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Example 1 with ContentAssetInfoTO

use of in project studio by craftercms.

the class PostActivityProcessor method process.

public void process(PipelineContent content, ResultTO result) throws SiteNotFoundException {
    if (result.getCommitId() != null) {
        String site = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_SITE);
        boolean skipAuditLogInsert = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_SKIP_AUDIT_LOG_INSERT));
        if (!skipAuditLogInsert) {
            String type = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ACTIVITY_TYPE);
            String user = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_USER);
            String activityType = OPERATION_CREATE.equals(type) ? OPERATION_CREATE : OPERATION_UPDATE;
            String folderPath = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_FOLDER_PATH);
            String fileName = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_FILE_NAME);
            boolean isSystemAsset = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_SYSTEM_ASSET));
            if (isSystemAsset) {
                ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfoTO = (ContentAssetInfoTO) result.getItem();
                fileName = assetInfoTO.getFileName();
            String uri = (folderPath.endsWith(FILE_SEPARATOR)) ? folderPath + fileName : folderPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + fileName;
            SiteFeed siteFeed = siteService.getSite(site);
            AuditLog auditLog = auditServiceInternal.createAuditLogEntry();
            auditLog.setPrimaryTargetId(site + ":" + uri);
            auditLog.setPrimaryTargetSubtype(contentService.getContentTypeClass(site, uri));
        contentRepository.markGitLogAudited(site, result.getCommitId());
Also used : ContentAssetInfoTO( SiteFeed( AuditLog(

Example 2 with ContentAssetInfoTO

use of in project studio by craftercms.

the class CheckImageSizeProcessor method process.

public void process(PipelineContent content, ResultTO result) throws ContentProcessException {
    String name = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_FILE_NAME);
    MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypesMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap();
    String mimetype = mimeTypesMap.getContentType(name);
    boolean process = (StringUtils.isEmpty(mimetype)) ? false : mimetype.startsWith("image/") && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(mimetype, "image/svg+xml");
    if (process) {
        String allowLessSize = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ALLOW_LESS_SIZE);
        boolean lessSize = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(allowLessSize);
        String allowedWidth = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ALLOWED_WIDTH);
        String allowedHeight = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ALLOWED_HEIGHT);
        int width = (StringUtils.isEmpty(allowedWidth)) ? -1 : ContentFormatUtils.getIntValue(allowedWidth);
        int height = (StringUtils.isEmpty(allowedHeight)) ? -1 : ContentFormatUtils.getIntValue(allowedHeight);
        InputStream in = content.getContentStream();
        ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo = (result.getItem() == null) ? new ContentAssetInfoTO() : (ContentAssetInfoTO) result.getItem();
        in = checkForImageSize(in, width, height, lessSize, assetInfo);
        content.getProperties().put(DmConstants.KEY_WIDTH, String.valueOf(assetInfo.getWidth()));
        content.getProperties().put(DmConstants.KEY_HEIGHT, String.valueOf(assetInfo.getHeight()));
Also used : ContentAssetInfoTO( MimetypesFileTypeMap(javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap) ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream(

Example 3 with ContentAssetInfoTO

use of in project studio by craftercms.

the class AssetDmContentProcessor method process.

public void process(PipelineContent content, ResultTO result) throws ContentProcessException {
    String site = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_SITE);
    String user = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_USER);
    String path = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_PATH);
    String fileName = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_FILE_NAME);
    String widthStr = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_WIDTH);
    String heightStr = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_HEIGHT);
    int width = (widthStr != null) ? Integer.parseInt(widthStr) : -1;
    int height = (heightStr != null) ? Integer.parseInt(heightStr) : -1;
    String unlockValue = content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_UNLOCK);
    // default is true for unlocking on save
    boolean unlock = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(unlockValue) && unlockValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) ? false : true;
    boolean isPreview = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_IS_PREVIEW));
    boolean isSystemAsset = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_SYSTEM_ASSET));
    boolean createFolders = ContentFormatUtils.getBooleanValue(content.getProperty(DmConstants.KEY_CREATE_FOLDERS));
    try {
        ContentAssetInfoTO oldAssetInfo = (ContentAssetInfoTO) result.getItem();
        ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo = writeContentAsset(content, site, user, path, fileName, content.getContentStream(), width, height, createFolders, isPreview, unlock, isSystemAsset, result);
        if (oldAssetInfo != null) {
        } else {
    } catch (ServiceLayerException e) {
        throw new ContentProcessException("Failed to write " + content.getId() + ", " + e, e);
    } finally {
Also used : ContentAssetInfoTO( ContentProcessException( ServiceLayerException(

Example 4 with ContentAssetInfoTO

use of in project studio by craftercms.

the class AssetDmContentProcessor method writeContentAsset.

 * upload content asset to the given path
 * @param site
 * @param path
 * @param assetName
 * @param in
 *            input stream to read the asset from
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @param createFolders
 * 				create missing folders?
 * @param isPreview
 * @param unlock
 * 			unlock the content upon update?
 * @return asset information
 * @throws ServiceLayerException
protected ContentAssetInfoTO writeContentAsset(PipelineContent content, String site, String user, String path, String assetName, InputStream in, int width, int height, boolean createFolders, boolean isPreview, boolean unlock, boolean isSystemAsset, ResultTO result) throws ServiceLayerException {
    logger.debug("Writing content asset: [site: " + site + ", path: " + path + ", assetName: " + assetName + ", createFolders: " + createFolders);
    String ext = null;
    int index = assetName.lastIndexOf(".");
    if (index > 0 && (index + 1) < assetName.length()) {
        ext = assetName.substring(index + 1).toUpperCase();
    String contentPath = path + FILE_SEPARATOR + assetName;
    try {
        // look up the path content first
        ContentItemTO parentContentItem = contentService.getContentItem(site, path, 0);
        boolean parentExists = contentService.contentExists(site, path);
        if (!parentExists && createFolders) {
            parentContentItem = createMissingFoldersInPath(site, path, isPreview);
            parentExists = contentService.contentExists(site, path);
        if (parentExists && parentContentItem.isFolder()) {
            boolean exists = contentService.contentExists(site, path + FILE_SEPARATOR + assetName);
            ContentItemTO contentItem = null;
            if (exists) {
                contentItem = contentService.getContentItem(site, path + FILE_SEPARATOR + assetName, 0);
                updateFile(site, contentItem, contentPath, in, user, isPreview, unlock, result);
                content.addProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ACTIVITY_TYPE, OPERATION_UPDATE);
            } else {
                // TODO: define content type
                contentItem = createNewFile(site, parentContentItem, assetName, null, in, user, unlock, result);
                content.addProperty(DmConstants.KEY_ACTIVITY_TYPE, OPERATION_CREATE);
                objectStateService.insertNewEntry(site, contentItem);
            ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo = new ContentAssetInfoTO();
            long sizeInBytes = contentService.getContentSize(site, path + FILE_SEPARATOR + assetName);
            double convertedSize = 0;
            if (sizeInBytes > 0) {
                convertedSize = sizeInBytes / 1024d;
                if (convertedSize >= 1024) {
                    assetInfo.setSize(convertedSize / 1024d);
                } else {
                    if (convertedSize > 0 && convertedSize < 1) {
                    } else {
            return assetInfo;
        } else {
            throw new ServiceLayerException(path + " does not exist or not a directory.");
    } finally {
Also used : ContentAssetInfoTO( ContentItemTO( ServiceLayerException(

Example 5 with ContentAssetInfoTO

use of in project studio by craftercms.

the class CheckImageSizeProcessor method checkForImageSize.

 * check the width and the height of the given image as an inputstream match the width and the height specified
 * @param in
 * @param allowedWidth
 * @param allowedHeight
 * @param lessSize
 * @param assetInfo
 * @return image as input stream
protected InputStream checkForImageSize(InputStream in, int allowedWidth, int allowedHeight, boolean lessSize, ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo) throws ContentProcessException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutput = null;
    try {
        byteOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        // PORT CStudioWebScriptConstants.READ_BUFFER_LENGTH];
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int read = 0;
        while ((read = > 0) {
            byteOutput.write(buffer, 0, read);
        byte[] imageData = byteOutput.toByteArray();
        Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageData);
        ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image);
        int height = icon.getIconHeight();
        int width = icon.getIconWidth();
        if (allowedHeight > 0 && allowedWidth > 0) {
            validateImageSize(allowedWidth, allowedHeight, height, width, lessSize);
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ContentProcessException(e);
    } finally {
        // close the original inputstream
Also used : ContentProcessException( ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException(


ContentAssetInfoTO ( ServiceLayerException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( IOException ( MimetypesFileTypeMap (javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap)2 ContentProcessException ( ContentItemTO ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( InputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 CryptoException (org.craftercms.commons.crypto.CryptoException)1 EntitlementException (org.craftercms.commons.entitlements.exception.EntitlementException)1 ValidateParams (org.craftercms.commons.validation.annotations.param.ValidateParams)1 ItemState ( SiteFeed ( PreviewEventContext ( ContentNotFoundException ( SiteNotFoundException ( InvalidRemoteUrlException (