use of org.cubeengine.module.log.action.Redoable in project modules-extra by CubeEngine.
the class QueryResults method redo.
public void redo(LogAttachment attachment, boolean preview) {
// Find the newest entry at a location
Map<Coordinate, Redoable> finalBlock = new HashMap<>();
Map<Coordinate, LinkedList<Redoable>> blockChanges = new HashMap<>();
TreeSet<Redoable> filteredLogs = new TreeSet<>();
for (BaseAction logEntry : this.logEntries) {
if (// can redo
logEntry instanceof Redoable) {
if (logEntry.coord.getWorld() == null) {
if (((Redoable) logEntry).isBlockBound()) {
if (((Redoable) logEntry).isStackable()) {
LinkedList<Redoable> changes = blockChanges.get(logEntry.coord);
if (changes == null) {
changes = new LinkedList<>();
blockChanges.put(logEntry.coord, changes);
changes.add((Redoable) logEntry);
} else {
// Clear blockChanges when new final block
finalBlock.put(logEntry.coord, (Redoable) logEntry);
} else {
// Not a block change at the location -> do rollback
filteredLogs.add((Redoable) logEntry);
// Finished filtering! Merge back together...
for (LinkedList<Redoable> entries : blockChanges.values()) {
// Start Rollback 1st Round
Set<Redoable> rollbackRound2 = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (// Rollback normal blocks
Redoable logEntry : // Rollback normal blocks
filteredLogs.descendingSet()) {
if (!logEntry.redo(attachment, false, // Redo failed (cannot set yet (torches etc)) try again later
preview)) {
ShowParameter show = new ShowParameter();
// Start Rollback 2nd Round (Attachables etc.)
for (// Rollback attached blocks
Redoable logEntry : // Rollback attached blocks
rollbackRound2) {
if (!logEntry.redo(attachment, true, preview)) {
attachment.getHolder().sendTranslated(NEGATIVE, "Could not Redo:");
((BaseAction) logEntry).showAction(attachment.getHolder(), show);
CubeEngine.getLog().warn("Could not redo!");