use of org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class AtlasClient method getEntityAuditEvents.
* Get the entity audit events in decreasing order of timestamp for the given entity id
* @param entityId entity id
* @param startKey key for the first event to be returned, used for pagination
* @param numResults number of results to be returned
* @return list of audit events for the entity id
* @throws AtlasServiceException
public List<EntityAuditEvent> getEntityAuditEvents(String entityId, String startKey, short numResults) throws AtlasServiceException {
WebResource resource = getResource(API.LIST_ENTITY_AUDIT, entityId, URI_ENTITY_AUDIT);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(startKey)) {
resource = resource.queryParam(START_KEY, startKey);
resource = resource.queryParam(NUM_RESULTS, String.valueOf(numResults));
JSONObject jsonResponse = callAPIWithResource(API.LIST_ENTITY_AUDIT, resource);
return extractResults(jsonResponse, AtlasClient.EVENTS, new ExtractOperation<EntityAuditEvent, JSONObject>() {
EntityAuditEvent extractElement(JSONObject element) throws JSONException {
return SerDe.GSON.fromJson(element.toString(), EntityAuditEvent.class);
use of org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class AtlasClient method updateType.
* Register the given type(meta model)
* @param typeAsJson type definition a jaon
* @return result json object
* @throws AtlasServiceException
public List<String> updateType(String typeAsJson) throws AtlasServiceException {
LOG.debug("Updating type definition: {}", typeAsJson);
JSONObject response = callAPIWithBody(API.UPDATE_TYPE, typeAsJson);
List<String> results = extractResults(response, AtlasClient.TYPES, new ExtractOperation<String, JSONObject>() {
String extractElement(JSONObject element) throws JSONException {
return element.getString(AtlasClient.NAME);
LOG.debug("Update type definition returned results: {}", results);
return results;
use of org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class EntityResource method submit.
* Submits the entity definitions (instances).
* The body contains the JSONArray of entity json. The service takes care of de-duping the entities based on any
* unique attribute for the give type.
@Consumes({ Servlets.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response submit(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> EntityResource.submit()");
String entityJson = null;
AtlasPerfTracer perf = null;
try {
if (AtlasPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_LOG)) {
perf = AtlasPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_LOG, "EntityResource.submit()");
String entities = Servlets.getRequestPayload(request);
//Handle backward compatibility - if entities is not JSONArray, convert to JSONArray
try {
new JSONArray(entities);
} catch (JSONException e) {
final String finalEntities = entities;
entities = new JSONArray() {
entityJson = AtlasClient.toString(new JSONArray(entities));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("submitting entities {} ", entityJson);
AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo entitiesInfo = restAdapters.toAtlasEntities(entities);
EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = entityREST.createOrUpdate(entitiesInfo);
final List<String> guids = restAdapters.getGuids(mutationResponse.getCreatedEntities());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Created entities {}", guids);
final CreateUpdateEntitiesResult result = restAdapters.toCreateUpdateEntitiesResult(mutationResponse);
JSONObject response = getResponse(result);
URI locationURI = getLocationURI(guids);
return Response.created(locationURI).entity(response).build();
} catch (AtlasBaseException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw toWebApplicationException(e);
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
LOG.error("Unique constraint violation for entity entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.CONFLICT));
} catch (ValueConversionException ve) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance due to a deserialization error entityDef={}", entityJson, ve);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(ve.getCause() != null ? ve.getCause() : ve, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (AtlasException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (WebApplicationException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Unable to persist entity instance entityDef={}", entityJson, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(Servlets.getErrorResponse(e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
} finally {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== EntityResource.submit()");
use of org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class GraphBackedTypeStore method getAttributes.
private AttributeDefinition[] getAttributes(AtlasVertex vertex, String typeName) throws AtlasException {
List<AttributeDefinition> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> attrNames = GraphHelper.getListProperty(vertex, getPropertyKey(typeName));
if (attrNames != null) {
for (String attrName : attrNames) {
try {
String encodedPropertyKey = GraphHelper.encodePropertyKey(getPropertyKey(typeName, attrName));
AttributeDefinition attrValue = AttributeInfo.fromJson((String) vertex.getJsonProperty(encodedPropertyKey));
if (attrValue != null) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new AtlasException(e);
return attributes.toArray(new AttributeDefinition[attributes.size()]);
use of org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException in project incubator-atlas by apache.
the class DefaultMetadataService method createOrUpdateTypes.
private JSONObject createOrUpdateTypes(OperationType opType, String typeDefinition, boolean isUpdate) throws AtlasException {
typeDefinition = ParamChecker.notEmpty(typeDefinition, "type definition");
TypesDef typesDef = validateTypeDefinition(opType, typeDefinition);
try {
final TypeSystem.TransientTypeSystem transientTypeSystem = typeSystem.createTransientTypeSystem(typesDef, isUpdate);
final Map<String, IDataType> typesAdded = transientTypeSystem.getTypesAdded();
try {
/* Create indexes first so that if index creation fails then we rollback
the typesystem and also do not persist the graph
if (isUpdate) {
} else {
}, ImmutableList.copyOf(typesAdded.keySet()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AtlasException("Unable to persist types ", t);
return new JSONObject() {
put(AtlasClient.TYPES, typesAdded.keySet());
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to create response for types={}", typeDefinition, e);
throw new AtlasException("Unable to create response ", e);