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Example 1 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class DunningPrint method doIt.

//	prepare
	 * Process
	 * @return info
	 * @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws Exception {"C_DunningRun_ID=" + p_C_DunningRun_ID + ",R_MailText_ID=" + p_R_MailText_ID + ", EmailPDF=" + p_EMailPDF + ",IsOnlyIfBPBalance=" + p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance + ",PrintUnprocessedOnly=" + p_PrintUnprocessedOnly);
    //	Need to have Template
    if (p_EMailPDF && p_R_MailText_ID == 0)
        throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@: @R_MailText_ID@");
    //		String subject = "";
    MMailText mText = null;
    if (p_EMailPDF) {
        mText = new MMailText(getCtx(), p_R_MailText_ID, get_TrxName());
        if (p_EMailPDF && mText.get_ID() == 0)
            throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@: @R_MailText_ID@ - " + p_R_MailText_ID);
    //			subject = mText.getMailHeader();
    MDunningRun run = new MDunningRun(getCtx(), p_C_DunningRun_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (run.get_ID() == 0)
        throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@: @C_DunningRun_ID@ - " + p_C_DunningRun_ID);
    MClient client = MClient.get(getCtx());
    int count = 0;
    int errors = 0;
    MDunningRunEntry[] entries = run.getEntries(false);
    for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
        MDunningRunEntry entry = entries[i];
        //	Print Format on Dunning Level
        MDunningLevel level = new MDunningLevel(getCtx(), entry.getC_DunningLevel_ID(), get_TrxName());
        MPrintFormat format = null;
        if (level.getDunning_PrintFormat_ID() > 0)
            format = MPrintFormat.get(getCtx(), level.getDunning_PrintFormat_ID(), false);
        if (p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance && entry.getAmt().signum() <= 0)
        if (p_PrintUnprocessedOnly && entry.isProcessed())
        //	To BPartner
        MBPartner bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), entry.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
        if (bp.get_ID() == 0) {
            addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@ " + entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
        //	To User
        MUser to = new MUser(getCtx(), entry.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
        if (p_EMailPDF) {
            if (to.get_ID() == 0) {
                addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @AD_User_ID@ - " + bp.getName());
            } else if (to.getEMail() == null || to.getEMail().length() == 0) {
                addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @EMail@ - " + to.getName());
        //	query
        MQuery query = new MQuery("C_Dunning_Header_v");
        query.addRestriction("C_DunningRunEntry_ID", MQuery.EQUAL, new Integer(entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID()));
        //	Engine
        PrintInfo info = new PrintInfo(bp.getName(), MDunningRunEntry.Table_ID, entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID(), entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
        info.setDescription(bp.getName() + ", Amt=" + entry.getAmt());
        ReportEngine re = null;
        if (format != null)
            re = new ReportEngine(getCtx(), format, query, info);
        boolean printed = false;
        if (p_EMailPDF) {
            EMail email = client.createEMail(to.getEMail(), null, null);
            if (!email.isValid()) {
                addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@RequestActionEMailError@ Invalid EMail: " + to);
            //	variable context
            String message = mText.getMailText(true);
            if (mText.isHtml())
                email.setMessageHTML(mText.getMailHeader(), message);
            else {
            if (re != null) {
                File attachment = re.getPDF(File.createTempFile("Dunning", ".pdf"));
                log.fine(to + " - " + attachment);
            String msg = email.send();
            MUserMail um = new MUserMail(mText, entry.getAD_User_ID(), email);
            if (msg.equals(EMail.SENT_OK)) {
                addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailOK@");
                printed = true;
            } else {
                addLog(entry.get_ID(), null, null, bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailError@ " + msg);
        } else {
            if (re != null) {
                printed = true;
        if (printed) {
    //	for all dunning letters
    if (errors == 0) {
    if (p_EMailPDF)
        return "@Sent@=" + count + " - @Errors@=" + errors;
    return "@Printed@=" + count;
Also used : AdempiereUserError(org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError) MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) PrintInfo(org.compiere.model.PrintInfo) MDunningRun(org.compiere.model.MDunningRun) MBPartner(org.compiere.model.MBPartner) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MClient(org.compiere.model.MClient) MDunningRunEntry(org.compiere.model.MDunningRunEntry) MPrintFormat(org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat) ReportEngine(org.compiere.print.ReportEngine) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser) File( MDunningLevel(org.compiere.model.MDunningLevel)

Example 2 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MWFActivity method sendEMail.

//	fillParameter
	 * 	Send EMail
private void sendEMail() {
    DocAction doc = (DocAction) m_po;
    MMailText text = new MMailText(getCtx(), m_node.getR_MailText_ID(), null);
    text.setPO(m_po, true);
    String subject = doc.getDocumentInfo() + ": " + text.getMailHeader();
    String message = text.getMailText(true) + "\n-----\n" + doc.getDocumentInfo() + "\n" + doc.getSummary();
    File pdf = doc.createPDF();
    MClient client = MClient.get(doc.getCtx(), doc.getAD_Client_ID());
    //	Explicit EMail
    sendEMail(client, 0, m_node.getEMail(), subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
    //	Recipient Type
    String recipient = m_node.getEMailRecipient();
    //	email to document user
    if (recipient == null || recipient.length() == 0)
        sendEMail(client, doc.getDoc_User_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
    else if (recipient.equals(MWFNode.EMAILRECIPIENT_DocumentBusinessPartner)) {
        int index = m_po.get_ColumnIndex("AD_User_ID");
        if (index > 0) {
            Object oo = m_po.get_Value(index);
            if (oo instanceof Integer) {
                int AD_User_ID = ((Integer) oo).intValue();
                if (AD_User_ID != 0)
                    sendEMail(client, AD_User_ID, null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
                    log.fine("No User in Document");
            } else
                log.fine("Empty User in Document");
        } else
            log.fine("No User Field in Document");
    } else if (recipient.equals(MWFNode.EMAILRECIPIENT_DocumentOwner))
        sendEMail(client, doc.getDoc_User_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
    else if (recipient.equals(MWFNode.EMAILRECIPIENT_WFResponsible)) {
        MWFResponsible resp = getResponsible();
        if (resp.isInvoker())
            sendEMail(client, doc.getDoc_User_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
        else if (resp.isHuman())
            sendEMail(client, resp.getAD_User_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
        else if (resp.isRole()) {
            MRole role = resp.getRole();
            if (role != null) {
                MUser[] users = MUser.getWithRole(role);
                for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) sendEMail(client, users[i].getAD_User_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
        } else if (resp.isOrganization()) {
            MOrgInfo org = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), m_po.getAD_Org_ID(), get_TrxName());
            if (org.getSupervisor_ID() == 0)
                log.fine("No Supervisor for AD_Org_ID=" + m_po.getAD_Org_ID());
                sendEMail(client, org.getSupervisor_ID(), null, subject, message, pdf, text.isHtml());
Also used : DocAction(org.compiere.process.DocAction) MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MRole(org.compiere.model.MRole) MOrgInfo(org.compiere.model.MOrgInfo) File( MClient(org.compiere.model.MClient)

Example 3 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class InvoicePrint method doIt.

//	prepare
	 *  Perform process.
	 *  @return Message
	 *  @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws java.lang.Exception {
    //	Need to have Template
    if (p_EMailPDF && p_R_MailText_ID == 0)
        throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@: @R_MailText_ID@");"C_BPartner_ID=" + m_C_BPartner_ID + ", C_Invoice_ID=" + m_C_Invoice_ID + ", EmailPDF=" + p_EMailPDF + ",R_MailText_ID=" + p_R_MailText_ID + ", DateInvoiced=" + m_dateInvoiced_From + "-" + m_dateInvoiced_To + ", DocumentNo=" + m_DocumentNo_From + "-" + m_DocumentNo_To);
    MMailText mText = null;
    if (p_R_MailText_ID != 0) {
        mText = new MMailText(getCtx(), p_R_MailText_ID, get_TrxName());
        if (mText.get_ID() != p_R_MailText_ID)
            throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@: @R_MailText_ID@ - " + p_R_MailText_ID);
    //	Too broad selection
    if (m_C_BPartner_ID == 0 && m_C_Invoice_ID == 0 && m_dateInvoiced_From == null && m_dateInvoiced_To == null && m_DocumentNo_From == null && m_DocumentNo_To == null)
        throw new AdempiereUserError("@RestrictSelection@");
    MClient client = MClient.get(getCtx());
    //	Get Info
    StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(//	1..3
    "SELECT i.C_Invoice_ID,bp.AD_Language,c.IsMultiLingualDocument," + //	Prio: 1. BPartner 2. DocType, 3. PrintFormat (Org)	//	see ReportCtl+MInvoice
    " COALESCE(bp.Invoice_PrintFormat_ID, dt.AD_PrintFormat_ID, pf.Invoice_PrintFormat_ID)," + //	4 
    " dt.DocumentCopies+bp.DocumentCopies," + //	5
    " bpc.AD_User_ID, i.DocumentNo," + //	6..7
    " bp.C_BPartner_ID " + //	8
    "FROM C_Invoice i" + " INNER JOIN C_BPartner bp ON (i.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID)" + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User bpc ON (i.AD_User_ID=bpc.AD_User_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_Client c ON (i.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID)" + " INNER JOIN AD_PrintForm pf ON (i.AD_Client_ID=pf.AD_Client_ID)" + " INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON (i.C_DocType_ID=dt.C_DocType_ID)" + " WHERE i.AD_Client_ID=? AND i.AD_Org_ID=? AND i.isSOTrx='Y' AND " + //	more them 1 PF
    "       pf.AD_Org_ID IN (0,i.AD_Org_ID) AND ");
    boolean needAnd = false;
    if (m_C_Invoice_ID != 0)
    else {
        if (m_C_BPartner_ID != 0) {
            needAnd = true;
        if (m_dateInvoiced_From != null && m_dateInvoiced_To != null) {
            if (needAnd)
                sql.append(" AND ");
            sql.append("TRUNC(i.DateInvoiced, 'DD') BETWEEN ").append(DB.TO_DATE(m_dateInvoiced_From, true)).append(" AND ").append(DB.TO_DATE(m_dateInvoiced_To, true));
            needAnd = true;
        } else if (m_dateInvoiced_From != null) {
            if (needAnd)
                sql.append(" AND ");
            sql.append("TRUNC(i.DateInvoiced, 'DD') >= ").append(DB.TO_DATE(m_dateInvoiced_From, true));
            needAnd = true;
        } else if (m_dateInvoiced_To != null) {
            if (needAnd)
                sql.append(" AND ");
            sql.append("TRUNC(i.DateInvoiced, 'DD') <= ").append(DB.TO_DATE(m_dateInvoiced_To, true));
            needAnd = true;
        } else if (m_DocumentNo_From != null && m_DocumentNo_To != null) {
            if (needAnd)
                sql.append(" AND ");
            sql.append("i.DocumentNo BETWEEN ").append(DB.TO_STRING(m_DocumentNo_From)).append(" AND ").append(DB.TO_STRING(m_DocumentNo_To));
        } else if (m_DocumentNo_From != null) {
            if (needAnd)
                sql.append(" AND ");
            if (m_DocumentNo_From.indexOf('%') == -1)
                sql.append("i.DocumentNo >= ").append(DB.TO_STRING(m_DocumentNo_From));
                sql.append("i.DocumentNo LIKE ").append(DB.TO_STRING(m_DocumentNo_From));
        if (p_EMailPDF) {
            if (needAnd) {
                sql.append(" AND ");
            /* if emailed to customer only select COmpleted & CLosed invoices */
            sql.append("i.DocStatus IN ('CO','CL') ");
    //	more than 1 PF record
    sql.append(" ORDER BY i.C_Invoice_ID, pf.AD_Org_ID DESC");
    MPrintFormat format = null;
    int old_AD_PrintFormat_ID = -1;
    int old_C_Invoice_ID = -1;
    int C_BPartner_ID = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int errors = 0;
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
        pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
        pstmt.setInt(1, Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
        pstmt.setInt(2, Env.getAD_Org_ID(Env.getCtx()));
        rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(1);
            if (//	multiple pf records
            C_Invoice_ID == old_C_Invoice_ID)
            old_C_Invoice_ID = C_Invoice_ID;
            //	Set Language when enabled
            //	Base Language
            Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage();
            String AD_Language = rs.getString(2);
            if (AD_Language != null && "Y".equals(rs.getString(3)))
                language = Language.getLanguage(AD_Language);
            int AD_PrintFormat_ID = rs.getInt(4);
            int copies = rs.getInt(5);
            if (copies == 0)
                copies = 1;
            int AD_User_ID = rs.getInt(6);
            MUser to = new MUser(getCtx(), AD_User_ID, get_TrxName());
            String DocumentNo = rs.getString(7);
            C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(8);
            String documentDir = client.getDocumentDir();
            if (documentDir == null || documentDir.length() == 0)
                documentDir = ".";
            if (p_EMailPDF && (to.get_ID() == 0 || to.getEMail() == null || to.getEMail().length() == 0)) {
                addLog(C_Invoice_ID, null, null, DocumentNo + " @RequestActionEMailNoTo@");
            if (AD_PrintFormat_ID == 0) {
                addLog(C_Invoice_ID, null, null, DocumentNo + " No Print Format");
            //	Get Format & Data
            if (AD_PrintFormat_ID != old_AD_PrintFormat_ID) {
                format = MPrintFormat.get(getCtx(), AD_PrintFormat_ID, false);
                old_AD_PrintFormat_ID = AD_PrintFormat_ID;
            //	query
            MQuery query = new MQuery("C_Invoice_Header_v");
            query.addRestriction("C_Invoice_ID", MQuery.EQUAL, new Integer(C_Invoice_ID));
            //	Engine
            PrintInfo info = new PrintInfo(DocumentNo, X_C_Invoice.Table_ID, C_Invoice_ID, C_BPartner_ID);
            ReportEngine re = new ReportEngine(getCtx(), format, query, info);
            boolean printed = false;
            if (p_EMailPDF) {
                String subject = mText.getMailHeader() + " - " + DocumentNo;
                EMail email = client.createEMail(to.getEMail(), subject, null);
                if (!email.isValid()) {
                    addLog(C_Invoice_ID, null, null, DocumentNo + " @RequestActionEMailError@ Invalid EMail: " + to);
                //	Context
                //	Context
                mText.setPO(new MInvoice(getCtx(), C_Invoice_ID, get_TrxName()));
                String message = mText.getMailText(true);
                if (mText.isHtml())
                    email.setMessageHTML(subject, message);
                else {
                File invoice = null;
                if (!Ini.isClient())
                    invoice = new File(MInvoice.getPDFFileName(documentDir, C_Invoice_ID));
                File attachment = re.getPDF(invoice);
                log.fine(to + " - " + attachment);
                String msg = email.send();
                MUserMail um = new MUserMail(mText, getAD_User_ID(), email);
                if (msg.equals(EMail.SENT_OK)) {
                    addLog(C_Invoice_ID, null, null, DocumentNo + " @RequestActionEMailOK@ - " + to.getEMail());
                    printed = true;
                } else {
                    addLog(C_Invoice_ID, null, null, DocumentNo + " @RequestActionEMailError@ " + msg + " - " + to.getEMail());
            } else {
                ServerReportCtl.startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVOICE, // No custom print format
                null, C_Invoice_ID, // No custom printer
                null, null);
                printed = true;
            //	Print Confirm
            if (printed) {
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("UPDATE C_Invoice " + "SET DatePrinted=SysDate, IsPrinted='Y' WHERE C_Invoice_ID=").append(C_Invoice_ID);
                int no = DB.executeUpdate(sb.toString(), get_TrxName());
    //	for all entries						
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "doIt - " + sql, e);
        throw new Exception(e);
    } finally {
        DB.close(rs, pstmt);
    if (p_EMailPDF)
        return "@Sent@=" + count + " - @Errors@=" + errors;
    return "@Printed@=" + count;
Also used : AdempiereUserError(org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError) MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MInvoice(org.compiere.model.MInvoice) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) PrintInfo(org.compiere.model.PrintInfo) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MClient(org.compiere.model.MClient) MPrintFormat(org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat) ReportEngine(org.compiere.print.ReportEngine) Language(org.compiere.util.Language) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser) File(

Example 4 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AssetDelivery method sendNoGuaranteeMail.

//	doIt
	 * 	Send No Guarantee EMail
	 * 	@param A_Asset_ID asset
	 * 	@param R_MailText_ID mail to send
	 * 	@return message - delivery errors start with **
private String sendNoGuaranteeMail(int A_Asset_ID, int R_MailText_ID, String trxName) {
    MAsset asset = new MAsset(getCtx(), A_Asset_ID, trxName);
    if (asset.getAD_User_ID() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User";
    MUser user = new MUser(getCtx(), asset.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (user.getEMail() == null || user.getEMail().length() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User Email";
    if (m_MailText == null || m_MailText.getR_MailText_ID() != R_MailText_ID)
        m_MailText = new MMailText(getCtx(), R_MailText_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (m_MailText.getMailHeader() == null || m_MailText.getMailHeader().length() == 0)
        return "** No Subject";
    //	Create Mail
    EMail email = m_client.createEMail(user.getEMail(), null, null);
    String message = m_MailText.getMailText(true);
    if (m_MailText.isHtml())
        email.setMessageHTML(m_MailText.getMailHeader(), message);
    else {
    String msg = email.send();
    new MUserMail(m_MailText, asset.getAD_User_ID(), email).saveEx();
    if (!EMail.SENT_OK.equals(msg))
        return "** Not delivered: " + user.getEMail() + " - " + msg;
    return user.getEMail();
Also used : MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MAsset(org.compiere.model.MAsset) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser)

Example 5 with MMailText

use of org.compiere.model.MMailText in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class AssetDelivery method deliverIt.

//	sendNoGuaranteeMail
	 * 	Deliver Asset
	 * 	@param A_Asset_ID asset
	 * 	@return message - delivery errors start with **
private String deliverIt(int A_Asset_ID) {
    log.fine("A_Asset_ID=" + A_Asset_ID);
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    MAsset asset = new MAsset(getCtx(), A_Asset_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (asset.getAD_User_ID() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User";
    MUser user = new MUser(getCtx(), asset.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (user.getEMail() == null || user.getEMail().length() == 0)
        return "** No Asset User Email";
    if (asset.getProductR_MailText_ID() == 0)
        return "** Product Mail Text";
    if (m_MailText == null || m_MailText.getR_MailText_ID() != asset.getProductR_MailText_ID())
        m_MailText = new MMailText(getCtx(), asset.getProductR_MailText_ID(), get_TrxName());
    if (m_MailText.getMailHeader() == null || m_MailText.getMailHeader().length() == 0)
        return "** No Subject";
    //	Create Mail
    EMail email = m_client.createEMail(user.getEMail(), null, null);
    if (!email.isValid()) {
        asset.setHelp(asset.getHelp() + " - Invalid EMail");
        return "** Invalid EMail: " + user.getEMail();
    if (m_client.isSmtpAuthorization())
        email.createAuthenticator(m_client.getRequestUser(), m_client.getRequestUserPW());
    String message = m_MailText.getMailText(true);
    if (m_MailText.isHtml() || m_AttachAsset)
        email.setMessageHTML(m_MailText.getMailHeader(), message);
    else {
    if (m_AttachAsset) {
        MProductDownload[] pdls = asset.getProductDownloads();
        if (pdls != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < pdls.length; i++) {
                URI url = pdls[i].getDownloadURL(m_client.getDocumentDir());
                if (url != null)
        } else
            log.warning("No DowloadURL for A_Asset_ID=" + A_Asset_ID);
    String msg = email.send();
    new MUserMail(m_MailText, asset.getAD_User_ID(), email).saveEx();
    if (!EMail.SENT_OK.equals(msg))
        return "** Not delivered: " + user.getEMail() + " - " + msg;
    MAssetDelivery ad = confirmDelivery(asset, email, user.getAD_User_ID());
    log.fine((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
    //	success
    return user.getEMail() + " - " + asset.getProductVersionNo();
Also used : MMailText(org.compiere.model.MMailText) MUserMail(org.compiere.model.MUserMail) MProductDownload(org.compiere.model.MProductDownload) MAssetDelivery(org.compiere.model.MAssetDelivery) MAsset(org.compiere.model.MAsset) EMail(org.compiere.util.EMail) MUser(org.compiere.model.MUser) URI(


MMailText (org.compiere.model.MMailText)8 MUser (org.compiere.model.MUser)5 File ( MClient (org.compiere.model.MClient)4 MUserMail (org.compiere.model.MUserMail)4 EMail (org.compiere.util.EMail)4 ReportEngine (org.compiere.print.ReportEngine)3 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 MAsset (org.compiere.model.MAsset)2 MBPartner (org.compiere.model.MBPartner)2 MQuery (org.compiere.model.MQuery)2 PrintInfo (org.compiere.model.PrintInfo)2 MPrintFormat (org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat)2 DocAction (org.compiere.process.DocAction)2 AdempiereUserError (org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError)2 URI ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)1 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)1 Savepoint (java.sql.Savepoint)1 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)1