use of org.commonjava.util.partyline.fixture.TimedFileWriter in project partyline by Commonjava.
the class JoinFileWriteAndCloseBeforeFinishedTest method run.
* Test verifies JoinableFile read could be done before its write stream close
* with read close delay, this setup an script of events for one single file, where:
* <ol>
* <li>Simulate JoinableFile write process </li>
* <li>Read should be proceeded before write stream close</li>
* </ol>
* @throws Exception
@BMRules(rules = { // wait for read call to exit
@BMRule(name = "write close", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "close", targetLocation = "ENTRY", condition = "incrementCounter($0)==1", action = "debug(\">>>wait for service enter read.\");" + "waitFor(\"read\");" + "debug(\"<<<proceed with write close.\")"), // setup the trigger to signal write close when the read exits
@BMRule(name = "read", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "joinStream", targetLocation = "EXIT", action = "debug(\"<<<signalling write close.\"); " + "signalWake(\"read\", true);" + "debug(\"<<<signalled write close.\")") })
@BMUnitConfig(debug = true)
public void run() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);
final File file = temp.newFile();
String threadName = "writer" + writers++;
final JoinableFile stream = new RandomAccessJFS().getFile(file, new LocalLockOwner(file.getAbsolutePath(), name.getMethodName(), LockLevel.write), null, true, new SignallingLock());
execs.execute(() -> {
new TimedFileWriter(stream, 1, latch).run();
execs.execute(() -> {
Thread.currentThread().setName("reader" + readers++);
new AsyncFileReader(0, -1, 6000, stream, latch).run();
System.out.println("Waiting for " + name.getMethodName() + " threads to complete.");
use of org.commonjava.util.partyline.fixture.TimedFileWriter in project partyline by Commonjava.
the class JoinFileWriteTwiceWithDelayTest method run.
* Test verifies JoinableFile simultaneous reads could be done before its write stream close,
* this setup an script of events for one single file, where:
* <ol>
* <li>Simulate JoinableFile write process </li>
* <li>Two simultaneous reads with init delay should be proceeded before write stream close</li>
* </ol>
* @throws Exception
@BMRules(rules = { // setup the rendezvous for all threads, which will mean suspending everything until all threads are started.
@BMRule(name = "init rendezvous", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "<init>", targetLocation = "ENTRY", action = "createRendezvous(\"begin\", 3);" + "debug(\"<<<init rendezvous for begin.\")"), // setup the rendezvous to wait for all threads to be ready before proceeding.
@BMRule(name = "write close", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "close", targetLocation = "ENTRY", condition = "incrementCounter($0)==1", action = "debug(\">>>Waiting for ALL to start.\");" + "rendezvous(\"begin\");" + "debug(\"<<<\"+Thread.currentThread().getName() + \": write thread proceeding.\" )"), @BMRule(name = "read", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "joinStream", targetLocation = "EXIT", action = "debug(\">>>Waiting for ALL to start.\");" + "rendezvous(\"begin\");" + "debug(\"<<<\"+Thread.currentThread().getName() + \": read thread proceeding.\" )") })
@BMUnitConfig(debug = true)
public void run() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3);
final File file = temp.newFile();
String threadName = "writer" + writers++;
final JoinableFile stream = new RandomAccessJFS().getFile(file, new LocalLockOwner(file.getAbsolutePath(), name.getMethodName(), LockLevel.write), null, true, new SignallingLock());
execs.execute(() -> {
new TimedFileWriter(stream, 1, latch).run();
execs.execute(() -> {
Thread.currentThread().setName("reader" + readers++);
new AsyncFileReader(0, -1, -1, stream, latch).run();
execs.execute(() -> {
Thread.currentThread().setName("reader" + readers++);
new AsyncFileReader(500, -1, -1, stream, latch).run();
System.out.println("Waiting for " + name.getMethodName() + " threads to complete.");
use of org.commonjava.util.partyline.fixture.TimedFileWriter in project partyline by Commonjava.
the class JoinFileWriteTest method run.
* Test verifies JoinableFile read could be done before its write stream close
* without any delay, this setup an script of events for one single file, where:
* <ol>
* <li>Simulate JoinableFile write process </li>
* <li>Read should be proceeded before write stream close</li>
* </ol>
* @throws Exception
@BMRules(rules = { // wait for read call to exit
@BMRule(name = "write close", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "close", targetLocation = "ENTRY", condition = "incrementCounter($0)==1", action = "debug(\">>>wait for service enter read.\");" + "waitFor(\"read\");" + "debug(\"<<<proceed with write close.\")"), // setup the trigger to signal write close when the read exits
@BMRule(name = "read", targetClass = "RandomAccessJF", targetMethod = "joinStream", targetLocation = "EXIT", action = "debug(\"<<<signalling write close.\"); " + "signalWake(\"read\", true);" + "debug(\"<<<signalled write close.\")") })
@BMUnitConfig(debug = true)
public void run() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);
final File file = temp.newFile();
String threadName = "writer" + writers++;
final JoinableFile stream = new RandomAccessJFS().getFile(file, new LocalLockOwner(file.getAbsolutePath(), name.getMethodName(), LockLevel.write), null, true, new SignallingLock());
execs.execute(() -> {
new TimedFileWriter(stream, 0, latch).run();
execs.execute(() -> {
Thread.currentThread().setName("reader" + readers++);
new AsyncFileReader(0, -1, -1, stream, latch).run();
System.out.println("Waiting for " + name.getMethodName() + " threads to complete.");
use of org.commonjava.util.partyline.fixture.TimedFileWriter in project partyline by Commonjava.
the class JoinableFileTest method joinFileWriteContinueAfterInputStreamClose.
public void joinFileWriteContinueAfterInputStreamClose() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final File tempFile = temp.newFile();
String threadName = "writer" + writers++;
final JoinableFile stream = new RandomAccessJFS().getFile(tempFile, newLockOwner(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), LockLevel.write), null, true, new SignallingLock());
execs.execute(() -> {
new TimedFileWriter(stream, 1, latch).run();
InputStream inStream = stream.joinStream();
InputStream inStream2 = stream.joinStream();
System.out.println("All input stream closed. Waiting for " + name.getMethodName() + " writer thread to complete.");
final File file = new File(stream.getPath());
System.out.println("File length: " + file.length());
final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file);
assertThat(lines.size(), equalTo(COUNT));
use of org.commonjava.util.partyline.fixture.TimedFileWriter in project partyline by Commonjava.
the class JoinableFileTest method writeToFile.
public void writeToFile() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final File tempFile = temp.newFile();
String threadName = "writer" + writers++;
final JoinableFile stream = new RandomAccessJFS().getFile(tempFile, newLockOwner(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), LockLevel.write), null, true, new SignallingLock());
execs.execute(() -> {
new TimedFileWriter(stream, 0, latch).run();
System.out.println("Waiting for " + name.getMethodName() + " threads to complete.");
final File file = new File(stream.getPath());
System.out.println("File length: " + file.length());
final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file);
assertThat(lines.size(), equalTo(COUNT));