use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException in project ddf by codice.
the class Geocoding method updateIndex.
private boolean updateIndex(String resource, boolean createIndex) {
final ProgressCallback progressCallback = new ProgressCallback() {
public void updateProgress(final int progress) {
LOGGER.trace("Updating GeoNames Index...");
try {
geoEntryIndexer.updateIndex(resource, geoEntryExtractor, createIndex, progressCallback);
LOGGER.trace("\nDone Updating GeoNames Index.");
LOGGER.debug("Done Updating GeoNames Index with : {}", resource);
return true;
} catch (GeoEntryExtractionException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error extracting GeoNames data from resource {}", resource, e);
return false;
} catch (GeoEntryIndexingException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error indexing GeoNames data", e);
return false;
} catch (GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error downloading resource from remote source {}", resource, e);
return false;
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException in project ddf by codice.
the class GeoNamesUpdateCommand method execute.
public Object execute() {
final PrintStream console = System.out;
final ProgressCallback progressCallback = new ProgressCallback() {
public void updateProgress(final int progress) {
console.printf("\r%d%%", progress);
try {
geoEntryIndexer.updateIndex(resource, geoEntryExtractor, create, progressCallback);
} catch (GeoEntryExtractionException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error extracting GeoNames data from resource {}", resource, e);
console.printf("Could not extract GeoNames data from resource %s.%n" + "Message: %s%n" + "Check the logs for more details.%n", resource, e.getMessage());
} catch (GeoEntryIndexingException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error indexing GeoNames data", e);
console.printf("Could not index the GeoNames data.%n" + "Message: %s%n" + "Check the logs for more details.%n", e.getMessage());
} catch (GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error downloading resource from remote source {}", resource, e);
console.printf("Could not download the GeoNames file %s.%n Message: %s%n" + "Check the logs for more details.%n", resource, e.getMessage());
return null;
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException in project ddf by codice.
the class GeoNamesFileExtractor method getInputStreamFromUrl.
* Download a GeoNames .zip file from a remote location
* @param resource - the name of the zip file to download ( ex. AD )
* @param response - the response from the get request
* @param inputStream - the InputStream from the web connection
* @param progressCallback - the callback to receive updates about the progress, may be
* null if you don't want any updates
* @throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException when the connection could not be established or the
* file could not be downloaded.
private InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(String resource, Response response, InputStream inputStream, ProgressCallback progressCallback) throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException {
int responseCode = 0;
try (TemporaryFileBackedOutputStream fileOutputStream = new TemporaryFileBackedOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE)) {
responseCode = response.getStatus();
int totalFileSize = response.getLength();
if (inputStream == null) {
throw new GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException("Unable to get input stream from " + url + ". Server responded with : " + responseCode);
double totalBytesRead = 0.0;
int bytesRead = -1;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (progressCallback != null) {
progressCallback.updateProgress((int) ((totalBytesRead / totalFileSize) * 50));
if (progressCallback != null) {
ByteSource byteSource = fileOutputStream.asByteSource();
return byteSource.openBufferedStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException("Unable to download " + resource + " from " + url + ". Server responded with : " + responseCode, e);
use of org.codice.ddf.spatial.geocoding.GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException in project ddf by codice.
the class TestGeoNamesUpdateCommand method testProgressOutput.
public void testProgressOutput() throws IOException {
final GeoEntryExtractor geoEntryExtractor = spy(new GeoEntryExtractor() {
public List<GeoEntry> getGeoEntries(final String resource, final ProgressCallback progressCallback) {
return null;
public void pushGeoEntriesToExtractionCallback(final String resource, final ExtractionCallback extractionCallback) {
assertThat(consoleInterceptor.getOutput(), containsString("50%"));
assertThat(consoleInterceptor.getOutput(), containsString("100%"));
public void setUrl(String url) {
final GeoEntryExtractor geoEntryUrlExtractor = spy(new GeoEntryExtractor() {
public List<GeoEntry> getGeoEntries(final String resource, final ProgressCallback progressCallback) {
return null;
public void pushGeoEntriesToExtractionCallback(final String resource, final ExtractionCallback extractionCallback) {
assertThat(consoleInterceptor.getOutput(), containsString("50%"));
assertThat(consoleInterceptor.getOutput(), containsString("100%"));
public void setUrl(String url) {
final GeoEntryIndexer geoEntryIndexer = spy(new GeoEntryIndexer() {
public void updateIndex(final List<GeoEntry> newEntries, final boolean create, final ProgressCallback progressCallback) {
public void updateIndex(final String resource, final GeoEntryExtractor geoEntryExtractor, final boolean create, final ProgressCallback progressCallback) throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException, GeoEntryIndexingException, GeoEntryExtractionException {
final ExtractionCallback extractionCallback = new ExtractionCallback() {
public void extracted(final GeoEntry newEntry) {
public void updateProgress(final int progress) {
geoEntryExtractor.pushGeoEntriesToExtractionCallback(resource, extractionCallback);
List<GeoEntryExtractor> geoEntryExtractors = new ArrayList<GeoEntryExtractor>();