use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.
the class OverlayPanelBase method updatePanelForHeight.
// ============================================================================================
// UI Update Handling
// ============================================================================================
* Updates the UI state for a given |height|.
* @param height The Overlay Panel height.
private void updatePanelForHeight(float height) {
PanelState endState = findLargestPanelStateFromHeight(height);
PanelState startState = getPreviousPanelState(endState);
float percentage = getStateCompletion(height, startState, endState);
if (endState == PanelState.CLOSED || endState == PanelState.PEEKED) {
} else if (endState == PanelState.EXPANDED) {
} else if (endState == PanelState.MAXIMIZED) {
use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.
the class OverlayPanelBase method findNearestPanelStateFromHeight.
* Finds the state which has the nearest height compared to a given
* |desiredPanelHeight|.
* @param desiredPanelHeight The height to compare to.
* @param velocity The velocity of the swipe if applicable. The swipe is upward if less than 0.
* @return The nearest panel state.
protected PanelState findNearestPanelStateFromHeight(float desiredPanelHeight, float velocity) {
// If the panel was flung hard enough to make the desired height negative, it's closed.
if (desiredPanelHeight < 0)
return PanelState.CLOSED;
// First, find the two states that the desired panel height is between.
PanelState nextState = PanelState.values()[0];
PanelState prevState = nextState;
for (PanelState state : PanelState.values()) {
if (!isValidUiState(state)) {
prevState = nextState;
nextState = state;
// this to work.
if (desiredPanelHeight >= getPanelHeightFromState(prevState) && desiredPanelHeight < getPanelHeightFromState(nextState)) {
// If the desired height is close enough to a certain state, depending on the direction of
// the velocity, move to that state.
float lowerBound = getPanelHeightFromState(prevState);
float distance = getPanelHeightFromState(nextState) - lowerBound;
float thresholdToNextState = velocity < 0.0f ? getThresholdToNextState() : 1.0f - getThresholdToNextState();
if ((desiredPanelHeight - lowerBound) / distance > thresholdToNextState) {
return nextState;
} else {
return prevState;
use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.
the class OverlayPanelAnimation method getProjectedState.
* @param velocity The given velocity.
* @return The projected state the Panel will be if the given velocity is applied.
protected PanelState getProjectedState(float velocity) {
final float kickY = calculateAnimationDisplacement(velocity, BASE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS);
final float projectedHeight = getHeight() - kickY;
// Calculate the projected state the Panel will be at the end of the fling movement and the
// duration of the animation given the current velocity and the projected displacement.
PanelState projectedState = findNearestPanelStateFromHeight(projectedHeight, velocity);
return projectedState;
use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.
the class OverlayPanelAnimation method animateToNearestState.
// ============================================================================================
// Animation Helpers
// ============================================================================================
* Animates the Panel to its nearest state.
protected void animateToNearestState() {
// Calculate the nearest state from the current position, and then calculate the duration
// of the animation that will start with a desired initial velocity and move the desired
// amount of dps (displacement).
final PanelState nearestState = findNearestPanelStateFromHeight(getHeight(), 0.0f);
final float displacement = getPanelHeightFromState(nearestState) - getHeight();
final long duration = calculateAnimationDuration(INITIAL_ANIMATION_VELOCITY_DP_PER_SECOND, displacement);
animatePanelToState(nearestState, StateChangeReason.SWIPE, duration);
use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.
the class OverlayPanelAnimation method animateToProjectedState.
* Animates the Panel to its projected state, given a particular vertical |velocity|.
* @param velocity The velocity of the gesture in dps per second.
protected void animateToProjectedState(float velocity) {
PanelState projectedState = getProjectedState(velocity);
final float displacement = getPanelHeightFromState(projectedState) - getHeight();
final long duration = calculateAnimationDuration(velocity, displacement);
animatePanelToState(projectedState, StateChangeReason.FLING, duration);