use of org.cytoscape.util.intr.LongStack in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class DGraphView method getPickedNodeView.
* utility that returns the nodeView that is located at input point
* @param pt
public NodeView getPickedNodeView(Point2D pt) {
DNodeView nv = null;
double[] locn = new double[2];
locn[0] = pt.getX();
locn[1] = pt.getY();
long chosenNode = 0;
final LongStack nodeStack = new LongStack();
getNodesIntersectingRectangle((float) locn[0], (float) locn[1], (float) locn[0], (float) locn[1], (m_networkCanvas.getLastRenderDetail() & GraphRenderer.LOD_HIGH_DETAIL) == 0, nodeStack);
// Sort the nodeStack by Z
if (nodeStack.size() > 0) {
LongEnumerator le = nodeStack.elements();
while (le.numRemaining() > 0) {
DNodeView dnv = getDNodeView(le.nextLong());
if (nv == null || dnv.getZPosition() > nv.getZPosition())
nv = dnv;
return nv;
use of org.cytoscape.util.intr.LongStack in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class DGraphView method getPickedEdgeView.
public EdgeView getPickedEdgeView(Point2D pt) {
EdgeView ev = null;
final LongStack edgeStack = new LongStack();
queryDrawnEdges((int) pt.getX(), (int) pt.getY(), (int) pt.getX(), (int) pt.getY(), edgeStack);
long chosenEdge = 0;
chosenEdge = (edgeStack.size() > 0) ? edgeStack.peek() : -1;
if (chosenEdge >= 0) {
ev = getDEdgeView(chosenEdge);
return ev;
use of org.cytoscape.util.intr.LongStack in project cytoscape-impl by cytoscape.
the class RTree method queryOverlap.
* Returns the number of entries under n that overlap specified query
* rectangle. Nodes are added to the node stack - internal nodes added
* recursively contain only overlapping entries, and leaf nodes added
* should be iterated through to find overlapping entries.
* (In fact internal nodes added to the node
* stack are completely contained within specified query rectangle.)
* An important property is that every node on the returned node stack
* will recursively contain at least one entry that overlaps the
* query rectangle, unless n is completely empty. If n is completely
* empty, it is expected that its MBR [represented by xMinN, yMinN,
* xMaxN, and yMaxN] be the infinite inverted rectangle (that is, its
* min values should all be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY and its max values
* should all be Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).
* I'd like to discuss stackStack. Objects of type IntStack are tossed onto
* this stack (in other words, stackStack is a stack of IntStack). For every
* leaf node on nodeStack, stackStack will contain
* a corresponding IntStack - if the IntStack is null,
* then every entry in that leaf node overlaps the query rectangle; if
* the IntStack is of positive length, then the IntStack contains indices of
* entries that overlap the query rectangle.
private static final int queryOverlap(final ObjStack unprocessedNodes, final float[] extStack, final ObjStack nodeStack, final ObjStack stackStack, final float xMinQ, final float yMinQ, final float xMaxQ, final float yMaxQ, final float[] extents, final int off, final boolean reverse) {
// Depth first search.
final int incr = reverse ? (-1) : 1;
int count = 0;
// Into extStack.
int extOff = 4;
while (unprocessedNodes.size() > 0) {
final Node n = (Node) unprocessedNodes.pop();
extOff -= 4;
if (// Rectangle Q contains
(xMinQ <= extStack[extOff]) && // rectangle N - trivially
(xMaxQ >= extStack[extOff + 2]) && // include node.
(yMinQ <= extStack[extOff + 1]) && (yMaxQ >= extStack[extOff + 3])) {
if (isLeafNode(n)) {
count += n.entryCount;
} else {
count +=;
if (extents != null) {
extents[off] = Math.min(extents[off], extStack[extOff]);
extents[off + 1] = Math.min(extents[off + 1], extStack[extOff + 1]);
extents[off + 2] = Math.max(extents[off + 2], extStack[extOff + 2]);
extents[off + 3] = Math.max(extents[off + 3], extStack[extOff + 3]);
} else {
if (isLeafNode(n)) {
final LongStack stack = new LongStack();
for (int cntr = n.entryCount, i = reverse ? 0 : (n.entryCount - 1); cntr > 0; cntr--, i -= incr) {
// Overlaps test of two rectangles.
if ((Math.max(xMinQ, n.xMins[i]) <= Math.min(xMaxQ, n.xMaxs[i])) && (Math.max(yMinQ, n.yMins[i]) <= Math.min(yMaxQ, n.yMaxs[i]))) {
if (extents != null) {
extents[off] = Math.min(extents[off], n.xMins[i]);
extents[off + 1] = Math.min(extents[off + 1], n.yMins[i]);
extents[off + 2] = Math.max(extents[off + 2], n.xMaxs[i]);
extents[off + 3] = Math.max(extents[off + 3], n.yMaxs[i]);
if (stack.size() > 0) {
count += stack.size();
} else {
for (int cntr = n.entryCount, i = reverse ? (n.entryCount - 1) : 0; cntr > 0; cntr--, i += incr) {
// Overlaps test of two rectangles.
if ((Math.max(xMinQ, n.xMins[i]) <= Math.min(xMaxQ, n.xMaxs[i])) && (Math.max(yMinQ, n.yMins[i]) <= Math.min(yMaxQ, n.yMaxs[i]))) {
extStack[extOff++] = n.xMins[i];
extStack[extOff++] = n.yMins[i];
extStack[extOff++] = n.xMaxs[i];
extStack[extOff++] = n.yMaxs[i];
return count;