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Example 26 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class OrderTest method main.

//	run
	 * 	Test
	 *	@param args ignored
public static void main(String[] args) {
    CLogMgt.setLoggerLevel(Level.INFO, null);
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_UID, "SuperUser");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_PWD, "System");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_ROLE, "GardenWorld Admin");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_CLIENT, "GardenWorld");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_ORG, "HQ");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_WAREHOUSE, "HQ Warehouse");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_LANGUAGE, "English");
    Login login = new Login(Env.getCtx());
    if (!login.batchLogin(null))
    CLogMgt.setLoggerLevel(Level.WARNING, null);
    int NO_TESTS = 2;
    int NO_ORDERS = 200;
    int NO_LINES = 20;
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Thread[] tests = new Thread[NO_TESTS];
    for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
        tests[i] = new Thread(new OrderTest(i, NO_ORDERS, NO_LINES));
    //	Wait
    for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
    System.out.println("Time (ms)=" + time);
Also used : Login(org.compiere.util.Login)

Example 27 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class ADServiceImpl method login.

public ADLoginResponseDocument login(ADLoginRequestDocument req) throws XFireFault {
    authenticate(webServiceName, "login");
    // TODO: Implement security layer
    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Warning: Security layer not implemented yet - opening web service " + webServiceName + " implies a security risk for server");
    ADLoginResponseDocument res = ADLoginResponseDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    ADLoginResponse lr = res.addNewADLoginResponse();
    ADLoginRequest r = req.getADLoginRequest();
    if (// initial phase - return possible translations
    r.getStage() == 0) {
        LookupValues langs = lr.addNewLangs();
        for (int i = 0; i < Language.getLanguageCount(); i++) {
            Language language = Language.getLanguage(i);
            LookupValue lv = langs.addNewLv();
    } else if (// Verify user and pass
    r.getStage() == 1) {
        KeyNamePair[] roles = null;
        KeyNamePair[] clients = null;
        KeyNamePair[] orgs = null;
        KeyNamePair[] warehouses = null;
        Login login = new Login(m_cs.getM_ctx());
        roles = login.getRoles(r.getUser(), r.getPass());
        if (roles == null) {
            return res;
        } else {
            if (r.getRoleID() == -1 && roles != null && roles.length > 0)
            if (r.getRoleID() > -1)
                clients = login.getClients(new KeyNamePair(r.getRoleID(), ""));
            if (r.getClientID() == -1 && clients != null && clients.length > 0)
            if (r.getClientID() > -1)
                orgs = login.getOrgs(new KeyNamePair(r.getClientID(), ""));
            if (r.getOrgID() == -1 && orgs != null && orgs.length > 0)
            if (r.getOrgID() > -1)
                warehouses = login.getWarehouses(new KeyNamePair(r.getOrgID(), ""));
            ADLookup.fillLookupValues(lr.addNewRoles(), roles);
            ADLookup.fillLookupValues(lr.addNewClients(), clients);
            ADLookup.fillLookupValues(lr.addNewOrgs(), orgs);
            ADLookup.fillLookupValues(lr.addNewWarehouses(), warehouses);
    } else if (// Verify user and pass
    r.getStage() == 2) {
        Login login = new Login(m_cs.getM_ctx());
        KeyNamePair[] roles = login.getRoles(r.getUser(), r.getPass());
        if (roles != null) {
            KeyNamePair org = new KeyNamePair(r.getRoleID(), Integer.toString(r.getRoleID()));
            String error = login.validateLogin(org);
            if (error != null && error.length() > 0) {
                return res;
            int AD_User_ID = Env.getAD_User_ID(m_cs.getM_ctx());
            if (!m_cs.login(AD_User_ID, r.getRoleID(), r.getClientID(), r.getOrgID(), r.getWarehouseID(), r.getLang())) {
                return res;
        } else {
            return res;
    return res;
Also used : ADLoginRequest(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginRequest) ADLoginResponseDocument(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginResponseDocument) Language(org.compiere.util.Language) LookupValues(pl.x3E.adInterface.LookupValues) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) ADLoginResponse(pl.x3E.adInterface.ADLoginResponse) LookupValue(pl.x3E.adInterface.LookupValue)

Example 28 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class CompiereService method checkLogin.

	public static Properties testLogin (boolean isClient)
		//logger.entering("Env", "initTest");
		//  Test Context
		Properties ctx = Env.getCtx();
		org.compiere.util.Login login = new org.compiere.util.Login(ctx);
		KeyNamePair[] roles = login.getRoles("SuperUser", "System1969");
		//  load role
		if (roles != null && roles.length > 0)
			int x = -1;
			for (int i=0; i<roles.length; i++)
				if (roles[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Opony Admin"))
					x= i; roles[i].getName()); 
			KeyNamePair[] clients = login.getClients (roles[x]);
			//  load client
			if (clients != null && clients.length > 0)
				KeyNamePair[] orgs = login.getOrgs(clients[0]);
				//  load org
				if (orgs != null && orgs.length > 0)
					KeyNamePair[] whs = login.getWarehouses(orgs[0]);
					login.loadPreferences(orgs[0], null, null, null);
		Env.setContext(ctx, "#Date", "2006-01-26");
	//	logger.exiting("Env", "initTest");
		return ctx;
	}   //  testInit
	 *  Check Login information and set context.
	 *  @returns    true if login info are OK
	 *  @param ctx context
	 *  @param AD_User_ID user
	 *  @param AD_Role_ID role
	 *  @param AD_Client_ID client
	 *  @param AD_Org_ID org
	 *  @param M_Warehouse_ID warehouse
private String checkLogin(Properties ctx, int AD_User_ID, int AD_Role_ID, int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int M_Warehouse_ID) {
    //  Get Login Info
    String loginInfo = null;
    //  Verify existance of User/Client/Org/Role and User's acces to Client & Org
    String sql = "SELECT u.Name || '@' || c.Name || '.' || o.Name || ' [' || INITCAP(USER) || ']' AS Text " + "FROM AD_User u, AD_Client c, AD_Org o, AD_User_Roles ur " + //  #1
    "WHERE u.AD_User_ID=?" + //  #2
    " AND c.AD_Client_ID=?" + //  #3
    " AND o.AD_Org_ID=?" + //  #4
    " AND ur.AD_Role_ID=?" + " AND ur.AD_User_ID=u.AD_User_ID" + " AND (o.AD_Client_ID = 0 OR o.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID)" + " AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (SELECT AD_Client_ID FROM AD_Role_OrgAccess ca WHERE ca.AD_Role_ID=ur.AD_Role_ID)" + " AND o.AD_Org_ID IN (SELECT AD_Org_ID FROM AD_Role_OrgAccess ca WHERE ca.AD_Role_ID=ur.AD_Role_ID)";
    try {
        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
        pstmt.setInt(1, AD_User_ID);
        pstmt.setInt(2, AD_Client_ID);
        pstmt.setInt(3, AD_Org_ID);
        pstmt.setInt(4, AD_Role_ID);
        ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
        if (
            loginInfo = rs.getString(1);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    //	log.log(Level.SEVERE, "checkLogin", e);
    //  not verified
    if (loginInfo == null)
        return null;
    //  Set Preferences
    KeyNamePair org = new KeyNamePair(AD_Org_ID, String.valueOf(AD_Org_ID));
    KeyNamePair wh = null;
    if (M_Warehouse_ID > 0)
        wh = new KeyNamePair(M_Warehouse_ID, String.valueOf(M_Warehouse_ID));
    Timestamp date = null;
    String printer = null;
    Login login = new Login(ctx);
    login.loadPreferences(org, wh, date, printer);
    //	Don't Show Acct/Trl Tabs on HTML UI
    Env.setContext(ctx, "#ShowAcct", "N");
    Env.setContext(ctx, "#ShowTrl", "N");
    return loginInfo;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp)

Example 29 with Login

use of org.compiere.util.Login in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WMRuleEngine method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_UID, "SuperUser");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_PWD, "System");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_ROLE, "GardenWorld Admin");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_CLIENT, "GardenWorld");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_ORG, "HQ");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_WAREHOUSE, "HQ Warehouse");
    Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_LANGUAGE, "English");
    // Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_PRINTER,"MyPrinter");
    Login login = new Login(Env.getCtx());
    MWMInOutBoundLine line = new MWMInOutBoundLine(Env.getCtx(), 1000006, null);
    WMRuleEngine engine = WMRuleEngine.get();
    MWMInOutBound order = line.getParent();
    engine.getLocator(line, 0, 0);
Also used : MWMInOutBoundLine(org.eevolution.model.MWMInOutBoundLine) MWMInOutBound(org.eevolution.model.MWMInOutBound) Login(org.compiere.util.Login)


Login (org.compiere.util.Login)29 KeyNamePair (org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair)22 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p)8 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)8 Properties (java.util.Properties)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 IOException ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)4 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)3 Principal ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)2 Language (org.compiere.util.Language)2 PrintWriter ( AccessException (java.rmi.AccessException)1 Callback ( NameCallback ( PasswordCallback (