorPrefix(unitsAnnotation);
// if this Annotation has no prefix, return null
if (hasNoPrefix(annotationValue)) {
return null;
// if the Annotation has a value, then detect and match the string name of the prefix, and
// return the matching Prefix
String prefixString = annotationValue.getValue().toString();
for (Prefix prefix : Prefix.values()) {
if (prefixString.equals(prefix.toString())) {
return prefix;
// if none of the strings match, then return null
return null;
use of org.checkerframework.checker.units.qual.Prefix in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory method aliasedAnnotation.
// Converts all metric-prefixed units' alias annotations (eg @kg) into base unit annotations
// with prefix values (eg @g(Prefix.kilo))
public AnnotationMirror aliasedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror anno) {
// Get the name of the aliased annotation
String aname = anno.getAnnotationType().toString();
// annotation
if (aliasMap.containsKey(aname)) {
// if so return it
return aliasMap.get(aname);
boolean built = false;
AnnotationMirror result = null;
// if not, look for the UnitsMultiple meta annotations of this aliased annotation
for (AnnotationMirror metaAnno : anno.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotationMirrors()) {
// see if the meta annotation is UnitsMultiple
if (isUnitsMultiple(metaAnno)) {
// retrieve the Class of the base unit annotation
Class<? extends Annotation> baseUnitAnnoClass = AnnotationUtils.getElementValueClass(metaAnno, "quantity", true).asSubclass(Annotation.class);
// retrieve the SI Prefix of the aliased annotation
Prefix prefix = AnnotationUtils.getElementValueEnum(metaAnno, "prefix", Prefix.class, true);
// Build a base unit annotation with the prefix applied
result = UnitsRelationsTools.buildAnnoMirrorWithSpecificPrefix(processingEnv, baseUnitAnnoClass, prefix);
// TODO: assert that this annotation is a prefix multiple of a Unit that's in the
// supported type qualifiers list currently this breaks for externally loaded
// annotations if the order was an alias before a base annotation.
// assert isSupportedQualifier(result);
built = true;
if (built) {
// aliases shouldn't have, but if it does then clean it up here
if (UnitsRelationsTools.getPrefix(result) == {
result = removePrefix(result);
// add this to the alias map
aliasMap.put(aname, result);
return result;
return super.aliasedAnnotation(anno);
use of org.checkerframework.checker.units.qual.Prefix in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class UnitsRelationsDefault method multiplication.
* Provides rules for resolving the result Unit of the multiplication of checker-framework
* provided Units
public AnnotationMirror multiplication(AnnotatedTypeMirror lht, AnnotatedTypeMirror rht) {
// checking SI units only
if (UnitsRelationsTools.hasSpecificUnitIgnoringPrefix(lht, m) && UnitsRelationsTools.hasSpecificUnitIgnoringPrefix(rht, m)) {
if (UnitsRelationsTools.hasNoPrefix(lht) && UnitsRelationsTools.hasNoPrefix(rht)) {
// m * m
return m2;
Prefix lhtPrefix = UnitsRelationsTools.getPrefix(lht);
Prefix rhtPrefix = UnitsRelationsTools.getPrefix(rht);
if (bothHaveSpecificPrefix(lhtPrefix, rhtPrefix, Prefix.kilo)) {
// km * km
return km2;
} else if (bothHaveSpecificPrefix(lhtPrefix, rhtPrefix, {
// m( * m(
return m2;
} else if (bothHaveSpecificPrefix(lhtPrefix, rhtPrefix, Prefix.milli)) {
// mm * mm
return mm2;
} else {
return null;
} else if (havePairOfUnitsIgnoringOrder(lht, s, rht, mPERs)) {
// s * mPERs or mPERs * s => m
return m;
} else if (havePairOfUnitsIgnoringOrder(lht, s, rht, mPERs2)) {
// s * mPERs2 or mPERs2 * s => mPERs
return mPERs;
} else if (havePairOfUnitsIgnoringOrder(lht, h, rht, kmPERh)) {
// h * kmPERh or kmPERh * h => km
return km;
} else {
return null;