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Example 6 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WZoom method createPage.

//  doPost
	 * 	Create Attachment Page
	 * 	@param ctx context
	 *	@param AD_Attachment_ID id for existing attachment
	 *	@param AD_Table_ID table for new attachment
	 *	@param Record_ID record for new attachment
	 *	@param error optional error message
	 *	@return WebDoc
public static WebDoc createPage(Properties ctx, HttpServletRequest request, int AD_Record_ID, int AD_Table_ID) {
    //WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup (Msg.translate(ctx, "AD_Attachment_ID"));		
    WebDoc doc = null;
    String TableName = null;
    int AD_Window_ID = 0;
    int PO_Window_ID = 0;
    String sql = "SELECT TableName, AD_Window_ID, PO_Window_ID FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID=?";
    try {
        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
        pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Table_ID);
        ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
        if ( {
            TableName = rs.getString(1);
            AD_Window_ID = rs.getInt(2);
            PO_Window_ID = rs.getInt(3);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    if (TableName == null || AD_Window_ID == 0) {
        doc = WebDoc.createPopup("No Context");
        return doc;
    //	PO Zoom ?
    boolean isSOTrx = true;
    if (PO_Window_ID != 0) {
        String whereClause = TableName + "_ID=" + AD_Record_ID;
        isSOTrx = DB.isSOTrx(TableName, whereClause);
        if (!isSOTrx)
            AD_Window_ID = PO_Window_ID;
		 *  New Window data
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    WebSessionCtx wsc = WebSessionCtx.get(request);
    if (ws != null) {
        int WindowNo = ws.mWindow.getWindowNo();
        log.fine("Disposing - WindowNo=" + WindowNo + ", ID=" + ws.mWindow.getAD_Window_ID());
        Env.clearWinContext(wsc.ctx, WindowNo);
    GridWindowVO mWindowVO = GridWindowVO.create(ctx, s_WindowNo++, AD_Window_ID, 0);
    if (mWindowVO == null) {
        String msg = Msg.translate(ctx, "AD_Window_ID") + " " + Msg.getMsg(ctx, "NotFound") + ", ID=" + AD_Window_ID + "/" + 0;
        doc = WebDoc.createPopup(msg);
        return doc;
    //  Create New Window
    ws = new WWindowStatus(mWindowVO);
    sess.setAttribute(WWindowStatus.NAME, ws);
    //  Query
    ws.curTab.setQuery(MQuery.getEqualQuery(TableName + "_ID", AD_Record_ID));
    return doc;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) GridWindowVO(org.compiere.model.GridWindowVO) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) WebSessionCtx(org.compiere.util.WebSessionCtx)

Example 7 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WZoom method doPost.

//  doGet
	 *  Process the HTTP Post request.
	 *  Update Attachment
	 *  @param request request
	 *  @parem response response
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession(false);
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    WebDoc doc = null;
    doc = WebDoc.create("Help - Post Not Implemented");
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false);
Also used : HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc)

Example 8 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WWindow method createLayout.

//	getMR_Form
	 *  Create Window Layout.
	 *  @param action form action
	 *  @param contentTable content table
	 *  @param wsc web session context
	 *  @param ws window status
	 *  @param statusInfo status line info
	 *  @param statusDB status db info
	 *  @return Form
private WebDoc createLayout(String action, table contentTable, WebSessionCtx wsc, WWindowStatus ws, String statusInfo, String statusDB) {
    form myForm = null;
    myForm = new form(action);
    String AD_Language = Env.getAD_Language(ws.ctx);
    //	Window
    //  button commands
    myForm.addElement(new input("hidden", P_Command, ""));
    //  RowNo
    myForm.addElement(new input("hidden", P_MR_RowNo, ""));
    myForm.addElement(new input("hidden", P_ChangedColumn, ""));
    //  Set Title of main window
    String title = ws.mWindow.getName() + " - " + wsc.loginInfo;
    myForm.addElement(new script("top.document.title='" + title + "';"));
    //Modified by Rob Klein 4/29/07
    //	Buttons
    td toolbar = new td("toolbar", AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.MIDDLE, true);
    //	Toolbar
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Menu", "parent.resizeFrame('5,*')", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Ignore", "'reset'", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(" ");
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Help", "startPopup('WHelp?AD_Window_ID=" + ws.mWindow.getAD_Window_ID() + "')", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "New"));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Delete", "'if(confirm(deleteText))'", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Save"));
    toolbar.addElement(" ");
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Chat", "startPopup('WChat')", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Refresh"));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Attachment", "startPopup('WAttachment')", ws.curTab.canHaveAttachment(), ws.curTab.hasAttachment()));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Multi", null, true, !ws.curTab.isSingleRow()));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "FindAdv", "startPopup('WFindAdv')", true, false));
    if (m_searchField != null) {
        input txtSearch = new input(input.TYPE_TEXT, "txtSearch", "[" + m_searchField + "]");
        txtSearch.setOnChange("SubmitForm('Find', 'Submit','toolbar');return false;");
    toolbar.addElement(" ");
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "History", "startPopup('WHistory')", true, false));
    //toolbar.addElement(createImageLink (AD_Language, "History", 
    //	null, ws.mWindow.isTransaction()&&ws.curTab.getTabNo()==0, !ws.curTab.isOnlyCurrentRows()));
    toolbar.addElement(" ");
    boolean isFirst = ws.curTab.getCurrentRow() < 1;
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "First", null, !isFirst, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Previous", null, !isFirst, false));
    boolean isLast = ws.curTab.getCurrentRow() + 1 == ws.curTab.getRowCount();
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Next", null, !isLast, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Last", null, !isLast, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Report", "startPopup('WReport')", true, false));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Favorite"));
    toolbar.addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Exit"));
    //  Tabs
    td tabbar = new td("windowCenter", AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.MIDDLE, false);
    tabbar.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, P_Tab, ""));
    for (int i = 0; i < ws.mWindow.getTabCount(); i++) {
        GridTab tab = ws.mWindow.getTab(i);
        if (tab.isSortTab())
        //Modified by Rob Klein 4/29/07
        a big = new a("#", new span(tab.getName()));
        if (ws.curTab.getTabNo() == i)
            //  css
        else {
            //Modified by Rob Klein 4/29/07
            //  css				
            big.setOnClick("SubmitForm(" + i + ",'Submit','tab')");
        //  Status: Description
        if (tab.getDescription().length() > 0)
            big.setOnMouseOver("status='" + tab.getDescription() + "';return true;");
        if (tab.isReadOnly())
            tabbar.addElement(new i().addElement(big));
    //	Top Table
    //Modified by Rob Klein 4/29/07
    table topTable = new table("0", "0", "0", "100%", null);
    topTable.addElement(new tr(toolbar));
    topTable.addElement(new tr(tabbar));
    //  Fields
    div panel = new div();
    panel.setStyle("overflow: scroll;overflow: auto;");
    //  Status Line
    table statusTable = new table("0", "0", "0", "100%", null);
    tr statusLine = new tr();
    statusLine.addElement(new td().setWidth("85%").setAlign(AlignType.LEFT).addElement("&nbsp;# " + statusInfo));
    a db = new a("#");
    db.setOnClick("alert('" + ws.curTab.getKeyColumnName() + " = " + ws.curTab.getRecord_ID() + "')");
    statusLine.addElement(new td().setWidth("10%").setAlign(AlignType.RIGHT).addElement(db));
    statusLine.addElement(new td().setWidth("5%").setAlign(AlignType.RIGHT).addElement(createImageLink(AD_Language, "Save")));
    //Beg Modified by Rob Klein
    //div menupop = new div();
    //End Modified by Rob Klein
    //  fini
    /** @todo Dynamic Display */
    //	myForm.addElement(new script("dynDisplay(); createWCmd();"));   //  initial Display & set Cmd Window
    WebDoc doc = createPage(ws);
    //	Main Table
    doc.getTable().addElement(new tr().addElement(new td(null, AlignType.CENTER, AlignType.MIDDLE, true, myForm).setColSpan(2)));
    return doc;
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.div(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.div) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form) GridTab(org.compiere.model.GridTab) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.span(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.span)

Example 9 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WReport method doPost.

//  doGet
	 *  Process the HTTP Post request
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup("Report - Post - Not Implemented");
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false);
Also used : WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc)

Example 10 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WReport method doGet.

//  init
	 * Process the HTTP Get request
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    WebSessionCtx wsc = WebSessionCtx.get(request);
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    m_curTab = ws.curTab;
    WebDoc doc = null;
    File file = null;
    if (ws == null) {
        doc = WebDoc.createPopup("No Context");
    } else /**else if (fileName!=null)
			int AD_PInstance_ID = WebUtil.getParameterAsInt(request, "AD_PInstance_ID");
			File file = new File (fileName);
			String error = WebUtil.streamFile(response, file);
			if (error == null)
			doc = WebDoc.createWindow(error);
        if (!MRole.getDefault().isCanReport(ws.curTab.getAD_Table_ID())) {
            doc = WebDoc.createPopup("Access Cannot Report");
        //	Query
        MQuery query = new MQuery(m_curTab.getTableName());
        //	Link for detail records
        String queryColumn = m_curTab.getLinkColumnName();
        //	Current row otherwise
        if (queryColumn.length() == 0)
            queryColumn = m_curTab.getKeyColumnName();
        //	Find display
        String infoName = null;
        String infoDisplay = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_curTab.getFieldCount(); i++) {
            GridField field = m_curTab.getField(i);
            if (field.isKey())
                infoName = field.getHeader();
            if ((field.getColumnName().equals("Name") || field.getColumnName().equals("DocumentNo")) && field.getValue() != null)
                infoDisplay = field.getValue().toString();
            if (infoName != null && infoDisplay != null)
        if (queryColumn.length() != 0) {
            if (queryColumn.endsWith("_ID"))
                query.addRestriction(queryColumn, MQuery.EQUAL, new Integer(Env.getContextAsInt(wsc.ctx, m_curTab.getWindowNo(), queryColumn)), infoName, infoDisplay);
                query.addRestriction(queryColumn, MQuery.EQUAL, Env.getContext(wsc.ctx, m_curTab.getWindowNo(), queryColumn), infoName, infoDisplay);
        file = getPrintFormats(m_curTab.getAD_Table_ID(), request, m_curTab, query);
        String error = WebUtil.streamFile(response, file);
        if (error == null)
        doc = WebDoc.createWindow(error);
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false);
Also used : WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) MQuery(org.compiere.model.MQuery) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) WebSessionCtx(org.compiere.util.WebSessionCtx) File(


WebDoc (org.compiere.util.WebDoc)58 WebSessionCtx (org.compiere.util.WebSessionCtx)21 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)13 ( org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p)12 ( org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table)11 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.body (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.body)9 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input)9 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form)8 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)7 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)6 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a)6 GridField (org.compiere.model.GridField)5 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i)4 File ( IOException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)3 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)3