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Example 16 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WHelp method doPost.

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.create("Help - Post - Not Implemented");
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, false);
Also used : WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc)

Example 17 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WLocation method doGet.

	 * Process the HTTP Get request - initial Start
	 * Needs to have parameters FormName and ColumnName
	 * @param request request
	 * @param response response
	 * @throws ServletException
	 * @throws IOException
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    if (ws == null) {
        WebUtil.createTimeoutPage(request, response, this, null);
    //  Get Mandatory Parameters
    String columnName = WebUtil.getParameter(request, "ColumnName");"ColumnName=" + columnName + " - " + ws.toString());
    GridField mField = ws.curTab.getField(columnName);
    log.config("ColumnName=" + columnName + ", MField=" + mField);
    if (mField == null || columnName == null || columnName.equals("")) {
        WebUtil.createErrorPage(request, response, this, Msg.getMsg(ws.ctx, "ParameterMissing"));
    MLocation location = null;
    Object value = mField.getValue();
    if (value != null && value instanceof Integer)
        location = new MLocation(ws.ctx, ((Integer) value).intValue(), null);
        location = new MLocation(ws.ctx, 0, null);
    //String targetBase = "parent.WWindow." + WWindow.FORM_NAME + "." + columnName;
    String targetBase = "opener.WWindow." + WWindow.FORM_NAME + "." + columnName;
    String action = request.getRequestURI();
    //  Create Document
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup(mField.getHeader());
    boolean hasDependents = ws.curTab.hasDependants(columnName);
    boolean hasCallout = mField.getCallout().length() > 0;
    //  Reset
    button reset = new button();
    //  translate
    String script = targetBase + "D.value='';" + targetBase + "F.value='';closePopup();";
    if (hasDependents || hasCallout)
        script += "startUpdate(" + targetBase + "F);";
    doc.getTable().addElement(new tr().addElement(fillForm(ws, action, location, targetBase, hasDependents || hasCallout)).addElement(reset));
    //	log.trace(log.l6_Database, doc.toString());
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, true);
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button) HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) GridField(org.compiere.model.GridField) MLocation(org.compiere.model.MLocation)

Example 18 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WLocation method doPost.

//  doGet
	 *  Process the HTTP Post request (update Address)
	 *  @param request request
	 *  @param response response
	 *  @throws ServletException
	 *  @throws IOException
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession();
    WWindowStatus ws = WWindowStatus.get(request);
    if (ws == null) {
        WebUtil.createTimeoutPage(request, response, this, null);
    int C_Location_ID = WebUtil.getParameterAsInt(request, P_C_LOCATION_ID);
    String targetBase = "opener.WWindow." + WWindow.FORM_NAME + ".C_Location_ID";
    //  Create Location
    MLocation location = new MLocation(ws.ctx, C_Location_ID, null);
    log.fine("doPost updating C_Location_ID=" + C_Location_ID + " - " + targetBase);
    location.setAddress1(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_ADDRESS1));
    location.setAddress2(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_ADDRESS2));
    location.setAddress3(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_ADDRESS3));
    location.setAddress4(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_ADDRESS4));
    location.setCity(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_CITY));
    location.setPostal(WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_POSTAL));
    location.setC_Country_ID(WebUtil.getParameterAsInt(request, P_C_COUNTRY_ID));
    location.setC_Region_ID(WebUtil.getParameterAsInt(request, P_C_REGION_ID));
    System.out.println("location =========== " + location);
    //  Document
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup("WLocation");
    //  Save Location
    C_Location_ID = location.getC_Location_ID();
    td center = doc.addPopupCenter(false);
    if (C_Location_ID == 0)
        center.addElement(new p(new b("ERROR - Location=0")));
    center.addElement(new p().addElement(location.toString()));
    //  Update Target
    script script = new script(new StringBuffer().append(targetBase).append("D.value='").append(C_Location_ID).append("';").append(targetBase).append("F.value='").append(location.toString()).append("';closePopup();").toString());
    log.fine("script=" + script.toString());
    form myForm = null;
    myForm = new form();
    table table = new table();
    button button = new button();
    StringBuffer script2 = new StringBuffer();
    String targetBase2 = "opener.document.WForm.C_Location_ID";
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, null, doc, true);
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.b(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.b) HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) MLocation(org.compiere.model.MLocation) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table)

Example 19 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WLogin method doPost.

//	doGet
	 *	Process the HTTP Post request.
	 *  <pre>
	 *  - Optionally create Session
	 *  - Check database connection
	 *  - LoginInfo from request?
	 *      - Yes: DoLogin success ?
	 *          - Yes: return (second) preferences page
	 *          - No: return (first) user/password page
	 *      - No: User Principal ?
	 *          - Yes: DoLogin success ?
	 *              - Yes: return (second) preferences page
	 *              - No: return (first) user/password page
	 *          - No: return (first) user/password page
	 *  </pre>
	 *  @param request request
	 *  @param response response
	 *  @throws ServletException
	 *  @throws IOException
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {"");
    //  Create New Session
    HttpSession sess = request.getSession(true);
    //  Get Cookie Properties
    Properties cProp = WebUtil.getCookieProprties(request);
    //  Create Context
    WebSessionCtx wsc = WebSessionCtx.get(request);
    //  Page
    WebDoc doc = null;
    //  Check DB connection
    if (!DB.isConnected()) {
        String msg = Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "WLoginNoDB");
        if (msg.equals("WLoginNoDB"))
            msg = "No Database Connection";
        doc = WebDoc.createWindow(msg);
    } else //  Login Info from request?
        //  Get Parameters:     UserName/Password
        String usr = WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_USERNAME);
        String pwd = WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_PASSWORD);
        //  Get Principle
        Principal userPrincipal = request.getUserPrincipal();"Principal=" + userPrincipal + "; User=" + usr);
        //  Login info not from request and not pre-authorized
        if (userPrincipal == null && (usr == null || pwd == null))
            doc = createFirstPage(cProp, request, "");
        else //  Login info from request or authorized
            KeyNamePair[] roles = null;
            Login login = new Login(wsc.ctx);
            //  Pre-authorized
            if (userPrincipal != null) {
                roles = login.getRoles(userPrincipal);
                usr = userPrincipal.getName();
            } else
                roles = login.getRoles(usr, pwd);
            if (roles == null)
                doc = createFirstPage(cProp, request, Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "UserPwdError"));
            else {
                doc = createSecondPage(request, WebUtil.convertToOption(roles, null), "");
                //	Create adempiere Session - user id in ctx
                MSession.get(wsc.ctx, request.getRemoteAddr(), request.getRemoteHost(), sess.getId());
            //  Can we save Cookie ?
            if (WebUtil.getParameter(request, P_STORE) == null) {
                //  erase all
            } else //  Save Cookie Parameter
                cProp.setProperty(P_USERNAME, usr);
                cProp.setProperty(P_STORE, "Y");
                //  For test only
                cProp.setProperty(P_PASSWORD, pwd);
    WebUtil.createResponse(request, response, this, cProp, doc, false);
Also used : HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) KeyNamePair(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair) Login(org.compiere.util.Login) Properties(java.util.Properties) WebSessionCtx(org.compiere.util.WebSessionCtx) Principal(

Example 20 with WebDoc

use of org.compiere.util.WebDoc in project adempiere by adempiere.

the class WAttachment method createPage.

//  doPost
	 * 	Create Attachment Page
	 * 	@param ctx context
	 *	@param AD_Attachment_ID id for existing attachment
	 *	@param AD_Table_ID table for new attachment
	 *	@param Record_ID record for new attachment
	 *	@param m_error optional m_error message
	 *	@return WebDoc
private WebDoc createPage(Properties ctx, MAttachment attachment, String error) {
    WebDoc doc = WebDoc.createPopup(Msg.translate(ctx, "AD_Attachment_ID"));
    table table = doc.getTable();
    if (error != null) {
        table.addElement(new tr().addElement(new td("popupHeader", AlignType.RIGHT, AlignType.TOP, false, null)).addElement(new td("popupHeader", AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.TOP, false, //	window.css
        new p(error, AlignType.LEFT).setClass("Cerror"))));
    tr tr = new tr();
    td left = new td("popupCenter", AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.TOP, false, new label("TextMsg", "T", Msg.translate(ctx, "TextMsg")));
    td right = new td("popupCenter", AlignType.LEFT, AlignType.TOP, false);
    //	Text Message Update
    form textMsg = new form("WAttachment");
    textMsg.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, P_Attachment_ID, attachment.getAD_Attachment_ID()));
    textMsg.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "AD_Table_ID", attachment.getAD_Table_ID()));
    textMsg.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "Record_ID", attachment.getRecord_ID()));
    textarea msg = new textarea(P_TEXTMSG, 5, 40);
    textMsg.addElement(new br());
    //textMsg.addElement(new input (input.TYPE_SUBMIT, "submit", "Submit"));
    //Submit Button
    //String textbtn = "Submit";
    //String text = null;
    //if (ctx != null)
    //text = Msg.getMsg (ctx, "Submit");		
    //input submitbtn = new input(input.TYPE_SUBMIT, textbtn, "  "+text);		
    //	Existing Links
    p p = new p();
    MAttachmentEntry[] entries = attachment.getEntries();
    for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
        MAttachmentEntry entry = entries[i];
        if (i > 0)
            p.addElement(" - ");
        String url = "WAttachment?" + P_Attachment_ID + "=" + attachment.getAD_Attachment_ID() + "&" + P_ATTACHMENT_INDEX + "=" + entry.getIndex();
        p.addElement(new a(url, null, a.TARGET_BLANK, entry.getName()));
    //	Upload
    form upload = FileUpload.createForm("WAttachment");
    upload.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, P_Attachment_ID, attachment.getAD_Attachment_ID()));
    upload.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "AD_Table_ID", attachment.getAD_Table_ID()));
    upload.addElement(new input(input.TYPE_HIDDEN, "Record_ID", attachment.getRecord_ID()));
    //	Footer
    //Modified by Rob Klein 4/29/07
    //	System.out.println(doc);
    return doc;
Also used : org.apache.ecs.xhtml.textarea(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.textarea) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a) MAttachmentEntry(org.compiere.model.MAttachmentEntry) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.textarea(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.textarea) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.label(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.label) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form) WebDoc(org.compiere.util.WebDoc) org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table(org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table)


WebDoc (org.compiere.util.WebDoc)58 WebSessionCtx (org.compiere.util.WebSessionCtx)21 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)13 ( org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.p)12 ( org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.table)11 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.body (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.body)9 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.input)9 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.form)8 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.script)7 Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)6 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.a)6 GridField (org.compiere.model.GridField)5 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i (org.apache.ecs.xhtml.i)4 File ( IOException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)3 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)3