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Example 46 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ImportHelper method getValueFromFormat.

	 * Get the value from format
	 * @param line
	 * @param po
	 * @param rootElement
	 * @param result
	 * @param replicationType
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
private Object getValueFromFormat(MEXPFormatLine line, PO po, Element rootElement, StringBuffer result, String replicationType) throws Exception {
    Object value = null;
    if (MEXPFormatLine.TYPE_XMLElement.equals(line.getType())) {
        // XML Element
        value = XMLHelper.getString(line.getValue(), rootElement);"value=[" + value + "]");
    } else if (MEXPFormatLine.TYPE_ReferencedEXPFormat.equals(line.getType())) {
        // Referenced Export Format
        //get from cache
        MEXPFormat referencedExpFormat = MEXPFormat.get(ctx, line.getEXP_EmbeddedFormat_ID(), po.get_TrxName());"referencedExpFormat = " + referencedExpFormat);
        int refRecord_ID = 0;
        // Find Record_ID by ???Value??? In fact by Columns set as Part Of Unique Index in Export Format!
        String xPath = null;
        xPath = "" + line.getValue() + "";"Seach for XML Element = " + xPath);
        Element referencedNode = XMLHelper.getElement(xPath, rootElement);"referencedNode = " + referencedNode);
        if (referencedNode != null) {
            refRecord_ID = getID(ctx, referencedExpFormat, referencedNode, line.getValue(), po.get_TrxName());
  "refRecord_ID = " + refRecord_ID);
            value = new Integer(refRecord_ID);
        } else {
  "NULL VALUE FOR " + xPath.toString());
            value = null;
        }"value=[" + value + "]");
    } else if (MEXPFormatLine.TYPE_EmbeddedEXPFormat.equals(line.getType())) {
        if (po.is_Changed()) {
            isChanged = true;
        } else {
            return value;
        // Embedded Export Format It is used for Parent-Son records like Order&OrderLine
        //get from cache
        MEXPFormat referencedExpFormat = MEXPFormat.get(ctx, line.getEXP_EmbeddedFormat_ID(), po.get_TrxName());"embeddedExpFormat = " + referencedExpFormat);
        NodeList nodeList = XMLHelper.getNodeList("/" + rootElement.getNodeName() + "/" + line.getValue(), rootElement);
        for (int j = 0; j < nodeList.getLength(); j++) {
            Element referencedElement = (Element) nodeList.item(j);
  "EmbeddedEXPFormat - referencedElement.getNodeName = " + referencedElement.getNodeName());
            PO embeddedPo = null;
            // Import embedded PO
            embeddedPo = importElement(ctx, result, referencedElement, referencedExpFormat, replicationType, po.get_TrxName());
  "embeddedPo = " + embeddedPo);
            if (!embeddedPo.is_Changed()) {
      "Object not changed = " + po.toString());
            } else {
                isChanged = true;
            result.append(" Embedded Save Successful; ");
    } else if (MEXPFormatLine.TYPE_XMLAttribute.equals(line.getType())) {
        // XML Attribute
        value = XMLHelper.getString("@" + line.getValue(), rootElement);"value=[" + value + "]");
    } else {
        // Export Format Line is not one of the possible values...ERROR
        throw new Exception(Msg.getMsg(ctx, "EXPFormatLineNonValidType"));
    return value;
Also used : MEXPFormat(org.compiere.model.MEXPFormat) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) XPathExpressionException(javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 47 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ImportHelper method importElement.

	 * @param ctx
	 * @param result
	 * @param rootElement
	 * @param expFormat
	 * @param replicationType
	 * @param trxName
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	 * @throws XPathExpressionException
private PO importElement(Properties ctx, StringBuffer result, Element rootElement, MEXPFormat expFormat, String replicationType, String trxName) throws Exception, XPathExpressionException {
    //Getting the Object for the replicate
    PO po = getObjectFromFormat(ctx, expFormat, rootElement, rootElement.getNodeName(), trxName);
    if (po == null) {
        throw new Exception(Msg.getMsg(ctx, "Can't Load PO Object"));
    if (//If this is just for push and exists we do nothing
    X_AD_ReplicationTable.REPLICATIONTYPE_Reference.equals(replicationType)) {
        if (po.get_ID() == 0) {
            return null;
    }"PO.toString() = " + po.toString());
    if (po.get_KeyColumns().length < 1) {
        throw new Exception(Msg.getMsg(ctx, "EDIMultiColumnNotSupported"));
    Collection<MEXPFormatLine> formatLines = expFormat.getFormatLinesOrderedBy(MEXPFormatLine.COLUMNNAME_IsMandatory + " , " + MEXPFormatLine.COLUMNNAME_Position);
    if (formatLines == null || formatLines.size() < 1) {
        throw new Exception(Msg.getMsg(ctx, "EXPFormatNoLines"));
    //  and set value of column!
    for (MEXPFormatLine formatLine : formatLines) {"=================== Beginnig of Format Line ===============================");"formatLine: [" + formatLine.toString() + "]");
        //Get the value
        Object value = getValueFromFormat(formatLine, po, rootElement, result, replicationType);
        if (value == null || value.toString().equals(""))
        //Set the value
        setReplicaValues(value, formatLine, po, result);
    return po;
Also used : MEXPFormatLine(org.compiere.model.MEXPFormatLine) XPathExpressionException(javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 48 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MWFNodeNext method isValidFor.

//	isUnconditional
	 * 	Is this a Valid Transition For ..
	 * 	@param activity activity
	 *	@return true if valid
public boolean isValidFor(MWFActivity activity) {
    if (isStdUserWorkflow()) {
        PO po = activity.getPO();
        if (po instanceof DocAction) {
            DocAction da = (DocAction) po;
            String docStatus = da.getDocStatus();
            String docAction = da.getDocAction();
            if (!DocAction.ACTION_Complete.equals(docAction) || DocAction.STATUS_Completed.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_WaitingConfirmation.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_WaitingPayment.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_Voided.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_Closed.equals(docStatus) || DocAction.STATUS_Reversed.equals(docStatus)) /*
					|| DocAction.ACTION_Complete.equals(docAction)	
					|| DocAction.ACTION_ReActivate.equals(docAction)	
					|| DocAction.ACTION_None.equals(docAction)
					|| DocAction.ACTION_Post.equals(docAction)
					|| DocAction.ACTION_Unlock.equals(docAction)
					|| DocAction.ACTION_Invalidate.equals(docAction)	) */
                log.fine("isValidFor =NO= StdUserWF - Status=" + docStatus + " - Action=" + docAction);
                return false;
    //	No Conditions
    if (getConditions(false).length == 0) {
        log.fine("#0 " + toString());
        return true;
    //	First condition always AND
    boolean ok = m_conditions[0].evaluate(activity);
    for (int i = 1; i < m_conditions.length; i++) {
        if (m_conditions[i].isOr())
            ok = ok || m_conditions[i].evaluate(activity);
            ok = ok && m_conditions[i].evaluate(activity);
    //	for all conditions
    log.fine("isValidFor (" + ok + ") " + toString());
    return ok;
Also used : DocAction(org.compiere.process.DocAction) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 49 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class InventoryUtil method processDocument.

public static void processDocument(MMDocument doc, String docAction, String targetDocStatus) {
    PO po = (PO) doc.document;
    //		po.saveEx();
    po.set_ValueOfColumn("DocAction", docAction);
    try {
        if (!doc.document.processIt(docAction))
            throw new AdempiereException(doc.document.getProcessMsg());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw (e instanceof AdempiereException ? (AdempiereException) e : new AdempiereException(e));
    // Check DocSatus
    if (targetDocStatus != null && !targetDocStatus.equals(doc.document.getDocStatus())) {
        throw new AdempiereException("Doc process error " + doc + " (TargetDocStatus=" + targetDocStatus + ", DocStatus=" + doc.document.getDocStatus() + ")");
    // Is Completed ?
    if (DocAction.STATUS_Completed.equals(doc.document.getDocStatus())) {
        // Track ASI:
        if (!Util.isEmpty(doc.ASI)) {
Also used : AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) DBException(org.adempiere.exceptions.DBException) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 50 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MAssetChange method create.

public static MAssetChange create(Properties ctx, String changeType, PO[] pos, boolean save, String trxName) {
    if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
        s_log.fine("Entering: changeType=" + changeType);
    if (pos == null || pos.length == 0) {
        s_log.fine("Entering/Leaving: POs is empty");
        return null;
    MAssetChange change = new MAssetChange(ctx, 0, trxName);
    for (PO po : pos) {
    if (save) {
    if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
        s_log.fine("Leaving: change=" + change);
    return change;
Also used : PO(org.compiere.model.PO)


PO (org.compiere.model.PO)75 MTable (org.compiere.model.MTable)18 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)17 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)16 Properties (java.util.Properties)13 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)11 Query (org.compiere.model.Query)8 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 MEXPFormat (org.compiere.model.MEXPFormat)6 ADLoginRequest (pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest)6 POInfo (org.compiere.model.POInfo)5 Trx (org.compiere.util.Trx)5 ModelCRUD (pl.x3E.adInterface.ModelCRUD)5 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 XFireFault (org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault)4 DataField (pl.x3E.adInterface.DataField)4 DataRow (pl.x3E.adInterface.DataRow)4 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)3