use of org.cristalise.kernel.lookup.InvalidAgentPathException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method delegatedAction.
public String delegatedAction(SystemKey agentId, SystemKey delegateId, String stepPath, int transitionID, String requestData) throws AccessRightsException, InvalidTransitionException, ObjectNotFoundException, InvalidDataException, PersistencyException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, InvalidCollectionModification {
Workflow lifeCycle = null;
try {
AgentPath agent = new AgentPath(agentId);
AgentPath delegate = delegateId == null ? null : new AgentPath(delegateId);
Logger.msg(1, "ItemImplementation::request(" + mItemPath + ") - Transition " + transitionID + " on " + stepPath + " by " + (delegate == null ? "" : delegate + " on behalf of ") + agent);
// TODO: check if delegate is allowed valid for agent
lifeCycle = (Workflow) mStorage.get(mItemPath, ClusterType.LIFECYCLE + "/workflow", null);
String finalOutcome = lifeCycle.requestAction(agent, delegate, stepPath, mItemPath, transitionID, requestData);
// store the workflow if we've changed the state of the domain wf
if (!(stepPath.startsWith("workflow/predefined")))
mStorage.put(mItemPath, lifeCycle, lifeCycle);
// remove entity path if transaction was successful
if (stepPath.equals("workflow/predefined/Erase")) {
Logger.msg("Erasing item path " + mItemPath.toString());
return finalOutcome;
} catch (AccessRightsException | InvalidTransitionException | ObjectNotFoundException | PersistencyException | InvalidDataException | ObjectAlreadyExistsException | InvalidCollectionModification ex) {
if (Logger.doLog(8))
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw ex;
} else {
return errorOutcome;
} catch (InvalidAgentPathException | ObjectCannotBeUpdated | CannotManageException ex) {
if (Logger.doLog(8))
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw new InvalidDataException(ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
return errorOutcome;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// non-CORBA exception hasn't been caught!
Logger.error("Unknown Error: requestAction on " + mItemPath + " by " + agentId + " executing " + stepPath);
String errorOutcome = handleError(agentId, delegateId, stepPath, lifeCycle, ex);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(errorOutcome)) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Extraordinary Exception during execution:" + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
return errorOutcome;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.lookup.InvalidAgentPathException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class ItemImplementation method handleError.
* @param agentId
* @param delegateId
* @param stepPath
* @param ex
* @return
* @throws PersistencyException
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException
* @throws AccessRightsException
* @throws InvalidTransitionException
* @throws InvalidDataException
* @throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException
* @throws InvalidCollectionModification
private String handleError(SystemKey agentId, SystemKey delegateId, String stepPath, Workflow lifeCycle, Exception ex) throws PersistencyException, ObjectNotFoundException, AccessRightsException, InvalidTransitionException, InvalidDataException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, InvalidCollectionModification {
if (!Gateway.getProperties().getBoolean("StateMachine.enableErrorHandling", false))
return null;
int errorTransId = ((Activity);
if (errorTransId == -1)
return null;
try {
AgentPath agent = new AgentPath(agentId);
AgentPath delegate = delegateId == null ? null : new AgentPath(delegateId);
String errorOutcome = Gateway.getMarshaller().marshall(new ErrorInfo(ex));
lifeCycle.requestAction(agent, delegate, stepPath, mItemPath, errorTransId, errorOutcome);
if (!(stepPath.startsWith("workflow/predefined")))
mStorage.put(mItemPath, lifeCycle, lifeCycle);
return errorOutcome;
} catch (InvalidAgentPathException | ObjectCannotBeUpdated | CannotManageException | MarshalException | ValidationException | IOException | MappingException e) {
return "";
use of org.cristalise.kernel.lookup.InvalidAgentPathException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class CorbaServer method getAgent.
* Returns a CORBA servant for a pre-existing entity
* @param agentPath the AgentPath representing the Agent
* @return the servant
* @throws InvalidAgentPathException agentPath was not Agent
* @throws ObjectNotFoundException agentPath was not found
public ActiveEntity getAgent(AgentPath agentPath) throws InvalidAgentPathException, ObjectNotFoundException {
Servant agent = null;
if (!agentPath.exists())
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(agentPath + " does not exist");
synchronized (mItemCache) {
agent = mItemCache.get(agentPath);
if (agent == null) {
Logger.msg(7, "Creating new servant for " + agentPath);
agent = new ActiveEntity(agentPath, mAgentPOA);
mItemCache.put(agentPath, agent);
} else if (!(agent instanceof ActiveEntity))
throw new InvalidAgentPathException("Item " + agentPath + " was not an agent");
return (ActiveEntity) agent;
use of org.cristalise.kernel.lookup.InvalidAgentPathException in project kernel by cristal-ise.
the class RemoveAgent method runActivityLogic.
protected String runActivityLogic(AgentPath agent, ItemPath itemPath, int transitionID, String requestData, Object locker) throws InvalidDataException, ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectCannotBeUpdated, CannotManageException, PersistencyException {
Logger.msg(1, "RemoveAgent::request() - Starting.");
AgentPath targetAgent;
try {
targetAgent = new AgentPath(itemPath);
} catch (InvalidAgentPathException ex) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Could not resolve " + itemPath + " as an Agent.");
String agentName = targetAgent.getAgentName();
// remove from roles
for (RolePath role : targetAgent.getRoles()) {
try {
Gateway.getLookupManager().removeRole(targetAgent, role);
} catch (ObjectCannotBeUpdated | ObjectNotFoundException | CannotManageException e) {
throw new InvalidDataException("Error removing " + agentName + " from Role " + role.getName() + " exceptoin message:" + e.getMessage());
return super.runActivityLogic(agent, itemPath, transitionID, requestData, locker);