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Example 1 with PaymentOption

use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.

the class PaymentRequestImpl method onInstrumentDetailsReady.

     * Called after retrieving instrument details.
public void onInstrumentDetailsReady(String methodName, String stringifiedDetails) {
    if (mClient == null)
    PaymentResponse response = new PaymentResponse();
    response.methodName = methodName;
    response.stringifiedDetails = stringifiedDetails;
    if (mContactSection != null) {
        PaymentOption selectedContact = mContactSection.getSelectedItem();
        if (selectedContact != null) {
            // Contacts are created in show(). These should all be instances of AutofillContact.
            assert selectedContact instanceof AutofillContact;
            response.payerPhone = ((AutofillContact) selectedContact).getPayerPhone();
            response.payerEmail = ((AutofillContact) selectedContact).getPayerEmail();
    if (mUiShippingOptions != null) {
        PaymentOption selectedShippingOption = mUiShippingOptions.getSelectedItem();
        if (selectedShippingOption != null && selectedShippingOption.getIdentifier() != null) {
            response.shippingOption = selectedShippingOption.getIdentifier();
    // Record the payment method used to complete the transaction. If the payment method was an
    // Autofill credit card with an identifier, record its use.
    PaymentOption selectedPaymentMethod = mPaymentMethodsSection.getSelectedItem();
    if (selectedPaymentMethod instanceof AutofillPaymentInstrument) {
        if (!selectedPaymentMethod.getIdentifier().isEmpty()) {
    } else if (methodName.equals(ANDROID_PAY_METHOD_NAME)) {
    } else {
    if (mShippingAddressesSection != null) {
        PaymentOption selectedShippingAddress = mShippingAddressesSection.getSelectedItem();
        if (selectedShippingAddress != null) {
            // AutofillAddress.
            assert selectedShippingAddress instanceof AutofillAddress;
            AutofillAddress selectedAutofillAddress = (AutofillAddress) selectedShippingAddress;
            // Addresses to be sent to the merchant should always be complete.
            assert selectedAutofillAddress.isComplete();
            // Record the use of the profile.
            response.shippingAddress = selectedAutofillAddress.toPaymentAddress();
            // Create the normalization task.
            mPendingPaymentResponse = response;
            mIsWaitingForNormalization = true;
            boolean willNormalizeAsync = PersonalDataManager.getInstance().normalizeAddress(selectedAutofillAddress.getProfile().getGUID(), AutofillAddress.getCountryCode(selectedAutofillAddress.getProfile()), this);
            if (willNormalizeAsync) {
                // If the normalization was not done synchronously, start a timer to cancel the
                // asynchronous normalization if it takes too long.
                mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                }, PersonalDataManager.getInstance().getNormalizationTimeoutMS());
            // The payment response will be sent to the merchant in onAddressNormalized instead.
Also used : PaymentOption( PaymentResponse(org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentResponse)

Example 2 with PaymentOption

use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.

the class PaymentRequestImpl method closeUI.

     * Closes the UI. If the client is still connected, then it's notified of UI hiding.
     * @param immediateClose If true, then UI immediately closes. If false, the UI shows the error
     *                       message "There was an error processing your order." This message
     *                       implies that the merchant attempted to process the order, failed, and
     *                       called complete("fail") to notify the user. Therefore, this parameter
     *                       may be "false" only when called from
     *                       {@link PaymentRequestImpl#complete(int)}. All other callers should
     *                       always pass "true."
private void closeUI(boolean immediateClose) {
    if (mUI != null) {
        mUI.close(immediateClose, new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                if (mClient != null)
        mUI = null;
    if (mPaymentMethodsSection != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mPaymentMethodsSection.getSize(); i++) {
            PaymentOption option = mPaymentMethodsSection.getItem(i);
            assert option instanceof PaymentInstrument;
            ((PaymentInstrument) option).dismiss();
        mPaymentMethodsSection = null;
Also used : PaymentOption(

Example 3 with PaymentOption

use of in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.

the class PaymentRequestImpl method getValidatedShippingOptions.

     * Validates a list of shipping options and returns their parsed representation or null if
     * invalid.
     * @param options The raw shipping options to parse and validate.
     * @param totalCurrency The currency code for the total amount of payment.
     * @param formatter A formatter and validator for the currency amount value.
     * @return The UI representation of the shipping options or null if invalid.
private static SectionInformation getValidatedShippingOptions(PaymentShippingOption[] options, String totalCurrency, CurrencyStringFormatter formatter) {
    // Shipping options are optional.
    if (options == null || options.length == 0) {
        return new SectionInformation(PaymentRequestUI.TYPE_SHIPPING_OPTIONS);
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
        PaymentShippingOption option = options[i];
        // Each "currency" should match the total currency.
        if (option == null || TextUtils.isEmpty( || TextUtils.isEmpty(option.label) || option.amount == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(option.amount.currency) || TextUtils.isEmpty(option.amount.value) || !totalCurrency.equals(option.amount.currency) || !formatter.isValidAmountValue(option.amount.value)) {
            return null;
    List<PaymentOption> result = new ArrayList<>();
    int selectedItemIndex = SectionInformation.NO_SELECTION;
    for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
        PaymentShippingOption option = options[i];
        result.add(new PaymentOption(, option.label, formatter.format(option.amount.value), PaymentOption.NO_ICON));
        if (option.selected)
            selectedItemIndex = i;
    return new SectionInformation(PaymentRequestUI.TYPE_SHIPPING_OPTIONS, selectedItemIndex, result);
Also used : SectionInformation( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PaymentOption( PaymentShippingOption(org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentShippingOption)


PaymentOption ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 SectionInformation ( PaymentResponse (org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentResponse)1 PaymentShippingOption (org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentShippingOption)1