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Example 1 with MPaySelection

use of org.compiere.model.MPaySelection in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MPaySelectionTest method testQuery.

public void testQuery() throws Exception {
    lines = new MPaySelection(getCtx(), 100, getTrxName());
    List<MPaySelectionLine> payselection = lines.getLines(true);
    assertTrue("There should be payment lines", payselection.size() > 0);
Also used : MPaySelectionLine(org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine) MPaySelection(org.compiere.model.MPaySelection)

Example 2 with MPaySelection

use of org.compiere.model.MPaySelection in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PaySelect method generatePaySelect.

	 *  Generate PaySelection
public String generatePaySelect(IMiniTable miniTable, ValueNamePair paymentRule, Timestamp payDate, BankInfo bi) {"");
    //	String trxName Trx.createTrxName("PaySelect");
    //	Trx trx = Trx.get(trxName, true);	trx needs to be committed too
    String trxName = null;
    trx = null;
    String PaymentRule = paymentRule.getValue();
    //  Create Header
    m_ps = new MPaySelection(Env.getCtx(), 0, trxName);
    //	FR [ 297 ]
    m_ps.setDescription(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "VPaySelect") + " - " + paymentRule.getName() + " - " + payDate);
    if (! {
        m_ps = null;
        return Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "C_PaySelection_ID");
    //  Create Lines
    int rows = miniTable.getRowCount();
    int line = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        IDColumn id = (IDColumn) miniTable.getValueAt(i, 0);
        Object ips_id = miniTable.getValueAt(i, 11);
        if (id.isSelected()) {
            line += 10;
            MPaySelectionLine psl = new MPaySelectionLine(m_ps, line, PaymentRule);
            int C_Invoice_ID = id.getRecord_ID().intValue();
            int C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = Integer.parseInt(ips_id.toString());
            BigDecimal OpenAmt = (BigDecimal) miniTable.getValueAt(i, 9);
            BigDecimal PayAmt = (BigDecimal) miniTable.getValueAt(i, 10);
            boolean isSOTrx = false;
            psl.setInvoice(C_Invoice_ID, C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, isSOTrx, OpenAmt, PayAmt, OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt));
            if (! {
                return Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "C_PaySelectionLine_ID");
            log.fine("C_Invoice_ID=" + C_Invoice_ID + ", PayAmt=" + PayAmt);
    return null;
Also used : IDColumn(org.compiere.minigrid.IDColumn) MPaySelectionLine(org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine) MPaySelection(org.compiere.model.MPaySelection) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 3 with MPaySelection

use of org.compiere.model.MPaySelection in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PSCreateFromOrder method doIt.

protected String doIt() throws Exception {
    //	Instance current Payment Selection
    MPaySelection paySelection = new MPaySelection(getCtx(), getRecord_ID(), get_TrxName());
    m_SeqNo = paySelection.getLastLineNo();
    //	Loop for keys
    for (Integer key : getSelectionKeys()) {
        //	get values from result set
        int C_Order_ID = key;
        String PaymentRule = getSelectionAsString(key, "ORD_PaymentRule");
        BigDecimal GrandTotal = getSelectionAsBigDecimal(key, "ORD_GrandTotal");
        BigDecimal ConvertedAmt = getSelectionAsBigDecimal(key, "ORD_ConvertedAmt");
        BigDecimal PayAmt = getSelectionAsBigDecimal(key, "ORD_PayAmt");
        m_SeqNo += 10;
        MPaySelectionLine line = new MPaySelectionLine(paySelection, m_SeqNo, PaymentRule);
        //	Add Order
        line.setOrder(C_Order_ID, GrandTotal, ConvertedAmt, PayAmt, Env.ZERO);
        //	Save
    //	Default Ok
    return "@OK@";
Also used : MPaySelectionLine(org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine) MPaySelection(org.compiere.model.MPaySelection) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 4 with MPaySelection

use of org.compiere.model.MPaySelection in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PSCreateFromPaySelection method doIt.

protected String doIt() throws Exception {
    //	Instance current Payment Selection
    MPaySelection paySelection = new MPaySelection(getCtx(), getRecord_ID(), get_TrxName());
    m_SeqNo = paySelection.getLastLineNo();
    //	Loop for keys
    for (Integer key : getSelectionKeys()) {
        //	get values from result set
        int C_PaySelectionLine_ID = key;
        String PaymentRule = getSelectionAsString(key, "PSL_PaymentRule");
        BigDecimal PayAmt = getSelectionAsBigDecimal(key, "PSL_PayAmt");
        BigDecimal DiscountAmt = getSelectionAsBigDecimal(key, "PSL_DiscountAmt");
        m_SeqNo += 10;
        MPaySelectionLine line = new MPaySelectionLine(paySelection, m_SeqNo, PaymentRule);
        //	Add Order
        line.setPaySelectionLineParent(C_PaySelectionLine_ID, PayAmt, DiscountAmt);
        //	Save
    //	Default Ok
    return "@OK@";
Also used : MPaySelectionLine(org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine) MPaySelection(org.compiere.model.MPaySelection) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)

Example 5 with MPaySelection

use of org.compiere.model.MPaySelection in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class PaySelectionCreateCheck method doIt.

//	prepare
	 *  Perform process.
	 *  @return Message (clear text)
	 *  @throws Exception if not successful
protected String doIt() throws Exception {"C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID + ", PaymentRule=" + p_PaymentRule);
    MPaySelection paySelection = new MPaySelection(getCtx(), p_C_PaySelection_ID, get_TrxName());
    if (paySelection.get_ID() == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID);
    if (paySelection.isProcessed())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Processed@");
    for (MPaySelectionLine paySelectionLine : paySelection.getLines(false)) {
        if (!paySelectionLine.isActive() || paySelectionLine.isProcessed())
    return "@C_PaySelectionCheck_ID@ - #" + paySelectionChecks.size();
Also used : MPaySelectionLine(org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine) MPaySelection(org.compiere.model.MPaySelection)


MPaySelection (org.compiere.model.MPaySelection)8 MPaySelectionLine (org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionLine)8 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)6 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)1 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)1 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)1 IDColumn (org.compiere.minigrid.IDColumn)1 MUser (org.compiere.model.MUser)1