use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.constraint.A2F in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class DefaultTypeArgumentInference method createArgumentAFConstraints.
* Step 1: Create a constraint {@code Ai << Fi} for each Argument(Ai) to formal parameter(Fi).
* Remove any constraint that does not involve a type parameter to be inferred. Reduce the
* remaining constraints so that Fi = Tj where Tj is a type parameter with an argument to be
* inferred. Return the resulting constraint set.
* @param typeFactory AnnotatedTypeFactory
* @param argTypes list of annotated types corresponding to the arguments to the method
* @param methodType annotated type of the method
* @param targets type variables to be inferred
* @param useNullArguments whether or not null method arguments should be considered
* @return a set of argument constraints
protected Set<AFConstraint> createArgumentAFConstraints(final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory, final List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> argTypes, final AnnotatedExecutableType methodType, final Set<TypeVariable> targets, boolean useNullArguments) {
final List<AnnotatedTypeMirror> paramTypes = AnnotatedTypes.expandVarArgsFromTypes(methodType, argTypes);
if (argTypes.size() != paramTypes.size()) {
ErrorReporter.errorAbort("Mismatch between formal parameter count and argument count!\n" + "paramTypes=" + PluginUtil.join(",", paramTypes) + "\n" + "argTypes=" + PluginUtil.join(",", argTypes));
final int numberOfParams = paramTypes.size();
final ArrayDeque<AFConstraint> afConstraints = new ArrayDeque<>(numberOfParams);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParams; i++) {
if (!useNullArguments && argTypes.get(i).getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) {
afConstraints.add(new A2F(argTypes.get(i), paramTypes.get(i)));
final Set<AFConstraint> reducedConstraints = new LinkedHashSet<>();
reduceAfConstraints(typeFactory, reducedConstraints, afConstraints, targets);
return reducedConstraints;
use of org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference.constraint.A2F in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class DefaultTypeArgumentInference method createAssignmentConstraints.
* The first half of Step 6.
* <p>This method creates constraints:
* <ul>
* <li>between the bounds of types that are already inferred and their inferred arguments
* <li>between the assignment context and the return type of the method (with the previously
* inferred arguments substituted into these constraints)
* </ul>
public ConstraintMap createAssignmentConstraints(final AnnotatedTypeMirror assignedTo, final AnnotatedTypeMirror boxedReturnType, final AnnotatedExecutableType methodType, final Set<AFConstraint> afArgumentConstraints, final Map<TypeVariable, AnnotatedTypeMirror> inferredArgs, final Set<TypeVariable> targets, final AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory) {
final ArrayDeque<AFConstraint> assignmentAfs = new ArrayDeque<>(2 * methodType.getTypeVariables().size() + afArgumentConstraints.size());
for (AnnotatedTypeVariable typeParam : methodType.getTypeVariables()) {
final TypeVariable target = typeParam.getUnderlyingType();
final AnnotatedTypeMirror inferredType = inferredArgs.get(target);
// the lower bound for all uninferred types Tu: Tu >> Bi and Lu >> Tu
if (inferredType != null) {
assignmentAfs.add(new A2F(inferredType, typeParam.getUpperBound()));
assignmentAfs.add(new F2A(typeParam.getLowerBound(), inferredType));
} else {
assignmentAfs.add(new F2A(typeParam, typeParam.getUpperBound()));
assignmentAfs.add(new A2F(typeParam.getLowerBound(), typeParam));
for (AFConstraint argConstraint : afArgumentConstraints) {
if (argConstraint instanceof F2A) {
ArrayDeque<AFConstraint> substitutedAssignmentConstraints = new ArrayDeque<>(assignmentAfs.size() + 1);
for (AFConstraint afConstraint : assignmentAfs) {
final AnnotatedTypeMirror substitutedReturnType = TypeArgInferenceUtil.substitute(inferredArgs, boxedReturnType);
substitutedAssignmentConstraints.add(new F2A(substitutedReturnType, assignedTo));
final Set<AFConstraint> reducedConstraints = new LinkedHashSet<>();
reduceAfConstraints(typeFactory, reducedConstraints, substitutedAssignmentConstraints, targets);
final Set<TUConstraint> tuAssignmentConstraints = afToTuConstraints(reducedConstraints, targets);
addConstraintsBetweenTargets(tuAssignmentConstraints, targets, true, typeFactory);
return, tuAssignmentConstraints, typeFactory);