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Example 6 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AssetDelivery method sendNoGuaranteeMail.

//	doIt
	 * 	Send No Guarantee EMail
	 * 	@param A_Asset_ID asset
	 * 	@param R_MailText_ID mail to send
	 * 	@return message - delivery errors start with **
private String sendNoGuaranteeMail(int A_Asset_ID, int R_MailText_ID, String trxName) {
    MAsset asset = new MAsset(getCtx(), A_Asset_ID, trxName);
    if (asset.getAD_User_ID() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User";
    MUser user = new MUser(getCtx(), asset.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (user.getEMail() == null || user.getEMail().length() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User Email";
    if (m_MailText == null || m_MailText.getR_MailText_ID() != R_MailText_ID)
        m_MailText = new MMailText(getCtx(), R_MailText_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (m_MailText.getMailHeader() == null || m_MailText.getMailHeader().length() == 0)
        return "** No Subject";
    //	Create Mail
    EMail email = m_client.createEMail(user.getEMail(), null, null);
    String message = m_MailText.getMailText(true);
    if (m_MailText.isHtml())
        email.setMessageHTML(m_MailText.getMailHeader(), message);
    else {
    String msg = email.send();
    new MUserMail(m_MailText, asset.getAD_User_ID(), email).saveEx();
    if (!EMail.SENT_OK.equals(msg))
        return "** Not delivered: " + user.getEMail() + " - " + msg;
    return user.getEMail();
Also used : MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MAsset(org.compiere.model.MAsset) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser)

Example 7 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AssetDelivery method deliverIt.

//	sendNoGuaranteeMail
	 * 	Deliver Asset
	 * 	@param A_Asset_ID asset
	 * 	@return message - delivery errors start with **
private String deliverIt(int A_Asset_ID) {
    log.fine("A_Asset_ID=" + A_Asset_ID);
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    MAsset asset = new MAsset(getCtx(), A_Asset_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (asset.getAD_User_ID() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User";
    MUser user = new MUser(getCtx(), asset.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (user.getEMail() == null || user.getEMail().length() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User Email";
    if (asset.getProductR_MailText_ID() == 0)
        return "** Product Mail Text";
    if (m_MailText == null || m_MailText.getR_MailText_ID() != asset.getProductR_MailText_ID())
        m_MailText = new MMailText(getCtx(), asset.getProductR_MailText_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (m_MailText.getMailHeader() == null || m_MailText.getMailHeader().length() == 0)
        return "** No Subject";
    //	Create Mail
    EMail email = m_client.createEMail(user.getEMail(), null, null);
    if (!email.isValid()) {
        asset.setHelp(asset.getHelp() + " - Invalid EMail");
        return "** Invalid EMail: " + user.getEMail();
    if (m_client.isSmtpAuthorization())
        email.createAuthenticator(m_client.getRequestUser(), m_client.getRequestUserPW());
    String message = m_MailText.getMailText(true);
    if (m_MailText.isHtml() || m_AttachAsset)
        email.setMessageHTML(m_MailText.getMailHeader(), message);
    else {
    if (m_AttachAsset) {
        MProductDownload[] pdls = asset.getProductDownloads();
        if (pdls != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < pdls.length; i++) {
                URI url = pdls[i].getDownloadURL(m_client.getDocumentDir());
                if (url != null)
        } else
            log.warning("No DowloadURL for A_Asset_ID=" + A_Asset_ID);
    String msg = email.send();
    new MUserMail(m_MailText, asset.getAD_User_ID(), email).saveEx();
    if (!EMail.SENT_OK.equals(msg))
        return "** Not delivered: " + user.getEMail() + " - " + msg;
    MAssetDelivery ad = confirmDelivery(asset, email, user.getAD_User_ID());
    log.fine((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
    //	success
    return user.getEMail() + " - " + asset.getProductVersionNo();
Also used : MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MProductDownload(org.compiere.model.MProductDownload) MAssetDelivery(org.compiere.model.MAssetDelivery) MAsset(org.compiere.model.MAsset) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser) URI(

Example 8 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MWFActivity method performWork.

//	run
	 * 	Perform Work.
	 * 	Set Text Msg.
	 * 	@param trx transaction
	 *	@return true if completed, false otherwise
	 *	@throws Exception if error
private boolean performWork(Trx trx) throws Exception { + " [" + trx.getTrxName() + "]");
    m_docStatus = null;
    if (//	overwrite priority if defined
    m_node.getPriority() != 0)
    String action = m_node.getAction();
    /******	Sleep (Start/End)			******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_WaitSleep.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Sleep:WaitTime=" + m_node.getWaitTime());
        if (m_node.getWaitingTime() == 0)
            //	done
            return true;
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.add(m_node.getDurationCalendarField(), m_node.getWaitTime());
        setEndWaitTime(new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()));
        //	not done
        return false;
    } else /******	Document Action				******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_DocumentAction.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("DocumentAction=" + m_node.getDocAction());
        if (m_po == null)
            throw new Exception("Persistent Object not found - AD_Table_ID=" + getAD_Table_ID() + ", Record_ID=" + getRecord_ID());
        boolean success = false;
        String processMsg = null;
        DocAction doc = null;
        if (m_po instanceof DocAction) {
            doc = (DocAction) m_po;
            try {
                //	** Do the work
                success = doc.processIt(m_node.getDocAction());
                processMsg = doc.getProcessMsg();
                // the rest of methods return boolean, so doc status must not be taken into account when not successful
                if (DocAction.ACTION_Prepare.equals(m_node.getDocAction()) || DocAction.ACTION_Complete.equals(m_node.getDocAction()) || success)
                    m_docStatus = doc.getDocStatus();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (m_process != null)
                throw e;
            if (m_process != null)
        } else
            throw new IllegalStateException("Persistent Object not DocAction - " + m_po.getClass().getName() + " - AD_Table_ID=" + getAD_Table_ID() + ", Record_ID=" + getRecord_ID());
        if (! {
            success = false;
            processMsg = "SaveError";
        if (!success) {
            if (processMsg == null || processMsg.length() == 0) {
                processMsg = "PerformWork Error - " + m_node.toStringX();
                if (//	problem: status will be rolled back
                doc != null)
                    processMsg += " - DocStatus=" + doc.getDocStatus();
            throw new Exception(processMsg);
        return success;
    } else /******	Report						******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_AppsReport.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Report:AD_Process_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        //	Process
        MProcess process = MProcess.get(getCtx(), m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        process.set_TrxName(trx != null ? trx.getTrxName() : null);
        if (!process.isReport() || process.getAD_ReportView_ID() == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Not a Report AD_Process_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo(m_node.getName(true), m_node.getAD_Process_ID(), getAD_Table_ID(), getRecord_ID());
        MPInstance pInstance = new MPInstance(process, getRecord_ID());
        pInstance.set_TrxName(trx != null ? trx.getTrxName() : null);
        fillParameter(pInstance, trx);
        //	Report
        ReportEngine re = ReportEngine.get(getCtx(), pi);
        if (re == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create Report AD_Process_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        File report = re.getPDF();
        //	Notice
        //	HARDCODED WorkflowResult
        int AD_Message_ID = 753;
        MNote note = new MNote(getCtx(), AD_Message_ID, getAD_User_ID(), trx.getTrxName());
        note.setRecord(getAD_Table_ID(), getRecord_ID());
        //	Attachment
        MAttachment attachment = new MAttachment(getCtx(), MNote.Table_ID, note.getAD_Note_ID(), get_TrxName());
        return true;
    } else /******	Process						******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_AppsProcess.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Process:AD_Process_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        //	Process
        MProcess process = MProcess.get(getCtx(), m_node.getAD_Process_ID());
        MPInstance pInstance = new MPInstance(process, getRecord_ID());
        fillParameter(pInstance, trx);
        ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo(m_node.getName(true), m_node.getAD_Process_ID(), getAD_Table_ID(), getRecord_ID());
        return process.processItWithoutTrxClose(pi, trx);
    } else /******	EMail						******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_EMail.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("EMail:EMailRecipient=" + m_node.getEMailRecipient());
        if (m_po == null)
            throw new Exception("Persistent Object not found - AD_Table_ID=" + getAD_Table_ID() + ", Record_ID=" + getRecord_ID());
        if (m_po instanceof DocAction) {
            m_emails = new ArrayList<String>();
        } else {
            MClient client = MClient.get(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID());
            MMailText mailtext = new MMailText(getCtx(), getNode().getR_MailText_ID(), null);
            String subject = getNode().getDescription() + ": " + mailtext.getMailHeader();
            String message = mailtext.getMailText(true) + "\n-----\n" + getNodeHelp();
            String to = getNode().getEMail();
            client.sendEMail(to, subject, message, null);
        //	done
        return true;
    } else /******	Set Variable				******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_SetVariable.equals(action)) {
        String value = m_node.getAttributeValue();
        log.fine("SetVariable:AD_Column_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Column_ID() + " to " + value);
        MColumn column = m_node.getColumn();
        int dt = column.getAD_Reference_ID();
        return setVariable(value, dt, null, trx);
    } else /******	TODO Start WF Instance		******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_SubWorkflow.equals(action)) {
        log.warning("Workflow:AD_Workflow_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Workflow_ID());
        log.warning("Start WF Instance is not implemented yet");
    } else /******	User Choice					******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("UserChoice:AD_Column_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Column_ID());
        //	Approval
        if (m_node.isUserApproval() && getPO(trx) instanceof DocAction) {
            DocAction doc = (DocAction) m_po;
            boolean autoApproval = false;
            //	Approval Hierarchy
            if (isInvoker()) {
                //	Set Approver
                int startAD_User_ID = Env.getAD_User_ID(getCtx());
                if (startAD_User_ID == 0)
                    startAD_User_ID = doc.getDoc_User_ID();
                int nextAD_User_ID = getApprovalUser(startAD_User_ID, doc.getC_Currency_ID(), doc.getApprovalAmt(), doc.getAD_Org_ID(), //	own doc
                startAD_User_ID == doc.getDoc_User_ID());
                //	same user = approved
                autoApproval = startAD_User_ID == nextAD_User_ID;
                if (!autoApproval)
            } else //	fixed Approver
                MWFResponsible resp = getResponsible();
                // [ 1742751 ] Workflow: User Choice is not working
                if (resp.isHuman()) {
                    autoApproval = resp.getAD_User_ID() == Env.getAD_User_ID(getCtx());
                    if (!autoApproval && resp.getAD_User_ID() != 0)
                } else if (resp.isRole()) {
                    MUserRoles[] urs = MUserRoles.getOfRole(getCtx(), resp.getAD_Role_ID());
                    for (int i = 0; i < urs.length; i++) {
                        if (urs[i].getAD_User_ID() == Env.getAD_User_ID(getCtx())) {
                            autoApproval = true;
                } else if (resp.isOrganization()) {
                    throw new AdempiereException("Support not implemented for " + resp);
                } else {
                    throw new AdempiereException("@NotSupported@ " + resp);
            // end MZ
            if (autoApproval && doc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Approve) &&
                //	done
                return true;
        //	wait for user
        return false;
    } else /******	User Form					******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Form:AD_Form_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Form_ID());
        return false;
    } else if (MWFNode.ACTION_SmartBrowse.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Form:AD_Browse_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Browse_ID());
        return false;
    } else /******	User Window					******/
    if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.equals(action)) {
        log.fine("Window:AD_Window_ID=" + m_node.getAD_Window_ID());
        return false;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Action (Not Implemented) =" + action);
Also used : MColumn(org.compiere.model.MColumn) MProcess(org.compiere.model.MProcess) MAttachment(org.compiere.model.MAttachment) DocAction(org.compiere.process.DocAction) MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) MUserRoles(org.compiere.model.MUserRoles) ProcessInfo(org.compiere.process.ProcessInfo) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) Savepoint(java.sql.Savepoint) MClient(org.compiere.model.MClient) MPInstance(org.compiere.model.MPInstance) ReportEngine(org.compiere.print.ReportEngine) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) File( MNote(org.compiere.model.MNote)


MMailText (org.compiere.model.MMailText)8 MUser (org.compiere.model.MUser)5 File ( MClient (org.compiere.model.MClient)4 MUserMail (org.compiere.model.MUserMail)4 EMail (org.compiere.util.EMail)4 ReportEngine (org.compiere.print.ReportEngine)3 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 MAsset (org.compiere.model.MAsset)2 MBPartner (org.compiere.model.MBPartner)2 MQuery (org.compiere.model.MQuery)2 PrintInfo (org.compiere.model.PrintInfo)2 MPrintFormat (org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat)2 DocAction (org.compiere.process.DocAction)2 AdempiereUserError (org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError)2 URI ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)1 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)1 Savepoint (java.sql.Savepoint)1 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)1