use of org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.CheckpointEntry in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class StreamViewSMRAdapter method dataAndCheckpointMapper.
private List<SMREntry> dataAndCheckpointMapper(ILogData logData) {
if (logData.hasCheckpointMetadata()) {
// This is a CHECKPOINT record. Extract the SMREntries, if any.
CheckpointEntry cp = (CheckpointEntry) logData.getPayload(runtime);
if (cp.getSmrEntries() != null && cp.getSmrEntries().getUpdates().size() > 0) {
cp.getSmrEntries().getUpdates().forEach(e -> {
return cp.getSmrEntries().getUpdates();
} else {
return (List<SMREntry>) Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
} else {
return ((ISMRConsumable) logData.getPayload(runtime)).getSMRUpdates(streamView.getID());
use of org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.CheckpointEntry in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class CheckpointWriter method startCheckpoint.
/** Append a checkpoint START record to this object's stream.
* Corfu client transaction management, if desired, is the
* caller's responsibility.
* @return Global log address of the START record.
public long startCheckpoint() {
startTime =;
AbstractTransactionalContext context = TransactionalContext.getCurrentContext();
long txBeginGlobalAddress = context.getSnapshotTimestamp();
this.mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.START_TIME, startTime.toString());
this.mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.START_LOG_ADDRESS, Long.toString(txBeginGlobalAddress));
ImmutableMap<CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey, String> mdKV = ImmutableMap.copyOf(this.mdKV);
CheckpointEntry cp = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.START, author, checkpointID, mdKV, null);
startAddress = sv.append(Collections.singleton(streamID), cp, null);
postAppendFunc.accept(cp, startAddress);
return startAddress;
use of org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.CheckpointEntry in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class CheckpointWriter method finishCheckpoint.
/** Append a checkpoint END record to this object's stream.
* Corfu client transaction management, if desired, is the
* caller's responsibility.
* @return Global log address of the END record.
public long finishCheckpoint() {
LocalDateTime endTime =;
mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.END_TIME, endTime.toString());
mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.ENTRY_COUNT, Long.toString(numEntries));
mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.BYTE_COUNT, Long.toString(numBytes));
CheckpointEntry cp = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.END, author, checkpointID, mdKV, null);
endAddress = sv.append(Collections.singleton(streamID), cp, null);
postAppendFunc.accept(cp, endAddress);
return endAddress;
use of org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.CheckpointEntry in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class CheckpointSmokeTest method writeCheckpointRecords.
private void writeCheckpointRecords(UUID streamId, String checkpointAuthor, UUID checkpointId, Object[] objects, Runnable l1, Runnable l2, boolean write1, boolean write2, boolean write3) throws Exception {
BackpointerStreamView sv = new BackpointerStreamView(r, streamId);
Map<CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey, String> mdKV = new HashMap<>();
mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.START_TIME, "The perfect time");
// Write cp #1 of 3
if (write1) {
TokenResponse tokResp1 = r.getSequencerView().nextToken(Collections.singleton(streamId), 0);
long addr1 = tokResp1.getToken().getTokenValue();
mdKV.put(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey.START_LOG_ADDRESS, Long.toString(addr1 + 1));
CheckpointEntry cp1 = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.START, checkpointAuthor, checkpointId, mdKV, null);
sv.append(cp1, null, null);
// Interleaving opportunity #1;
// Write cp #2 of 3
if (write2) {
MultiSMREntry smrEntries = new MultiSMREntry();
if (objects != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
smrEntries.addTo(new SMREntry("put", (Object[]) objects[i], Serializers.JSON));
CheckpointEntry cp2 = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.CONTINUATION, checkpointAuthor, checkpointId, mdKV, smrEntries);
sv.append(cp2, null, null);
// Interleaving opportunity #2;
// Write cp #3 of 3
if (write3) {
CheckpointEntry cp3 = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.END, checkpointAuthor, checkpointId, mdKV, null);
sv.append(cp3, null, null);
use of org.corfudb.protocols.logprotocol.CheckpointEntry in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class CheckpointWriter method appendObjectState.
/** Append zero or more CONTINUATION records to this
* object's stream. Each will contain a fraction of
* the state of the object that we're checkpointing
* (up to batchSize items at a time).
* Corfu client transaction management, if desired, is the
* caller's responsibility.
* The Iterators class appears to preserve the laziness
* of Stream processing; we don't wish to use more
* memory than strictly necessary to generate the
* checkpoint. NOTE: It would be even more useful if
* the map had a lazy iterator: the eagerness of
* map.keySet().stream() is not ideal, but at least
* it should be much smaller than the entire map.
* NOTE: The postAppendFunc lambda is executed in the
* current thread context, i.e., inside of a Corfu
* transaction, and that transaction will be *aborted*
* at the end of this function. Any Corfu data
* modifying ops will be undone by the TXAbort().
* @return Stream of global log addresses of the
* CONTINUATION records written.
public List<Long> appendObjectState() {
ImmutableMap<CheckpointEntry.CheckpointDictKey, String> mdKV = ImmutableMap.copyOf(this.mdKV);
List<Long> continuationAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
Iterators.partition(map.keySet().stream().map(k -> {
return new SMREntry("put", new Object[] { keyMutator.apply(k), valueMutator.apply(map.get(k)) }, serializer);
}).iterator(), batchSize).forEachRemaining(entries -> {
MultiSMREntry smrEntries = new MultiSMREntry();
for (int i = 0; i < ((List) entries).size(); i++) {
smrEntries.addTo((SMREntry) ((List) entries).get(i));
CheckpointEntry cp = new CheckpointEntry(CheckpointEntry.CheckpointEntryType.CONTINUATION, author, checkpointID, mdKV, smrEntries);
long pos = sv.append(Collections.singleton(streamID), cp, null);
postAppendFunc.accept(cp, pos);
numBytes += cp.getSmrEntriesBytes();
return continuationAddresses;