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Example 21 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WFieldUpdate method reply_Login2_Client.

//  reply_Login2_Role
	 *  Login 2nd page Response - Field Client.
	 *  <p>
	 *  fill Org & Warehouse -
	 *  @param body body
	 *  @param wsc context
	 *  @param formName form name
	 *  @param fieldValue value
private static void reply_Login2_Client(body body, MobileSessionCtx wsc, String formName, String fieldValue, String locationValue) {"Location-Client: " + locationValue);
    //  Formname
    String form = null;
    //if (locationValue!=null)
    form = locationValue + MobileEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    //form = "top." + WebEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";		
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    //  Set Organization ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var B=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_ORG).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("B.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair client = new KeyNamePair(Integer.parseInt(fieldValue), fieldValue);
    Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
    KeyNamePair[] orgs = login.getOrgs(client);
    for (int i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
        KeyNamePair p = orgs[i];
        script.append("B[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
        //  text
        //  value
        script.append("'); ");
    //  Set Warehouse ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var C=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("C.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(orgs[0]);
    if (whs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < whs.length; i++) {
            KeyNamePair p = whs[i];
            script.append("C[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
            //  text
            //  value
            script.append("'); ");
    //  add script
    body.addElement(new p().addElement(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE + "="));
    body.addElement(new script(script.toString()));
//	log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Login2-Client - Script=" + script.toString());
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)

Example 22 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WFieldUpdate method reply_Login2_Role.

//  getReply
	 *  Login 2nd page Response - Field Role.
	 *  <p>
	 *  fill Client, Org, Warehouse
	 *  @param body document body
	 *  @param wsc web session context
	 *  @param formName
	 *  @param fieldValue
private static void reply_Login2_Role(body body, MobileSessionCtx wsc, String formName, String fieldValue, String locationValue) {
    //  Formname
    String form = null;"Location-Role: " + locationValue);
    //if (locationValue!=null)
    form = locationValue + MobileEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document.forms." + formName + ".";
    //form = "top." + WebEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document.forms." + formName + ".";
    Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
    //  Get Data
    KeyNamePair[] clients = login.getClients(new KeyNamePair(Integer.parseInt(fieldValue), fieldValue));
    //  Set Client ----
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var A=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_CLIENT).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("A.length=0; ");
    for (int i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
        KeyNamePair p = clients[i];
        script.append("A[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
        //  text
        //  value
        script.append("'); ");
    if (clients.length > 0) {
        //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
        script.append("var B=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_ORG).append(".options; ");
        //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
        script.append("B.length=0; ");
        //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
        KeyNamePair[] orgs = login.getOrgs(clients[0]);
        for (int i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
            KeyNamePair p = orgs[i];
            script.append("B[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
            //  text
            //  value
            script.append("'); ");
        if (orgs.length > 0) {
            //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
            script.append("var C=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE).append(".options; ");
            //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
            script.append("C.length=0; ");
            //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
            KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(orgs[0]);
            if (whs != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < whs.length; i++) {
                    KeyNamePair p = whs[i];
                    script.append("C[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
                    //  text
                    //  value
                    script.append("'); ");
    //	we have a org
    //	we have a client
    //  add script
    body.addElement(new p().addElement(WLogin.P_CLIENT + "="));
    body.addElement(new script(script.toString()));
//	log.trace(log.l6_Database, "reply_Login2_Role - Script=" + script.toString());
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)

Example 23 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WFieldUpdate method reply_Login2_Org.

//  reply_Login2_Client
	 *  Login 2nd page Response - Field Org.
	 *  <p>
	 *  fill Warehouse
	 *  @param body document body
	 *  @param wsc web session context
	 *  @param formName
	 *  @param fieldValue
private static void reply_Login2_Org(body body, MobileSessionCtx wsc, WWindowStatus ws, String formName, String fieldValue, String locationValue) {
    //  Formname
    String form = null;"Location-Org: " + locationValue);
    //if (locationValue!=null)
    form = locationValue + MobileEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    //form = "top." + WebEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    //  Set Warehouse ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var C=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("C.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair org = new KeyNamePair(Integer.parseInt(fieldValue), fieldValue);
    Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
    String error = login.validateLogin(org);
    if (error != null && error.length() > 0) {
        //todo graceful dead
        ws.mWindow = null;
        wsc.ctx = new Properties();
    KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(org);
    if (whs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < whs.length; i++) {
            KeyNamePair p = whs[i];
            script.append("C[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
            //  text
            //  value
            script.append("'); ");
    //  add script
    body.addElement(new p().addElement(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE + "="));
    body.addElement(new script(script.toString()));
//	log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Login2-Org - Script=" + script.toString());
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) Properties(java.util.Properties) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)

Example 24 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class LoginDynUpdate method reply_Login2_Org.

//  reply_Login2_Client
	 *  Login 2nd page Response - Field Org.
	 *  <p>
	 *  fill Warehouse
	 *  @param body document body
	 *  @param wsc web session context
	 *  @param formName
	 *  @param fieldValue
private static void reply_Login2_Org(body body, MobileSessionCtx wsc, WWindowStatus ws, String formName, String fieldValue, String locationValue) {
    //  Formname
    String form = null;"Location-Org: " + locationValue);
    //if (locationValue!=null)
    form = locationValue + MobileEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    //form = "top." + WebEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    //  Set Warehouse ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var C=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("C.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair org = new KeyNamePair(Integer.parseInt(fieldValue), fieldValue);
    Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
    String error = login.validateLogin(org);
    if (error != null && error.length() > 0) {
        //todo graceful dead
        ws.mWindow = null;
        wsc.ctx = new Properties();
    KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(org);
    if (whs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < whs.length; i++) {
            KeyNamePair p = whs[i];
            script.append("C[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
            //  text
            //  value
            script.append("'); ");
    //  add script
    body.addElement(new p().addElement(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE + "="));
    body.addElement(new script(script.toString()));
//	log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Login2-Org - Script=" + script.toString());
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) Properties(java.util.Properties) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)

Example 25 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class LoginDynUpdate method reply_Login2_Client.

//  reply_Login2_Role
	 *  Login 2nd page Response - Field Client.
	 *  <p>
	 *  fill Org & Warehouse -
	 *  @param body body
	 *  @param wsc context
	 *  @param formName form name
	 *  @param fieldValue value
private static void reply_Login2_Client(body body, MobileSessionCtx wsc, String formName, String fieldValue, String locationValue) {"Location-Client: " + locationValue);
    //  Formname
    String form = null;
    //if (locationValue!=null)
    form = locationValue + MobileEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";
    //form = "top." + WebEnv.TARGET_WINDOW + ".document." + formName + ".";		
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    //  Set Organization ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var B=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_ORG).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("B.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair client = new KeyNamePair(Integer.parseInt(fieldValue), fieldValue);
    Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
    KeyNamePair[] orgs = login.getOrgs(client);
    for (int i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
        KeyNamePair p = orgs[i];
        script.append("B[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
        //  text
        //  value
        script.append("'); ");
    //  Set Warehouse ----
    //  var A=top.WWindow.document.formName.selectName.options;
    script.append("var C=").append(form).append(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE).append(".options; ");
    //  A.length=0;                         //  resets options
    script.append("C.length=0; ");
    //  A[0]=new Option('text','value');    //  add new oprtion
    KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(orgs[0]);
    if (whs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < whs.length; i++) {
            KeyNamePair p = whs[i];
            script.append("C[").append(i).append("]=new Option('");
            //  text
            //  value
            script.append("'); ");
    //  add script
    body.addElement(new p().addElement(WLogin.P_WAREHOUSE + "="));
    body.addElement(new script(script.toString()));
//	log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Login2-Client - Script=" + script.toString());
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)


Login (org.compiere.util.Login)29 KeyNamePair (org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair)22 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p)8 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)8 Properties (java.util.Properties)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 IOException ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)4 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)3 Principal ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)2 Language (org.compiere.util.Language)2 PrintWriter ( AccessException (java.rmi.AccessException)1 Callback ( NameCallback ( PasswordCallback (