use of org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidationProblem in project cxf by apache.
the class Stax2ValidationUtils method setupValidation.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws XMLStreamException
public boolean setupValidation(XMLStreamReader reader, Endpoint endpoint, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) throws XMLStreamException {
// Gosh, this is bad, but I don't know a better solution, unless we're willing
// to require the stax2 API no matter what.
XMLStreamReader effectiveReader = reader;
if (effectiveReader instanceof DepthXMLStreamReader) {
effectiveReader = ((DepthXMLStreamReader) reader).getReader();
final XMLStreamReader2 reader2 = (XMLStreamReader2) effectiveReader;
XMLValidationSchema vs = getValidator(endpoint, serviceInfo);
if (vs == null) {
return false;
reader2.setValidationProblemHandler(new ValidationProblemHandler() {
public void reportProblem(XMLValidationProblem problem) throws XMLValidationException {
throw new Fault(new Message("READ_VALIDATION_ERROR", LOG, problem.getMessage()), Fault.FAULT_CODE_CLIENT);
return true;
use of org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidationProblem in project cxf by apache.
the class Stax2ValidationUtils method setupValidation.
public boolean setupValidation(XMLStreamWriter writer, Endpoint endpoint, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) throws XMLStreamException {
XMLStreamWriter2 writer2 = (XMLStreamWriter2) writer;
XMLValidationSchema vs = getValidator(endpoint, serviceInfo);
if (vs == null) {
return false;
writer2.setValidationProblemHandler(new ValidationProblemHandler() {
public void reportProblem(XMLValidationProblem problem) throws XMLValidationException {
throw new Fault(problem.getMessage(), LOG);
return true;