use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.LibraryRef in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class PositionMapper method onLibrariesDownloaded.
* Just after connecting, the debugger downloads the list of Dart libraries from Observatory and reports it here.
public void onLibrariesDownloaded(@NotNull final Iterable<LibraryRef> libraries) {
// Calculate the remote source root.
for (LibraryRef library : libraries) {
final String remoteUri = library.getUri();
if (remoteUri.startsWith(DartUrlResolver.DART_PREFIX))
if (remoteUri.startsWith(DartUrlResolver.PACKAGE_PREFIX))
remoteSourceRoot = findRemoteSourceRoot(remoteUri);
if (remoteSourceRoot != null)
use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.LibraryRef in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class PositionMapperTest method makeLibraryRef.
private LibraryRef makeLibraryRef(String uri) {
final JsonObject elt = new JsonObject();
elt.addProperty("uri", uri);
return new LibraryRef(elt);
use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.LibraryRef in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class FlutterPositionMapperTest method makeLibraryRef.
private LibraryRef makeLibraryRef(String uri) {
final JsonObject elt = new JsonObject();
elt.addProperty("uri", uri);
return new LibraryRef(elt);
use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.LibraryRef in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class CanonicalBreakpoint method doSetBreakpointsForIsolate.
private void doSetBreakpointsForIsolate(@NotNull final Set<XLineBreakpoint<XBreakpointProperties>> xBreakpoints, @NotNull final String isolateId, @Nullable final Runnable onFinished) {
if (xBreakpoints.isEmpty()) {
if (onFinished != null) {;
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(xBreakpoints.size());
for (final XLineBreakpoint<XBreakpointProperties> xBreakpoint : xBreakpoints) {
addBreakpoint(isolateId, xBreakpoint.getSourcePosition(), new VmServiceConsumers.BreakpointsConsumer() {
void sourcePositionNotApplicable() {
void received(List<Breakpoint> breakpointResponses, List<RPCError> errorResponses) {
if (breakpointResponses.size() > 0) {
for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpointResponses) {
myBreakpointHandler.vmBreakpointAdded(xBreakpoint, isolateId, breakpoint);
} else if (errorResponses.size() > 0) {
private void checkDone() {
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0 && onFinished != null) {;
myVmService.getIsolate(isolateId, new GetIsolateConsumer() {
public void received(Isolate response) {
final Set<String> libraryUris = new HashSet<>();
final Set<String> fileNames = new HashSet<>();
for (LibraryRef library : response.getLibraries()) {
final String uri = library.getUri();
final String[] split = uri.split("/");
fileNames.add(split[split.length - 1]);
final ElementList<Breakpoint> breakpoints = response.getBreakpoints();
if (breakpoints.isEmpty()) {
final Set<CanonicalBreakpoint> mappedCanonicalBreakpoints = new HashSet<>();
for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) {
Object location = breakpoint.getLocation();
// In JIT mode, locations will be unresolved at this time since files aren't compiled until they are used.
if (location instanceof UnresolvedSourceLocation) {
final ScriptRef script = ((UnresolvedSourceLocation) location).getScript();
if (script != null && libraryUris.contains(script.getUri())) {
final Analytics analytics = FlutterInitializer.getAnalytics();
final String category = "breakpoint";
final Sets.SetView<CanonicalBreakpoint> initialDifference = Sets.difference(canonicalBreakpoints, mappedCanonicalBreakpoints);
final Set<CanonicalBreakpoint> finalDifference = new HashSet<>();
for (CanonicalBreakpoint missingBreakpoint : initialDifference) {
// built. So it's okay to ignore these breakpoints in our count.
if (fileNames.contains(missingBreakpoint.fileName)) {
analytics.sendEventMetric(category, "unmapped-count", finalDifference.size());
// For internal bazel projects, report files where mapping failed.
if (WorkspaceCache.getInstance(myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject()).isBazel()) {
for (CanonicalBreakpoint canonicalBreakpoint : finalDifference) {
if (canonicalBreakpoint.path.contains("google3")) {
analytics.sendEvent(category, String.format("unmapped-file|%s|%s", response.getRootLib().getUri(), canonicalBreakpoint.path));
public void received(Sentinel response) {
public void onError(RPCError error) {
use of org.dartlang.vm.service.element.LibraryRef in project flutter-intellij by flutter.
the class FlutterPositionMapper method onLibrariesDownloaded.
* Just after connecting, the debugger downloads the list of Dart libraries from Observatory and reports it here.
public void onLibrariesDownloaded(@NotNull final Iterable<LibraryRef> libraries) {
// Calculate the remote source root.
for (LibraryRef library : libraries) {
final String remoteUri = library.getUri();
if (remoteUri.startsWith(DartUrlResolver.DART_PREFIX))
if (remoteUri.startsWith(DartUrlResolver.PACKAGE_PREFIX))
remoteSourceRoot = findRemoteSourceRoot(remoteUri);
if (remoteSourceRoot != null)