use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.EventKind in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class CanonicalBreakpoint method handleDebuggerConnected.
public void handleDebuggerConnected() {
streamListen(VmService.DEBUG_STREAM_ID, new VmServiceConsumers.SuccessConsumerWrapper() {
public void received(final Success success) {
myVmServiceReceiverThreadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
streamListen(VmService.ISOLATE_STREAM_ID, new VmServiceConsumers.SuccessConsumerWrapper() {
public void received(final Success success) {
getVm(new VmServiceConsumers.VmConsumerWrapper() {
public void received(final VM vm) {
for (final IsolateRef isolateRef : vm.getIsolates()) {
getIsolate(isolateRef.getId(), new VmServiceConsumers.GetIsolateConsumerWrapper() {
public void received(final Isolate isolate) {
final Event event = isolate.getPauseEvent();
final EventKind eventKind = event.getKind();
// yet, and we'll get lifecycle events for them later.
if (eventKind == EventKind.None) {
// This is the entry point for attaching a debugger to a running app.
if (eventKind == EventKind.Resume) {
attachIsolate(isolateRef, isolate);
// if event is not PauseStart it means that PauseStart event will follow later and will be handled by listener
handleIsolate(isolateRef, eventKind == EventKind.PauseStart);
// Handle the case of isolates paused when we connect (this can come up in remote debugging).
if (eventKind == EventKind.PauseBreakpoint || eventKind == EventKind.PauseException || eventKind == EventKind.PauseInterrupted) {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(() -> {
final ElementList<Breakpoint> breakpoints = eventKind == EventKind.PauseBreakpoint ? event.getPauseBreakpoints() : null;
final InstanceRef exception = eventKind == EventKind.PauseException ? event.getException() : null;
myVmServiceListener.onIsolatePaused(isolateRef, breakpoints, exception, event.getTopFrame(), event.getAtAsyncSuspension());