use of org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class QCLayout method main.
public static String[] main(String[] args) {
if (args != null && args.length > 0 && args[0].contentEquals("reboot")) {
LayoutServer ls = CorfuServer.getLayoutServer();
if (ls != null) {
return replyOk();
} else {
return replyErr("No active layout server");
// Parse the options given, using docopt.
Map<String, Object> opts = new Docopt(USAGE).withVersion(GitRepositoryState.getRepositoryState().describe).parse(args);
// Configure base options
// configureBase(opts);
// Parse host address and port
String addressport = (String) opts.get("<address>:<port>");
String host = addressport.split(":")[0];
Integer port = Integer.parseInt(addressport.split(":")[1]);
String qapp = (String) opts.get("<qapp>");
String addressportPrefix = "";
if (qapp != null) {
addressportPrefix = qapp;
NettyClientRouter router;
if ((router = routers.get(addressportPrefix + addressport)) == null) {
// Create a client router and get layout.
log.trace("Creating router for {} ++ {}:{}", addressportPrefix, port);
router = new NettyClientRouter(host, port);
router.addClient(new BaseClient()).addClient(new LayoutClient()).start();
routers.putIfAbsent(addressportPrefix + addressport, router);
router = routers.get(addressportPrefix + addressport);
Long epoch = 0L;
if (opts.get("--epoch") != null) {
epoch = Long.parseLong((String) opts.get("--epoch"));
log.trace("Specify router's epoch as " + epoch);
} else {
try {
Layout l = router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).getLayout().get();
if (l != null) {
log.trace("Set router's epoch to " + l.getEpoch());
} else {
log.trace("Cannot set router's epoch");
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("ERROR Exception getting initial epoch " + e.getCause());
if ((Boolean) opts.get("getClientID")) {
String clientID = router.getClientID().toString();
return replyOk(clientID);
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("query")) {
try {
Layout l = router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).getLayout().get();
Gson gs = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
return replyOk("layout: " + gs.toJson(l));
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
if (ex.getCause().getClass() == WrongEpochException.class) {
WrongEpochException we = (WrongEpochException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during query", ex.getCause().toString(), "correctEpoch: " + we.getCorrectEpoch(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} else {
return replyErr("Exception during query", ex.getCause().toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("ERROR Exception getting layout" + e);
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("bootstrap")) {
Layout l = getLayout(opts);
log.debug("Bootstrapping with layout {}", l);
try {
if (router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).bootstrapLayout(l).get()) {
return replyOk();
} else {
return replyErr("NACK");
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
return replyErr("Exception bootstrapping layout", ex.getCause().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("Exception bootstrapping layout", e.toString());
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("set_epoch")) {
log.debug("Set epoch with new epoch={}", epoch);
try {
CorfuRuntime rt;
if ((rt = setEpochRTs.get(addressport)) == null) {
log.trace("Creating CorfuRuntime for set_epoch for {} ", addressport);
rt = new CorfuRuntime().addLayoutServer(addressport);
setEpochRTs.putIfAbsent(addressport, rt);
rt = setEpochRTs.get(addressport);
// Construct a layout that contains just enough to allow .moveServersToEpoch()
// to send SET_EPOCH to our desired endpoint.
List<String> ls = new ArrayList(1);
List<String> none1 = new ArrayList(0);
List<Layout.LayoutSegment> none2 = new ArrayList(0);
Layout tmpLayout = new Layout(ls, none1, none2, epoch);
return replyOk();
} catch (WrongEpochException we) {
return replyErr("Exception during set_epoch", we.getCause() == null ? "WrongEpochException" : we.getCause().toString(), "correctEpoch: " + we.getCorrectEpoch(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(we));
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("Exception during set_epoch", e.toString(), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("prepare")) {
long rank = Long.parseLong((String) opts.get("--rank"));
log.debug("Prepare with new rank={}", rank);
try {
LayoutPrepareResponse r = router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).prepare(epoch, rank).get();
Layout r_layout = r.getLayout();
if (r_layout == null) {
return replyOk("ignored: ignored");
} else {
return replyOk("layout: " + r_layout.asJSONString());
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
if (ex.getCause().getClass() == OutrankedException.class) {
OutrankedException oe = (OutrankedException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during prepare", ex.getCause().toString(), "newRank: " + Long.toString(oe.getNewRank()), "layout: " + (oe.getLayout() == null ? "" : oe.getLayout().asJSONString()));
} else if (ex.getCause().getClass() == WrongEpochException.class) {
WrongEpochException we = (WrongEpochException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during prepare", ex.getCause().toString(), "correctEpoch: " + we.getCorrectEpoch(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} else {
return replyErr("Exception during prepare", ex.getCause().toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("Exception during prepare", e.toString(), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("propose")) {
long rank = Long.parseLong((String) opts.get("--rank"));
Layout l = getLayout(opts);
log.debug("Propose with new rank={}, layout={}", rank, l);
try {
if (router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).propose(l.getEpoch(), rank, l).get()) {
return replyOk();
} else {
return replyErr("NACK");
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
if (ex.getCause().getClass() == OutrankedException.class) {
OutrankedException oe = (OutrankedException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during propose", ex.getCause().toString(), "newRank: " + Long.toString(oe.getNewRank()), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} else if (ex.getCause().getClass() == WrongEpochException.class) {
WrongEpochException we = (WrongEpochException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during propose", ex.getCause().toString(), "correctEpoch: " + we.getCorrectEpoch(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} else {
return replyErr("Exception during propose", ex.getCause().toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("Exception during propose", e.toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
} else if ((Boolean) opts.get("committed")) {
long rank = Long.parseLong((String) opts.get("--rank"));
Layout l = getLayout(opts);
log.debug("Propose with new rank={}", rank);
try {
if (router.getClient(LayoutClient.class).committed(l.getEpoch(), l).get()) {
return replyOk();
} else {
return replyErr("NACK");
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
if (ex.getCause().getClass() == WrongEpochException.class) {
WrongEpochException we = (WrongEpochException) ex.getCause();
return replyErr("Exception during commit", ex.getCause().toString(), "correctEpoch: " + we.getCorrectEpoch(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} else {
return replyErr("Exception during commit", ex.getCause().toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex));
} catch (Exception e) {
return replyErr("Exception during commit", e.toString(), "stack: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
return replyErr("Hush, compiler.");
use of org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class NettyClientRouter method validateEpochAndClientID.
* Validate the epoch of a CorfuMsg, and send a WRONG_EPOCH response if
* the server is in the wrong epoch. Ignored if the message type is reset (which
* is valid in any epoch).
* @param msg The incoming message to validate.
* @param ctx The context of the channel handler.
* @return True, if the epoch is correct, but false otherwise.
private boolean validateEpochAndClientID(CorfuMsg msg, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
// Check if the message is intended for us. If not, drop the message.
if (!msg.getClientID().equals(clientID)) {
log.warn("Incoming message intended for client {}, our id is {}, dropping!", msg.getClientID(), clientID);
return false;
// Check if the message is in the right epoch.
if (!msg.getMsgType().ignoreEpoch && msg.getEpoch() != epoch) {
log.trace("Incoming message with wrong epoch, got {}, expected {}, message was: {}", msg.getEpoch(), epoch, msg);
/* If this message was pending a completion, complete it with an error. */
completeExceptionally(msg.getRequestID(), new WrongEpochException(msg.getEpoch()));
return false;
return true;
use of org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class AbstractView method layoutHelper.
* Helper function for view to retrieve layouts.
* This function will retry the given function indefinitely, invalidating the view if there was a exception
* contacting the endpoint.
* @param function The function to execute.
* @param <T> The return type of the function.
* @param <A> Any exception the function may throw.
* @param <B> Any exception the function may throw.
* @param <C> Any exception the function may throw.
* @param <D> Any exception the function may throw.
* @return The return value of the function.
public <T, A extends RuntimeException, B extends RuntimeException, C extends RuntimeException, D extends RuntimeException> T layoutHelper(LayoutFunction<Layout, T, A, B, C, D> function) throws A, B, C, D {
while (true) {
try {
return function.apply(runtime.layout.get());
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
if (re.getCause() instanceof TimeoutException) {
log.warn("Timeout executing remote call, invalidating view and retrying in {}s", runtime.retryRate);
try {
Thread.sleep(runtime.retryRate * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
} else if (re instanceof WrongEpochException) {
WrongEpochException we = (WrongEpochException) re;
log.warn("Got a wrong epoch exception, updating epoch to {} and invalidate view", we.getCorrectEpoch());
Long newEpoch = (we.getCorrectEpoch());
runtime.nodeRouters.values().forEach(x -> x.setEpoch(newEpoch));
} else {
throw re;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
log.warn("Error executing remote call, invalidating view and retrying in {}s", runtime.retryRate, ex);
try {
Thread.sleep(runtime.retryRate * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
use of org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class AddressSpaceView method write.
/** Write the given log data using a token, returning
* either when the write has been completed successfully,
* or throwing an OverwriteException if another value
* has been adopted, or a WrongEpochException if the
* token epoch is invalid.
* @param token The token to use for the write.
* @param data The data to write.
* @throws OverwriteException If the globalAddress given
* by the token has adopted
* another value.
* @throws WrongEpochException If the token epoch is invalid.
public void write(IToken token, Object data) throws OverwriteException {
final ILogData ld = new LogData(DataType.DATA, data);
layoutHelper(l -> {
if (token.getEpoch() != l.getEpoch()) {
throw new WrongEpochException(l.getEpoch());
l.getReplicationMode(token.getTokenValue()).getReplicationProtocol(runtime).write(l, ld);
return null;
// Cache the successful write
if (!runtime.isCacheDisabled()) {
readCache.put(token.getTokenValue(), ld);
use of org.corfudb.runtime.exceptions.WrongEpochException in project CorfuDB by CorfuDB.
the class TestClientRouter method validateEpochAndClientID.
* Validate the epoch of a CorfuMsg, and send a WRONG_EPOCH response if
* the server is in the wrong epoch. Ignored if the message type is reset (which
* is valid in any epoch).
* @param msg The incoming message to validate.
* @param ctx The context of the channel handler.
* @return True, if the epoch is correct, but false otherwise.
public boolean validateEpochAndClientID(CorfuMsg msg, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
// Check if the message is intended for us. If not, drop the message.
if (!msg.getClientID().equals(clientID)) {
log.warn("Incoming message intended for client {}, our id is {}, dropping!", msg.getClientID(), clientID);
return false;
// Check if the message is in the right epoch.
if (!msg.getMsgType().ignoreEpoch && msg.getEpoch() != getEpoch()) {
CorfuMsg m = new CorfuMsg();
log.trace("Incoming message with wrong epoch, got {}, expected {}, message was: {}", msg.getEpoch(), getEpoch(), msg);
/* If this message was pending a completion, complete it with an error. */
completeExceptionally(msg.getRequestID(), new WrongEpochException(getEpoch()));
return false;
return true;