use of in project modules-extra by CubeEngine.
the class VoteCommands method vote.
@Command(desc = "Shows your current vote situation")
public void vote(CommandSource context) {
if (!(context instanceof Player)) {
i18n.send(context, NEUTRAL, "Well you wont get any rewards.");
if (!module.getConfig().voteUrl.isEmpty()) {
i18n.send(context, NEUTRAL, "But here go vote anyways: {name#voteurl}", module.getConfig().voteUrl);
VoteModel voteModel = db.getDSL().selectFrom(TABLE_VOTE).where(TABLE_VOTE.ID.eq(((Player) context).getUniqueId())).fetchOne();
if (voteModel == null) {
i18n.send(context, NEUTRAL, "Sorry but you do not have any registered votes on this server!");
i18n.send(context, POSITIVE, "You current vote-count is {amount}", voteModel.getVotes());
if (voteModel.timePassed(module.getConfig().voteBonusTime.toMillis())) {
i18n.send(context, NEUTRAL, "Sadly you did not vote in the last {input#time} so your vote-count will be reset to 1", TimeUtil.format(context.getLocale(), module.getConfig().voteBonusTime.toMillis()));
} else if (voteModel.timePassed(DAYS.toMillis(1))) {
i18n.send(context, NEUTRAL, "Voting now will increase your consecutive votes and result in higher reward!");
} else {
i18n.send(context, POSITIVE, "You voted {input#time} so you will probably not be able to vote again already!", TimeUtil.format(context.getLocale(), new Date(voteModel.getLastVote())));
if (!module.getConfig().voteUrl.isEmpty()) {
i18n.send(context, POSITIVE, "You can vote here now: {name#voteurl}", module.getConfig().voteUrl);