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Example 21 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ModelADServiceImpl method updateData.

public StandardResponseDocument updateData(ModelCRUDRequestDocument req) throws XFireFault {
    StandardResponseDocument ret = StandardResponseDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    StandardResponse resp = ret.addNewStandardResponse();
    ModelCRUD modelCRUD = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getModelCRUD();
    String serviceType = modelCRUD.getServiceType();
    ADLoginRequest reqlogin = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getADLoginRequest();
    String err = modelLogin(reqlogin, webServiceName, "updateData", serviceType);
    if (err != null && err.length() > 0) {
        return ret;
    // Validate parameters vs service type
    String tableName = modelCRUD.getTableName();
    int recordID = modelCRUD.getRecordID();
    Properties ctx = m_cs.getM_ctx();
    // start a trx
    String trxName = Trx.createTrxName("ws_modelUpdateData");
    Trx trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
    // get the PO for the tablename and record ID
    MTable table = MTable.get(ctx, tableName);
    if (table == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "No table " + tableName);
    PO po = table.getPO(recordID, trxName);
    if (po == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "No Record " + recordID + " in " + tableName);
    POInfo poinfo = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, table.getAD_Table_ID());
    DataRow dr = modelCRUD.getDataRow();
    for (DataField field : dr.getFieldList()) {
        // TODO: Implement lookup
        if (m_webservicetype.isInputColumnNameAllowed(field.getColumn())) {
            int idxcol = po.get_ColumnIndex(field.getColumn());
            if (idxcol < 0) {
                // The column doesn't exist - it must exist as it's defined in security
                return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " does not exist");
            } else {
                try {
                    setValueAccordingToClass(po, poinfo, field, idxcol);
                } catch (XFireFault e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error setting value", e);
                    return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " value could not be set: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        } else {
            return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " not allowed");
    if (!
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot save record in " + tableName + ": " + CLogger.retrieveErrorString("no log message"));
    // close the trx
    if (!trx.commit())
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot commit transaction after delete record " + recordID + " in " + tableName);
    return ret;
Also used : ADLoginRequest(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest) StandardResponse(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponse) Properties(java.util.Properties) XFireFault(org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault) DataRow(pl.x3E.adInterface.DataRow) StandardResponseDocument(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponseDocument) POInfo(org.compiere.model.POInfo) MTable(org.compiere.model.MTable) DataField(pl.x3E.adInterface.DataField) ModelCRUD(pl.x3E.adInterface.ModelCRUD) Trx(org.compiere.util.Trx) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 22 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ModelADServiceImpl method deleteData.

// getList
public StandardResponseDocument deleteData(ModelCRUDRequestDocument req) throws XFireFault {
    StandardResponseDocument ret = StandardResponseDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    StandardResponse resp = ret.addNewStandardResponse();
    ModelCRUD modelCRUD = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getModelCRUD();
    String serviceType = modelCRUD.getServiceType();
    ADLoginRequest reqlogin = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getADLoginRequest();
    String err = modelLogin(reqlogin, webServiceName, "deleteData", serviceType);
    if (err != null && err.length() > 0) {
        return ret;
    // Validate parameters vs service type
    String tableName = modelCRUD.getTableName();
    int recordID = modelCRUD.getRecordID();
    Properties ctx = m_cs.getM_ctx();
    // start a trx
    String trxName = Trx.createTrxName("ws_modelDeleteData");
    Trx trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
    // get the PO for the tablename and record ID
    MTable table = MTable.get(ctx, tableName);
    if (table == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "No table " + tableName);
    PO po = table.getPO(recordID, trxName);
    if (po == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "No Record " + recordID + " in " + tableName);
    if (!po.delete(false))
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot delete record " + recordID + " in " + tableName + ": " + CLogger.retrieveErrorString("no log message"));
    // close the trx
    if (!trx.commit())
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot commit transaction after delete record " + recordID + " in " + tableName);
    return ret;
Also used : ADLoginRequest(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest) MTable(org.compiere.model.MTable) StandardResponse(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponse) ModelCRUD(pl.x3E.adInterface.ModelCRUD) Trx(org.compiere.util.Trx) Properties(java.util.Properties) StandardResponseDocument(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponseDocument) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 23 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ModelADServiceImpl method createData.

public StandardResponseDocument createData(ModelCRUDRequestDocument req) throws XFireFault {
    StandardResponseDocument ret = StandardResponseDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    StandardResponse resp = ret.addNewStandardResponse();
    ModelCRUD modelCRUD = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getModelCRUD();
    String serviceType = modelCRUD.getServiceType();
    ADLoginRequest reqlogin = req.getModelCRUDRequest().getADLoginRequest();
    String err = modelLogin(reqlogin, webServiceName, "createData", serviceType);
    if (err != null && err.length() > 0) {
        return ret;
    // Validate parameters vs service type
    String tableName = modelCRUD.getTableName();
    Properties ctx = m_cs.getM_ctx();
    // start a trx
    String trxName = Trx.createTrxName("ws_modelCreateData");
    Trx trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
    // get the PO for the tablename and record ID
    MTable table = MTable.get(ctx, tableName);
    if (table == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "No table " + tableName);
    PO po = table.getPO(0, trxName);
    if (po == null)
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot create PO for " + tableName);
    POInfo poinfo = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, table.getAD_Table_ID());
    DataRow dr = modelCRUD.getDataRow();
    for (DataField field : dr.getFieldList()) {
        // TODO: Implement lookup
        if (m_webservicetype.isInputColumnNameAllowed(field.getColumn())) {
            int idxcol = po.get_ColumnIndex(field.getColumn());
            if (idxcol < 0) {
                // The column doesn't exist - it must exist as it's defined in security
                return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " does not exist");
            } else {
                try {
                    setValueAccordingToClass(po, poinfo, field, idxcol);
                } catch (XFireFault e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error setting value", e);
                    return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " value could not be set: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        } else {
            return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Web service type " + m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": input column " + field.getColumn() + " not allowed");
    if (!
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot save record in " + tableName + ": " + CLogger.retrieveErrorString("no log message"));
    int recordID = po.get_ID();
    // close the trx
    if (!trx.commit())
        return rollbackAndSetError(trx, resp, ret, true, "Cannot commit transaction after create record " + recordID + " in " + tableName);
    return ret;
Also used : ADLoginRequest(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest) StandardResponse(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponse) Properties(java.util.Properties) XFireFault(org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault) DataRow(pl.x3E.adInterface.DataRow) StandardResponseDocument(pl.x3E.adInterface.StandardResponseDocument) POInfo(org.compiere.model.POInfo) MTable(org.compiere.model.MTable) DataField(pl.x3E.adInterface.DataField) ModelCRUD(pl.x3E.adInterface.ModelCRUD) Trx(org.compiere.util.Trx) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 24 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class MigrationCreate method doIt.

	 * Process to create migration from selected records
	 * @author Paul Bowden, Adaxa Pty Ltd
protected String doIt() throws Exception {
    MMigration migration = new MMigration(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
    MTable table = MTable.get(getCtx(), tableId);
    String whereClause;
    List<PO> pos;
    if (recordId > 0) {
        pos = new ArrayList<PO>(1);
        pos.add(table.getPO(recordId, get_TrxName()));
    } else {
        String where = "EntityType = ?";
        pos = table.createQuery(where, get_TrxName()).list();
    for (PO po : pos) {
        POInfo info = POInfo.getPOInfo(getCtx(), tableId, get_TrxName());
        MMigrationStep step = new MMigrationStep(migration, po, info, MMigrationStep.ACTION_Insert);
    return "@OK@";
Also used : POInfo(org.compiere.model.POInfo) MTable(org.compiere.model.MTable) MMigrationStep(org.compiere.model.MMigrationStep) MMigration(org.compiere.model.MMigration) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)

Example 25 with PO

use of org.compiere.model.PO in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ScanBar method loadData.

protected void loadData() {
    data = new LinkedHashMap<String, Vector>();
    for (PO po : getDocumentLines()) {
        MProduct product = null;
        MAttributeSetInstance asi = null;
        String lotNo = null;
        String serNo = null;
        Integer referenceId = null;
        BigDecimal qty = null;
        boolean reset = false;
        int M_Product_ID = po.get_ValueAsInt(MProduct.COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID);
        int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = po.get_ValueAsInt(MAttributeSetInstance.COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
        if (M_Product_ID > 0)
            product = MProduct.get(Env.getCtx(), M_Product_ID);
        if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID > 0) {
            asi = new MAttributeSetInstance(Env.getCtx(), M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
            lotNo = asi.getLot();
            serNo = asi.getSerNo();
        } else {
            M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = 0;
            reset = true;
            lotNo = null;
            serNo = null;
        if (po instanceof MInOutLine) {
            MInOutLine ioLine = (MInOutLine) po;
            referenceId = ioLine.getC_OrderLine_ID();
            qty = ioLine.getMovementQty();
        if (po instanceof MInventoryLine) {
            MInventoryLine invenotryLine = (MInventoryLine) po;
            qty = invenotryLine.getQtyCount();
        if (getSource() != null && source.size() > 0) {
            ArrayList<Object> values = checkProduct(product, qty, reset);
            if (values == null)
                throw new AdempiereException("@M_Product_ID@ ; " + product.getName() + " @InValid@");
        String key = product.getValue();
        if (lotNo != null && lotNo.length() > 0)
            key = key + lotNo;
        if (serNo != null && serNo.length() > 0)
            key = key + serNo;
        Vector<Object> line = new Vector<Object>(6);
        // 0
        // 1
        // 2
        // 3
        // 4
        // 5
        // 6
        line.add(referenceId != null ? referenceId.intValue() : 0);
        data.put(key, line);
Also used : MProduct(org.compiere.model.MProduct) MInOutLine(org.compiere.model.MInOutLine) MInventoryLine(org.compiere.model.MInventoryLine) MAttributeSetInstance(org.compiere.model.MAttributeSetInstance) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) AdempiereException(org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException) Vector(java.util.Vector) PO(org.compiere.model.PO)


PO (org.compiere.model.PO)75 MTable (org.compiere.model.MTable)18 AdempiereException (org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException)17 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)16 Properties (java.util.Properties)13 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)11 Query (org.compiere.model.Query)8 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 MEXPFormat (org.compiere.model.MEXPFormat)6 ADLoginRequest (pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest)6 POInfo (org.compiere.model.POInfo)5 Trx (org.compiere.util.Trx)5 ModelCRUD (pl.x3E.adInterface.ModelCRUD)5 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 XFireFault (org.codehaus.xfire.fault.XFireFault)4 DataField (pl.x3E.adInterface.DataField)4 DataRow (pl.x3E.adInterface.DataRow)4 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)3