Search in sources :

Example 21 with PrimaryExpression

use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.

the class JPQLCompiler method compile.

 * Method to compile the query, and return the compiled results.
 * @param parameters the parameter map of values keyed by param name
 * @param subqueryMap Map of subquery variables, keyed by the subquery name
 * @return The compiled query
public QueryCompilation compile(Map parameters, Map subqueryMap) {
    parser = new JPQLParser();
    if (options != null && options.containsKey(Query.EXTENSION_JPQL_STRICT)) {
        parser.setStrict(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) options.get(Query.EXTENSION_JPQL_STRICT)));
    symtbl = new SymbolTable();
    if (parentCompiler != null) {
    if (subqueryMap != null && !subqueryMap.isEmpty()) {
        // Load subqueries into symbol table so the compilation knows about them
        Iterator<String> subqueryIter = subqueryMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (subqueryIter.hasNext()) {
            String subqueryName =;
            Symbol sym = new PropertySymbol(subqueryName);
    Expression[] exprFrom = compileFrom();
    Expression exprFilter = compileFilter();
    Expression[] exprOrdering = compileOrdering();
    Expression[] exprResult = compileResult();
    Expression[] exprGrouping = compileGrouping();
    Expression exprHaving = compileHaving();
    Expression[] exprUpdate = compileUpdate();
    if (exprResult != null && exprResult.length == 1 && exprResult[0] instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
        // Check for special case of "Object(p)" in result, which means no special result
        String resultExprId = ((PrimaryExpression) exprResult[0]).getId();
        if (resultExprId.equalsIgnoreCase(candidateAlias)) {
            exprResult = null;
    if (exprResult != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < exprResult.length; i++) {
            if (exprResult[i] instanceof InvokeExpression) {
                InvokeExpression invokeExpr = (InvokeExpression) exprResult[i];
                if (isMethodNameAggregate(invokeExpr.getOperation())) {
                    // Make sure these have 1 argument
                    List<Expression> args = invokeExpr.getArguments();
                    if (args == null || args.size() != 1) {
                        throw new NucleusUserException("JPQL query has result clause using aggregate (" + invokeExpr.getOperation() + ") but this needs 1 argument");
    QueryCompilation compilation = new QueryCompilation(candidateClass, candidateAlias, symtbl, exprResult, exprFrom, exprFilter, exprGrouping, exprHaving, exprOrdering, exprUpdate);
    return compilation;
Also used : InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) NucleusUserException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException) Expression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression) InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression)

Example 22 with PrimaryExpression

use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.

the class JDOQLCompiler method containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates.

 * Convenience method to check the provided expression for whether it contains only grouping expressions
 * or aggregates
 * @param expr The expression to check
 * @param exprGrouping The grouping expressions
 * @return Whether it contains only grouping or aggregates
private static boolean containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates(Expression expr, Expression[] exprGrouping) {
    if (expr == null) {
        return true;
    } else if (expr instanceof DyadicExpression) {
        Expression left = expr.getLeft();
        Expression right = expr.getRight();
        if (!containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates(left, exprGrouping)) {
            return false;
        if (!containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates(right, exprGrouping)) {
            return false;
        return true;
    } else if (expr instanceof InvokeExpression) {
        InvokeExpression invExpr = (InvokeExpression) expr;
        if (isExpressionGroupingOrAggregate(invExpr, exprGrouping)) {
            return true;
        Expression invokedExpr = invExpr.getLeft();
        if (invokedExpr != null && !containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates(invokedExpr, exprGrouping)) {
            // Check invoked object
            return false;
        List<Expression> invArgs = invExpr.getArguments();
        if (invArgs != null) {
            // Check invocation arguments
            Iterator<Expression> iter = invArgs.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Expression argExpr =;
                if (!containsOnlyGroupingOrAggregates(argExpr, exprGrouping)) {
                    return false;
        return true;
    } else if (expr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
        return isExpressionGroupingOrAggregate(expr, exprGrouping);
    } else if (expr instanceof Literal) {
        return true;
    } else if (expr instanceof ParameterExpression) {
        return true;
    } else if (expr instanceof VariableExpression) {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Expression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression) InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) OrderExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.OrderExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) Literal(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Literal) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression)

Example 23 with PrimaryExpression

use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.

the class AbstractResultClassMapper method map.

 * Method to map the input results to the required result class type.
 * @param inputResults The results to process
 * @param resultNames Expressions for the result components of the input results (columns)
 * @return Collection&lt;resultClass&gt;
public Collection map(final Collection inputResults, final Expression[] resultNames) {
    // Do as PrivilegedAction since can use reflection
    return (Collection) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {

        public Object run() {
            String[] fieldNames = new String[resultNames.length];
            Field[] fields = new Field[fieldNames.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
                if (resultNames[i] instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
                    fieldNames[i] = ((PrimaryExpression) resultNames[i]).getId();
                    if (fieldNames[i].indexOf('.') > 0) {
                        // Just take last part of name (for when the user specifies something like "p.firstName")
                        int pos = fieldNames[i].lastIndexOf('.');
                        fieldNames[i] = fieldNames[i].substring(pos + 1);
                    fields[i] = getFieldForFieldNameInResultClass(resultClass, fieldNames[i]);
                } else if (resultNames[i] instanceof ParameterExpression) {
                    // TODO We need to cater for outputting the parameter value. Need SymbolTable
                    // This code below is wrong.
                    fieldNames[i] = ((ParameterExpression) resultNames[i]).getId();
                    fields[i] = getFieldForFieldNameInResultClass(resultClass, fieldNames[i]);
                } else {
                    fieldNames[i] = resultNames[i].getAlias();
                    fields[i] = null;
            List outputResults = new ArrayList();
            Iterator it = inputResults.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Object inputResult =;
                Object row = getResultForResultSetRow(inputResult, fieldNames, fields);
            return outputResults;
Also used : PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) PrivilegedAction( ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 24 with PrimaryExpression

use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.

the class InMemoryExpressionEvaluator method getValueForInvokeExpression.

 * Method to evaluate an InvokeExpression.
 * Will navigate along chained invocations, evaluating the first one, then the second one etc
 * until it gets the value for the passed in expression.
 * @param invokeExpr The InvokeExpression
 * @return The value
public Object getValueForInvokeExpression(InvokeExpression invokeExpr) {
    String method = invokeExpr.getOperation();
    if (invokeExpr.getLeft() == null) {
        // Static function
        if (method.toLowerCase().equals("count")) {
            Collection coll = (Collection) state.get(JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator.RESULTS_SET);
            SetExpression setexpr = new SetExpression(coll, candidateAlias);
            Expression paramExpr = invokeExpr.getArguments().get(0);
            if (paramExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
                // No dups in HashSet
                coll = new HashSet(coll);
            int stackSizeOrig = stack.size();
            Object returnVal = setexpr.count(paramExpr, this);
            while (stack.size() > stackSizeOrig) {
                // Remove any expressions put on the stack while evaluating the aggregate
            return returnVal;
        } else if (method.toLowerCase().equals("sum")) {
            Collection coll = (Collection) state.get(JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator.RESULTS_SET);
            SetExpression setexpr = new SetExpression(coll, candidateAlias);
            Expression paramExpr = invokeExpr.getArguments().get(0);
            if (paramExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
                // No dups in HashSet
                coll = new HashSet(coll);
            int stackSizeOrig = stack.size();
            Object returnVal = setexpr.sum(paramExpr, this, state);
            while (stack.size() > stackSizeOrig) {
                // Remove any expressions put on the stack while evaluating the aggregate
            return returnVal;
        } else if (method.toLowerCase().equals("avg")) {
            Collection coll = (Collection) state.get(JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator.RESULTS_SET);
            SetExpression setexpr = new SetExpression(coll, candidateAlias);
            Expression paramExpr = invokeExpr.getArguments().get(0);
            if (paramExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
                // No dups in HashSet
                coll = new HashSet(coll);
            int stackSizeOrig = stack.size();
            Object returnVal = setexpr.avg(paramExpr, this, state);
            while (stack.size() > stackSizeOrig) {
                // Remove any expressions put on the stack while evaluating the aggregate
            return returnVal;
        } else if (method.toLowerCase().equals("min")) {
            Collection coll = (Collection) state.get(JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator.RESULTS_SET);
            SetExpression setexpr = new SetExpression(coll, candidateAlias);
            Expression paramExpr = invokeExpr.getArguments().get(0);
            if (paramExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
                // No dups in HashSet
                coll = new HashSet(coll);
            int stackSizeOrig = stack.size();
            Object returnVal = setexpr.min(paramExpr, this, state);
            while (stack.size() > stackSizeOrig) {
                // Remove any expressions put on the stack while evaluating the aggregate
            return returnVal;
        } else if (method.toLowerCase().equals("max")) {
            Collection coll = (Collection) state.get(JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator.RESULTS_SET);
            SetExpression setexpr = new SetExpression(coll, candidateAlias);
            Expression paramExpr = invokeExpr.getArguments().get(0);
            if (paramExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
                // No dups in HashSet
                coll = new HashSet(coll);
            int stackSizeOrig = stack.size();
            Object returnVal = setexpr.max(paramExpr, this, state);
            while (stack.size() > stackSizeOrig) {
                // Remove any expressions put on the stack while evaluating the aggregate
            return returnVal;
        } else {
            // Try to find a supported static method with this name
            InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(null, method);
            if (methodEval != null) {
                return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, null, this);
            NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to static method " + method + " yet no support is available for in-memory evaluation of this");
            return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof ParameterExpression) {
        // {paramExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = QueryUtils.getValueForParameterExpression(parameterValues, (ParameterExpression) invokeExpr.getLeft());
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue != null ? invokedValue.getClass() : invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol().getValueType();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        if (invokedValue != null) {
            NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedValue.getClass().getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        } else {
            NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to static method " + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
        // {primaryExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = getValueForPrimaryExpression((PrimaryExpression) invokeExpr.getLeft());
        if (invokedValue instanceof InMemoryFailure) {
            return invokedValue;
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue != null ? invokedValue.getClass() : invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol().getValueType();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedType.getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof InvokeExpression) {
        // {invokeExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = getValueForInvokeExpression((InvokeExpression) invokeExpr.getLeft());
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue != null ? invokedValue.getClass() : (invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol() != null ? invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol().getValueType() : null);
        if (invokedType == null) {
            return new InMemoryFailure();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedType.getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof VariableExpression) {
        // {invokeExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = getValueForVariableExpression((VariableExpression) invokeExpr.getLeft());
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue != null ? invokedValue.getClass() : invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol().getValueType();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedType.getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof Literal) {
        // {invokeExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = ((Literal) invokeExpr.getLeft()).getLiteral();
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue != null ? invokedValue.getClass() : invokeExpr.getLeft().getSymbol().getValueType();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedType.getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else if (invokeExpr.getLeft() instanceof ArrayExpression) {
        // {invokeExpr}.method(...)
        Object invokedValue = getValueForArrayExpression((ArrayExpression) invokeExpr.getLeft());
        // Invoke method on this object
        Class invokedType = invokedValue.getClass();
        InvocationEvaluator methodEval = queryMgr.getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(invokedType, method);
        if (methodEval != null) {
            return methodEval.evaluate(invokeExpr, invokedValue, this);
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("Query contains call to method " + invokedType.getName() + "." + method + " yet no support is available for this");
        return new InMemoryFailure();
    } else {
        NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("No support is available for in-memory evaluation of methods invoked" + " on expressions of type " + invokeExpr.getLeft().getClass().getName());
        return new InMemoryFailure();
Also used : InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) CaseExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.CaseExpression) ArrayExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ArrayExpression) CreatorExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.CreatorExpression) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Expression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression) InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Literal(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Literal) Collection(java.util.Collection) ArrayExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ArrayExpression) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 25 with PrimaryExpression

use of org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression in project datanucleus-core by datanucleus.

the class JDOQLQueryHelper method getJDOQLForExpression.

public static String getJDOQLForExpression(Expression expr) {
    if (expr instanceof DyadicExpression) {
        DyadicExpression dyExpr = (DyadicExpression) expr;
        Expression left = dyExpr.getLeft();
        Expression right = dyExpr.getRight();
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("(");
        if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
            // Distinct goes in front of the left expression
            str.append("DISTINCT ");
        if (left != null) {
        // Special cases
        if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_AND) {
            str.append(" && ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_OR) {
            str.append(" || ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_BIT_AND) {
            str.append(" & ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_BIT_OR) {
            str.append(" | ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_BIT_XOR) {
            str.append(" ^ ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_ADD) {
            str.append(" + ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_SUB) {
            str.append(" - ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_MUL) {
            str.append(" * ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DIV) {
            str.append(" / ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_EQ) {
            str.append(" == ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_GT) {
            str.append(" > ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_LT) {
            str.append(" < ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_GTEQ) {
            str.append(" >= ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_LTEQ) {
            str.append(" <= ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_NOTEQ) {
            str.append(" != ");
        } else if (dyExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_DISTINCT) {
        // Processed above
        } else {
            // TODO Support other operators
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont currently support operator " + dyExpr.getOperator() + " in JDOQL conversion");
        if (right != null) {
        return str.toString();
    } else if (expr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
        PrimaryExpression primExpr = (PrimaryExpression) expr;
        if (primExpr.getLeft() != null) {
            return JDOQLQueryHelper.getJDOQLForExpression(primExpr.getLeft()) + "." + primExpr.getId();
        return primExpr.getId();
    } else if (expr instanceof ParameterExpression) {
        ParameterExpression paramExpr = (ParameterExpression) expr;
        if (paramExpr.getId() != null) {
            return ":" + paramExpr.getId();
        return "?" + paramExpr.getPosition();
    } else if (expr instanceof VariableExpression) {
        VariableExpression varExpr = (VariableExpression) expr;
        return varExpr.getId();
    } else if (expr instanceof InvokeExpression) {
        InvokeExpression invExpr = (InvokeExpression) expr;
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        if (invExpr.getLeft() != null) {
        List<Expression> args = invExpr.getArguments();
        if (args != null) {
            Iterator<Expression> iter = args.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                if (iter.hasNext()) {
        return str.toString();
    } else if (expr instanceof Literal) {
        Literal litExpr = (Literal) expr;
        Object value = litExpr.getLiteral();
        if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Character) {
            return "'" + value.toString() + "'";
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return (Boolean) value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
        } else {
            if (litExpr.getLiteral() == null) {
                return "null";
            return litExpr.getLiteral().toString();
    } else {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont currently support " + expr.getClass().getName() + " in JDOQLHelper");
Also used : InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Expression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression) InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) Literal(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Literal)


PrimaryExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression)77 ParameterExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression)73 Literal (org.datanucleus.query.expression.Literal)60 NucleusException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException)59 InvokeExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression)54 VariableExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression)48 DyadicExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression)46 Expression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression)46 QueryCompilation (org.datanucleus.query.compiler.QueryCompilation)25 JavaQueryCompiler (org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler)23 OrderExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.OrderExpression)22 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 JDOQLCompiler (org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler)15 ClassExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.ClassExpression)15 JoinExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.JoinExpression)15 SubqueryExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.SubqueryExpression)15 Product ( NucleusUserException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException)12 JPQLCompiler (org.datanucleus.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler)9 List (java.util.List)8