use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.InvalidDataException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class Import method runActivityLogic.
* Params: Schemaname_version:Viewpoint (optional), Outcome, Timestamp (optional)
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, PersistencyException, ObjectNotFoundException {
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "Import: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
int split1 = params[0].indexOf('_');
int split2 = params[0].indexOf(':');
if (split1 == -1)
throw new InvalidDataException("Import: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
requestData = params[1];
Schema schema;
String viewpoint = null;
String schemaName = params[0].substring(0, split1);
int schemaVersion;
if (split2 > -1) {
schemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(params[0].substring(split1 + 1, split2));
viewpoint = params[0].substring(split2 + 1);
} else
schemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(params[0].substring(split1 + 1));
schema = LocalObjectLoader.getSchema(schemaName, schemaVersion);
String timestamp;
if (params.length == 3)
timestamp = params[2];
timestamp = DateUtility.timeToString(DateUtility.getNow());
// write event, outcome and viewpoints to storage
TransactionManager storage = Gateway.getStorage();
History hist = getWf().getHistory();
Event event = hist.addEvent(agent, null, getCurrentAgentRole(), getName(), getPath(), getType(), schema, getStateMachine(), transitionID, viewpoint, timestamp);
try {
storage.put(item, new Outcome(event.getID(), requestData, schema), locker);
storage.put(item, new Viewpoint(item, schema, viewpoint, event.getID()), locker);
if (!"last".equals(viewpoint))
storage.put(item, new Viewpoint(item, schema, "last", event.getID()), locker);
} catch (PersistencyException e) {
throw e;
return requestData;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.InvalidDataException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class RemoveDomainPath method runActivityLogic.
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectCannotBeUpdated, CannotManageException {
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "RemoveDomainPath: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
if (params.length != 1)
throw new InvalidDataException("RemoveDomainPath: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
DomainPath domainPath = new DomainPath(params[0]);
if (!domainPath.exists()) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException("RemoveDomainPath: Domain path " + domainPath + " does not exist.");
if (!domainPath.getItemPath().equals(item)) {
throw new InvalidDataException("RemoveDomainPath: Domain path " + domainPath + " is not an alias of the current Item " + item);
return requestData;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.InvalidDataException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ReplaceDomainWorkflow method runActivityLogic.
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, PersistencyException {
Workflow lifeCycle = getWf();
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "ReplaceDomainWorkflow: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
if (params.length != 1)
throw new InvalidDataException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
CompositeActivity domain;
try {
domain = (CompositeActivity) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(params[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Could not unmarshall new workflow: " + e.getMessage());
lifeCycle.initChild(domain, true, new GraphPoint(150, 100));
// if new workflow, activate it, otherwise refresh the jobs
if (!, item, locker);
// store new wf
try {
Gateway.getStorage().put(item, lifeCycle, locker);
} catch (PersistencyException e) {
throw new PersistencyException("ReplaceDomainWorkflow: Could not write new workflow to storage: " + e.getMessage());
return requestData;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.InvalidDataException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class WriteViewpoint method write.
public static void write(ItemPath item, String schemaName, String viewName, int eventId, Object locker) throws PersistencyException, ObjectNotFoundException, InvalidDataException {
Event event = (Event) Gateway.getStorage().get(item, ClusterType.HISTORY + "/" + eventId, locker);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(event.getSchemaName())) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Event " + eventId + " does not reference an Outcome, so cannot be assigned to a Viewpoint.");
// checks Schema name/version
Schema thisSchema = LocalObjectLoader.getSchema(schemaName, event.getSchemaVersion());
if (!event.getSchemaName().equals(thisSchema.getItemID())) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Event outcome schema is " + event.getSchemaName() + ", and cannot be used for a " + schemaName + " Viewpoint");
Gateway.getStorage().put(item, new Viewpoint(item, thisSchema, viewName, eventId), locker);
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.InvalidDataException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class WriteViewpoint method runActivityLogic.
* SchemaName, name and event Id. Event and Outcome should be checked so schema version should be discovered.
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath item, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, ObjectNotFoundException, PersistencyException {
String[] params = getDataList(requestData);
if (Logger.doLog(3))
Logger.msg(3, "WriteViewpoint: called by " + agent + " on " + item + " with parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
if (params.length != 3) {
throw new InvalidDataException("WriteViewpoint: Invalid parameters " + Arrays.toString(params));
String schemaName = params[0];
String viewName = params[1];
int eventId;
try {
eventId = Integer.parseInt(params[2]);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new InvalidDataException("WriteViewpoint: Parameter 3 (EventId) must be an integer");
write(item, schemaName, viewName, eventId, locker);
return requestData;