use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.AccessRightsException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method delegatedAction.
public String delegatedAction(SystemKey agentId, SystemKey delegateId, String stepPath, int transitionID, String requestData) throws AccessRightsException, InvalidTransitionException, ObjectNotFoundException, InvalidDataException, PersistencyException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, InvalidCollectionModification {
Workflow lifeCycle = null;
try {
AgentPath agent = new AgentPath(agentId);
AgentPath delegate = delegateId == null ? null : new AgentPath(delegateId);
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::request(" + mItemPath + ") - Transition " + transitionID + " on " + stepPath + " by " + (delegate == null ? "" : delegate + " on behalf of ") + agent);
// TODO: check if delegate is allowed valid for agent
lifeCycle = (Workflow) mStorage.get(mItemPath, ClusterType.LIFECYCLE + "/workflow", null);
String finalOutcome = lifeCycle.requestAction(agent, delegate, stepPath, mItemPath, transitionID, requestData);
// store the workflow if we've changed the state of the domain wf
if (!(stepPath.startsWith("workflow/predefined")))
mStorage.put(mItemPath, lifeCycle, lifeCycle);
// remove entity path if transaction was successful
if (stepPath.equals("workflow/predefined/Erase")) {
Logger.msg("Erasing item path " + mItemPath.toString());
return finalOutcome;
} catch (AccessRightsException | InvalidTransitionException | ObjectNotFoundException | PersistencyException | InvalidDataException | ObjectAlreadyExistsException | InvalidCollectionModification ex) {
if (Logger.doLog(8))
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw ex;
} else {
return errorOutcome;
} catch (InvalidAgentPathException | ObjectCannotBeUpdated | CannotManageException ex) {
if (Logger.doLog(8))
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw new InvalidDataException(ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
return errorOutcome;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// non-CORBA exception hasn't been caught!
Logger.error("Unknown Error: requestAction on " + mItemPath + " by " + agentId + " executing " + stepPath);
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Extraordinary Exception during execution:" + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
return errorOutcome;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.AccessRightsException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method initialise.
public void initialise(SystemKey agentId, String propString, String initWfString, String initCollsString) throws AccessRightsException, InvalidDataException, PersistencyException {
Logger.msg(5, "Item::initialise(" + mItemPath + ") - agent:" + agentId);
Object locker = new Object();
AgentPath agentPath;
try {
agentPath = new AgentPath(agentId);
} catch (InvalidItemPathException e) {
throw new AccessRightsException("Invalid Agent Id:" + agentId);
// must supply properties
if (propString == null || propString.length() == 0 || propString.equals("<NULL/>")) {
throw new InvalidDataException("No properties supplied");
// store properties
try {
PropertyArrayList props = (PropertyArrayList) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(propString);
for (Property thisProp : props.list) mStorage.put(mItemPath, thisProp, locker);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.msg(8, "ItemImplementation::initialise(" + mItemPath + ") - Properties were invalid: " + propString);
throw new InvalidDataException("Properties were invalid");
// Store an event and the initial properties
try {
Schema initSchema = LocalObjectLoader.getSchema("ItemInitialization", 0);
Outcome initOutcome = new Outcome(0, propString, initSchema);
History hist = new History(mItemPath, locker);
Event newEvent = hist.addEvent(new AgentPath(agentId), null, "", "Initialize", "", "", initSchema, Bootstrap.getPredefSM(), PredefinedStep.DONE, "last");
Viewpoint newLastView = new Viewpoint(mItemPath, initSchema, "last", newEvent.getID());
mStorage.put(mItemPath, initOutcome, locker);
mStorage.put(mItemPath, newLastView, locker);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.msg(8, "ItemImplementation::initialise(" + mItemPath + ") - Could not store event and outcome.");
throw new PersistencyException("Error storing event and outcome");
// init collections
if (initCollsString != null && initCollsString.length() > 0 && !initCollsString.equals("<NULL/>")) {
try {
CollectionArrayList colls = (CollectionArrayList) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(initCollsString);
for (Collection<?> thisColl : colls.list) {
mStorage.put(mItemPath, thisColl, locker);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.msg(8, "ItemImplementation::initialise(" + mItemPath + ") - Collections were invalid: " + initCollsString);
throw new InvalidDataException("Collections were invalid");
// create wf
Workflow lc = null;
try {
if (initWfString == null || initWfString.length() == 0 || initWfString.equals("<NULL/>")) {
lc = new Workflow(new CompositeActivity(), getNewPredefStepContainer());
} else {
lc = new Workflow((CompositeActivity) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(initWfString), getNewPredefStepContainer());
mStorage.put(mItemPath, lc, locker);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.msg(8, "ItemImplementation::initialise(" + mItemPath + ") - Workflow was invalid: " + initWfString);
throw new InvalidDataException("Workflow was invalid");
// All objects are in place, initialize the workflow to get the Item running
lc.initialise(mItemPath, agentPath, locker);
mStorage.put(mItemPath, lc, locker);
Logger.msg(3, "Initialisation of item " + mItemPath + " was successful");
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.AccessRightsException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemProxy method getJobList.
* @param agentPath
* @param filter
* @return
* @throws AccessRightsException
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException
* @throws PersistencyException
private ArrayList<Job> getJobList(AgentPath agentPath, boolean filter) throws AccessRightsException, ObjectNotFoundException, PersistencyException {
JobArrayList thisJobList;
String jobs = getItem().queryLifeCycle(agentPath.getSystemKey(), filter);
try {
thisJobList = (JobArrayList) Gateway.getMarshaller().unmarshall(jobs);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistencyException("Exception::ItemProxy::getJobList() - Cannot unmarshall the jobs");
return thisJobList.list;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.AccessRightsException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class CompositeActivity method run.
public void run(AgentPath agent, ItemPath itemPath, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException {
Logger.msg(8, " path:" + getPath() + " state:" + getState());, itemPath, locker);
Transition autoStart = getAutoStart(agent, getStateMachine().getState(state));
if (autoStart != null) {
try {
request(agent, null, itemPath, autoStart.getId(), null, locker);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (AccessRightsException e) {
Logger.warning("Agent:" + agent + " didn't have permission to start the activity:" + getPath() + ", so leave it waiting");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Problem initializing composite activity: " + e.getMessage());
use of org.cristalise.kernel.common.AccessRightsException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method queryLifeCycle.
public String queryLifeCycle(SystemKey agentId, boolean filter) throws AccessRightsException, ObjectNotFoundException, PersistencyException {
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - agent: " + agentId);
try {
AgentPath agent;
try {
agent = new AgentPath(agentId);
} catch (InvalidItemPathException e) {
throw new AccessRightsException("Agent " + agentId + " doesn't exist");
Workflow wf = (Workflow) mStorage.get(mItemPath, ClusterType.LIFECYCLE + "/workflow", null);
JobArrayList jobBag = new JobArrayList();
CompositeActivity domainWf = (CompositeActivity)"workflow/domain");
jobBag.list = filter ? domainWf.calculateJobs(agent, mItemPath, true) : domainWf.calculateAllJobs(agent, mItemPath, true);
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - Returning " + jobBag.list.size() + " jobs.");
try {
return Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(jobBag);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistencyException("Error marshalling job bag");
} catch (AccessRightsException | ObjectNotFoundException | PersistencyException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Logger.error("ItemImplementation::queryLifeCycle(" + mItemPath + ") - Unknown error");
throw new PersistencyException("Unknown error querying jobs. Please see server log.");