use of org.cytoscape.internal.prefs.lib.BoxComponent in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class PrefsTables method makeRightSide.
private Component makeRightSide() {
Box right = Box.createVerticalBox();
// right.add(makeCheckBoxLine("Close Tables Without Save", "", "", "If checked, tables will be disposed upon closing without asking you to save"));
right.add(makeCheckBoxLine("Show Button Bar", "table.showButtonBar", "If checked, a tool bar is visible"));
right.add(makeCheckBoxLine("Alternating Background", "table.stripedBackground", "If checked, a tool bar is visible"));
// right.add(makeCheckBoxLine("Remember Column Names", "", "If checked, a tool bar is visible"));
// right.add(makeCheckBoxLine("Show as Heat Maps", "table.heatMaps", "If checked, all numerical columns in your table will be color coded based on normalized intensity"));
right.add(makeLabeledField("Number Format String", "floatingPointColumnFormat", "%.2f", "The digit specifies the number of decimal places; use e for scientific notation, or f for floating point"));
Box colorline = Box.createHorizontalBox();
fGridLineColor = new ColorMenuButton();
fGridLineColor.setToolTipText("Set the line color distinguishing cells in the table");
components.put("table.gridlineColor", fGridLineColor);
colorline.add(new HBox(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(12, 15)), new BoxComponent("Grid Color", fGridLineColor)));
fGridFillColor = new ColorMenuButton();
fGridFillColor.setToolTipText("Set the background color for alternate rows in the grid");
components.put("table.gridFillColor", fGridLineColor);
HBox colorline2 = new HBox(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(12, 15)), new BoxComponent("Fill Color:", fGridFillColor), Box.createHorizontalGlue());
right.add(new VBox(true, colorline, colorline2));
return right;
use of org.cytoscape.internal.prefs.lib.BoxComponent in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class PrefsSecurity method makeRepositoryPanel.
AntiAliasedPanel makeRepositoryPanel() {
AntiAliasedPanel panel = new AntiAliasedPanel("Proxy Settings");
setSizes(panel, new Dimension(580, 120));
fHost = new JTextField(25);
// new JTextField(5);
fPort = new RangedIntegerTextField(0, 9999, new Dimension(80, 27));
fUsername = new JTextField(15);
fPassword = new JPasswordField(15);
components.put("", fHost);
components.put("proxy.port", fPort);
components.put("proxy.username", fUsername);
components.put("proxy.password", fPassword);
JLabel[] labels = new JLabel[4];
Font labelFont = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
labels[i] = new JLabel(strs[i]);
setSizes(labels[i], new Dimension(67, 27));
Dimension SPACE = new Dimension(20, 20);
Box lin1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
Box lin2 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
lin1.add(new HBox(true, true, Box.createRigidArea(SPACE), new BoxComponent(labels[0], fHost, new BoxComponent(labels[1], fPort))));
lin2.add(new HBox(true, true, new BoxComponent(labels[2], fUsername, new BoxComponent(labels[3], fPassword))));
return panel;